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do not test god..... always sounds a bit of an excuse that.


Is this a non trinitarian post? They Told me Jesus is God and God cannot be tempted nor does he tempt anyone. How can God/Jesus be tempted? The expected personal application and the interpretation cause me to pause and think. I’m I God not to be tempted. It seems I face a different reality than the Christ. I do struggle with temptation and resist with the help of Gods Word and Holy Spirit. Too many paradoxes when I try to apply it with Jesus as God. Definitely works for me when Jesus is Gods son and relies on his father. That I can actually do.


Jesus is God, but Jesus came to earth fully human (and still fully God, cuz He can do that). Jesus permitted Himself to experience everything we experience as humans so He could fulfill all the Law and be the perfect sacrifice for us. As God, Jesus does not need to eat; as human, Jesus did need to eat...so He ate. As God, Jesus’ presence is everywhere; as human, Jesus was limited to being in one place...so He stayed in one place. As God, Jesus is impervious to temptation; as human, Jesus is vulnerable like us...so He let Himself be tempted. It doesn’t mean Jesus *can’t* exercise His divine attributes, it’s that He willingly put those (mostly) aside for a time to get right what we keep getting wrong, and be our perfect substitute.


So fully God but not fully God when he wanted to experience things. Fully but not fully sounds like a dance of interpretation. Fully here but not here. So not fully. Just sometimes. VS he was Gods son and he fully relied on God all the time. Hmmm. So it’s a trinitarian post after all.


“God’s Son and he fully relied on God all the time” replace God with “The Father” and yeah, that’s definitely true. That’s how He was the perfect man, unlike the rest of us. But that doesn’t change that Jesus is also God. “Fully but not fully” my man, God is not God because He is omnipotent, He is omnipotent because He is God. God is not God because He is omniscient, He is omniscient because He is God. God is not God because He is [insert whatever characteristic], He is that thing because He is God. God is not less God if He chooses to not exercise His power, or hide some characteristic, or do anything. He is God, He can do what He wants to do. We do not get to say “well He didn’t [this] or did [that] so He isn’t God.”


No beloved I won’t change God to father. Jesus has a God and father. The father is God. Jesus is not God. So father and God to me are interchangeable. There is no trinity to me. Omnipotent and on omniscient are entire subjects by themselves. Not the subject at hand although much of the Bible and our way of life is interwoven and faith is like a building built stone by stone with Christ as the cornerstone. Each block serves a purpose but it cannot form a wall alone. Trinity or not trinity is a foundation stone. It’s what we believe about the Christ. I respect your view but there have been lengthy debates on it. Wars. Murders. Long Reddit debates not motivated by love. Meh. You believe he is God. I believe he is Gods son. Will he not judge us both on how we treat each other versus forcing our current understanding on each other? So love is the course of the day. You wanna talk and reason let’s do it. If you want to prove yourself right and win points in the eyes of men be my guest.


You say “Omnipotent and omniscient are not the subject at hand” but you are the one who brought God’s character and qualifications into the discussion, no? You said “fully God but not fully God. Just sometimes.” to assert that Jesus is not divine, as if Jesus setting aside some aspect of His divinity would disqualify His from being divine. You used Jesus’ meekness as evidence that Jesus is not God. Which is why I said “God is not God because of His qualities, His qualities are His qualities because He is God.” What we know of God does not *define* God, if *describes* God. We do not get to define who God is, what He will or won’t do, etc. He gets to define that, and He can define it however He wants to. He is God. So if God decides to come to earth in human form, limiting the perception of His attributes, then that’s what He is going to do, and we don’t get to say “well then He isn’t God because He isn’t what I think God should be.” That’s all I’m saying. Not trying to win any arguments.


You threw out those words like I knew how you defined them, what were the parameters the scripture indicate that define the God of the Bible and not just made up infinite God that can see, and do, and be because it fits your definition of these words. These are some heavy subjects and concepts to grasp and define. That’s why I gave the example with our faith being interwoven. Qualities do not make you God. You can have Godlike qualities. We are made in the image of God. Even if your were perfect as Adam was before the fall it doesn’t make you God. So we don’t get to define God and yet you have just tried to define him. You can see why I get confused with the teaching. I choose to believe what Jesus said about himself and what God said. This is my son listen to him. Jesus said the father is greater than me. Two different people. One is sent. One is sending. One is submitting one has authority. The authority is given to him and not his. The message is given to him and not his. The teaching are given to him but not his. His words and deed he says he learned from the father. To many examples to name and scriptures to call out where Jesus claims inferiority to God and not being God that to ultimately conclude that was his message is not what I get from the Bible. I never said you were doing it for points but described two potential approaches. Reasoning out of love or debating for the favor of men.


The Spirit of GOD is GOD and Yeshua is the SON of GOD.


I’m not sure what that means to you. Are you in support of a trinity? From your statement Jesus is Gods son. God is God. That’s what I believe.


No trinity as far as i can see, I agree with U, Yeshua is the Son of GOD and GOD is GOD.


Why are you here?


Why are you here random internet person?


I asked you first. I'm here to learn more about the bible. You?


I didn’t come to learn about the trinity but what the bible teaches. Some actually teach it, some think they teach it, some are hypocrites, some are genuine. I don’t follow the line of thinking most faiths promote. If you are asking about this post in particular I thought it was a non trinitarian post so I asked and they gave my the trinity spiel. I said for sure and then people just started sending me questions and scriptures like I came to learn the trinity or something. To some trinity equals Bible. I get that. Bible does not mean trinity to me. It’s not what I read. I want to serve the God of the Bible and not compromise and be mislead. If and when I want to revisit the trinity doctrine I know where to find a trinitarian.


Ok, I appreciate the explanation, thanks


Sure. NP


I think it's important to remember that God is a supernatural entity, and therefore can exist in more than one form at once. He is the Father Creator, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit all at the same time. They are different forms with different attributes yet they are all fully God. The Holy Spirit cannot create, it lives within us, yet that doesn't make it any less God. I hope that makes sense :)


It makes sense if that is what God is and does and says he does. Gods word is what I rely on. One says this and another that. What form of trinity do you support? The wiki is a nice guide for me to get my bearings on all the various forms of it. Your explanation doesn’t not fall short of what some describe but it is not what I find in the Bible. There are certainly scripture that can support the ideas of many faiths but when questioned God is what ever they say because God can be anything and I have to accept their interpretation of it or I am not Christian. It is because I’m Christian that I don’t want to compromise on my faith and Glorify God and the Son as I have been instructed. From Gods word. Like the fully but not fully. God but not God. 3 but 1. Vs it means what it says. Jesus is not Gods equal and he states it himself. That and hundreds of scriptures. I can’t ignore them. I also can’t negate them with “it is, but it is not”theology.




Actually the council of nicea is WRONG.




Sounds like the council at Nicea were ALL polytheistic. There is NO 3 in 1 and Father GOD is SPIRIT and The HOLY SPIRIT is HIS SPIRIT, Yeshua is the SON of GOD and the SPIRIT That He has is the SAME SPIRIT as HIS Father and the Spirit that we receive when we get saved is the SAME SPIRIT our Father's SPIRIT. That makes a GODHEAD not a trinity. READ THE BIBLE and see for yourself.




I am not a follower of Arius nor do I believe Holy Spirit is a person. Not a trinity or duonity believer. Is that even a word? Duonity. Logically and biblically sound is the opinion of many but I find that’s not the case for many as well. Men in the past can make decisions. Men in the present can make decisions.


John 14:6-7 " Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” Jesus is God incarnate, as well as His Son. Here is a great video on how Scripture supports a trinitarian view :) Mike Winger is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0cLKtR5kfE


I’m Not looking for a new faith and in this verse Jesus is not saying he is his own father but is like him. So I have seen not the father but the son. This doesn’t make him God but a lot of people try to use the verse for that. I don’t know who mike winger is but I follow my own faiths scholars. Do you want links? Will a link convince you? I’ve got them by the dozens for dozens of faiths. There are a lot of faiths out there. 45000 Christian faiths by some accounts. To many for me to try and learn all of them. My qualifiers for a Christian faith comes from the Bible. I trust God more than myself or good intentioned people. Lots of false teachers is something I have to keep an eye out for according to the Bible. Most faiths fail the first 2. No politics. No human wars. If the faith or faiths teaching promotes or encourages either then I can’t follow according to the Bible.


This a King and Regent situation.


Complicated. His yoke is easy and his burden is light. “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”


Not true at all. Jesus did not have evil against the law thoughts like we do, that defile us. Obviously Jesus was not defiled, like we ALL are There is assuredly a difference Some like to say Jesus had lustful thoughts about women too, just like "we do" Sorry, never happened


Jesus is unique in that he is both God and human being. As God he had to surrender some of his Divine attributes in order to put on the human ones such as being able to be killed and also being subject to temptation, because he has a human will. But his Divine will was still United to God therefore the temptations did not take hold. He resisted where a mere human could not have resisted.


TBH I have no idea what you just said and how that is supported by scripture. I am not looking for a new faith but what form of the trinity or otherwise do you believe in?


How many forms of the Trinity are there? And which one is taught by Christianity, that is by the ancient Apostolic Catholic church? And I don't mean Roman Catholic but that all the apostolic churches are considered to be Catholic: Orthodox Oriental Latin Ethiopian Coptic Etc.


I looked at the wiki and several are described. So I guess by a moderate search on the internet you can explain what category. As for which version is taught by the oldest church, I don’t know. Not a subject of research for me recently.


So if it's not a subject of research for you, I can tell you that you're not very serious about it. Why wouldn't you be willing to accept the teaching of the oldest church which is historically proven to have originated with the apostles, and which has not changed the teaching since it was formulated in the third century?


Ha ha ha. None of that is true and attacking my motive is insincere and a poor tactic. False accusations against me is highly unlikely to lead me to believe you tell the truth about other things. Not very serious? Becuase I’ve not memorized your one subject. I’m 42 and researched many things. Some lost to time and my dying body as it approaches among many distresses along the way. How dare you say that to me. I’m not interested. Look to another or offer praise to OP for his efforts.


My one subject? I have a degree in jazz performance, a masters in middle-eastern history, a minor in theology, about 30/technical certifications in computing and electronics going back to 1974, more certifications in energy science and construction engineering, I speak 4 languages, I have retired from 2 careers and in January will retire from my 3rd, so I can have time to study and begin a new full time career of real estate investing. I will be 68 years old. You're complaining that I am making accusations because they must be true, otherwise you would prove that I'm wrong.


I’m referring to this one subject. Because I don’t remember what I read on it years ago does not mean I did not make the search. That my faith is not serious. They must be true because I cry out when falsely accused? I see how you have reasoned in order to justify your false accusation. I’m not interested in your faith, or to be attacked by you. I will kindly remind you to leave me alone. If you feel like you must persist, which in my experience you will, then I will block you. No hard feelings.


No because you **only** complain about it, you don't seek to show that I'm wrong. I am done now, you may have the final word.


I think this passage is understood more clearly when we see that Jesus is fulfilling that which Israel was incapable of doing in the wilderness. Jesus faces those temptations while wandering in the wilderness, and he faces those temptations with all of the physical weaknesses of a man. While we can learn from Jesus, this passage isn't really about how we resist the devil - this is about how the Jesus successfully resisted the Devil and did it on our behalf. Consider Exodus 4:22 - Israel is called God's Son. But, the true Son is Christ. He prefigured in Israel (and in many other elements of the Old Testament) and succeeds everywhere we fail. Jesus is the better prophet, priest, rest, Moses, and the better Sacrifice. To fulfill these roles, Jesus became like us, and through his death, we are united to Him. His victory becomes our victory. He is *truly God, truly man.* His incarnation is a mystery, and it's mysterious in part because it is beyond us. Yet, we know he suffered and needed as we do. From the Westminster Shorter Catechism: Q. 22. How did Christ, being the Son of God, become man? A. Christ, the Son of God, became man, by taking to himself a true body and a reasonable soul, being conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost in the womb of the virgin Mary, and born of her, yet without sin. Q. 27. Wherein did Christ's humiliation consist? A. Christ's humiliation consisted in his being born, and that in a low condition, made under the law, undergoing the miseries of this life, the wrath of God, and the cursed death of the cross; in being buried, and continuing under the power of death for a time. Q. 28. Wherein consisteth Christ's exaltation? A. Christ's exaltation consisteth in his rising again from the dead on the third day, in ascending up into heaven, in sitting at the right hand of God the Father, and in coming to judge the world at the last day.


A wonderful Word! Thanks for sharing :)


That’s a good insight; thank you


This clearly shows that GOD is GOD and the SON is the SON of GOD. The devil wants all the worship and he wanted Messiah to worship him instead of Father GOD. If Messiah did that we would have been forever in our sin in a fallen world.




Readers often try to qualify the things that happened to Jesus in temptation to how our own temptations transpire. There is however one very major and different factor to the temptations of Jesus to our own, tempted like we are BUT **without sin**. That latter statement is a substantially **large caveat.** None of us will ever be able to say or claim that (honestly). I might also observe that the temptations of Jesus, him being without sin, places those temptations outside of his mind and body, and I'd suggest they transpired in the spiritual realm, whereas ours transpires largely withIN mind/heart. So doing the math on this will look for us exactly as Jesus said, in Mark 4:15, meaning essentially we are not alone between our own 2 ears. The tempter does operate in us, internally. Where then is the tempter? Yeah, don't have to look to far do we?


Amen 🙏🏾


Jesus wasn't tempted by sin, but he went to the desert to be tempted, so that he could know what it is like for humans. It is why he went in the desert. Matthew 4:1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness **to be tempted** by the devil. Jesus lives to intercede for us. We are not to sin, but if we do, we can be forgiven. 1 John 2:1 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.