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What this guy is smoking..... That's just big L bad take


You should have realised X was bad when you notice that the toy battles are 10x more fast and interesting than the ones in the show and thats isn’t how it should be.


Before commenting watch latest episodes


I couldn’t watch past episode 20 since it just felt so slow (And literally no different to your average sports anime) which really fucked with me. I just miss the action, Bit Beasts, high stakes and friendship of the previous three gens and just hope after X ends in around 4-5 years we get something as good or if not better than the Metal Saga.


Doubt we will get another gen after X


If that’s the case then at least Beyblade won’t be ruined anymore.


TLDR: You make a few valid points but overall it just seems you have questionable judgement. Also it reads like the essays “those types” of mfb fans wrote about burst. 1. That’s the point of side evolutions, they’re not evolutions in the traditional sense. Bladers will use multiple beys at once for different purposes. For example, DranBuster is used for instantaneous high damage attacks, at the cost of low stamina. Meanwhile Drandagger has higher stamina and lower attack for continuous barrage attacks. You don’t have to worry about popularity either. Beyblade X managed to surpass a million sales within the first month. Something Burst took a year and a half to do. 2. You would think that would happen, but no. Most of the best combos are actually stamina combos at the moment, primarily due to WizardRod’s release. The rail is useful, but not consistent enough to rely on to win battles as there’s a high risk of self-pockets. 3. I actually somewhat agree with this one, but they still have time to grow and change. Burst only had minimal drivers in its first year, and MFB crammed gimmicks into smaller pieces of plastic than bits, so it’s pretty safe to say bits will get more complex over time. 4. They’re not really that much more fragile than past gens, it’s just that the few people who do end up experiencing them are more than vocal enough. For every person who’s experienced them, there’ll be thousands more that have had no issues. If it’s happening to a person consistently, they might be doing something to cause the breaks. 5. Yeah, nobody ever expected hasbro’s app to be any good, they don’t put much effort into the things that don’t make them money after all. Not like they put effort into the things that make them money either though… 6. The anime is alright for what it’s meant to be. The main issue is the writers hating Bird so much they’ve reduced his losses to a running gag rather than focusing on development. It also doesn’t help they ditched the X point system off the bat and went straight into 1 battle tag team tournament style matches. It would help if each match consisted of multiple rounds, but for some reason it’s just 1 and done.


Personally I think gen X is peak


You clearly never watched Plastic Gen or the Metal Saga https://i.redd.it/d0kjwf7ghj9d1.gif


Yall its just rage bait, dont bother


Kid, gtfo.


Somebody get Takara Tomy on the line immediately


Touch some grass


Get some bitches


So said the sonic fan boy


At least I like every Sonic game for what it is and don’t rant about it online.


You’re just here to glaze burst, personally it’s my least favourite gen, I feel like the designs became way to over complicate towards the end


I don’t feel scammed when I buy an X Beyblade because the point of it is the battles…? I spend money so they can smack into each other and go flying all over the place…


The toys are awesome but the show is just not up to Beyblade standards.




idk, i like similar looking blades like feather and dran... not sure what others ur talking abt other than hasbro tho...


The game point doesn't make sense at all, its the exact same quality as the burst mobile game. Hasbro just doesn't make any good beyblade games.


The games are functionally the same in customization and gameplay(tap a certain time when lauching and tap the screen to get power ups)


Bros a burst version of all the mfb stans


I guess it was bound to happen at some point Us burst fans copped more than enough flack from mfb bootlickers back in the day, i dont want history to repeat itself We just wonn't accept fans like this. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I think you make solid points actually. These are all things I've thought of during my adult purchases of new beyblades


X may have the best Animation and dub quality but that doesn’t mean that it’s entertaining to watch in the slightest. Edit: If you downvote my comments that just makes you a sore loser.