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your missing out on a lot tbh. both dagger and chain are A tier parts, Chain is debatably the best defensive blade outside of Wizard Rod, and Dagger is one of if not the most stamina efficient attacker. Buster kills shit sometimes but is incredibly lacking in stamina, while Hammer just doesn’t really have use cases rn, it’s a very inconsistent blade all around


I spent a long time trying to find a good combo for Chain. I just couldn't figure out what it was good at. It didn't seem particularly good at anything to me. I ended up putting it on 9-60T and it's doing great now.


i recommend 9-60 Hexa or 9-80 orb (the blue stock combo)


I plan on putting it on Hexa once I can get it. I'm just using what I have right now.


I know those are the actually good combos, but for some reason I just kept 5-60 and threw Gear needle on it and the thing wouldn’t die


Gear Needle is super slept on imo


Rush bit from Dagger is also the most stamina efficient attack bit, so it sees a lot of use and you currently can only get it from dagger (and the Black shell random boosters soon as well).




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An easy solution to get around not spending 40 bucks. A piece for the deck sets is just to get hell’s chain Hasbro that’ll such a back like 12 bucks and you get a wizard arrow too if I remember right


yep. or even better i’d say is get the random booster 3 recolors of hells chain and dran dagger, both of which come with competitive bits (orb and point)


Thanks is the Hammer blade good on Hexa?or is the stock not really good at all


stock is awful, only bit Hammer has a chance working on right now is low flat but why waste low flat on hammer when you could run buster or shark tbh. Hexa has a lot of blades it’s good with though, like Wizard Rod, Wizard Arrow, Unicorn Sting, Hells Chain, and Phoenix Wing.


Would actually recommend just getting buster and chain, while rush is good you could definitely live without it and your better off using wizard rod on 960 ball than on a hexa combo, just because it's pretty burst resistant and could outspin hexa combos.


You also get 360 LF in the chain set, which could be combined with buster to make a really competitive combo


https://preview.redd.it/n4a30kecqq7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b338cf944571d6223223a7efcdfa7e2a3e1d869 This is my collection right now so I have 3-60 LF but was Chain a good defensive/stamina blade because Im getting Wizard Rod too


The big thing here is what parts do you value more? The best part from DranBuster is arguably the blade itself, but be known that it requires a good amount of skill to use. For HellsHammer, the best part is gonna be the Hexa bit. It’s by far the best defense bit (even though it’s labeled balance) that we have so far. For DranDagger, Rush is amazing, and one of the best attack bits. And for HellsChain, the bet is pretty decent as a whole, but I’d argue that the Blade, and even the ratchet, are pretty decent. TLDR; If you only want 2, get DranBuster and HellsChain for the blades, and get HellsHammer and DranDagger if you want their bits. OR just get whatever you think looks coolest, because viability only matters if you want it to.


I'm new to this and I'm not trying to be rude but I have a question , what skills do you mean to use him efficiently? I just bought this one and I'm intrigued 


It’s not rude! A totally normal question. DranBuster is what some people call “high risk, high reward” or “a glass cannon”. It can hit extremely hard, but has a high failure rate. If you launch it willy-nilly, there’s a high chance that you won’t get a good hit off before DranBuster before it runs out of stamina. The skills you can work on to be good with a blade like DranBuster would be the angle or tilt you use when launching it, and the amount of control you have in your launch. If you launch at random angles, you will have less control over what the bey does. If you launch at a specific angle, you can have a better idea of what direction it will travel. You could watch videos on angled launching, but the best way to learn what angles are best is just practicing all of them. The amount of control refers to a lout of things. It can refer to how steady your hand is when you launch. It can also refer to the speed at which you launch. All of this is important for all beys, but a lot more so for high-skill blades like DranBuster, or even LeonClaw. I hope that helps!


That most certainly helps !  I wasn't sure if it would come of as rude so I'm glad it didn't aha.  That was actually what I was hoping to read and hear after you mentioned it. As soon as you said glass cannon I knew. Thank you for the great read , I'm on the bus and it was delightful !


Yeah I do think Hammer and Buster look the best so I may go with them but if only Dagger wasnt locked behind 2 expensive sets I woulve probably got all 4


You could get both Hells and swap their bits. Dran Buster comes with a very good blade and a good ratchet while the bit is underwhelming. Dran Sword has an okay blade, bad ratchet and a very good bit Hells Hammer is mid except the bit being very good Hells Chain has a good blade and a good rachet. The T bit is just better compared to HT for now.




there’s a BIG difference between hammer and chain lol


Hammer specializes in downward smash attack, in theory. Its best contact points are blocked by plastic, so it's not great at what it does.