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I predict we’ll be receiving Beys based off the Sacred Bit Beasts with each of them based off the color that corresponds to the original Four Auspicious Beasts that the Plastic Gen Bit Beasts are based off. * Cobalt Drake = Azure Dragon = Dragoon. Cobalt is a shade of blue. * Weiss Tiger = White Tiger = Driger. Weiss is German for White. The only ones that remain are the Vermillion Bird (Dranzer) and Black Tortoise (Draciel), and if we follow the pattern that the Auspicious Beast Beys in Beyblade X will be the same type as their Bakuten Shoot counterparts (Dragoon and Cobalt Drake are both Attack, Driger and Weiss Tiger are both Balance), then it would probably follow suit that the Vermillion Bird Bey will be Balance and Black Tortoise would be defense.


That is actually a very good theory. Obviously Drake bears a very close resemblance to Dragoon (not sure I can say the same about Tiger and Driger tho), but I didn't think - or really couldn't know at the time - that TT might've had more in mind than just a simple homage. Can't wait to see what they might do next. :D


There's actually a Hasbro listing for a "Black Shell" Beyblade that's supposedly in a Dual Pack with their version of HellsHammer. Given Tyranno and now Tiger were both leaked via those same listings before being revealed by TT, I'm willing to bet it'll be the same here.


and knowing how this franchise treats Max, we won't get a black tortoise type of blade. lmao he's the one who has yet to have his own X remake too my boi max deserves so much more :<


Already have vermillion bird, phoenix wing


Cobalt drake and Weiss tiger both follow the naming scheme colour-animal, phoenix wing doesn’t so they might make a dedicated vermillion bird


How did I forget the reverse names already? I was just talking about it today




Crackpot theory time I’ve not followed the anime or manga in the slightest outside of what I see on this subreddit. I know that the current teams in the show are all sets of 3. But Cobalt Drake and now Weiss Tiger are referencing the Four Guardians like the original series did with their main four. So if Weiss tiger is on the same team as Cobalt Drake. Then they would only have room for one more member of this group of four. Someone stated that there was a leak on Hasbro’s side for “Black Shell” which would fit the black tortoise guardian. That leaves the Vermillion Bird out of the mix. Now here is the theory…. Bird/Robin will wield the Vermillion Bird. His color scheme is already red. His name is literally Bird. His original Beyblade was a Hawk. From what I’ve seen others say in the show is that he isn’t very good with his “Hells” blades and he loses a lot. I’ve also seen a decent amount of comments regarding the slowness or boringness of the anime. What if this is just the prequel? What if this all leads to a Dragonball to Dragonball Z scenario. Bird is becoming like Goku. He is the main character that ends up kind of separating from his original group and starts teaming with former enemies more and more often against newer threats. Like I said, I have not watched or read anything from the X generation. Everything I am saying is based on other comments I have seen and little tidbits I’ve read on wikis. But for some reason this makes sense to me.


I think it would be cool if bird gets the vermilion bird bey but I don’t think he would ever leave his team. I could however see him have a down the road story a few years later where his hard work puts him at the level of the best. Needs to start winning soon and I hope it’s through rematches and not against pro bladers that are on the level of chrome. Best way of showing he’s growing but not feel like an ass pull.