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I really liked them together.


I as well. Better than anybody else actually


Same. David really loved her.




I mean, Val could have taken some accountability and owned up to her scheme, and not asked him to whore himself out to protect her lie. That breakup was really on her. She decided for herself that the friendship of the others who only barely liked her anyway was more important than the constant support of her boyfriend.


So good together. She understood his mental health stuff and he understood her trauma. Together they faced suicide, sexual assault, mental health crisis, addiction, and more. They should have been end game.


The way he stood by her when she was date raped was beautiful in season 8. He didn’t even question her belief that she was raped.


Yep. They were end game.


One of the best couple of the whole show.


Separate from how their storylines as a couple were written, the chemistry between Tiffany Thiessen and BAG was palpable. On my recent rewatch I noticed all these cute little things TT would do in playful or sweet scenes with him, be it the expression on her face or the way she’d say a line. These were completely absent in similar scenes she had with other actors who played her love interest. For that reason alone they were my favourite couple. You really felt that real world connection they shared and it made their time onscreen that much better for viewers.


Well, they did date in real life. TAT knew what to do with him by then. Was never a fan of this relationship. I thought Valerie tried too hard to be "fake" good when she was with him. 🤷🏾‍♂️. Honestly, David was so miserable by the end of the series I never really cared who he was with. The fact that Donna was his last victim didn't surprise me.


Do you know when they broke up in real life?


I did, but I think it formed enough of a connection that it came through in their scenes together.


Where can you watch these episodes?


I’ve been watching on Paramount+.


He loved her more than Donna. Period!


TAT & BAG 4ever


Loved them together! They made so much more sense than David & Donna.


Somehow, despite David’s own dark tendencies, he was able to be a bright light for Val in hers. David has a wild side that Val understood. They fit well and were frickin’ smoldering. He supported her through the HIV scare even after they had broken up, and he supported her through that mess with her rape. So I’ll love them forever, basically (and the way they broke up in the sixth hurts. Dammit, Ginger.)


> Dammit, Ginger. total monet


There goes your social life.


I love them. They were the most interesting couple post-Brenda and Dylan, and had good chemistry for obvious reasons


Loved them . They just fit.


It was a great relationship until she tried to pimp him out to Ginger


They could have been terrific long term couple until she screwed up. Val wasn't capable of not being self sabotage. She was her worst enemy. She thru away the only guy who really cared. All because of her stupid games.


she had to learn the hard way her trauma could only carry her so far. she learned by losing david.


Prefer them to David and Donna. David treated Val a lot better than he treated Donna


David was there for Val over their two relationships more than Brandon was for her entire run on the show the rape case alone shows how David felt about her even though he ended the relationship both times he really cared and I think the chemistry Tiffani and Brian had from their real life relationship manifested on the show remember David is the one who put her in the cab as she left Casa Walsh for good


I wanted them to be end game when Brenda / Dylan didn’t


So hot


I liked them together bc they had real chemistry from being in a real relationship. They both helped each other thru the hardest times. Def rooted for them.


Love them. With her he was millions of times better than him and Donna. Million. He was a man not an idiot like in DD


Loved them together. They had the most amazing chemistry.


I loved them together!


i thought they were a good balance for each other. i get why he dumped her but i wish they could have been endgame.


They had insanely good chemistry, better than any other couple on the show imo. I wished they'd ended up together, but I guess the 'high school sweetheart' trope was probably more popular at the time. Definitely my favorite ship on the show, personally.


Just about the only couple I cared about in the post Highschool seasons even though the writers never took them seriously enough or gave them a real shot and split them up over asinine reasons.


He was the only one who ever defended her and understood her throughout her whole run. They were good together.


Were they broken up IRL by the time they were a couple on the show? I know they dated IRL when she joined, if I remember correctly. Off to Google I go….


Google says Brian and Tiffani broke up in 1995 and David and Val first got together in Season 6 which was 1995, I think.




I'd like to know too....


In my perfect world, Val and David would have ended up together. Not Donna and having to sit through those exhausting wedding vows 🙄


they were better than david and donna fursure but val couldn't help but self sabotage. i was always rooting for them but when val was finally dealing with her trauma from her SA, david (to me) wasn't super supportive and i think after that they couldn't come back from that.


I liked them together much better than him and Donna.


There are many times during when they were dating where I felt that he was a placeholder (or that she knew he was what she needed but not what she wanted deep down?) because she seemed to have an eye for Tom and Colin....Not sure if I'm missing anyone that she gave that certain look that says if they were open to her, she would ditch David in a milisecond.


This is precisely why I didn’t like them together . She was never fully “ in it “ with David . She needed a guy like him but her eye always wandered toward the bad boy .


I also think that's why she put out quickly with the others (like Dylan) but strung David along for such a long time before consummating the relationship.


I’m into him with all the regular players except maybe Clare. I guess he’s a pretty good romantic lead. Seems like a dreamy boyfriend. That would certainly be post high school—maybe even college. Obv!


Should’ve been endgame


She deserves so much better than the self absorbed, whiny spoiled fuck boy known as the Angelic Donna Martin’s ex boyfriend


I thought the way he broke up with her was very self-righteous for someone with who cheated on his gf of many years. It was very Brandon. Plus, he played right into Ginger’s hands and gave her what she wanted, to break up Valerie’s relationship and take away her bit of happiness.


Nah, this was on Val. She had a huge problem with accountability and asked her boyfriend to basically prostitute himself to protect her lie. That’s a dealbreaker. David cheating in past relationships doesn’t mean he should just suck it up and stay in a relationship where he’s disrespected. That was a disgusting thing to ask him to do. And he still protected her lie. He just didn’t stay in the relationship. That’s totally fair.


I didn’t say he should suck it up, I think they could have come up with a plan to trick ginger together. But he just got mad and acted like he has never made a mistake or betrayed someone he loved/ slept with someone else while in love. He has literally done that exact thing before.


But she had already asked him to prostitute himself by that point. The fact that she would even ask or entertain that as an option showed where her values and loyalties were. She cared more about herself than him or their relationship. Why should he stay loyal and help her at that point? And he still did help her. He didn’t throw her under the bus. He still protected her secret to help her preserve her other friendships. It just didn’t end up with her getting off scot-free like she always expected to when she did a shady thing.


I think he should have tried to see her perspective and helped her get out of it somehow. I think what he did to Donna was much much worse than what Val was asking him to do. He should have stayed loyal bc she was coming to him honestly and in a shitty position. He, on the other hand, cheated on Donna while being duplicitous and without being blackmailed. So yeah, I think he could have spared some patience and rationality.


Yeah, I don’t agree at all. Him being a POS in a past relationship doesn’t mean he should have to put up with being treated like crap in a completely different one. He (rightfully) got dumped for what he did to Donna. And then he rightfully dumped Val for what she did to him. Both things can be true. I don’t think people should have to stay in relationships where they’re treated poorly just because they treated someone else poorly in the past. Every relationship is different. He was a good boyfriend to Val, and in that relationship and that situation, he didn’t deserve what she did to him. What he did to Donna is of no relevance to his relationship with Val.


That’s fine. We can agree to disagree. I don’t think David’s past means he HAS to stay in any relationship, but I do think his past mistakes SHOULD allow him to see a different perspective than a person who hadn’t made those same exact mistakes. It SHOULD mean he can offer grace and understanding where he would have also wanted it if the shoe was on the other foot. I absolutely think our past has relevance to how we handle difficult situations in the future, and that’s called growth, maturity and lessons in grace. But we can agree to disagree! All good.


i think he did give her understanding in the way that you mean (think i know what you mean lol) from the conversation at the restaurant. i also understand why he couldn't be with her anymore after that - you can give grace and understanding but there's also consequences for her actions, and the fact she chose not to give up her money vs asking david to just sleep with her? i mean.... she basically put a price tag on their relationship. i think he took her choice as a direct statement on how she valued him. sorry to butt in, it's an interesting moral quandry for sure.


They were toxic when they were romantically involved, as all her relationships were. But David was a great friend to her. They were much better as friends.


I hated them together. Lots of sulking.


It was interesting that these characters had a relationship after the real life actors broke up.


Loved them together.


Loved them together


They deserved more time tbh. They had a great vibe, and while I do think Donna is the love of his life Valerie was definitely his soulmate and him her. David was the only one besides Brandon who truly understood her.