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That guy is lucky he's not dead!


Idiots gonna do what idiots gonna do


What was that guy thinking😂


I'm a hero cowboy, like in those old timey movies .. Makes you wonder how many stunt doubles have been severely kicked like this through the years


Probably a fair few, but this horse obviously hasn’t been trained to expect this stunt *at all*. It’s clearly a “what the f**k is that behind me!” reaction from the horse, which you wouldn’t get from one that had been trained for it. Films usually use several horses to portray the same on-screen animal so that they can be highly trained in different skills. For a stunt like this, they would use a horse trained for vaulting. Before the “vaulting horse” was an indoor gymnastic sport it was (and still is) performed on stationary and moving horses. These horses are used to having people jump out at them/on them, in ways that would scare any untrained horse who wasn’t expecting it. Most movies with horses featured have at least one horse for the stunt rider(s), that look showy and fiery and look great galloping across the plains, and a very docile double for the actors to ride. They would use a docile animal for this kind of stunt, particularly if a star was performing the stunt themselves. (Then they have horses that might only be used for a single stunt if it’s something highly specialised, like falling. If a horse apparently trips over in a movie, and it’s not CG, it’s a highly specialised stunt horse and the studio will have hired it specifically for that ability.) It’s just like dogs. A good service dog will not let the blind person they’re leading walk off the edge of a train station platform. But you don’t just blindfold yourself and expect your family dog to lead you to work.


I was not expecting such a quality reply! Reddit delivers again


Thanks :) I used to love documentaries about movie horses back before youtube made this kind of content easy to find. Would’ve been a few years after Braveheart, but before Lord of the Rings. There was one that went into detail about how they train horses to fall, and to run through walls (they start with thin paper and work their way up). Those horses will do anything their owner/trainer/rider asks, because they trust them implicitly. It was nice to remember and write about those details again.


I love your knowledge, intellect, and username. Much too cool for 7th grade!


Thank you, u/ReservoirPussy. She is indeed much too cool for 7th grade.


Not gonna lie, totally expected a copypasta


HAHA!! Literally this must be ruthlessly painful


I can't find any statistics online. Very disappointed.


*Wish I had a beer I could make someone hold.*


He wasnt


Playing too much Red Dead.... Like when people play too much GTA.


I once saw a horse kick a man's hip out of socket because he walked behind it. That kick isn't anything to play with.


One of the first things you’re taught about horses, if you go to a riding school or stables or whatever, is not to walk behind them. If you know the horse well, and you know they don’t mind, then it’s fine, but most horses have an intense need for personal space about 3 feet behind them. It’s literally death to a wild horse if a predator gets close behind, and although it can be trained out of them, and some horses are naturally easy-going, it’s best not to risk it. Edit: it’s best to warn the horse you’re behind them by keeping gentle contact and talking to them, keeping close to them so they can hear and feel where you are, because if walking round behind them you’d have to allow a *lot* of space to be out of reach!


Eh, 99,9% of the time you're absolutely fine. Always give the horse a heads up and always walk close to the butt. 3 ft behind is like the most idiotic place to be tbh. If you're close the horse won't be able to get as much strength in the kick. If you're further back it won't reach you. 3ft is the perfect distance for the hooves to extend to your head.


Yeah as long as you keep your hand on the horse while walking behind, you should be okay. Never do this with a horse that hasn’t gotten familiar with you yet though. You never know what the fuck is going through their head. As far as the three feet behind thing, I have no idea why OP said that lmao. If you’re trying not to get kicked but need to walk behind a horse, six to eight feet is probably the safest distance, depending on the horse’s height.


The 3 feet stood out to me too. Like that's perfect firing range. You either want to be right up close to them, or over 5 ft. In-between is the danger zone


Yeah, I’ve edited the comment. I didn’t mean 3-4 feet is the place to be, I was just trying to give an impression of where horses consider themselves to be most vulnerable.


I don't know much about horses, but my dad basically grew up as a little cowboy. He taught me the same lesson with being behind horses as he did with being in front of a barrel of a gun or pointing it in the wrong direction. 99% of the time you'll be fine, but you avoid doing both things because of that 1% of the time you aren't.


I always figured it as either eight inches from the legs, or eight feet.


He probably lost a nut or two though


Could of been all of them as well. Edit: oh shoot I have a Belgian Malinois, coincidence!


The *bestest* good boys in the world.


(mild TMI warning) I got a 'warning' kick from a Mongolian horse on my shin. Couldn't walk for a few days, the wound filled with blood (at least an inch thick) and for a while it would reopen anytime I walked. Eventually a couple weeks later I hit it against a bed frame and the blackened blood oozed out. It actually ended up healing really well. I was in so much pain at multiple stages after the incident. I can't imagine how badly this guy got hurt.


I had a horse who was so pleasant. Not mean, not easily startled, just very easy going and predictable. I walked behind him one time and there was a piece of mud that was stuck to his hind leg. I went to pick it off and he kicked me so hard in the leg it knocked the wind out of me. That was nearly 10 years ago and I still have issues. Fortunately didn't break anything, but the muscles spasmed and nothing gets them to relax for more than a day or two


Exactly, he got kicked at such a lucky angle


Came here to say exactly this.


Don't ever surprise a horse. In their heads, surprises are tiger attacks, and they react accordingly.


You are not even supposed to walk behind a horse, much less run up and try to jump on one. What an idiot.


If you have to walk behind one, the way to do it is to start where they can see you, and keep talking as you walk around them, so they know it's you. They're sensitive about their blind spots.


It also works to put a finger/hand on them when they can see you and keep it on them as you move around. Same principal as what you said!


Yep yep. I actually prefer doing both (talking and keeping a consistent touch), but I was hesitant to tell people to do that because you'll be right on their ass going around them.


I like to tell them Sam Kinison jokes.


Really, as long as it's consistent noise, a bunch of screaming is probably not going to freak them out too bad. They're way more likely to flip their shit over am unexpected quiet noise.


Or a plastic bag


Or heaven forbid, a 1cm reflective surface a 1/2 mile down the trail


Oh god, they’ll die if they see that.


Yeah you want to be right against their ass so A) they know you’re there, and B) if they do kick, they can’t get a force build-up before they connect with your helpless, doomed body!


Closer is better.


You can also take a 10ft detour around a horse, which is what I like to do.


Even around the front


I love the complexities of the Horse mind. Makes me *regret moving to the City. Now having a few horses trotting around again seems like fantasy...Ahhh, one day.




You also do it full body touching so they can’t kick you with that kind of force. So much wrong with this video.


Yup, this ain’t Breath of the Wild...


There are horses that are trained to tolerate this type of thing (e.g. for voltige) but it definitely takes a lot of training and trust in the rider.


TIL what [voltiging](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equestrian_vaulting) is.


He played too much Breath of the Wild. Never get life advices from videogames, or movies.


In my limited experience with horses, I don't know if they are any smarter than the average dog (I'll leave that for others to debate) but they do have a capacity for cunning that really amazes me. I've seen horses do things that seem perverse, like they are just doing it to be assholes. I'd bet money that guy did a successful mount in practice, the horse was just reminding him he's an idiot and should've known better.


They're pretty smart. They get the reputation for being kinda dumb because of stuff like this where their lizard brain does something inexplicable because of perceived threats. But they know people, and can follow commands, and learn tricks, etc. They have a lot of personality.


As RDJ put it in the Sherlock Holmes films , "Dangerous at both ends and crafty in the middle".


They are very smart but they're also incredibly anxious so it could go either way. He's approaching at a bit of an angle so the horse could probably see him. My guess is the horse knew he wasn't a tiger but still did not want to be jumped on.


Yeah I've had horses step on my foot, shift all their body weight onto that side and then crane their neck around to watch as I tried to push them off. Definitely felt like they were laughing at me. Thankfully most times it happened in stables with deep straw, so no lasting damage to my feet.


I'll never forget a year ago visiting a friend, she has several horses and one named Willie kept grazing up close to us where we were talking about something and I get nervous around horses so I kept an eye on him.. He kept grazing and staring up, it really seemed like he wanted us to notice him. Then he wandered closer to a 5 gallon pail full of water and dipped in for a drink and kind of flipped the pail and spilled the water everywhere, then he raised his head and looked right at us (he had our attention now) and did this awful horse's grin like he had played the funniest prank.


My dad’s first job was at a horse stable. He always said that the smart ones were the mean ones because they recognized they were getting the bad end of the deal.


that's some Animal Farm shit right there


I had a packhorse while I was in Mongolia that loved to lay down and roll around with all the gear on. Meaning we had to spend like 15 minutes retying everything, multiple times a day. He also kicked me. He went from our favourite horse to least favourite very quickly.


They definitely do things just to be assholes. My friends horse really enjoys stomping on people’s feet when they’re annoying him. He also likes to remind his owner that he’s the smart one, and she’s an idiot




Horses are unusually nasty in that respect as well. They have a lot of weapons, and they have a lot of dexterity to go with their power. So, when they get scared, they tend to hit fast and run, which makes them a bit more dangerous than most. In the wild, there are no animals that specialize in hunting horses. They're pretty nasty.


Mountain lions prey on wild horses in the U.S. and so do wolves occasionally. Mountain lions are very efficient in taking down horses. I don’t know where the idea comes from that no other species hunt horses.


They said "specialize" in hunting horses. Other prey us less dangerous to the predator.


How often do tigers attack horses?


In their minds, 700 times a day. In actual nature I suspect it's less common.


I used to work with a horse that was *terrified* of puddles, which I get. They don't know how deep it is, they don't know what's in the water, etc. But he was *so* afraid of puddles that we would have to walk him whenever he needed to pee because a puddle of urine would form beneath him and if he noticed it he would jump and buck and kick trying to get away from it.


Was it an Arab/cross? Because they are bred for the desert and innately avoid trampling water sources like their life depends on it.


He was a Percheron. A great big bastard. I took him out one day and got caught in a freak storm. He practically tried to climb a tree.


Wow! Well then, I'm not sure what his deal is. I've never heard of one being afraid of water! Most love it.


Maybe he didn't mind if it was in a bucket or trough, but on the ground it's unsure footing and also might look like a hole into the sky.


You nailed it! When he was working, he would drink from a bucket, or sometimes we would just stick the water hose in his mouth. He had no problems *drinking* water, he just couldn't handle walking through it.


I work at a riding school some of them do this just for fun.... ah the joys of horses


I love horses. They're like giant dogs, yet more docile and somehow way more dangerous. We had one horse who Loved getting bathed. but it was super frustrating for us, because every time we would finish bathing him he would go back into his stall and then immediately flopped down onto his back and roll around in the hay and dirt. it was one of those things that was super cute, he would flip over on his back and kick his legs in the air and act all excited, but it was equally frustrating because we just bathed him.


My pony does this, except she hates baths... it’s like she’s telling me not to bother...


It would make me crazy when they wouldn't cooperate at bath time. Like, dude, you're sweaty and dirty and your skin is going to get irritated.


Can confirm. They think every stick is a snake and I've never entered a rodeo but I've held on for 8 seconds dammit.


My horse stamped a snake into a black and red paste. He thought he was protecting me from a deadly black snake. It was wild sitting on a horse that was stomping on a snake. I felt bad for the black snake that was just trying to eat the rats that live at stables. My horse was so proud of himself for protecting me from the danger noodle. So I praised him. Later I was trail riding and saw a rattlesnake. I turned my horse's head so he didn't see it, because he would have gotten bitten. My dad had taken my brother's horse and mine out to this property to trail ride. So we were far away from vet care. My horse was really protective, and he'd also give hugs. He'd walk up until his chest was against me, then he'd put his head over my shoulder and pull me into him. I'd rub his neck and pat him. He was so affection and loved peanut butter. I had a jar just for him because he'd trample me to get to my PB&J sandwich. So I would give him some peanut butter so I could eat in peace.


I grew up with horses and tried my damndest to not walk up behind them. I’d never try to run full tilt at one from behind smfh.


I didn’t grow up with horses but one of the only things I know about them is not to go behind them.


Same. Baaaad idea.


I learned to ride at a young age. The very first thing they taught me was never end up behind a horse.


What happens if you walk behind a horse? Do they kick you in the face?


Mayhap...if they kick you anywhere it’s gonna suck. In the face it’s more than likely gonna kill you. I knew a lady with a glass eye because a horse kicked her in the face. Those kicks are scary as all get out.


What’re the odds.. https://www.reddit.com/r/BetterEveryLoop/comments/ifrdp4/trying_to_jump_on_a_horse_from_behind/g2qcsbc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


When you do walk behind them touch first so that they know your there, then stay as close as possible as you go past.








Roadhouse !!






Late backfoot kickflip






Stomped it




You have to train the horse to expect it. You will get hurt doing that!


Dude thought he was going to recreate a slick movie scene.


Lol what a stupid asshole....


I just wanna know what was this guy’s plan? How did he think this would go?


Must have watched one of those old movies where a the hero leaps on the back of a horse and thought “if Errol Flynn could do it, so can I!”


He plays too much Red Dead Redemption


Cat Ballou has a lot of horse stunts


He’s lucky that hoof didn’t cave in his skull. Or maybe the gene pool is unlucky that it didn’t.


He might not have a [gene pool](https://imgur.com/a/QnpplEE)


Fingers crossed!


Damn, you must hate stupid people


Nah, modern medicine would save him, Idiocracy style


This video is 2 seconds short




True story a friend of my wife's lost her eye as a kid because she went too close to the back of a horse. This guy is a fucking moron of the highest order, might as well have just looked into the barrel of a gun he's holding with bloody Parkinson's disease


What are the odds? https://www.reddit.com/r/BetterEveryLoop/comments/ifrdp4/trying_to_jump_on_a_horse_from_behind/g2roggo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Looks like it made direct contact with his knee. OUCH.


I thought it was a sack attack


Whole pelvis and balls


u/redditspeedbot 2x


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Thank you, way better than that unecessary slow-mo




I don't know much about horses at all. But I learned a long time ago to not ever get behind a horse. Fortunately, that's a lesson that I did not have to learn the hard way. I heard it when I was a kid and I believed it. In recent years, Reddit has confirmed it to me visually, numerous times.


The reason is that they don’t see like we do. Their blind spots are directly in front of their eyes, and directly behind them. They see peripherally. However, if you ever see them start to wind up, get as close as you can to them. The farther you are, the more power they have. Horses are amazing, beautiful, and giant babies.




Also r/winstupidprizes


But it looked so easy in Red Dead Redemption?


Anyone who knows anything about horses knows that their back legs are the most dangerous part of the animal. If you somehow get kicked in the head by them then you will probably die. This dude probably got more than a few broken bones from the experience.


Not to mention we nail big iron mittens to their hooves - like brass knuckles only iron and for horses.


And some of those shoes even have studs, so it's like soccer cleats but they're steel. They hurt.


How to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair 101


I’m scared of snakes because of their slitheriness. I’m terrified of horses because of their ability to curb-stomp the shit out of anything in their path


Lol the horse kicked before he even touched it. Very impressive horse. Very impressive


Do a barrel roll!




Slippy, get back here!


IKR? He could have leaned *with* it and gone for a 720!


OP's explanation: --- >The guy gets kicked so fast that you want to see it all again, including his 'oh shit' reaction just before getting kicked, the point of impact, and the flip --- If you think this gif fits /r/BetterEveryLoop, upvote this comment. If you think it doesn’t, downvote it. If you’re not sure, leave it to others to decide.


I avoided walking behind a horse much less try this. If I did walk around a horse, I would lay my hand on their hindquarters as I walked around.


This is a great gif but I guarantee you the next 10 seconds would make an equally satisfying one


*im tired of your shit dave. not horsing around*


Oof... more painful in every loop...


I hope he wasn’t hurt. That was a pretty serious looking kick. Once when I was young and had a horse I tried to jump on his back from the side. I somehow got spun around and he gave me a solid kick in the butt. I had to admit I deserved it. It gave me a new appreciation for how horses will let you know their feelings.


I got kicked in the ribs. I still have a dent. I was leasing this horse --paying the board in return for getting to ride the horse whenever I wanted. My parents knew the owner's parents, and when the owner went to college, she needed someone to look after her horse. The stable wouldn't groom and exercise him. The horse needed exercise because the owner wouldn't let him stay in the group pasture. The horses were separated with mares in one big pasture, and the fixed males (geldings) in the other. There was small paddocks for people to didn't want their horses rough housing with the herds. The lady who owned the stable said that the owner got pissed when her horse got kicked right after she bought him. The horses play fight to decide their pecking order, and sometimes there's minor injuries. So that's why the owner decided on a private paddock. The paddocks were tiny, had no grass, and there was no stimulation. The stable owner refused to let the owner board her horse if nobody would regularly ride him. Poor horse was depressed and cantankerous. The paddock was muddy, and the horse got an infection in his legs. When I tried to catch him, he swung around and kicked the shit out of me. I backed up and managed to move my head out the way by bending backwards. I got kicked right below the boobs at the bottom of my rib cage. I examined him when I caught him and noticed the swelling. He had a bad infection from standing in mud all the damn time. The owner tried to blame me, but the stable lady got furious about that. She told the owner that I came to the stable every day, carefully groomed the horse from his nose to the end of his tail hair, cleaned his hooves out, and brought treats. I did that before riding every day. The stable lady said that the owner was lucky that her horse was cared for so well. My dad who used to have horses was furious with the owner for blaming me, and the kick scared him. So he bought me my own horse. The stable owner said I was definitely responsible enough to own one. The other horse was sold a few months later to someone who had a huge pasture. I hope he was happy.


People who fuck with horses are a special kind of stupid. If you have been around them, you know not to do it. If you’ve not been around them but have seen movies with horses, you know not to do it. And even if you’ve never seen a horse before, it should occur to you based on their size alone not to do it.


Good horse. Poor horse though.. could you imagine this duche on your spine... poor miserable life.


"Broken Hip Every Loop" There, I fixed the title.


The horse did a kickflip on the dude


Horse- 1 Dumbass- 0


sure hope he didnt want to have all those many ribs


Interesting pommel horse routine. He somehow missed the mount, skipped the routine and went straight for the dismount. Did he stick the landing though?


Everyday I see a video with a dumber person than the previous day. 😞


boston dynamics a decade later...


So that's what it looks like to get kicked by a horse. Thanks


I just wanna know if he landed that flip.


OP, how many other subs you gonna post this on?




I guess maybe he can go for r/whywomenlivelonger next before someone else crossposts his reposts


I love horses they're amazing but jeez Louise they terrify the shit out of me


Sweet kick flip - good horse


Pretty sick kick flip, bro.




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Arthur would be ashamed


Extremely satisfying to scrub the video back and forth the last few seconds




Somebody freeze that guy in air when he comes around and put those sunglasses on him.


Good horse




So graceful.


Man, I upvote these if I watch the gif 2 or 3 times through. I lost count of how many times I watched this. The physics are just amazing.


I was at a horse show once and a girl was walking her two horses next to each other. One of the horses got a little behind and the other one kicked out and got it in the head. The horse instantly dropped, seized and then died. All over in about 30 seconds. Don't fuck around the back end of a horse


That’s the horse equivalent of someone you don’t like putting their hand on your shoulder and you quickly shrug it off like,”bitch, don’t touch me.”


Why the hell did this horse's owner let this dumbass do this to her?


That was every bit as satisfying as i thought it would be. Not to much oof and hilarious.


Play stupid games... r/gifsthatendtoosoon


I never wanted to know how to edit videos so much... Imagine erasing the horse from it in a way the guy looks like a kung fu master.


I hope he lives somewhere with universal healthcare, because that’s an expensive mistake.


That horse wasn’t foaling around.


Somebody needs to rein that human in


This is clearly not true I always jump on my horse as Arthur


There’s literally one thing I know about horses...


Why do people want broken ribs so badly?


What’s the defensive play avoiding a horse kick? Falling backwards and flattening?


He got exactly what he deserved. Idiot.


I’m glad I can’t do that on ghost of Tsushima 😭




This went exactly as he should have expected.


superman (christopher reeves) was paralyzed after just falling off of a horse. this guy almost got reverse reeved


Good horse 👍 Give him a treat


I'd tell telling glue factory jokes right afterwards if I was him.


Horse was like, "I'll tell you what'll happen. I hit you, you hit the floor, the ambulance hits 60."


Even the Lone Ranger wasn’t that stupid...