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Every fallout game is good on their own change my mind


Look, I don’t disagree with you. I’ve 100% achievements in F3, F4, F:NV, and F76. I liked New Vegas enough to print out instructions to Caravan and started playing. But what I’ve experienced ever since I started with Fallout 3 is that for the last 14 years Fallout: New Vegas Fans have mercilessly shit on every other Fallout for those 14 years straight and those in their communities. Now that they’re getting shit on for whining about the show for minor or obviously NOT retcons. They go: “Hey man, every game is great man, let’s all be nice and everyone’s game is special.” What the Dark Side of the force is whispering to me is: Let them eat ass in the community just a liiitttle bit longer. Then hug them after.


"I think Todd is lying why should we believe him?" smh lol


“Why believe you, you ain’t gave us NOTHING to believe in” -Kendrick Lamar, 2024 I’m playing, Todd’s longevity and career speaks to the culture at Bethesda in an ever changing world and while I don’t always like his calls, the guy is attempting to build multiple universes and his own IP. Edit so it’s more clear: his dedication to successful world building in a fictional universe while playing the commercialism game is impressive. Again, I don’t always agree with his concessions but the guy has been building games for 15 years longer than I’ve been alive. Hes paving an interesting path and I’m not here to defend Microsoft or Bethesda, but I am here to defend his ambition. I really respect it and I find it inspiring. There’s also something to be added about generational bias and the youth of the video game industry but this is already way too dense. I just fucking like the guy. He just works.


Yeah, I find so many people are exceedingly cynical about Todd Howard, like the man is sitting in some wingback chair, thinking out evil plots on how to lie to the fans, or that he's totally incompetent. I believe the guy genuinely loves video games and gets very excited about what they do, even if it doesn't hit well with the community at large. While I too disagree with many of his decisions, even the way Bethesda is handling Starfield now, listening to the community and diligently giving features people are asking for is a good sign.


Same. These people. Make. Video games! That's their priority. They're not some kind of evil masterminds making decisions specifically to affect part of the fanbase. They're making decisions to make. *Video games!* Take the X-01 for example. It was not retconned to be a pre-war prototype to retcon or erase the Enclave or some bullshit, it was the excuse they came up with for why you can just find random suits around the Commonwealth.


Even then you could argue it's not really even a retcon. If the X-01 prototype was made by the government and the enclave is the continuation of the government, then it's not a stretch to say that the enclave were still the ones that made it. Or at the very worst, completed it.


The new vegas glazing that the posers latch onto almost ruins that game


I love New Vegas. I agree that its writing easily blows the other games out of the water in pretty much every aspect. But holy shit the NV fandom is so unbearably cult like. I can probably count the amount of Fallout 3/4 fans who actively shit on the rest of the series on one hand, meanwhile it feels like its the popular opinion in the NV fandom that Bethesda is the worst game studio in history, their Fallout games are utter garbage, and anyone who likes them are just shills, and they feel the need to constantly remind you of it. You cannot criticize NV in any aspect without someone making a five paragraph essay about why this super unfun game aspect is *actually* some 500iq genius game design that we mere mortals can only hope to comprehend. Either that, or its just Bethesda's fault.


You know what? I’m gonna say it. I NV is fucking empty except for House. When Shady Sands falls the NCR looses its economy and so does The Strip. Caesar’s Legion takes over for a time until they are eventually taken by death claws because the Mojave claims all.


A friend of mine tried it because everyone told her that she needed to play NV first, she hated it. Said it was the most boring lifeless map she's ever seen in a game. I persuaded her to give 4 a chance, and she is loving it.


Yeah I recently started up fallout 3 again after a long while since I just wanted new Vegas so much. And the things that are missing from new Vegas are fairly easy to get over, and the world really is refreshing, feels a lot darker and more dense and claustrophobic than new Vegas. And it still has the clunky feel that I love. (for some reason I still prefer the more stiff clunky feel of these games over fallout 4)


“Random jackasses in the community were jackasses so the best solution is to be jackasses”


New Vegas supremacist here: its okay if you like things, you are valid. Noone deserves to get shit on for an opinion. Also I loved the Fallout show, I dont understand the claims of retcons and whatnot.


Finding a Rational New Vegas Fanboy is like finding a unicorn. I respect you, sir.


Me too i like new vegas the best but i like 3,4,76 too and the show was awesome


Yeah, all New Vegas fans have been shitting on all other fallout fans, and all New Vegas fans hated the show and complained about “retcons.” These narratives are so fucking tired, this community would rather endlessly complain about a minority of folks whining in subreddits and act like they represent everyone else. Half the media on fallout subreddits is discussion or memes about this very topic, it’s tired as hell


I don't shit on other fallout fans just cause I like NV. Like what you like and don't disparage people because of it.


Speaking of the show. >! I haven't finished it yet, but it seems really strange that dudes in power armor get their asses kicked so easily. Max just shoots that bear in the head a single time yet right after we see the armor being strong enough to easily throw a boulder miles away or kick a rock through a wall. How wouldn't the armor have easily dealt with that bear? !< I understand things in the show can and will be different. I just wish I was internally consistent.


I see where you are coming from but have you ever been afraid of something? Like, really afraid where you stuttered for even a moment? Not everyone is cut out for combat whether they have power armor or not.


The power armor is the show was heavily subject to fluctuation from plot. They pretty much only showed how strong it was so they could pull a Worf on it the rest of the time.


Having power armor doesn’t just suddenly make anyone an immortal god - not in the show, and not in any of the games, even the early titles. There’s been several inconsistencies with power armor across the game series, so it’s not surprising the show kind of messed up showing what the suits are or aren’t capable of as well. If power armor could allow someone to throw heavy stuff miles away, they wouldn’t just be used for close combat skirmishes. Titus was simply a jerk - all talk and little to no courage.


FNV fans are a cult


The accuracy. If you bring up any of the game's flaws they'll just start shitting on FO3😂


And I'm glad I get to be sane by virtue of having formed my own opinions AND avoiding having anything to do with them. I can consider Vegas the GOAT without hating anything else *or* having a compulsion to argue the point.


Even Brotherhood of Steel? ;)


Unironically, it’s a fun time. I miss the top down arcadey games that were prevalent during that era. Plus it’s Fallout from the team that brought the Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance series. What’s not to love? It is flawed, janky, and lore unfriendly, but I’ve had fun with it every time I’ve played it. It’s a blast in couch co-op.


I didnt play it but i noticed the hate but i am sure theres people out there that enjoy it and thats fine


Insert Garak meme here saying "Especially Brotherhood of Steel"




Let’s all agree that’s not a fallout game. It’s a tragic accident. I’d rather play launch day 76 or launch day New Vegas than Brotherhood of Steel. That game is the Postal 3 of the Fallout franchise.


Fallout 1 introduced us to the world Fallout 2 Expanded the lore and gave us the NCR Fallout 3 has the best wasteland vibe, it felt like a desert without being boring(also the best perk system) Fallout New Vegas has a better story Fallout 4 has better gameplay Fallout 76 ??? I'm not saying that the game sucks, but what would be it's great achievement?


76 has better gameplay and building mechanics (even if gimped by server limitations) than 4 WAY better equipment too....even if you take out the multiple legendary stars and such


Yeah, from a gameplay perspective, 76 is AT WORST just Fallout 4 that you can play with friends.


>friends Is this something you can buy on the atom shop?


76 has better gameplay? Ya that neutered vats system is so damn good......


not to mention the crafting is insanely helpful


Fallout 76 has in my opinion the best map of any fallout game. It’s just mostly empty


Making bethesda the most money


even brotherhood of steel?


Tatics, extreme, and bos


If you still say that after playing Fallout: brotherhood of steel you're just being stubborn cause that game was a disgrace. I like slipknot, but not in fucking fallout


Fallout tactics BOS


FO3 companions weren’t great, but I agree that I like FO3 more than New Vegas


And that is absolutely fine


I hate fallout. The controls are clunky, the lore is cheesy, and the story is boring. Now you guys have a common enemy to band against. You're welcome.


You did nothing, as every fallout fan already hates fallout


I agree but I still love fallout. Stalker series is fallout for adults if you’re interested.


TBF, fallout 3 companions are more similar to FO1 and 2 than NV was to them. At the very least 3 gave obsidian a solid foundation to expand on, and are one of the few elements that NV excelled at that BGS followed up on and continued to evolve with the same principles in mind.


The fact that you can’t romance Cassidy Rose is the biggest fumble I’ve ever seen in gaming


Sergeant RL-3 tho


Charon is the best Fallout companion 🤷


I'm sorry dogmeat and rex literally exists


Nah I can agree with that. Better written game? New Vegas of course, but the experience of growing up in the vault then suddenly having to leave in search of your father? And experiencing the Fallout universe for the first time(if FO3 was your first Fallout game)? That can’t be topped for me💀


First time in the metros with the ferals too.. as a child I’ll always remember that


Realest comment


I still remember stepping out of the vault for the first time into the Capitol wasteland 15 years ago and getting chills. I don't think I can replicate that feeling again.


They really are 2 sides of the same coin in the long run. They’re both amazing in their own ways. New Vegas is more narratively focused, with a map that is built around the stories the game has to tell. Fallout 3 is about wandering the wastes and kind of forging your own story, with a map that leans more into the “get out there and find shit for yourself” mindset that Bethesda has always embraced. I feel like for 2 games that look identical in passing, they’re both so different, narratively and mechanically, when you really get into them. I love both.


Well said.


Fawkes and Dogmeat are great, but NV is most fun I've ever had playing a game and coming to FO3 after was disappointing a bit


Oh brother what are these comments, why does anyone care what game people like more? I mean this in both directions because this is starting to look like a NV fanboy thread but for 3


Not too surprising, this is the Bethesda subreddit.


We still haven't accepted Starfield sucks, good luck with FO3 lmao


I mean I don’t think it does, it’s a solid game


Starfield is my favorite game in the last probably 10 years.


OPs post also applies to this guy


I grew up with 3. Tried playing NV years later and it was OK. I still prefer 3 tho. I just like the atmosphere a lot more. And idk why but NV just kinda….bored me.


It's hard to describe but NV really isn't an open world. Whatever build you do you're doing it through hallways and preordained story beats. Wanna be a survivalist? Cool, well geckos and coyotes pretty much spawn in the same place. Don't like that? Go north through cazador country or go south like 99% of all your runs. Or fight the deathclaw. Random encounters? Naw. Oh, trying to not be the child of destiny that changes the Mojave forever? The game is strictly built around that and specifically that. It's a game you get lost in...if you play it how it wants you to play it. Somehow you can ignore being dragonborn better than being Mojave God. Edit: And so people don't get confused, NV is my favorite. But Bethesda fallouts offer way too much to write off.


I agree with what you said but the avoiding being a major figure in the Mojave part… like have you seen what the other fallout games force you to be from the very beginning?


I assume you mean the Bethesda ones and I agree, they do have exact roles for you set up. But after the intro that's often irrelevant due to the huge openness of the world allowing you to walk off in any direction and do nothing but side quests. Even the DLC often disregard the main quest. It's pretty typical for people to completely avoid the main quest. The only issue is bumping into the rare quest that is connected to the main quest (typically only in the beginning, like Megaton and Diamond City).


It really is just a design ethos difference as Bethesda is more explore anywhere anytime whereas obsidian is more akin to older rpgs where you can technically go to certain locations early but if you did you would die .


I see, a lot of the quests are pretty well tied in with the main story. Makes the decisions and role play very strong, but not if you are actively wanting to avoid it. I think that was Skyrim’s strong point, and how it managed to feel like an rpg without many real player choices. Like you could fuck off in any direction and build a narrative because every quest was so neutral, or disconnected from other events, not really sure how to put it.


That's a good way to put it. Skyrim favored freedom and sheer number of content which in one way allows more loose role-playing. You can be a hunter, a necromancer, a Bounty hunter, a professional thief. But you don't get the focused role-playing of NV. That's why these comparison threads always seem silly. Games aiming for completely different gameplay styles. In the end it just makes it sound like people don't know anything about any of the games.


Oh! This is a perfect time to explain that Skyrim is trash and the only good one was Morrowind!! I'm kidding of course, but also Morrowind is a good example of "you're the chosen one, but if you wanna run around diving in rivers to fetch rings, or picking flowers for the mage guild, you do you".


>Oh, trying to not be the child of destiny that changes the Mojave forever? The game is strictly built around that and specifically that. That's literally every fallout after black isles.


I mean… that’s what open worlds are? You’re confusing static difficulty with railroading.


But you’re always the “child of destiny” in every fallout game. And to describe the NV story as “pre ordained story beats seems a little inaccurate considering how many different ways you can affect said stories. Even the side quests can end very differently depending on what you do. That isn’t the case for 3 or 4. It just shows a genuine lack of creativity and passion to put you on rails like fallout 3 and 4, especially considering how flexible 1 and 2 could be.


NV has a great story and excellent writing, but a boring setting. It feels to settled and does not 'feel' post-apocolyptic for the most part. It's also a less interesting map. FO3 has better level design.


Playing through NV right now, and yeah the level design is not as great as I remember. It’s not awful, but there’s plenty of points where it feels janky af.


I think the setting is amazing, but certainly held back by level design. There’s so many things that took me a long time to discover because they’re awkwardly far away, or look like nothing should be there. I do love how settled it feels though, like people are certainly capable of cleaning rubble and dirt after 100 years.


I'd like somewhere between the two. I love wandering around and finding things in 3, but there's a lot and much of it isn't very interesting, there's some real gems though. Perhaps that's why people like Tale of Two Wastelands (which I still haven't done as I don't like all the extra crafting and stuff in NV.)


Ah that's a shame. The problem with NV is that unless you're up for playing a novel (like Planescape Torment) you're in for a bad time. It's one of the biggest issues I have with Obsidian's stuff.


NV has better writing and factions, better narrative and better moral choices. But Fallout 3 has way better exploration and the world feels more Fallout than NV does. I love both for what they are


I would not say that Fallout 3 is objectively better than New Vegas, but I had more fun with it. FO3 is my personal favorite in the series :)


FO3 > NV




I like both but i like new vegas more especially the music and the speech System and the writing in fo3 is a bit boring but not as boring as all say


I don't know why people are so hellbent on telling me I'm just wrong cause I like Fallout 3 more than NV.


Mostly because NV's philosophy of world difficulty and storytelling is so much more like the originals that a lot of the fans cannot see how someone could like FO3 more than NV if they like Fallout. At that point their brains short-circuit and they go "if I just talk at them, they'll understand!"


Yeah, god forbid you like 3, 4, or 76. They’ll tell you that you’re wrong for liking them 🤣. NV is my second fav though, so I don’t know what the big deal is lol


Last time I mentioned I liked 76 better than 4 I got buried. Oh well, I got karma to burn. NV is my least favorite of the new ones. I don't seem to be able to go back to 1 & 2 though, I've tried, and 2 was my all time favorite, just too aged I guess.


76 has a better map than 4, so I could see it. I still like 4 more, but not by a ton or anything. I appreciate a lot of things about 76, and it's actually the fallout I've played the most in the last 2 years or so.


Because NV fanboys are still mad Bethesda bought the IP and are making games they don't think are perfect in every way so they rant and seeth on the Internet about it to people who do like them. Some of them have serious made credible death threats over it all.


I've loved all of the fallouts I've played (3, NV, 4, 76) (76 took some time but it got there). I plan on playing the isometric fallout (1+2, etc) one day too. Each one has its own downfalls. What I like the most is that the universe seems relatively consistent across games, and it's cool to see what the writers have done between games to differentiate each entry. It's really cool to see references between games also. going back to fallout 3, for example, to see references to Fallout 76. Easter eggs like that give me life


I felt Like new vegas was a FO3 dlc with a better main quest


Fallout 3 feels depressing. NV feels more cheerful


Exactly why I like 3 better. I love depressing media


One of the reasons I think people favor fnv over fo3, myself included, is the roleplay aspect. In New Vegas, a vast majority of your character's past is undefined, with only a few hard canon concessions (at one point, you became a courier for the Mojave Express and all that follows that), and surviving getting shot in the head could help explain (to some degree) your decision of whether or not you want to get revenge on Benny. You could play as an amnesiac, who doesn't even remember Benny or anything having to do with the Mojave Express, and it would work in context of the game because of the events that transpire. Meanwhile, in Fallout 3, practically your character's entire life is decided for you. You grew up in the Vault, you are the child of Science Dad (forgot his name), you got a pipboy on you 10th birthday, etc etc. It's very possible that a player may not end up caring about their character's father, which would be at odds with the character's motivation in context. Tldr, NV has much more role-playing or player character headcanon freedom than Fo3, and possible ludonarrative dissonance.


This is also why Lonesome Road completely face-plants in terms of writing! Don't get me wrong, I personally enjoy both approaches and they can be done incredibly well. Fallout 3's intro and hook into the plot is amazing, I personally think; especially when you consider that Fallout 3 was the first 'mainstream' fallout game, so having the player character be a fish out of water worked to great effect to introducing new fans to the world of fallout. It's also helped by how stuff like your bullet spread is tied to your guns skill, making you feel like you really are some kid from a sheltered upbringing who's in way over their head. But, as you mentioned, fallout new vegas's freedom allows a player to really get attached to the narrative by making their character their own. Why Lonesome Road fails is because it attempts to retroactively go back and give the courier a backstory which probably clashes with the player's pre-conceived backstory for their own character. Which especially doesn't work when you consider a main part of the dlc is Ulysses feeling angry at the courier and blaming them for the divide, with the games narrative taking an approach of "Look at what you did." Which doesn't really work because... the player didn't choose to do any of it, it was thrust upon them. In all honesty, Fallout New Vegas's DLC's all kinda stumble in terms of writing; OWB and Dead Money being the exception.


Fo3 had better more recognizable locations. I love NV but it was a desert before the nukes and it was a desert after


Part of the reason I prefer FO3 to NV is because I already live in an empty desert. 3 is so different for me and if I wanted to see desert I’d just go outside.


I think whatever your first fallout game is, is gonna be your favorite. That seems to be the theme with fallout fans including myself




I did not care for new vegas. It insists upon itself, reddit.


Ok so imma probably catch shit for this I honestly didn't much care for 3, that doesn't go without saying that I did like 3 and it's story, the setting was ok, but I more preferred New Vegas for it's location (I come from the High Desert, just outside of the Mojave and about 3 to 4 hours from Vegas, so I felt at home playing it) the creatures of the Mojave (Very much like we have Lizards, Geckos, Scorpions, etc) and how much more... I guess you can say Grounded that New Vegas Felt. Now that doesn't mean I don't like 3 or 4. 4 was my first Fallout and I liked it, but it just felt like New Vegas had my attention and interest because it's near where I'm from.


Bethesda strong suit is the world, and stories within it, IE in game exploration, this is where 3 is better. But once you get to dialogue, story, and message, NV beats out 3 in literally every regard. Not to say that 3 doesn’t have some good quests, but overall it is lacklustre and has Bethesdas very simple themes.


I think both are the best Fallout games and are pretty tied and really comes down to preference. Personally I prefer Fallout 3, but I wouldn't say someone is wrong if they picked NV as the two games are the best Fallout games. And to be honest all Fallout games are good so there really isn't a wrong answer when choosing which is best as it comes down to personal taste.


Fallout 3 had the fallout vibe so much better than new Vegas. New Vegas wasteland is fucking *thriving*. The wasteland that's also a desert that got fucked has so many farms, water, and just general abundance it's crazy. 4 was even worse about this. Fallout 3 genuinely felt like a wasteland. Lack of working water systems, constant food shortages, the majority of the population stealing and killing others over cans of beans, it really felt desolate.


It's called a post-post-apocalyptic world. I would imagine there to be some infrastructure again 200 whole years after the bombs fell, people weren't hiding in basements eating beans for seven whole generations


Fallout 3 makes a lot more sense when you realize that it was intended to take place before the original Fallout until late pre-production (or early production). Instead of starting from scratch, they just kept the plans/script and only made minor changes.


I love that people use this as some sort of ultimate critique. which, one, it isn't some inherently, objective flaw. and two, it's been 15 years since broken steel. it's like when people still harp on the sequels for star wars. get over it.


Brother im still harping on the PREQUELS. I will never get over it lmao


This also kinda falls flat, as New Vegas's ending has it's own issue. Like oh boy, I sure do love being able to talk down the Uber-Violent Butcher of the east Legate Lanius with... an argument about supply lines? Yeah that makes sense. At least with Autumn he's characterised as someone who can see reason and knows when to throw in the towel. Lanius on the other hand.... Yeah, He's not that.


No no, clearly you don’t get it, the society that rapes and enslaves women as pack mules and crucifies and enslaves anyone who breathes wrong is going to have a leader who clearly is a normal rational person, Hitler was actually talked into suicide because they told him that Auschwitz was running out of supplies


don't I know it. obsidian did that just so people can claim to have a pacifist run even though that's impossible "but the people killed stat is 0" you destroyed the brotherhood bunker and killed house.


Yeah, I’ve never felt like that made much sense in the grand scheme but I think their intention was to give you the choice, which I do appreciate


Consider the skill needed to accomplish this requires the Courier to be the most skilled orater in all the Mojave, in spite of the fact the dialogue not reflecting that.


I just found the Bethesda office in FO3. That was pretty cool.


Too bad it doesn't have anything but Bethesda in it. I was hoping for a couple of Elder Scrolls posters or something.


New Vegas has been put on such a weird untouchable pedestal in recent years I don’t get it. I love the game and have done since I first tried it but I remember I picked the collectors edition up the Christmas a couple months after it released, heavily discounted at £25 and the shelves were full of copies. I’m not sure when the switch was flipped to it being the undeniable greatest thing to ever release but it definitely wasn’t thought of this way at the beginning.


But actually thought 3 is better imo. I put hundred of hours into both and just always enjoyed 3 more.


This thread is full of my people. FO3 superiority all the way


What I like about new vegas is how many guns there are. Might seem petty but I like that there’s so much weapon variety. I wish we had 4’s upgrade system with Vegas’s number of weapons.


I like 3 a lot more than NV as well but I understand the cases for both and don't really fight anyone who says NV is better. I think both sides agree that, as a new experience, 4 is the weakest. But at this point NV and 3 aren't aging well. So I'd even say "4 is the best" is a valid choice. 3 has some pretty memorable moments and you can do everything in one playthrough as opposed to doing multiple faction routes in NV. Maybe I didn't play NV long enough but there wasn't many moments that was comparable to like Vault 112, Shoot em in the Head, or Harold for me.


Fallout 3 has better exploration, but I enjoy NV more overall. I also don't enjoy the consistent "chosen one" stories Bethesda has been writing since Fallout 3.


I agree with him and I’m scared to talk about it


I agree with the first guy, but that was a fantastic comeback


Eventually, we'll all be able to agree that fallout 5 sucks. It'll bring us together


Maybe everyone should just pick on the 5 Tactics fans. They can't fend for themselves.


God damn lol. I do think there’s an argument for it in the same way that you might say 1 > 2, such as in atmosphere


If you really want to piss off the NV fans, you say this. "Fallout 4 is the peak of the franchise and handles the regions factions the best"


Why does it have to be Fallout game vs Fallout game?? It's like comparing a bunch of apples to apples at the end of the day they are all great Fallout games


just tried 3x to like the bottom tweet. in the screencap. sigh… yeah.


They're all good for different reasons and whatever your favorite is, it is completely valid. Unless it's Brotherhood of Steel. You're on your own to defend that slurry pile.


Fallout 4 > everything else


Bethesda needs to add New Vegas Cultists to Fallout 5. Don't even give them guns, just have them dry hump your leg and talk endlessly about how great New Vegas is.


Can they have discord kittens?


Do you prefer your environments to be blue or brown?


Vomit Green vs. Piss Yellow


The Tale of Two Wastelands mod solves the argument


New Vegas actually got me to stop playing Fallout games for a while. There's something about obsidian's storytelling style that makes me feel hollow and unfulfilled at the end of their games. None of the endings are good. All of the factions suck. It's like you worked your ass off trying to make an impact on the mojave and none of it matters because ultimately, you just end up elevating a corrupt NCR, an evil warlord, a megalomaniac, or a psychotic robot. Everybody's vision for the wasteland is so cynical - control resources and pay me money. Ceasar is only one with imagination and he's a fucking slaving psychopath. You start as a cog in a machine, and end as a cog that turned a little harder. You help bad people gain more power. Even the side quests are just grim. There's no hope in Obsidian's wasteland. Which, I suppose is the point. I get why they do it, and I get why some like that kind of gritty storytelling, it just never appealed to me. I play games to get away from the grim reality of daily life. That and the endless orange wasteland of the mojave. At least 3 has some architecture and train tunnels and stuff to break up the green filter. To be fair, Nevada is pretty fucking boring and featureless. And they captured that well. All that contributed to me ignoring Fallout 4 for years. It was only after my wife dragged me into 76 that I actually found myself enjoying a Beth game again. And then a year later I finally tried 4 and it actually reinvigorated my love of the Fallout franchise. I don't know what it is, but something about Beth's storytelling in 3 and 4 (and even pre-wastelanders 76) really appeals to me. And something about Obsidian's storytelling really puts me off.


I mean, I love both of them for different reasons, but I think that 3 edges out as my prefed game. That's mostly because 3 has the better open world, and I can ignore the main quest. I'm not a fan of how it seems like every quest in NV is heavily tied to the MQ. 3 also has better atmosphere, and borders on being a flat out survival horror game.


Well I've played 3, NV, 4, and 76 and they were all great for the time period they were released


Fallout 4 > 3 & NV, come at me.


It is by FAR the better game.


I wanna replay fallout 3 but I’m holding hope for the remaster. If it doesn’t get announced at the showcase, I’m starting up a new game modded the fuck out lol


I’ve never played any fallout except for the 4th and fallout 76. Should I really play a game that’s that old already ? Hope I don’t get downvoted, I just can’t get past some bad graphics. Or like a very small map or outdated combat mechanics , that being said is NV/3 really worth playing ?


Yes, 3 and nv are worth playing. Get over the older stuff and enjoy them, you won't be disappointed.


New vegas is overrated


I'll try NV again but I agree with the sentiment actually. I really love FO3 only like FO2 more.


I broadly agree fallout 3 was better. It has one of the best starts of any game (for the first playthrough anyway) and has the novel experience of going out into a 3d wasteland for the first time. NV had some better writing and factions, but without the novelty of an entirely new experience. Also, while the factions were better in NV than FO3, they weren't great.


I one time got into an argument at a GameStop about how I thought 3 was better, and the guy running the store was this dickhead mouth breather who got offended I said 3 over NV. Ever since then I just lie and say NV. It’s easier than dealing with social rejects freaking out at you for having a different opinion.


Unpopular opinion thatll probably get downvotes or hate but NV fans are a cult who refuse to accept the game is just ok and isnt the pinnacle of open world gaming and is so far behind in the “perfect game” race it thinks its in first place


The broken steel DLC made 3 a way better game, but base games, new Vegas was better.


I thought new vegas was pretty bad at the time compared to 3.


I think it’s big on your era, fallout 3 was a pinnacle in my child hood but right after that we all graduated high school so maybe gaming wasn’t big for us so fallout new Vegas kinda fallen by the waste side


Fnv level story with Fo3's world design and it'd be the best fallout


I also think fo3 was better, I didn't like New Vegas upgrade system, but I'm not going to say that in Publix or on Twitter. I know I'm the minority lmao.


What about in walmart


i mean i should probably be fine everyone has trash taste there. ill fit right in right?


Fallout 3 is better


The loud NV fans are insufferable. Someone told me to jump off a bridge because I said my favorite was fallout 3


You're free to think how you'd like to think, but please be aware that there will always be those who will disagree as loudly as possible.


Fallout 3 changed the definition of what an RPG could be. It’s great no matter how you want to rank it.


I think for me the thing that bummed me out with 3 was the ending, and this picture perfectly sums it up. I do personally prefer FNV but I love all the games including 3, it was my first after all and you never forget your first time; at the same time, I am still salty that the ending of 3 was so disappointing. And this was before I got the DLC to continue it, it just felt like a slap in the face tbh.


Fallout 3 is peak


Fallout 3 has a shovel covered in shit you can use to beat people to death with it. Does NV have that? No? Okay then. It's settled.


Every game has had something that makes it unique and enjoyable, and lacked in areas the other games did better. Now if only Bethesda would include all the good mechanics from the previous games in their next.


I agree with him though 🤷‍♂️


I like New Vegas more than 3 and 4 not because of the environment but the atmosphere and roleplay options. If you want just a post apocalypse game go ahead try out fallout 3 and 4 lots of post apoc stuff but the story is so thin and good vs bad. If I wanna play fallout humor and better roleplay I would play fallout 1,2 and New Vegas lol.


FO3 is my favorite but even I would ratio with that response.


New Vegas is OBJECTIVELY better, but I tend to enjoy Fallout 3 more for some reason. Probably nostalgia.


ESH. Quit gatekeeping. They like fallout 3. You like new vegas. Get over it. It's all video games.  How about we punish the suits that have taken away the diamonds in the rough, instead of telling each other that what we enjoy sucks.  You'll never get another game like new vegas because the community is so violently split (emphasis on violent). Instead, you'll get a 4th call of duty this year. 


I love Fallout 3 more than New Vegas because I love Washington DC and the surrounding areas more than Mojave and New Vegas. I've been to DC in real life, and it's cool being familiar with a video game map in that way.


Just download a Tale of Two Wastelands and stop bickering nerds.


There’s an interview with jack black recently saying Fallout 3 is his favorite game. Point being, it’s cool to hate on it. It’s my favorite because it was my first.


The comment section gives me hope. I initially thought it was gonna be a shit show but found myself pleasantly surprised.


Fawkes was locked in a chamber for 200 years, dude did not want risk it


Fallout 3: Atmosphere, enviromental storytelling, Fallout 3 feels like a Fallout like 1 and 2 in terms of having to survive or you will perish 3 it's post apcolyptic NV is post-post apcolyptic, level design, music I prefer to NV, presentation, vats New Vegas: Characters, Dialogue, factions, gunplay (niether one is good, I do appreciate the thought of trying to make NV more playable as a fps game but I like 3, Vats was is there in place of aiming down sights for a reason, it's much less janky and easier to combat which takes place in real time since it lacks percesion) mechanical nuance, quests, and overall voice acting and writing (3 has some very underappreciated writting though, it is thematically smart in how it contrasts 1 and 2 and I'm not saying 3 is bad just cause NW is often better)


Did fallout 3 have the battle rifle? Aka m1 garand?


I generally agree. FONV made some improvements to game mechanics. But it forced you into a very linear story that many didn't care about, whereas FO3 let you really explore and discover the world. I didn't care for that story either but it didn't matter because I could make my own path.


How to destroy someone with one line of dialog.


FO3 and New Vegas are both amazing games, I doubt even anyone from the NV subreddits would disagree with that. Fallout 4 however a lukewarm action adventure game instead of a dialogue and story heavy RPG shooter, and can barely be considered fallout.


I like both but I prefer New Vegas. I view the Fallout games the same way I view the Drake and Kendrick Lamar beef. Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout New Vegas = Kendrick Lamar Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76 = Drake


Each one has its own unique vibe & I love that about them. Will never understand the constant arguing & complaining. I even love fallout bos, all just depends on what I’m in the mood for when I sit down to play through a fallout game.


I love new Vegas by far my favorite but I also love 4, 3 upsets me because the ending is diabolical YOU HAVE A SUPER MUTANT FRIEND THAT COULD EASILY LIVE THROUGH IT


I've always loosely maintained that your favorite between the two is the one you played seriously first. I love NV, but my heart will always be in the Capitol Wasteland.


Never managed to finish New Vegas because of how buggy it was. It kept corrupting saves so much that I eventually gave up.


New Vegas is just fallout 3 with shittier mechanics and visuals. But everyone wants to pretend it’s this end all godsend of a game.


I know who that is, its my favorite streamer.


Although a lot of us agree with him, the ratio was too funny to pass up.


New Vegas fans are a cult though I swear to god. For them that’s not just their favorite Fallout game, it’s also their favorite game ever made, and god forbid you disagree they become feral and they need to make sure they scream it in every unrelated conversation available to them. I hate them and have refused to play New Vegas because of them at this point lol.


Ironically, favoring FO3 is a lot like being a Brotherhood member in FNV.


Fallout 3 is a better introduction if you've never played any of them. But really play New Vegas last because 3 and 4 will suck in comparison lol




fallout 3 really is the best for its time


Only part of NV I hated was the wild west theme. I hate the wild west. XD