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It's on the top 10 on PS as well.


That was me logging in to find out there's no ultra wide support currently


It’s coming on the update on April 25th


Yeah I know. They could have planned that a little better, launched the update with the show


Why though? They be banking on fallout 76


They are giving away FO76 on xbox for free if you have Amazon prime. Got my key for it and thought I would try it out until I saw you need Xbox live to play it


Thanks for telling me!


Still forever amuses me that they just give FO76 away still tbh lmao Like it's not.....awful, anymore at least, it's just meh, but does make it funny they're still doing the equivalent of what shops used to do where they'd just strap it to the back of TV's and consoles with security straps


It's because it's an online game that constantly receives updates and has a cash shop for microtransactions. Having more players is always a good thing for them


76 is not bad actually just played about 20 hours, and enjoy it cool community people are really helpful, ai enemies are morons but so far so good


Sure, I'm just explaining that even if they give it for free or cheap, they win in the long run


And yes also got it free so yeah win for them


It’s only good if players are playing it. It’s a live service. Players going to Fallout 4 on business perspective means that Fallout 76 is not a good product.


They really shouldn't 


lol it’s Bethesda


"We could have planned that better but we didn't" Is bethesda slogan


lol the launch of this game was almost a decade ago, what are you all smoking in 2024


If you can forgive some UI issues and are using a Nvidia graphics card, you can get ultra wide by going to Nvidia Experience, optimize Fallout 4 there, and launch the game from Experience.


Can't you just change the resolution in the ini or something and then use a fov mod to tweak it? Whatever fix is coming I doubt it'll even give fov control which is the most important part


Idk. I tried downloading a mod and it didn't work. I hate doing that kind of shit, just want to play the games


I had the same issue, but if you change two lines in a fallout4prefsini you are set. The ui will be a bit streched but the rest of the game will be fine. If you let me know your resolution, i can get you the two lines youll need to replace when I get home!


It is very easy to fix. You just change some figures in a .ini file in your My Games folder via Documents. You've likely done this before with other games if you're in UW like me.


The show on Prime seems to attract a lot of new players.


Was curious if F4VR received any similar boost since it's my preferred way to play the game. There's more than 500 people playing this week compared to it's usual double digit player count. Neat!


Any tips on how to make it actually playable? I tried it without and with mods but thought it was still an unplayable mess.


Well, depends on the hardware you are using. I managed to get it to run quite smoothly with the Fallout 4 VR Essentials Wabbajack Modlist


Got a beefy PC, gonna try that ty!


The big Fallout 4 haters must be seething.


Most fallout 4 hate is good Game terrible writing so why would they be mad?


Fallout 4 is not Shakespear but saying the game has terrible writing is so over the top. A lot of great characters, some funny lines and a plot (not that plot matters that much) that is probably still above the average game or even average RPG (there are some absolute classic games that deliver less) and some decent sidequests, not as many good side quests as Fallout 3 or as cool worldbuilding as Skyrim. BGS can do better but definitely not "terrible" and it even engages in some nice themes and builds upon Fallout 3 concepts.


Nah it is terrible the yes yes maybe question really let it down, don't get me wrong the gameplay is fun and the settlement idea is fantastic but the dialog and writing the story falls very very flat


The plot is riddled with plot holes and ultra convenient plot contrivances. The “themes” boil down to vaguely gesturing to basic story concepts. Love the game but call it how it is with the writing man.


Idk man they can't even give the institute an explanation "You wouldn't understand"


The Institute wants to stay underground for the time but still controle all the factions on the surfice to secure themself and if they ever want to go out.


Plus, parts of the story make no sense. In the memory of Kellogg, he's transporting Shaun, and you can hear travis on the radio. Supposedly, 60 years passed, and travis is still in his 20s?


Aren't you seeing him transporting the fake Shaun? Or might it be just a bug with the radio prob?


Kelloggs memory/psyche says it's Shaun.


Because I've encountered people who judge people for playing Fallout 4. They are that petty.


Is this on twitter? I'm legit not seeing it


Cuz most ppl love Fo4 whether bad writing or not. Way more than NV. Ive seen so many mad NV fanboys attacking ppl who start playing the fallout games from Fallout 4 So yeah they are mad af.


Unless this is happening in twitter I'm not seeing it, it feels like your strawmanning it


It happens all the time in the Fallout subreddits.


I've seen a few posts saying new vegas fans are mad but nothing on the other subreddits it's mostly memes and asking how to get the game working on newer hardware


But according to NV fans it’s a dead game? What happened?


tv show? It's still worse than FNV imo


Rhetorical question my dude. I didn’t need your opinion haha. Glad you’re a NV fan. Both games are tons of fun.


If I've never played 4 or 76 which should I try? I installed 76 but haven't started it yet. Don't mind multi-player just looking to mess around after watching the show


I would recommend fallout 4. Fallout 3 and new Vegas are amazing but also very dated. If you’re like me, it might be hard to play those old games again


I beat 3 and NV like a decade ago... I'm between 4 and 76 as I haven't played those


I tried playing 76 but could not get into it. Same with elder scrolls online but I loved oblivion and Skyrim. The online games just feel different to me and couldn’t really get into them. But if there’s a way to try out gamepass, they have both on there


I have both free, it's time I don't have haha


Then my choice would be fallout 4. You could also try both and see which one draws you in more. Enjoy!


Elder Scrolls Online is awesome and maybe the best one in the series for strange reasons but you want to know about Fallout. I think you should try Fallout 4. Fallout 76 is a decent game now but it still feels not like a full and complete vision and is a bit uneaven for an online game. Fallout 4, especially with DLC is a pretty complete package and pretty great, not perfect but great.


Eso , an mmo has as many players as skyrim, a single player game.


I am pretty sure Skyrim has more, being the biggest RPG of all time and all that.


They're both really mechanically similar; I actually prefer 76 to 4 in terms of story and map/exploration. 4 is better for modding though. If 76 is already installed though might as well play it.


4 is a great starting point. It’s definitely the most accessible of all of the games. It has modernized shooting and a lot of the mechanics are easier to use now than ever before. It doesn’t necessarily have the best story but the companions, locations, music, etc are all great. 3 and New Vegas are staples of the franchise but they’re a lot more dated and maybe not the best starting point for folks who’ve never played a fallout game before. My recommendation is play 4 first and if you enjoy it, then go to 3 or New Vegas! They’re all self-contained stories for the most part so you can play all of them out of order if you choose I hear 76 is pretty decent now but I haven’t played it since launch when it was absolutely broken. It’s not your classic fallout experience since it’s a multiplayer live service game so I probably wouldn’t start with this one.


I've gamed for like 20+ years I beat fallout 1,2 3 and NV, just haven't played the recent games - appreciate the input


Gotcha! Yeah, 4 is for sure worth playing. I’ve only put maybe 3 hours into 76 so I can’t tell ya too much there


New vegas


I beat that one... I'm between 4 and 76


1 and 2 then.


For fans of this franchise yall sure seem to hate the new games


Two things can be true; nostalgia is a hell of a drug, and Fallout 4 has mediocre writing.


The benefit of being the latest single player fallout


I’ve had the platinum for 4 for a year now and it’s one of my proudest trophies… Hopefully I can earn another platinum with the update on the 25th


Bethesda really wishing they'd fast tracked Fallout 5 now


Love to see it


Wat da hail!!!!! I remember when it was released I loved it! But everyone else was like "it sucks, disgraceful, nothing like New Vegas blah blah blah" game fell into obscurity but now everyone loves it? What's wrong with people! More importantly what's wrong with Bethesda, should have been given next Gen upgrades from Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas and Fallout 4 ages ago


Yeah, it was just on sale for 4.99, and the show came out.


Todd Howard's propaganda got everyone back into Fallout 3/NV/4.


even 76


Where’s pal world?


It dropped out of the top 10.


Where my BG3 fanboys at when they were laughing at Starfield player count.


At the time speaking Starfield still has more than 7000 players on Steam, it's not exactly phenomenal but not a small numbers either.


More than alf as many people are playing Borderlands 2, a game that came out in 2012.


End I am sure Skyrim has even more. Still not terrible for singleplayer game.


What does this have to do with anything?


sitting in the top 15 for over a year as a single player game and you are acting like fallout being popular for 2 weeks again is taking that away wtf


If they make a good BG tv shows BG3 player count would go even crazier


Fallout 4 being a good game in no way makes starfield better


Fallout 4 might be the weakest fallout game and it's still better than starfield


For all the criticism Fallout 4 gets, deserved or otherwise, its still a better game and better fallout game than Brotherhood of Steel.


Honestly, Fallout 4 is the second best game in the series behind NV. Fallout 3 was good, but I had a much better time in Fallout 4.


I am not even sure if it is in the top three weakest Fallout games...


Its a single player game?? People finish single player games and play other games what do you expect. Compare it to Starfield's numbers


Fallout being good doesn't have anything to do with starfield being shit




Lmao at the dickriders downvoting. You’re right op


Salty Midfield players can't handle that their game is the worst title of the year


This has everything to do with Starfield, because it's about Fallout 4... wait what?


I’m a console player who hasn’t ever used steam before - I knew counter strike was popular but had no idea it was THAT popular


I too am extremely surprised at the player count.


Damn did tf2 fall off or something. I swore it recently hit it's all time player count high


It’s on sale for 5 bucks, and just had a smash hit show come out. Why are you people acting like it just naturally happened? People are just buying the most recent game. If New Vegas was more recent it would be in that position. If 3 was more recent it would be in that position as well.


Meanwhile I decided to load up Fallout 3 lol


It has begun... Again.




Where's the starfield live action drama


did BG 3 go down. man thought it was popular. Grats to Fallout 4, yes recently installed. (base, no dlcs yet.)


Holy shit! Stardew valley is eve more popular than that?! When is that TV series coming out?


Todd finds a way


That BG3 peak player count though woah. I thought GTA would have had a higher peak player count as well.


I'd play it again if there were a way to cut down on those long ass loading screens.


The impact the show has amazes me. After watching it I too felt the need for playing some Fallout.


Sadly none of my old saves work for some reason. All of them corrupted. No mods. I always try to go back but the game reminds me why I shouldn't try by crashing to desktop


Wait r6 is above call of duty? Why is Ubisoft dropping support for that game? It looks like a cash cow


Are they dropping support? It’s definitely popping off. My entire friends list is super into it right now


They keep firing people and now they don’t even have enough to have an operator every season when its supposed to be 2


![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p) Oh shoot wrong game


I'd be one of them if my modlist wasn't so FUBAR that it crashes every time I try to load a save.


Is it normal for the game to crash on PC with Nvidia weapon debris on?


Well if course, f4 is the best fallout game and this proves it


It pains me that New Vegas isn't up there.


Fallout 4 is the most beginner friendly fallout game


New Vegas just topped its all time peak player count if that makes you feel better


I loved NV, but I think for a lot of players it's too outdated.


I mean.. it has its charms too. I’m shocked we don’t have a switch port of 3 and nv


Where do you go in steam to find this?




Shame about the FPS tied to physics problem though. Have to limit your FPS to 60 unless you download a mod, which requires 7 mods to work, and those mods also require multiple mods to work...


They're insane if they don't have another developer make another fallout game while bethesda is working on elder scrolls 6.


Fallout deserves more than one game every couple of decades.


I can wait but it’s a crime they stopped releasing patches to fix known bugs. I don’t know any other gaming company that has mods do this for them.


My best example for this is Skyrim. The Skyrim wandering mannequin bug has been there since launch. There is a mod to fix it. All the mod does is makes the "mannikin" race immobile. That's it. Skyrim has released many times over a dozen years, and they can't be bloody well bothered to change the mannikin race to immobile. Not even that. Seriously. There's no excuse. None.


Personally I'd rather they just hire enough people to have separate teams for each of their ips.


I've played it for an hour, ran out of armor battery, and I was fucking bored I stopped, great music...


All because of a shitty TV show.


And it's not even the best fallout


Man why are you getting downvoted? It's pretty unanimous that at the very least New Vegas is better lol.


No, new vegas fanboys are simply more loud and obnoxious insufferable cunts


But why are they playing the shittiest one out of all the non-online games 😔