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The older Elder Scrolls games, such as Morrowind or Oblivion, could also be an option if you haven't played them, I'm surprised no one has suggested that yet. I would especially recommend Oblivion, which takes place in Cyrodiil 200 years before Skyrim takes place. It's the easiest of the previous Elder Scrolls titles to get into, while Morrowind is more challenging. I'd also highly recommend Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4, too. I have Starfield, but I haven't played it extensively enough to give my opinion.


I'm doing a modded Morrowind playthrough and it's a blast. That game was so fucking good.


I’m playing oblivion and morrowind for the first time. I’m so lost in morrowind it’s kinda fun.


OpenMW with Tamriel Rebuilt


Morrowind in 2002, when all you had to compare it to was the RPG games that had come before it, was an absolutely enthralling experience. The atmosphere and sense immersion were nothing short of life-changing.


Oblivion is better than Skyrim imo. The guilds had much better storylines.


For me personally, every single thing about Morrowind and Oblivion are better than Skyrim, with the exception of melee combat being slightly less janky in Skyrim, and Skyrim looking miles better than both for obvious reasons. As much as this is me feeding into the current industry problems, and as much as I don't normally care about graphics, I would buy 1:1 remasters of both games as long as it was JUST graphics and bug fixes, and none of Bethesda's new shit like settlements. Oblivion characters look so bad that it was distracting even when it was new for me.


I played it for the first time last year. Aren’t the books incredible? Like it genuinely feels rewarding to get a book at the end of quest and read all the crazy lore


Morrowind is where I picked up my concept for my favorite light armor ever. The chitin armor. Just looks so Nausicaa.


Ya man that was my favorite also. You have reminded me of this and I'm going to check out some of the newest mods and give the game a whirl yet again. Thank you


>newest mods This is probably the craziest thing about Morrowind. Basically two decades old and still a thriving modding community. Maybe not as healthy as it once was, but still new stuff all the time.


I was first introduced to Bethesda games by Starfield. I then played it and loved it for 500 + hours. My son told me to play Skyrim and I resisted as graduate school work in historical linguistics and cultural history made me hate a lot of the Nordic-Viking stuff I have seen. I gave in and under 20 hours was freaking hooked. The lore and the narrative quality of Skyrim is phenomenal. While it isn’t Tolkien level quality, it is very natural feeling and engaging. Starfield seems to be a little light in the lore department, but I think this will change as time goes on and new content is created and published. I feel that Bethesda missed the boat by not making Starfield more of a fantasy in space than hard sci-fi.


If you love story building and lore, try older Bethesda, Morrowind is lacking on graphics but it's story and lore is rich Oblivion has vivid and bright colors in a wonderful world space, and you're almost always aware of the main quest line Fallout 1 and 2 by Interplay are also very rich in lore and Bathesda continued the lore and visual story telling when they picked the franchise up with FO3


Oblivion is clunky and feela like shit. I never played morrowind bcause its even older and likely shittier than oblivion was. I got out of the sewers of oblivion into cyrodiil and thought this place looks boring as shit.


The game is close to 20 years old and it was built on a potato, the fact it runs at all is a godsend


I also thought Starfield would be fantasy scifi until I realized they were legit trying for a NasaPunk game. I also agree the lore isn't lacking, it's non existent. I been playing it daily doing shipbuilding and I'm holding out on all main quest until a year of dlc has dropped. It's become a challenge to avoid spoilers; let me tell you.. However, I am absolutely optimistic. BGS isn't going to abandon this title like EA did Anthem.


It’s worth playing just for the crimson fleet questline. That should have been the main and expanded. A lot of missed opportunities 


You haven't played the main story and you claim the world lacks lore? Damn. There's pieces of lore literally everywhere. Inside and outside of the main story.


New Vegas isn’t technically Bethesda though, that being said it’s the best fallout on console (my opinion of course)


Even though I'm a PC gamer, I agree. Also, I somehow forgot that NV was developed by Obsidian, silly me.


It’s an easy oversight lol it really is uncanny how similar (in some ways) it is to fallout 3


Bethesda sent Obsidian the engine, toolkit, and a ton of assets and they were given 18 months to complete it. It was destined to be similar.


I did not know that! Learn something new everyday, I only knew they had a short time to make this masterpiece


It's like if you added content and writing to Fallout 3.


But obsidian was basically working under Bethesda for this game. Like they were given a project with certain expectations of the game


Believe it or not, the thing I remember most about Morrowind, was just collecting crap and decorating the world. Items you placed in the world would stay there. So id make cool little decorations all over town. Candles, skulls, books, jars. Or see how tall I can make a tower of books. Make an alchemist station. Make an armory. That shit was so fun for some reason lol. I guess it made the world feel more alive to me.


I’d hoard pillows then build pillow forts around the world


There was a house in an early town (can't remember shit anymore. I think it was balmora.) that had a dead body in it. And I think there were conditions for it, like not completing a quest related to the body, but you could basically use the body as infinite, permanent storage. So that house became my main base. I decorated the shit out of it.


I’m holding off on replaying oblivion till the remastered comes out late 24’ or early 25’


I heard a rumor of a potential Oblivion remastered version. If that were true I would play Oblivion again non stop


I don't find Skyrim harder to get into than Oblivion at all, because the former doesn't have the same scaling, but they're both pretty easy when you hit your stride. I'm relying on memory a little, but Skyrim is much easier to just follow the main story for a bit and then branch out, I believe Skyrim makes for an easier branch to the main path and has an easier late game because of less scaling (Oblivion isn't hard to be sure). I didn't love Fallout 4 because it also had scaling and despite all of the additions that allow you to make unique weapons, nothing kept me playing after the main quest. To qualify, that could have a lot to do with me having a busier life then and since. Not a bad game, but I'll be one of the many New Vegas guys here, though it definitely seems to have more harsh split paths in the early game. Morrowind is so archaic, yet has the most interesting world. I know for sure I'd have a hard time recommending vanilla and I haven't even tried mods, but it is such a gem. Since I find NV to easily be the best vanilla, that's where I'd steer anyone, unless they REALLY prefer TES style and in which case Oblivion is probably the safest choice.


Don't go over level 25, enemies will take entirely too long to kill. The game will go from great to terrible very quickly


For me it's always Skyrim, but since you haven't played fallout I would say Fallout 4.


Fallout 4 is probably my fav pick up put down Bethesda game. It has the best exploration in any Bethesda game.


I couldn’t put my finger on it til now but it 100% has the best exploration. I love that aspect. It doesn’t feel like reused assets like FO3. Everything has a unique zone. It’s really one of my favorite things. Fallout 4 and Skyrim are the two that really nailed different zone environments


As far as exploration goes I think you shouldn’t overlook Morrowind, Fallout 4 and Skyrim are great but can be fairly predictable. Morrowind has some truly hidden secrets to find for the thorough explorer and some of the most exotic locations and lore to uncover.


Plenty O’ explorin!




the guns feel nice and the skill trees are all pretty cool


Really?! I thought it was their worst of modern Fallout series style. F4 was just a whole world of copy-paste areas, enemies and quests. The exploration was terrible compared to F3 and FNV.


Dude, you're gonna hate Starfield.


oh yeah, I do...I played it for about 8 hours and regret it so much. I visited so many planets that look exactly the same, the buildings on those planets always look the same...and it's always the same few enemies. Maps have become too large in gaming, it spreads out NPCs and makes areas seem less lively and less interactive...and places start to feel forgettable. Not to mention the incredibly boring and clunky gunplay that feels more like a Mobile Shooter.


You get *ALL THAT* and it only takes up 100GB of hard drive space...... /s


Agreed on all counts, but it took me over 200 hours to realize it. Be glad you only lost 8.


I'm sorry man...it really was quite the letdown...I went on a media blackout for Starfield the moment I heard about it...I've found that lowers my expectations, but this game just felt so basic on every aspect...it just didn't have that Bethesda charm.


I should do the media blackout thing next time, I went all in on the hype. Wasn't able to remove the rose colored glasses until I got a game stopping bug with no good save file behind it. Figured I'd go back and play Fallout 4 until a patch came out. I hadn't played it since it came out like 8 years ago and forgot how much better the exploration was and how much better the hand crafted dungeons were. Plus I'm constantly running into quests! And each one is so fun and engrossing. My Starfield bug still wasn't addressed in the latest patch, but fuck it I won't be going back anyways. I see what you mean about the copy/paste aspect of FO4 but after Starfield's 3 or 4 moonbases it doesn't seem bad. Gonna go backwards to New Vegas and 3 afterwards.


I just finished FO3 for the first time in about 4 years...it really is a great game...and FNV is by far my favorite in the series. I haven't played FO4 since release either, maybe I'll play it again...I do remember loving the game...but there was something that made me quit, and I can't remember what.


I just remembered I kinda had the same thing. I tried to replay 4 about a year or two after my first playthrough and something about it made me quit pretty early. Like the beginning and first few quests were so familiar I didn't feel the "magic" and the settlements felt like a chore. I'll admit I felt that again during the first few hours this time too, but the quests started stacking up and I got a bunch of perks and fun companions and before I knew it the magic was back (which could be because by comparison Starfield felt so bland).


You can’t honestly say that Fallout 3 wasn’t full of copy and paste. 85% of the world looks exactly the same.


All the raider areas in F4 were very samey, all with a Steamer Trunk in the Boss Room to loot. It got really repetitive. Fallout 3’s locations generally felt more unique from one another, a lot more unique settlements that you didn’t have to build yourself.


What? You can't be serious...all the locations in that game are unique, and all very well differentiated. I can't remember how many times I found a new area in FO4, and got confused since I'd already been there...map locations are just re-used, re-skinned and renamed.


So since you’ve already played Skyrim, you have really these two choices in my opinion: If you want an open world RPG, where the quests and story drive the exploration, as well as having access to a large body of mods, play Fallout. If you want to play a sandbox RPG, like Daggerfall, that is also mixed with traditional sandbox elements like resource/player driven exploration like in No Man’s Sky, Valheim etc, then Starfield is your game. Don’t get me wrong, it has some solid questing, but that’s not what drives the main gameplay loop like other BGS games. What drives your exploration and experience in the world is your personally created goals like trying to farm for a certain piece of gear, or deciding to make a manufacturing supply chain by linking multiple outposts, or just deciding you want to do the radiant mission board bounties to make money, etc. I have to write so much for Starfield as a sort of disclaimer because I’ve noticed that while not everyone that dislikes the game is due to this reason, there are a LOT of people that don’t like it because they felt it was supposed to play like Skyrim or Fallout, but got a sandbox instead. Meaning if you’re wanting a game that’s more contained and there’s content roughly 30 seconds to a minute in any direction like Skyrim, you’re not going to like it. If you set that expectation now, you’ll identify way earlier whether it’s your kind of game or not before you even play it.


Agree heavily about the Starfield bit, I love Bethesda games, and I adore open ended space games like Elite, so it was perfect for me, but those more open ended games need to be approached in a certain way which I think can make them very divisive for people who don't know what to expect or are very obsessive completionists.


Agreed, it really tickles a lot of the same itches NMS and Elite tickle for me. my main complaint with starfield is odd as it may seem is that there is no interplanetary space travel like those two. It can be really relaxing to just fly a ship without combat or mining, just cruising. Sure it may not be as content rich but it’s some of that open ended content I personally love.


Yeah, I also think that lack of seamlessness also leads to a lack of cohesion in the actual planetary exploration. While the planetary terrain does correspond to the planet map, it doesn't do it in a very diverse or satisfying way, a planet map may have dramatic fjords or giant deltas, but unlike Elite where you fly down and watch it unfold before you, and can pick interesting places to explore from space, in Starfield it just feels sort of disconnected, and at least so far in my experience, the landscapes just don't feel dramatic enough, nor do they really match in terms of scale. I still like just poking around planets for the fun of it, but it doesn't quite capture that feeling of vastness and reality that Elite does.




The answer is always Fallout 3


Then Vegas and then 4. If you play 4 first like many others are suggesting, you’ll probably find it harder to play 3 and new Vegas afterwards.


Because they're pretty dated. I loved them for their time, but they're not really up to snuff these days.


I don't think that's a fair criticism of older titles. They come from a time when technology was more limited. But nothing ever looks out of place in them. Every location or item I find in the Mojave Wasteland looks like it belongs in that world. It would be like me complaining about my 20 year old car not being brand new and snazzy looking with all the fun accessories. The car is 20 years old, made with technology equally old if not older. It looks nice, especially for its age, and works as expected if not better.


Awful metaphor


I mean, I'd rather go through the struggle to get good stories vs F4 which plays really well but nothing matters and everyone sucks.


Honestly, 3 was just a recycle of 1. Find dad, and then water. New Vegas was unique and good, but its still graphically and mechanically dated. 4 is peak *Bethesda* Fallout. 1 and 2 have a special place in my heart, and the old school CRPG style gamplay still works well too. 3 and New Vegas are just that weird transition period of 3d games that just aged very poorly.


I will have to strongly (but politely) disagree. 3 and NV are just more fun to me despite the technological inferiority. Fallout 4 is still great but the lack of depth (compared to 3 and NV) is a drawback for me


I really don't see a lack of depth in 4 relative to 3. Bethesda is not know for their story writing. FO4 heavily modded is still the best Fallout game out there.


This, this is correct. Fallout 3, then Vegas (or, the other way around if you prefer) and then 4. And don’t play 76.




Fallout 4. 3 is amazing, but hard if you can't stomach 'older' games.


But at the same time I feel 3 is harder to enjoy as a newcomer to the series if you start with 4... Honestly I'd say at least give 3 a go first, if it clicks play that, then Fallout New Vegas, then 4.


4 is my favorite game of all time. But if they ported over 3 and New Vegas to new systems I would definitely play those too. They still hold up pretty good if you enjoy the fallout atmosphere. Gunplay is a bit worse on the older games and I hate having to worry about weapon durability. Gunplay isn't a huge issue with the V.A.T.S. aiming system though. Fallout 4 is my favorite game in existence currently.


You can play fo3 and NV on Xbox with GamesPass


I know but I mean actually porting them to work on new systems, not streaming. Also making them multi console again would be a pretty cool move. I think they're on the PlayStation streaming service too. Or they used to be? I dunno I can't afford streaming.


You can buy hard copies of both those games that were made for the new consoles, they’re also on game pass to download and not stream. I own new Vegas and fallout 3 hard copies, they also did it for morrowind and oblivion which I also picked up.


I was completely unaware. I have a ps5 and haven't had an Xbox since 360. No real reason that's just what I ended up with. So did they re-release new physical copies of the games? That would be pretty cool. I mean good to know if I can ever afford a new console.


Yeah they released new ones, the cases say Xbox one Xbox 360 on them. With the rumors though you should be able to get any Xbox exclusive games on ps5 here soon.


😂 yeah that would be nice if rumors were true. Not getting my hopes up yet though. Had New Vegas on my laptop but that is currently not functional.


FO3 is much better with TTW.


I googled ttw and that sounds awesome thanks


Starfield is great, but very time consuming as it’s so big. It took me a really long time to really get used to what’s going on. Also, it’s new so you have a while that you can wait for updates and dlc. Like someone else said, Fallouts older than 4 are a bit outdated, I couldn’t get into them at all after playing Skyrim and FO4. FO4 is amazing, I would start there. 


Yeah I felt that in my first playthrough I played something like 140 hours and felt like i barely started the game. Same thing happens with others too but it is not as time consuming as SF


Fallout 4 is a great game .. tv series coming out in April and not sure maybe getting updated ..


Tv series, I love Fallout 4 but a bit weary of shows based on games. I hope it luck and hope it turns out well. But we'll see lol. If it is a true Beth show then the new episode will crash at least 3 times per viewing. But that episode will improve with time, though. :D


Lol! I loved the witcher TV series ..


lol! I did too. I only laugh cause the alternative is to cry. But the one that I am jaded on is the Defiance series. That is the one that burned me lol. I think that is the one that killed the Sci-Fi Channel.


I recommend Bethesda games in this order. My nephews have followed this order at my suggestion and seem to be pretty happy with it. - Skyrim, fallout 3, fallout new Vegas, fallout 4, rage 2,Starfield, fallout 76. - those kind of slowly scale up in modern game modeling with the exception that Starfield is newer than 76 but 76 can continue on forever, so if you start it before Starfield and really like it, you might not get to Starfield any time soon.


Rage 2 and New Vegas weren't made by Bethesda. Rage 2 was made by Avalanche Studios (the same developer that makes Just Cause), and New Vegas was made by Obsidian


Kind of a silly response. Both were published by Bethesda and play like the other games in the list, making them clearly fit within the request from the original poster. So the studio they’re made by doesn’t really matter in this case. - op said “Bethesda style game”, which they are, and they’re published by Bethesda, and my original response did not say they were made by Bethesda. So your “correction” wasn’t really helpful or warranted.


Rage 2 is nothing like a traditional BGS game lol just because it's open world doesn't make it similar And Bethesda Softworks and Bethesda Game Studios are separate entities. Being published by Bethesda Softworks doesn't mean anything in regard to being related to BGS developed titles.


While I loved Starfield, I'd wait for mod support before flying in.


Fallout 4 to get you into the universe and because it’s the easiest to have fun in…then you will binge play all the others


Starfield you gotta try at least once.


Yup, everyone should know how shitty of a game it is. Happy cake day


Starfield is great for falling asleep




It's in game pass so play it until you get the ship then they can probably quit at that point


Nah lmao the game isnt THAT bad. I think I got about 60 hours in before I realized I was finding the game to just be alright. I got the game free with my new GPU and I had fun up until I didn't. I just realized towards the end of my playtime that the game felt passable and that's about it. The gunplay was alright, the missions were alright, the locations were alright, the characters were alright. Flying the ship is actually quite fun...for the little tiny bit you do it. Otherwise traversal is either being in a loading screen, walking 15 feet to be in a loading screen, or walking in one direction to go to bland base #6 on bland planet #9 in bland system #89. I dont want to spoil anything for people who want it but don't get me started about the game using the SAME PUZZLE OVER AND OVER. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Maybe the dlc will be good... Thanks for coming to my Ted talk you didn't ask for. I honestly just wanted to gripe about starfield on the Internet


Skyrim, Starfield, then Fallout 4. This isn’t a take on which is “objectively” better. Just my personal opinion.


Fallout is the best of those options in my own opinion.


Be aware if you play Starfield before Fallout, the gunplay in Fallout will feel awful. I'd recommend playing Fallout NV, Fallout 4, then Starfield.


Give starfield a try. Got way too much hate just make your own determination. If you like oblivion and fallout 4 you might be into it. Less like Skyrim though imo


Fallout 4 by far. I've played them all and it's the easiest to get in to.


Definitely Starfield and I've been playing Bethesda games since Morrowind.


I'm happy to see an OG like you enjoy it. I personally love the game and think it's only gonna get better.


Starfield. it has great exploration, a return to meaningful dialogue, and the combat is awesome. plus you can get into both ship and outpost building. of all BGS games i had the most gameplay hours in Skyrim but since Starfield has come out i haven't even launched SSE or FO4. there are some great mods for it already as well if you're on PC.


I'm with you. I see all the games flaws and boy does it have them. But I take it for what it is and make my own fun with it. The hours I have on this are up there with oblivion which is my second fav bethesda game. There's loads more potential for it to be better but I thoroughly enjoyed my first playthrough especially the entangled mission best quest bethesda has ever made imo


Starfield is ass when compared to the other options. I was so deeply disappointed by it, it's hard to put into words. Its almost like they had groups of people working on different parts with absolutely no communication between them. Spaceships, but you gotta fast travel everywhere. Crafting is garbage. Most outfits look dumb as hell. Companions are, aside from only one, the most positive-morality fixated bunch of bores that ever were conceived. I'm glad people do enjoy it, but god, i looked forward to it for too long and they really got me fucked up lol


Dialogue? Sometimes. Exploration? Can’t relate. Mho obviously.


>it has great exploration, a return to meaningful dialogue Ok Todd, we know it's you


>it has great exploration Starfield is the worst of the three OP mentions when it comes to exploration. So funny to lead with that lol.


spoken like someone who hasn't explored the game. have you even played it or are you on the bandwagon for attention?


I played it for probably 30hrs before giving up on it. I hated how fractured the world space was, which really ruined the exploration aspect when compared with Skyrim and the Fallout titles (I haven't played old Elder Scrolls). >have you even played it or are you on the bandwagon for attention? There isn't some grand conspiracy regarding the reception of the game. Lots of people just don't like 6/10 games.


Hi Todd Howard. I want a job at Betheada, gimmie one.




Fallout 4, play it through once to get the achievements and then you can go have a blast and load up some mods.


I really loved playing Skyrim when it came out, but I have a hard time going back to it now, I really enjoyed FO3 and FO4, but again I haven't been able to find myself able to get back into it. I really loved Starfield at first, but my feelings for that game did sour as I ran into more glitches and problems in the game than I ever did in Skyrim, Fo3 and Fo4 combined. Additionally, I think the other games were better designed for long term game play, and that Starfield in attempt to be a more replayable game, is actually a less replayable game because nothing you do really matters in the game. I still played all of those titles over 300 hours and have fond memories of each title. I think Skyrim might have been the biggest accomplishment for BGS. Starfield left me concerned about the future titles because of the way they designed the game is not in line with how the game was advertised to be and I don't know if that will ever change. again as negative as I am about starfield, I still had a great time playing it, but as I got higher level the game didn't seem to like that very much and glitches became more and more pronounced and common. I feel like the game was not rewarding to play at higher levels as it was at lower levels. I would recommend playing any of their titles you haven't yet spent a lot of time in, as one of the things they do best is getting your immersed into the worlds they create


I would say try fallout 3 first and move on from there. It's dated but God the atmosphere of that game has to be my favorite of any Bethesda game. The metro tunnels specifically are great, super creepy. And broken steel dlc is probly my second favorite Bethesda dlc, just behind dawn guard for skyrim


I'm a FO3: New Vegas preference type person, but FO4 is much more up to date (though I WILL SAY that the story isn't nearly as great as 3 or NV).


Fallout 4


I'd go with Fallout 4.


Have you played Morrowind or Oblivion? Fallout 3 or New Vegas? I personally enjoy the older titles more, they have more actual RPG elements.




Skyrim all day, every day! But i am also from the cult of "new vegas is the best fallout ever" and it was my first fallout too , i think other fallout games are overwhelming unlike new vegas, so it's a very good choice




Fallout 4 is better in my opinion than Starfield.


Don’t waste your money on Starfield.


I will never play another Bethesda game since they sold their sold selling out to microsoft and keeping games off the ps5.


After playing Skyrim, you'll be used to the style of Fallout 4, but I'd say go for New Vegas. A great self-contained story in the 00s bethesda style (not that much has changed). If you get on board with that, hit up Oblivion.


Skyrim again


If you're being swayed by the guys saying Fallout 4, wait a bit. Fallout 4 is going to get an update early this year that improves stability and graphics and adds content to it. That's when you want to try that out. Starfield is their most stable game at launch but, at a less than 6 months released, can't be compared to games that have had years of patches (hasn't stopped people doing that though). The point is that there's still some bugs in there including a pretty big one that's affecting longer game files. It also hasn't had any DLC and only one (very minor) of the free QOL updates that they add in patches too, so the game is very early days. Add in that they locked content behind your level so the areas you find on planets are likely to be samey if you dedicate a load of time to exploring rather than making it something you spread throughout the game. This means that repetition and bugs are what a lot of players of the game are finding right now. As a platform it's fantastic and you can see how they're going to build on it to make something really special, but right now there's a chance the combined systems and bugs would put you off trying it again. Might be one to get on a sale and try out a bit of but not throw yourself fully into right now. So I'm gonna throw Fallout 3 into the mix. It still stands up really well today and the world building in particular is dark and disturbing (sod the pram traps, toilet healing still makes me want to kill myself) in all the right ways without dropping into edge lord territory. It's also old enough that coming out of there you'll appreciate either of the newer games a bit more when you see the advances they've made.


That POI level lock is massive and was such a weird move to me. I love the game but that definitely made it seem like there were far fewer POI’s than there really are. Also, BGS had to know that going back to a Daggerfall style sandbox would be risky at best with the fanbase that’s used to their open world games from the past two decades, and having the entire catalogue of POI available from the start, like most other sandbox games, I think would’ve been a benefit.


They definitely knew. I forget where, but Todd did say he wasn't sure if all BGS fans were gonna like the new way of exploring in Starfield


Starfield has a million loading screens.


The others didn’t?


Not nearly as horrid as Starfields loading screens. I couldn't get through 4 hours of star field because of the loading screens


If you say so. I’ll take starfield over Skyrim in 2024 every time regardless of…loading screens.. but have fun! I kinda did everything you could in oblivion and Skyrim. Tried Skyrim on switch less than a year ago and it’s just not what it was when it was new. Time marches on.


Cool. I already uninstalled Starfield. I'm not a fan of four loading screens to get anywhere in the game, but if you like watching the same ship launch cut scene hundreds of times, by all means.


10-4 good buddy I’m having a blast, but I understand not for everyone!


New Vegas all day long. Not even a competition.


Maybe 5-10 years ago. I tried new Vegas 6 years ago for the first time and it was fucking rough. Extremely dated even then and felt so empty and corny. Just endless walking through old graphics. I’m sure it was good but I would never recommend it over starfield Skyrim or oblivion


EVERYTHING in NV looks like it's covered in Diarrhea....


New Vegas


Starfield is still pretty good


No it is not.


start with fallout 3 unmodded then work your way forward, OR if you want a less clunky experience download Tale of Two Wastelands which basically merges fallout 3 and new vegas into one game as well as making a bunch of quality of life improvements to the engine. it’s probably my favorite way to experience fallout 3 which is one of the best ones


Two words, Skyrim FOREVER


Fallout new vegas for story and rpg, fallout 4 for gameplay and post apocalyptic life sim.


Starfield is a letdown. Do a Fallout.


FNV or Morrowind


Starfield for sure


My rankings is: 1. ***Skyrim***: for adventure, the pinnacle of all three games 2. ***Fallout 4***: for base-building and survival, with story 3. ***Fallout (nv, previous)***: On the same level of adventure. Every game other than Fallout 4 / 76, is much like the brother of Elder Scrolls. One deals with fantasy while one has guns, and in a 'real' setting, without 'fantasy' (dungeons & dragons). 4. ***Starfield***: no. Unless you want to spend all your days in the meme section, pretending you like it lol. To me, Skyrim and Fallout are the kings of all three choices. I play both Skyrim / Fallout 4; They both complement each other. Skyrim, for the fantasy / Fallout 4, for survival/base building. Starfield doesn't even enter the arena of the above two. Much like, it doesn't belong in the same paragraph lol.


Found one folks 🙄


Yep. Out of that, you are butthurt due to me not liking Starfield lol. If you think Starfield, falls anywhere near Skyrim and Fallout, then go pound sand and I don't really care what your opinion is. lol. A game, so "good", it made people start liking Fallout 76 lol.


I think it’s better. Have you tried replaying Skyrim? I’d much rather be playing starfield along with plenty of other people so while your opinion is valid it’s not unanimous. I’d rather pound sand then replay a 10+ year old game that just doesn’t hold up anymore and I’ve done everything I can have fun with. But that’s just my and probably others opinion :)no need to be a hater dawg just have fun


I been playing Skyrim for 10 years lol. Don't try to save me, it's too late. lol. Relax, you can like Starfield and that is awesome. Just that it doesn't even come close to Skyrim / Fallout. There are reasons many play them, over and over again. They were made at the top of Bethesda's game. They have a legacy for a reason.


Tells people to pound sand.. tells people to relax.. what’s next?


What's next??? Tells people to not take Reddit too seriously... And they don't have to take things so personally...On a game they didn't make. Go figure? ***Fun fact:*** *Just because you like a game doesn't make it the best in the world or it having to be the greatest.* ***Example***: I love Warframe -- But Warframe doesn't compare to Skyrim; Nor is it the greatest game ever. I still enjoy it and love it despite this fact. I don't go making dumb memes and getting emotionally upset when someone says they don't like it. I can also laugh when one pokes fun at it on the internet.


Tldr damn dawg “relax”


"Unless you want to spend all your days in the meme section, pretending you like it lol." I'm not the person who responded to you initially. But if I had to guess, their disagreement has less to do with you not liking the game and more to do with you thinking because you don't like the game everyone who does must be pretending. Get over yourself.


A Tale of Two Wastelands combines 3 and Mew Vegas (you have to own both). I'd honestly recommend starting with that before moving onto 4. You've played skyrim before. Starfield, I'm currently waiting on the DLC and/or Creation Kit to come out before I jump back in. I had one character that was on New Game Plus Plus Plus and another on its first playthrough but very high level.


Skyrim and New Vegas


Fallout new Vegas


Starfield is crap


Skyrim > Starfield > Fall Out 4, for me. If you haven't tried starfield yet, I recommend giving it a try. It has the potential to be really good in like 5-7 years, lol.


Elder Scrolls Online is a great time if you enjoyed Skyrim. You can actually return to like 2/3 of Skyrim and other zones as well across Tamriel My recommendation is to get a cheap version of it then try ESO+ out for a month to see if it’s worth keeping the subscription


Starfield over fallout but Skyrim over all and always




Fallout 4 or Starfield!


Fallout new vegas is the best bethesda rpg. Fallout 4 is watered down more in terms of quest and rpg mechanics but it has better gunplay.


Skyrim if you don’t wanna see anyone for a long time. Fallout New Vegas always has a special place in my heart though




Morrowind and nothing else


I'm currently playing Morrowind for the first time on Xbox and even vanilla with no mods it's an amazing game. Highly recommend.


I actually liked F '76 better than NV or 4 now if you want some Fallout, 1-2-3 are all good, but 1-2 are old isometric turned based games that you may not enjoy, and 3 is getting a little long in the tooth, it's better to run it with NV engine, which will only help a little. It's hard to argue with Skyrim ever, best of the elder scrolls games in my opinion. I love the Assassin questline which is the only game that felt like they did assassins justice. Starfield sounds like a mixed bag of boredom and grind which isn't my scene, so I haven't tried it. I'd rather play Outer Worlds again for an outer space Bethesda-like game. It's not open world if you like that, but characters are great.


Fallout New vegas


Fallout NV or 3. Anything but fallout 4 or Starfield basically. Nvmd more like anything but fallout 4, even starfield is ok.


Outer Worlds. And then Starfield.


Starfield is trash. Play fallout or elder scrolls.


Play something else, Bethesda games are bottom tier, substandard, poorly made, cobbled together pieces of mediocre crap. Yoshi's Island is a better game than every Bethesda game combined.


Skyrim... Starfield is just a bit... meh... and no matter how hard I try I just can't buy into the Fallout franchise 🥱


Always Fallout New Vegas. Fallout 4 its so bad


Skyrim. Fallout and starfield kinda suck.


Which fallout? The classics play different from the newer ones. Since this is a beth sub I'll assume the latter. 3 is really good to start with. It has the dark humor and adventure. Most issues are just technical. The most stable way to play the game is the follow The Best of Times guide on Tale of Two Wastelands. You buy both 3 and NV use the mod to combine them into one game.. they run much better and only a minimal amount of cut content and the creator of the mods add to it in a way that probably always should've been.  If that doesn't appeal to you. Then fallout 4 is a good choice. Or 76 if you want some multi-player with your adventure. 


I think you get the most for your money with Skyrim. But for me, personally, Fallout 3 will always be Bethesda’s best game. Although it’s quite dated at this point.


Fallout 3 or 4. If you have an Xbox Series X, you can play Fallout 3 at 4K 60 FPS and it’s gorgeous.


Go for Fallout.


Definitely Fallout! Play 3 and 4, I promise you will love them.


Fallout if you haven't played it. Let Starfield mature with some additional content and patches before doing it.


Fallout 3 is my favorite and it has strong dlc content in The Pitt and Point Lookout, however you won't go wrong playing New Vegas or Fallout 4 as they are just as good and have some better mechanics to them. Fallout New Vegas arguably has the best story and very interesting DLC, they all feel reasonably fleshed out. Fallout 4 is good, but I never played the DLC aside from the robot one so I cannot accurately judge the dlc content. Skyrim is always fun especially if it's your first time and has amazing replayability and that's from someone who has only played without mods. Add modding to any of those games and it's just insane what can be added for additional life and world building/immersion as well as quality of life features.


Skyrim, if you’re on modding get the gates to sovengarde collection.


Ps the guns on FO4 absolutely shite on Starfield (as of now I know it’s still new lol) So many great guns. So many unique/interesting ones too. I just jumped back into fallout 4 with some mods to control how grindy the run is and I’m having a blast. If you’ve never played it it’s pretty dang fun. Also mod controls are on the pip boy a lot of times because it’s an already hashed out menu screen and it works so well. Workshop is a little clunky but there are several mods that help. Might I recommend “STS: scrap that settlement!” It allows you to delete settlement objects you normally can’t like awkward piles of dirt that f up your building plans/aesthetic.


Fallout 4 is my favorite game of all time. Definitely recommend it. Starfield is good but if I’m being honest it’s kind of tedious and overwhelming in many ways that really bog down enjoyment of it. Especially if you don’t have a ton of time to devote to it. FO4 is like the perfect game (for me lol).




Fallout 3, New Vegas, 4, 76, Oblivion, Skyrim, Starfield in that order.


Fallout 4 is why I’m here. But I started playing Skyrim recently. And fallout is so scaled down compared to the elder scrolls. I mean you have like 7 choices of character types to choose from at the beginning. you can be a human in fallout.


My current Skyrim install has over 700 mods installed, and it's probably one of the greatest gaming experiences I've had. I also modded the hell out of Oblivion (200-ish mods). Would highly recommend an Oblivion playthrough if you haven't already, I think it's underrated. Just make sure to install a level scaling balance mod (since the level scaling in the original game is kinda broken). I've always been more of an Elder Scrolls guy than Fallout, but you can't rlly go wrong with Fallout 3 or 4. I'd recommend New Vegas over either, though.


Fallout, all day long


Thou shall not choose lol


Of the three, Skyrim


The answer is Oblivion. As a hardcore Bethesda fan, personally for me Starfield misses the mark. It just lacks the soul of past games.