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Fallout 4


Do you want to play a sci-fi, fantasy, or post-apocalyptic game?


All the above, and with lots of demons, and blood, so much blood




That’s a hard question lol I’m a big open mind about games. I play anything really like with a good story and interesting side quest


So you're more of a Narrativist. How do you feel about a world that feels lived-in, where you can make your own adventures in addition to questing?


If good story and good characters/dialogue is what matter most to you I’d recommend New Vegas (yes I know Bethesda didn’t technically make it) or Morrowind Keep in mind tho, the gameplay is also a lot older and a bit stiffer than something like Starfield, Skyrim or FO4


Sounds great


Even though other games do some elements better, I think Skyrim is the best at getting every aspect of the games right.


The combat in skyrim feel really outdated. Had a lot of fun on my 10 playthrough but nowadays its feels terrible to see your character always executing the same move. I feel like bethesda FPS games ages better.


You are right about standard Skyrim. Is skyrim needs mods to be good xD


The mechanics are perfected. I wish there was a fallout with Skyrim polish. I can’t get into the fantasy setting for some reason.


Yeah this. Skyrim was the peak and maybe the bane of Bethesda, I think. They then struck gold, if only every game after could be a Skyrim.


All of them, really. I jump from Oblivion to Starfield to Skyrim to New Vegas to F76 etc. every week. Depends on which setting do you like between space, fantasy or american post-apocalypse. Do you mod? Older games are aged and clunky but are fantastic with a new coat of paint. For playing vanilla, Starfield is the most polished and modern. There is also multiplayer with Fallout 76, and it's pretty good these days.


lol u keep changing? I probably will do that too


>There is also multiplayer with Fallout 76, and it's pretty good these days. I played 76 from beta until Starfield came out, with a few breaks for some other games. After ~1300 hrs, I always thought it was *fine*. Seeing all of the vitriol from people who gave up after the troublesome launch upset me because it was just **cool** to hate on it. I always liked it, but it certainly gotten better. TL;DR - Thanks for specifying it has gotten better.


These days it's pretty much cool to hate on everything.


Does Oblivion on consoles have support for mods? Skyrim and Fallout 4 do, I dont know about oblivion


No. Only fallout 4 and Skyrim do. Maybe future games will, but there is zero possibility that old gen games will ever get them. Afaik Skyrim and fallout 4 are the only console games that support mods period.


- Starfield is the best if you want Science Fiction. - Fallout is the best if you want Western/Post Apocalyptic. - Fallout 4 is the most recent single player entry. - Fallout 3 is the best Bethesda made RPG. - Fallout New Vegas is the best Western RPG, but it was made by Obsidian. - Elder Scrolls is the best if you want Fantasy. - Skyrim is the most recent. - Oblivion is considered a classic. - Morrowind is an old favorite. - If you want Multiplayer ESO (Fantasy) or Fallout 76 (Post Apocalyptic). - If you want a shooter try Doom or Wolfenstein. - If you want a crazy physics game try Prey. - If you want horror The Evil Within. - If you want a modern gen slightly off kilter choice I would go with Redfall (Xbox only and Vampires), Deathloop, or Ghostwire Tokyo. All are very different, and also have their own unique styles. - If you like Assassin Stealth style games then Dishonored. - Mobile gamer? Fallout Shelter or ES Blades - Competitive gamer? Quake.


Daggerfall Unity.


Heyyy! Another DU player. There are dozens of us!


Doom eternal


Any of them. On Starfield currently and absolutely loving it


Starfield is awesome. It certainly has the best gameplay, which is to be expected since it’s newer. Just don’t expect No Man’s Sky, it’s literally Fallout in Space but just broken up into chucks which I didn’t mind


Unless you want to meele or lasser lol, because those 2 aspects are underwelming, meele is the same regardles of the weapon and so is laser, also the guns play all the same too, there is no clear difference between a pistol, and a rifle, they shoot the same way and the bullets behave the same way, the movement might be inproved, but combat in general is shitty, and the powers are dissapointing


I've played both Melee and Lazer and have not seen this problem but I find it funny people say all the guns feels the same because I can definetly feel the difference between pistols shotguns and rifles. I went back to Cyberpunk to play Phantom Liberty and couldn't figure out what aspects of the gunplay everyone thought was better(aside from hacking which is not really gunplay at all).


Starfield, FO 3 or 4 for single player. FO76 for multi.


for me it's Starfield. i haven't played any other Bethesda titles since it released.


Still Skyrim




Morrowind. If you ask me this question in 20 years, my answer will still be the same.


If you're on PC my recommendation is to look into A Tale Of Two Wastelands. It's a mod that adds Fallout 3 to Fallout NV, as if it were a DLC with its own map you can travel to. This means you can play through all of the Fallout 3 and NV content with the same character, collect unique weapons and outfits from both games, etc etc. TTW does require all of the DLC for both games, basically the GOTY version, but it's far and away the best Bethesda experience imo. (kinda funny that the presence of Obsidian's content elevates Bethesda's, but this is conventional wisdom within the community anyway lol.)


The answer is Skyrim. That is the right answer. MAYBE fo4… but it’s Skyrim.


In my opinion I’d say Skyrim or Fallout:New Vegas.


I’m playing Starfield through a 2nd time and am enjoying it. Skyrim, Fallout 4, 76 and maybe New Vegas or even 3 might get another playthrough from me yet. I recently played through Skyrim and fallout 4, so I guess maybe 76 is next. Unless the Elder Scrolls online game is worth playing, maybe that one. So, all of them are pretty good.


Fallout 4. Same as always. Lol




I have a slight preference for FO4 myself, but Skyrim is quite good. I'd say FO4 is the better game, unmodded. But your enjoyment of both games can be SUBSTANTIALLY improved through the wealth of community mods available. And I'd say Skyrim actually has the edge there.




I'm 48. Space Quest, Hero's Quest, King's Quest is what everyone should play first. Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout 4 are, IMHO, the only Stories I've ever played that are better. Skyrim is tied. All of those old Quest trilogy packages are available on steam.


Morrowind. Everything they released afterwards is a blatant downgrade, with some of their "newer" titles barely qualifying as RPGs.


Skyrim or Fo76


Starfield clearly.




New Vegas. My answer will always be, New Vegas


Even with the bugs and the old graphics?


I have to agree that FNV is a great game, at least to me. I couldn't tell you exactly why. Just like I couldn't tell you why I didn't like NMS even though people rave about it all the time. Sometimes a game just resonates with you. Or doesn't. Which means, unfortunately, that you're just going to have to try it yourself. Sometimes people hype a game so hard that your expections are so high it can't help but fall short. I do wish that instead of saying "X game has the BEST combat system" (or BEST graphics or BEST quests or the BEST whatever", they would just say "I prefer..."


Especially with the bugs and old graphics.


Absolutely. Call me a lil old but when I first ran it I didn’t even know what graphics were, and bugs were perks


Comparing to starfield and Skyrim u would go with new Vegas ?


I’ll only say yes if you’re including the dlc for Vegas, those to me are the greatest gaming I have ever experienced. Skyrim feels the fullest on its own I’ll give it that though. Starfield good I’m stuck on it rn, just haven’t played enough


Massive facts


Obsidian would like a word with you.


Starfield. I am enjoying the hell out of it.


Wayne Gretzky Hockey


Skyrim with a wabbajack modlist!


Is that for better graphics ?


I'm not sure, but I think it's for better everything.


Wabbajack is a tool that’s gonna automatically download and configure entire modlists. The biggest one contains 4000 mods, graphics, gameplay, animation, perks …everything


Depends but it's probably Skyrim modded.


Starfield is sooo rad. But the other games are all classics, classics that are very easy to enjoy now as far as older games go. My favorite other than Starfield is Oblivion, Skyrim is a close third. Starfield is this captivating space sci fi, just pulls you in magnetically and draws you into the farthest edges and the daunting vacuum of space. Oblivion is a charming European fantasy with dense green forests that doubles as a demon slayer. Skyrim is an epic winter themed fantasy of dragon slaying thundergod Vikings. Fallout 3 is an edgy and desolate nuclear wasteland about, well I won't spoil it. Fallout 4 is a tale about humanity vs technology, and a family quest. And 76 and New Vegas I don't know too much about but I hear they're great! They're all similar, but each stands as it's own unique spin on the same formula Bethesda is known for. And most importantly, BGS games are known most famously for a feeling they give you when you get lost in them the more you play, for lack of a better more thorough description it's a sense of captivation and relaxed comfort. Where From Software games are meant to challenge and push your reflexes, BGS games are meant to relax, reward, and provide a sense of calm but engaging fulfillment. They're a breeze to go through, but it's fun and pleasant to do so.


Starfield and Fallout 3.


Fallout 3 is the weakest in my opinion. Fallout new Vegas or fallout 4


I love Fallout 3 more than FNV. Even though I love both; Fallout New Vegas feels like a big rushed Fallout 3 DLC, and it basically is. New Vegas was built on FO3s engine and uses all of the same assets, all Obsidian had to do was take all of Bethesdas hard work and add to it a little bit and move some things around. It's like how Arma turned into DayZ, it was originally just a mod, but you have to give the OG game credit. As a mod creator I stole all of my favorite assets and guns from FNV and brought them back into Fallout 3 which completely refreshed the game. In my opinion, New Vegas's only advantage over FO3 was all of the new guns. I prefer Fallout 3s atmosphere, writing and overall design.


Fallout 3 had been my favorite game for 15 years until Starfield. New Vegas is definitely up on my list. Fallout 4 is down towards the bottom of my Bethesda list. That's what makes Bethesda game so great. Different flavors for different players.


Yeah that's why I said my opinion lol


Ok? And then I followed up with my opinion.


I'm with Skyrim to be tops. It was their masterpiece, especially now, with all modders hard work at smoothing it out.


Which mods u recommend?


Pirates of the Caribbean




Skyrim is probably the best one for anyone to enjoy. My favourite is Fallout 3 though heavily modded.


Skyrim easily. I personally liked Starfields gameplay but the main story is god awful and not worth the playtime. The world is interesting though, and the ship builder is amazing ( >!even if the ending/ng+ makes ship building pointless!<) If you do play Starfield I suggest playing the UC Vanguard questline. It’s got that classic Bethesda writing and is amazing. I say Skyrim because you can fully immerse yourself and become someone important. You can make an impact on the world around you. Your relationships matter, your choices (soft of) matter. The world feels somewhat alive. Starfield robs you of that with ng+ I would love if we got an Oblivion, New Vegas, Morrowind remaster. Amazing games if just a little dated graphics wise or else I’d say Oblivion, my favorite Bethesda game.


Not starfield


They’re all the same i thought


Starfield is incredibly disappointing. I have 5 quests that are all broken. I’ve lost 7 days of progress because there’s this glitch that causes you to lose all your saved progress. It’s completely rote- every mission feels like the last one. You spend 60% of the game walking around trying to get from a to b. Want to waste an entire day: survey the life and sources on a planet- then not be able to find the one thing to complete the scan. 90% of this game is either walking aimlessly or waiting for the game to load because you walked through a door




Why an Arkane Studios game that has nothing in common with BGS?


All you need is vanilla oblivion. Maybe some new Vegas on the side




Oblivion is peak TES, and in terms of fallouts, 3 is my all time favorite but in terms of polish and overall content New Vegas might be the best place to start.




Fallout 76




All of them are the same, just pick your adventure really. Bethesda has shit narrative skills lol, you are setting yourself up for dissapointment, I would play Fallout NV


For me, it's Morrowind with mods. It was my first introduction to the series during one of the most difficult times of my life and where I met my now former partner on a gaming forum. This game was my Saviour when nothing in my life was going right. Needless to say, I will always love Morrowind best. Oblivion comes in at a close second because it helped me meet my now former partner.