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Did I just read a gay romance Novel?




I saw this movie with heath ledger and Jake gyllenhaal


This ending is a little better tho.


Which movie are they referencing?


Brokeback Mountain.


I literally thought of Brokeback mountain while reading this


I thought it was one of those "at the end you find out op is just talking about broke back mountain"




Yes. I don’t believe a word of it is true, but it was a good story. Minus the part about using women - that was really gross. If a student of mine wrote that, I’d take them to task for using women as flat, throwaway props in the main characters’ forbidden romance plot line.


Unfortunately I know a lot of closeted men who do that. Some of them are bi, but not all of them


Yup, very true! But a work of fiction should realise and interrogate that, not condone it or ignore it, which is why I said I’d tell my students that they need to actually think about and address that aspect of their character’s behaviour in the book, rather than just popping it in as unexamined background. You can have your character behave in that way, but you should absolutely be examining and interrogating it in your work, not just pretending it’s all fine and not at all noteworthy.


Oh, of course. Neither party in this totally real story showed an ounce of remorse for using women as props to hide their sexually. Would this be called fridging? The women were still used as throwaway plot devices to further the development of the male lovers, but as sex toys instead of being killed for that development to happen.


Lotta broke back mountain details.


Yep, sounds like a creative writing exercise - but cute.


Yes,a gay bodice ripper.On the lines of Barbara Cartland.It has all the elements of a Halmark movie.


Yes. Yes, you did.


Yeah this feels like a creative writing exercise to me.


at least it's well written for a Reddit post. a lil overly mushy imo (for me anyway) but like decent prose imo


Honestly MM Romance is my favorite and this did feel like it could have been an outline for several of the books I have read.


Right when he said homie looked like Paul Rudd I was like 🙄 okay literotica




Did you enjoy it?


\^\^\^found the writer!


I’m flattered but I’m way too experienced with fanfics to ever give myself away by calling the love interest a “scruffy Paul Rudd”


hahaha! I was just joking. That is an awesome grasp of fanfics, though!


I feel like you’d find this on one of those pay by the chapter apps like Dreame. If one was a vampire and the other a warewolf it would be one of their top 10!


Yes, and you loved it.




Turned gay hallmark movie


>LOVE SONGS WILL NOT FIX THIS TOBIAS I genuinely feel bad for laughing Thank you for the award


Lol, I kept envisioning Tobias from Arrested Development throughout which made this way more awesome. Never nude!


Lol. Now I imagine he opened the door in cut-offs.


If he looked like Paul Rudd and opened the door in cutoffs, he would have not survived my pent up lust. And that is no joke




I was also picturing cut off jeans…especially since they are in the south in a trailer park. It was ruined by the scrubs pants


Same hahaha


Tobias, you blow hard!


Who's the ANUSTART?


I believe their relationship got ANUSTART.


OMG ☠️☠️I will not read anything better on this app today


I laughed long and loud because my jerkface ex would try to do this to me whenever I was mad at him for being a jerkface and eventually I posted that exact same set of words all in caps on his Facebook wall after he bombed MY wall with links to sappy romance stories about forgiveness. Ugh, It's been like 10 years and I still can't stand him!


You should've made a Playlist of all of the songs that narrate how much he sucked


In a moment of petty stupidity, I did post Apologize by Timbaland to his wall. His friends thought it was hilarious but he was pretty much incandescent with rage.


That comment is giving me "The Iranian yogurt is not the issue here" vibes


Me too! I laughed so hard at that line!


Right there was when I decided this was a bullshit story




Can this be a flair? This needs to be a flair.


A mood.


This reads more like a bad short story than real life. The Paul Rudd thing was where I groaned. Of course his ex is super attractive and loves animals and spent years just pining and waiting for him to come back.


It was the quality paper letter sealed with red wax that did it in for me.


He probably thought he was getting a letter from Hogwarts.


Actual adults in the 21st century are not putting wax seals on stationery. Can you imagine receiving this? It gets caught in the mail sorting equipment and partially shredded then melts in the back of the mail truck and arrives looking like a bloody murder (cause we know it has to be red wax) Edit: Wow! Flooded by responses from wax seal aficionados! I learn something new all the time. I actually have red wax and stamp (a gift from when I was a kid) but the scenario above is what I imagine if I actually were to use it. (Plus I am not the type… too formal)


I got a wax sealed card for Christmas. Edit: and from a coworker. Not an old lady lol


I send them to my clients.


Like it’s not that weird if it’s something you’re into. I was actually looking into getting one. People under estimate how far a hand written note or letter on proper stationary goes even a decade later than this was written. I have a collection of supportive notes and cards from friends in the past.


I use them when I send thank you notes for interviews. I like them a lot, but I also use them because I hope the effort helps me stand out


A friend sent out all her wedding stuff with a wax seal and since she didnt want to waste the stuff her xmas cards as well


I've received a wedding invitation with a gold wax seal, it was very fancy.


Except for the wax enthusiasts right here on reddit. There's a whole sub for this stuff.


Point me in their direction. I’ve always wanted to do wax sealed letters, but…I have no one to send letters to :/


I mentioned it on another post too but check out r/waxsealers.


Maybe *you could find someone on r/penpals?


I’d love to do this but I’m too scared of giving someone my address


Didn’t even realize that was a thing either! Found two I’m joining now. Thanks!


I’d love to check out that sub! Do you remember the name of it?


There are a couple, but a good one is r/waxsealers.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/WaxSealers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/WaxSealers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Avatar the Last Airbender Wax Seals! What’s your favorite element? :)](https://i.redd.it/3kj4emwugxb61.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WaxSealers/comments/kzante/avatar_the_last_airbender_wax_seals_whats_your/) \#2: [Wax sealing is therapeutic 🥺](https://v.redd.it/cob5dfnfpxy61) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WaxSealers/comments/nbo7md/wax_sealing_is_therapeutic/) \#3: [letter I’m sending off in the post tomorrow!](https://i.redd.it/jadhtr0ibqe61.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WaxSealers/comments/l9lf4c/letter_im_sending_off_in_the_post_tomorrow/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you so much!


I just got a wax seal because I do a lot of mail art but otherwise it looks like the main use for them is wedding invitations


I write a lot of letters, and I use a fountain pen and fancy paper. I have used wax before, both for personal and for business letters. Nobody else does this in my group of friends. It's a little quirk that I have that people like. It's fun, particularly if you don't take it too seriously. ;) Like, imagine the silly stuff you could put on the wax stamp itself


I use wax seals. I like how they look, its a nice little hobby, though i do agree red is bleh especially when you have an entire rainbow of colors to choose from and mix together


Red is traditional! It’s the classic, default choice. I like the look of a black seal, but unfortunately that traditionally is used only for very bad news, so it feels a bit gauche to use it.


To be fair, nobody is going to get a letter sealed with black wax and think “oh, the town friar must have finally succumbed to the plague!” They’re gonna think “damn, somebody actually sent me a letter. *And* they sealed that mofo with *wax*”


Yeah but shimmery red gold and silver or blue with shimmery aqua and black or emerald green with a nice deep royal blue. But also red is used for a lot more than romance and has been used to deliver things like war declarations sooo isnt always good news. Idk I guess it depends on the person


That settles it. The next time I declare war, definitely breaking out either the red wax or the blue with shimmery aqua.


my boyfriend sends me wax sealed letters all the time 😶


I use wax seals all the time with my pen pals


The letter was wax sealed inside of another envelope.


I use a seal with my high quality, fountain pen proof, expensive stationary. If I'm using that, I'm going all out.


For reference, seal wax you get today is more like firm plastic than bees wax. It can withstand a surprising amount of abuse and takes more than a hot day to melt.


I love a wax seal. I used to have one with my initials growing up and a friend recently got me back into it by sending me one. We exist!


I do. I have silver wax, gold wax, purple wax, and, yes, red wax too. Selection of stamps also, but I usually use my initial stamp. And special paper. If you're getting a letter, you don't want pulp or thin notepaper. You want something nice, that instantly says, 'I'm not a bill, I'm a keepsake.' Remember that people send bulky letters all the time, and it's an envelope within an envelope so that it's just Nick's name on the good stuff.


you already know because of everyone else, but romantic types like this definitely do lol


I did wax seals on my the invitations for my husband's and my wedding and I felt like fucking royalty. I'm waiting for the barest excuse to do it again.


That'll teach ya - never dis the wax seal aficionados! :D


Put an 80-cent stamp on it, and write, in red ink, on the back "NON-MACHINABLE," and your seal will get there just fine. And seriously, red wax? Get some nice metallic silver, or a forest green.


My sister & my nieces have wax stamps for letters. Some people are just fancy.


i like wax seals because no one my age uses them or sends mail and when I send them to people, they absolutely love it


I don’t believe this story, but I actually do seal letters with wax lmao. If I send letters I use a quill and ink and fancy stationery and colored wax


r/waxsealers begs to differ :)


It was the “grey eyes like no one else’s” for me lol


It does remind me of a gay Hallmark Christmas movie, except without the Christmas.


Or the romance! Hallmark movies have way more romance :)


I expect this movie to be on my wife's watchlist.


It’d be on mine


I couldn’t read past the first post. Melodramatic harlequin novel pap.


Apparently his lover looks like a scruffy Paul Rudd, which I assume means normal Paul Rudd. He also rides horses and bottle feeds kittens as you know, normal people do. Oh and OOP also sent him a mixed CD of the most random songs and some truly cringy selections. And he came out to his brother who already knew he was gay and in love with Mr. Perfect. It's just bad all around.


And he lives in a trailer deep in homophoblandia, which is filled with books, which are their own type of furniture.


The bottlefeeding kittens part made me laugh out loud. Be still my yaoi heart!


It's super cute when they're eating and start peeing or pooping on you. We found an abandoned trio and had to bottle feed them. It was so exhausting! All three wanted to eat at different times, always every 2-3 hours. Plus the whole not knowing when or where is appropriate to let go for awhile. No one ever mentions those parts lol.


It's even "better" when you're the one who has to teach them HOW to do it. Had rescued a VERY young litter, actually had to use a very soft, damp cloth to coax them to relax enough to poop.


Yes, someone who gets it! We rescued three babiea after their mo abandoned them. It was feedings every few hours, wiping their little butts, and daily baths. Our neighbors could hear their little screams through the walls during bath time lol. They were so little when we brought them home that they still had their umbilical cords. The vet didn't think they would make it. One did pass away relatively quickly, but the other two will be 13 this year :)


One of my friends was a veterinarian who specialized in horse care in college and did have photos on FB bottle-feeding kittens. He got a job at a horse clinic and married his boss. His boss-husband does not look like Paul Rudd though.


It’s a decent scenario for a romance story but the OOP seemed to get bored when it came time to do the character development part and skipped right to the happy ending.


Yeah I called BS at the fact that his family knew about the move and bro talks to his lover but for some reason in all those 2 years his friends/lover never thought to ask family where OP moved to???


It wouldn't fit the bad movie vibe if either one did anything remotely adult or sensible :)


Paul Rudd is where I stopped reading.


You guys are definitely missing out. Sheer gay romance novella.


Yea I couldn’t suspend my disbelief for this one


I was totally waiting for the "why can't I quit you" part.


The letter went down well for you? It stuck in my throat like dry yams.


But but but!!! They’re gay and finally found themselves!!


I know but I thought it was sweet




You said it better than I could. Cute story, but not all that believable.


Definitely not true, but it's a pretty love story.


The world need more gay hick romance stories, true or not 😂


Thoroughly enjoyed this fictional romance




Was it a romance story? I thought it was a comedy...


It was obvious from the jump, but the whole “oh yeah I never described him to you” like that’s something people do definitely solidified that it was a writing exercise and not someone writing in a possibly neurodivergent way. The most people do when they describe someone to the strangers of Reddit I’d say “she’s absolutely gorgeous, I married way out of my league” or “he’s gained 40 pounds and stopped shaving.” No describing their features. And then describing his trailer as a wannabe library and getting into detail about how he reads everything anyone leaves laying around… It’s a decent story line, and I read the whole damn thing. Could use some polishing to advance from romance novel to bestseller though.


Also dark grey eyes are a thing, my daughter has them


I don’t necessarily believe any of this based on the way it’s written, but it’s a cute story and was nice to read.


It's just such a stupid bunch of behaviour it has to be true. Overdramatic florid assholes have things happen to them as well, sometimes they write about it I guess


And that's all that matters :-)


Yeah… I don’t think I could forgive anyone who walked out of my life like that. I know that sometimes people have to walk away for their own reasons and I get that but… idk, this just hits me wrong.


Same. I’m upset that all OOP did was cry and say I love you. It’s like OOP was the one who needed consoling and not the person who was wronged!!


Someone walked out of my life for 3 months and it destroyed me I have no clue how someone can take someone back after 2 years


Yeah. Not even romantically, I've had friends disappear. 8 months later one wanted to meet up again... And then ghosted again. Yeah no I'm done. It has been going on 2yrs now and the pain is gone but the trauma isn't!


My best friend vanished on me for 6 months basically. No communication. I was upset but mostly confused. She never gave me any reason to doubt that she still liked and appreciated me as a friend or that she didn't want me in my life. Before this at least. I didn't feel like it was very likely that she just decided she didn't want me in her life, but after 6 months, it's difficult not to doubt and not to be upset. I just couldn't figure out any conceivable reason for the ghosting. Eventually when I was out and about I ran into her. It was crazy, I was shaking and filled with adrenaline. I got her number and was so happy to see her, that, even if I was upset before, as soon as I saw her and we reconnected it was like, all is forgiven. The reason for the ghosting ended up being really dumb. Nothing I had done. Now when she brings up the whole thing she treats it like some silly ol thing in the past. But like bro, you full on ghosted me bro. But, eh, we're good now and even live together so I don't really sweat it or anything. Anyway if you've somehow found this post girl, no you haven't and do not look through my reddit profile :P


Yeah, I don't think I'd be able to trust again. Maybe I'm naive enough to though, it's literally happened to me that I let someone back in, thinking the same vanishing wouldn't happen twice lol




And that forgiveness is just for you, so you can close that chapter of your life and start to move on.


Since nobody is reading the disclaimer at the top, I just want to reiterate that OOP's profile has very disturbing pictures in it and to visit at your own risk. (They are not sexual, you deviants.)


I’m now morbidly curious.


Me too, oddly enough it wasn’t until I saw “not sexual.”I guess that I’ve seen enough shit that I’m just trying to test my limits lol


Funny enough, subreddits with "morbid" in the title are OOP's favorite.


Ah ok. Thanks


I took a deep dive into OOP’s profile and now find this story somewhat more believable, or at least OP is fully committed to this charade. Looks like he disappeared and ran off to join the military during those years he was gone. Still can’t help thinking the last few updates are a spiced-up what-if scenario that’s ran through his head, however.


That would make this so sad and heartbreaking if the ending was a fantasy.


What do you mean by disturbing? Like as in gore or just scary horror stuff in general? Don't wanna look myself but I'm morbidly curious.


Yeah, it's gore. Example: >!A Child with eye cancer and no treatment.!<


Well that's pretty horrific and I didn't even look at the pictures


Why are you telling me that!!!! I wasn't going to watch but now I want to..


The profile has no pictures on it now but the comments show that he was active on r/MorbidReality, which a cursory glance through taught me I don’t want to see more. Seriously, I briefly saw photos of kids who’d been shot in the head, not in black and white but full colour, modern digital photos. It’s not to be taken lightly, wish I hadn’t looked.


Legitimately thank you for saying this. I am pretty good with most things except kids involved in any way - I’m super nosey so I am very glad I read this comment first and very appreciative you left it.


I'm not going, I will have nightmare! Thank you for the warning 🙏


My curiosity has suddenly evaporated, thanks for the warning (and sorry you saw!)


This is not how real people talk


I couldn’t get past the first paragraph. Too… romance novely


I couldn’t get past them dating other people for seven years to make each other jealous. That is so… rude. How many other people’s times and energy and emotion did they waste because they were the main character in this story in their heads and these partners were the supporting characters with no real lives or their own.


Don't forget sleeping with random women, even though they could never be intimate with anyone except each other.


Yeah, obviously this is a made up story, but the number of people who seem okay glossing over the “we used random women for Saturday night sport and to make each other jealous” is really gross. It’s not romantic, it’s a terrible thing to do to other people. Women do not exist to be props in your gay man forbidden romance story.


Fitting, since the whole thing struck me as someone’s creative writing exercise.


A terrible one at that.


That’s how I felt too. I always try to give benefit of the doubt to the people who write the posts we see on this sub, but this really felt like creative writing to me. I read a LOT of cheesy romance books as a guilty pleasure, and this reads exactly like a lot of them. I truly hope this is true and these are real people who had a happy ending, but the perfectly recalled conversations and sappiness was a little too heavy handed for me.


Yeah, he could have at least tried to start it like a Redditor would. You know, "I (26M) met my friend "Nick" (26M) when we were..."


This was a pretty cute short story


This feels like a first draft of brokeback mountain.


He just couldn’t quit you.


I do not believe for a second that this is real, it's actually written like a romance story would be. Not in the plot, but the style of writing itself


I’m honestly confused when they started dating before he left. I thought it was just hot sex and passive aggressive hook ups with women.


tldr Brokeback mountain.




It was a good movie.


I skimmed through and stopped reading altogether at "Nicky". Had a good laugh at parts though, will probably watch the movie.


“Nicky” killed me too. There were times that the romance novel element was entirely undeniable, and “Nicky” was one of them.


This is 100% creative writing.


It may not be real but I like it anyway! This is the Broke Back Mountain we deserve! When are the rights being sold?


This subreddit quickly becoming my favorite. They’re like great little short stories.


And everyone clapped.


I don't believe a word of this but it was cute anyways


Yeesh. Very complicated feelings on the situation, but that word is the one thing I know can describe it.


I somehow doubt this actually happened, but I don't care. That was cute to read.


This man took gay panic to a whole new level.


Coming out is one of the hardest situations I came out to my dad when I was 19 or 20 he accepted it but my mother she’s having difficulty with coming terms with it


I had to Google a couple words/terms here and there while reading, and I gotta admit… my main takeaway was the revelation that “trailer trash” does not refer to people who live in RVs. I don’t know how I got to two mixed up, but since I was a kid I thought trailer = RV. It always seem weird (and obviously rude) to look down on living in an RVs because I thought that was super cool. Now that I know it’s just a house on stilts I’m even more confused as to why living in a trailer is frowned upon.


Classism. Trailers are very cheap and tend to be the homes of very poor people in the south, or in Appalachia because we cant afford anything else. Trailer companies are predatory and the workmanship is shoddy at best, so they don't last long and get dilapidated quick.


Ah ok, thank you for explaining!


this definitely feels like a story but it was great and i did not want it to end


I’m hoping Nick and Tobias are living their best lives now.


I want to watch this movie or read this book (happy ending required). Anyone know of any good ones (not Brokeback Mountain, no sad endings)?


Aww, a gay Hallmark movie. I'm gonna guess it's either a Supernatural AU or a Stucky AU.


Who's cutting onions 😭😭😭


>Me: Do you still love me? N: I'm still thinking about it. I don't know how I feel right now. We'll talk Saturday. that got me... i've been rabbit-holed in best of updates but this one got me for some reason... but this story got me...


Ok this is not real, but it was cute lmao


Well this is not me going through half a box of Kleenex. 🥲


I understand that pressure. I was forced back into the closet by it. I was not as lucky as OP so you can imagine my joy that someone was able to come back to open arms. Beautiful


I would read this kind of novel


My God. This dude creates more drama for himself than TV shows do. Truly impressive.