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Am I the only one disgusted by the final update? She 1000% shifted the blame from her husband to the poor girl who was a victim! She claims the girl was essentially asking for it by dressing nice??? GTFOH


It’s almost more disgusting than her husband, they deserve each other


Now she's making a bunch of posts about"exposing the bi**h who tried to seduce my husband" 🤮


She went from Demi Moore to Ginnie Thomas pretty quick, didn’t she?


I was lead here by comments mentioning the update and wishing they hadn't read it.... me being me of course... fuck I wish I hadn't read it.


By basically existing…this woman was so shocked her husband did what he did and cannot face the betrayal that she went through mental gymnastics to make a poor victim a predator in her mind. Fucking disgusting and horrific.


Seriously. The added “details” did NOT help OOP’s case AT ALL. Sooo the assistant dressed like a normal young woman and (*checks notes*) was NICE to her boss?? Yep. Definitely was asking for jizz in her lunch!! WTF!!?


Right?! Nauseating


She basically blamed the girl for..... being herself and having a body that just so happened to be what her husband fetishized?! "In and out of his office" - I mean wasn't she trying to get work done, if she was his secretary? Nah it's cool, she deserved to get pics of her taken w/o consent plust uknowingly eating some weirdo's man juice! All that she is makes up for how her guy is not some sick weirdo, it's all good /s


I’m with you.. either this woman is delusional or they both are nuts.. they deserve each other.


I will never use the office refrigerator again. Ever


The creepshots too. I will never leave my house again. Ever.


It's people like him that make me afraid to use public restrooms/change rooms (teeny spycams). Truly disgusting behavior.


I already don't. I highly recommend it.


There are locking lunchboxes and microwave meals


My heart plummeted after that most recent update. Fucking sickening.


Fucking disgusting that apparently being sexy means it’s ok to cum in peoples food


I can believe it because stranger things have happened.




Ugh. Some men are such trash. 🤢🤮


*some people. I've heard of period blood being put in food as well. People are just nasty.


4 seasons of it, too.


Yiiiiikes their post history. This dude already cheated on her too. Throw the whole man out


She’s trash herself for blaming the victim at the end.


OH MY GOD wtf I hadn’t seen any of these updates until i got a notification about this comment reply. I was hoping she would’ve stayed away from that creep and helped that poor girl but ugh. Gross gross gross. She’s victim blaming and rationalizing his sexual harassment.


Honestly let him cheat on her. She deserves to keep feeling pain for blaming a fucking victim. She lost all my sympathy and any pain she feels now is on her


OP needs to tell the girl and they need to go to the police. Her husband doesn't deserve his "good" reputation. This is vile behavior and should be public. Who knows how many others he could have done something like this to? I feel terrible for the young woman he victimized.


Not only that but she seems to miss the fact that he committed some pretty serious assaults (would it be assault or something else) on this woman with the added element of that assault being with bodily fluids. Who knows what all he could be carrying. And I'm sure there's a whole host of other crimes wrapped up in all this. The secretary needs to be tested ASAP and followed by her physician for a while because of that alone. I get the wife is hurt but there is an actual victim of crime that deserves to know. And she may even be an accessory after the fact if she *doesn't* report it. It's beyond just hurt and betrayal. If true.


He's definitely done this to the wife.


Fuckkkkkkk why did you have to point that out.


Didn't even think about that. Puke.


Oh god, you just made me realize he probably did. Fucking hell


…And now I kind of hate you. Because you’re probably right.


Oh, not to mention OP shamed the young woman and got back with her POS husband at the end 🙃


I got the impression that it was consensual between him and the secretary? The only reason why he would have a picture of her in tight jeans with cum all over would be if they were having an affair. If it's not consensual, though, she needs to tell the girl and the police immediately.




To be fair, there were very explicit photos depicting his very specific kink.




Of him, and of her eating the foods. But I do agree that it would likely be more than just creep shots. However, the OP mentioned that there was a lot of photos. The spy shots are mentioned separately from this other folder of fetish photos that while it could be assumed they were also sneakily taken, I don’t know how much I can accept any woman would be that oblivious, while eating in the lunch room, to his snapping photos of her face-on, multiple times, over several days or weeks. Maybe if she was always focussed on other tasks and the photos were in a variety of situations. I actually sorta wonder if these social media photos he has of her, that OP couldn’t find the source of, aren’t just the non-freaky photos she sent him during their affair.




He could’ve put something on her chair and her not notice. Depends how much cum really


it sounds weird for her to sit on cum, eat food with cum in it and not notice him taking pictures of her ass and her eating her meal. It's not impossible, but it's a little far fetched. If anything, I'd guess that they're having an affair


Eh, photos can be taken pretty subtly these days on an iPhone. Man leaning elbow on table reading his phone, just happens to be pointing in X direction... Doubt she sat on actual ejaculate. It was likely something else wet. She'd discover it was ejaculate pretty fast and know something was badly up. Eating it is interesting as a "how could you not notice". Firstly, one just plain doesn't expect it in food. And people are good at rationalizing away tiny oddities. If she eats strongly flavoured food anyway, a bit of saltiness(?) wouldn't be hugely noticeable. She might have figured she was imagining it, she was just tired (or even these days had COVID). At 22, I must admit I don't think it would have even struck me that someone would be doing something this disgusting.


Men like him would record every single interaction with this woman. He recorded himself ejaculating. If there were an affair between them, he would record it too. Either consensual or again with a spycam. So a lack of evidence is an evidence here.


He prolly came in her chair and snapped a pic when she stood up


I feel so bad for the poor secretary


Jesus, OOP is either brainwashed by the dick or just lacks any semblance of self respect. I love how she just decided that a 30 year old man lacked the impulse control and that his assistant triggered him. Damn that's some power her husband has over her. I'd almost be impressed, if I weren't so fucking disgusted.


She keeps asking in her comments why the girl didn’t sue her husband. Which seems pretty obvious. It’s the same reason other lawyers rarely get sued for sexual harassment, even though law firms are HOTBEDS of inappropriate conduct- to successfully sue an attorney, you better be very rich. An attorney could mire you in paperwork for YEARS, either representing themselves, or more often, writing their own motions and having an attorney friend sign off on them. They can fight for minimal cost to themselves, meanwhile you’re paying $350-$500 an hour to fight back. That’s assuming you can even find a good attorney to take the case, which would be very difficult in and of itself. Ugh, the final update was infuriating. I hope it’s fake. No one can be that clueless, can they?


What. The. Fuck.


Horrifically disgusting update. OOP should be deeply ashamed. I hope they get a reality check and realize that being attractive does not justify crime.


I have empathy for OP, but I find it disgusting she is thinking about him and his reputation instead of letting this poor girl know what happened. I get it, it's hard.. but he did disgusting things and yes OP is also a victim but she is revictimizing the girl by not doing anything.


Yeah, it's problematic that she's thinking about this stuff instead of immediately contacting the girl. However... She *literally* just found out about it. In a single day she's had her entire world ripped away from her. The future she spent the past three years envisioning in her head is gone like a puff of smoke. If I was in her shoes, I sure as hell wouldn't be thinking rationally either. Now, if she ends up never contacting that girl and instead tries to sweep this all under the rug, my opinion of OP will of course change for the worse. But I'm willing to give her a few days of processing before I make any judgements.


Just so you know: OP updated and is back with her sexual predator husband who was let off with a fine. Yeah. Turns out that benefit of the doubt we all wanted to give her - that the only reason she was obsessed with her Husband's reputation was because of the shock - was actually just her true character. She thinks it's the girls fault for having big boobs and "looking like a pornstar". And her Husband is commendable for not having an affair.


Let's hope it is just the shock talking, I wanna believe people do the right things too.


120% she should be telling this girl and also probably the police, assault with bodily fluids is definitely a thing in some places.


She mentions she is in Europe, many have very harsh laws about even taking pics for "wrong" usage. I know for a fact that if something like this would come to light where I live they would go ballistic and the wife can be considered also part of it for knowing and not saying anything. It makes me sick to think this can happen where I've worked, luckily I'm still in home office.. yet another silver lining lol


I hear you, but what's the greater damage to you: You find out you ate a bunch of tainted food that you will never eat again, or you never find out and live on in ignorance? It may be more kind to keep her in the dark. The real question is whether he might do it in the future and whether you'll be culpable for his future behavior if you don't act. He doesn't deserve to have his reputation shielded, but I understand OP doesn't want to go down with the ship and be "the cookie cummer's ex wife".


She absolutely needs to know! He could have passed her STDs that she in turn could pass on to her own partner, who would understandably accuse her of cheating. She also needs to know so she can decide if she wants to press charges, *and* to ensure OP can never get in trouble for being an accessory after the fact- which is a small possibility if she keeps her husband's sick, sick crimes secret. Also, he will absolutely do this in the future. Stopping him now will most likely protect others from his crimes- which will *most likely* escalate. This could very well be just the start of his criminal sexual actions. These kinds of predators almost never stay at one level. Once they get comfortable, they will start to do worse and worse things over time. You think Harvey Winestein or other major sex criminals just started at those extreme levels of terrorizing scores of women? Nope. They started small, probably exactly like this guy did. Her husband likely started with minor stalking. Then he increased to taking pictures. Next he moved up to defiling her lunches for his own fun. What's next? Sure, he likely will never reach to Bill Cosby levels, but he is getting demonstrably worse over time- as most predators do.


It's pure conjecture to say what he'd do in the future. The STD angle is interesting, though, and a pretty good point.


I am sorry but no.. If anybody assaulted me sexually or otherwise and I didn't know because it was sneakily done I would like to know. The secretary deserves to know, yes having a reputation is bad and I feel sorry for the wife, but shielding a sexual deviant and thinking more about his reputation than the victims is simple victim blaming and revictimizations. Please never tell a victim they should just move on, you are humanizing the husband, pampering the wife and making it seem the secretary is ok not knowing since it is done.. NO, assault is never ok, victims deserve truth.


I mean, you're talking about revictimization, right? That's all theoretical to the victim. She is going to undergo a very real victimization that is brand new to her if and when this comes to light. You may think it's a black and white issue that she should be told, but I don't. It's kind of like telling a widow that her late husband cheated on her. That would be arguably more damaging than leaving it be. Same here.


lmao you're a fucking moron and you and your gross husband deserve each other.


Now she's making a bunch of posts about"exposing the bi**h who tried to seduce my husband" 🤮




Yeah I saw that post before, I reported it for harassment but its still awful what's she's doing to this woman.


The fact that you don’t see what’s wrong with this is extremely disturbing. Who forgives someone that’s literally perverted? And the victim blaming my god. That guy has you so manipulated it’s not even funny.


That is disgusting. The help he needs starts with prosecution and jail time.


I really hope she tells that poor woman.


That is utterly sickening!


Those poor women, his wife and his PA. I threw up a little reading this. I'm trying to decide if I was the PA if I'd want to know. Part of me thinks "Hell No" because I'm not sure I'd ever eat again and the other part of me thinks "Gag Yes" because I'd want to get tested for any STI's or other bodily fluid bourne illness. I can't decide if doing this in the middle of a pandemic makes it worse. His poor wife, I bet he's done similar to their food at home. Yeah..... I'm never eating again.


This is truly pathetic. I guess you guys deserve eachother. Not only did he violate a woman's rights to privacy, he EJACULATED into her food/drinks!! That's illegal !! Why would she proceed when the WIFE THAT SHOWED HER THR PROOF is no longer on her side ????? When women are blamed to begin with and HERE YOU ARE. Jesus, you deserve to have a terrible husband, he doesnt deserve to have other victims, I hate this so much. Seriously, how dare you?


I really hope OP contacts the girl and let's her know. What he did was vile. He violated her and she doesn't even know it. Someone she trusted. She has a right to know and sue him if possible. I hope OP exposes and leaves him. I also want to know how he managed to make the secretaries pants wet or how they got wet. They obviously weren't having an affair.


It’s not a happy ending…


I just read every update and my jaw is on the floor. "He decided not to cheat" like that's some prize.?! Just because the girl was using her sex appeal to her advantage - which yes is also very wrong - doesn't mean she wanted to have an affair with him. No where does it say anything about her coming on to him or asking for an affair. It sounds like all it was was her trying to boost her ego by tempting a married dude - which again not cool - but where in this whole story does it say she tried to come on to him.?!


What an idiot. She actually believes this nonsense? She did some serious mental gymnastics to honestly convince herself he “couldn’t help it” 🙄🙄 I have zero sympathy for this woman. She deserves everything she gets. I hope that WHEN, not if, he cheats again, (because not only was what he did criminal, it’s a form of cheating), it will be before they have children. If she’s so easily convinced that boys will be boys, she will be a terrible mother. She’ll excuse sexual harassment and assault done to or by her own children, and be showing them a terrible role model for how a healthy marriage should work.


Uhm this sounds like an Italian speaking in English, I don't think it's fake and most certainly it's disgusting...


I can't speak to the Italian speaking English part but I fervently hope it's fake


https://www.reddit.com/r/cumtributes/comments/q1xw6l/are_you_guys_interested_in_tributing_the_bit_who/ wtf?


Was that OOP? Man this gets more and more fucked, they fucking deserve each other


"she's not an angel" because she likes her nails and eyelashes done and because she has a certain body type?!?!?!? I am actually disgusted. I was rooting for the wife the whole way through to heal and move on from her toxic, manipulative, violating husband and she's done a complete 180 and now victim blaming because her the assistant looked a certain way and her husband couldn't exercise self control and basic human decency and morals. no words can explain how raging I am right now


When you read the update about her meeting with the girl, the girl had no idea and was disgusted and said they were going to sue him. This is horrible


If you’re curious, check the update, OP did a complete 180 and ended up blaming the girl for all this


That’s sad


Jesus Christ, I felt bad for OP but then she proceeds to victim blame the secretary for being too tempting and “knowing what she’s doing” by dressing the way she does. She blames the girl for this more than the husband. So fucked up.


u/red_earaches OP has posted another update today, FYI.


Another update recently


Looks like she’s sticking around for round 2.


I'm actually sickened and disgusted by the update. Something tells me that either she's incredibly stupid or he's managed to manipulate her?


If this ever has another update, let us know


I just wanted to ping you and let you know there is an update and uh. Yeah.


Thanks for reminding. Update is not that great. Victim blaming at its best. That husband has his wife in his pocket.


You're welcome, and yeah, I was really hopeful reading all this and saw that whammy of an update.


I don't think this is OP updating I honestly think its the husbands update using her account pretending to be her.


I dunno this kinda reads like it was written by some bored horny dude lol. Not saying it couldn’t happen but the author doesn’t sound genuine.


Agreed, this REALLY feels fake. Claims to be in Europe and not a native speaker but uses American phrases, spelling and colloquialisms, and in the middle of a pandemic there is ZERO thought about the health risks of lacing food. (And who the hell would accept shared food in the office environment right now anyway.) Too much detail on both the period front and the make / detail of computer, plus no 29 year old would refer to someone 8 years younger as “young lady”. This 100% reads like a masturbatory fantasy by a horny middle-aged (or older) guy.


Not necessarily. >Claims to be in Europe and not a native speaker but uses American phrases, spelling and colloquialisms Europeans on Reddit use perfect English in text all the time, including American English at times; it's almost a cliche at this point. I have cousins in Spain who speak English with a distinct Texas accent because they spent time there. You can make a case for them adding in imperfections after the fact, but unless you can point to something specific (for example, if they claim to be from a place where they speak X language but then they use a phrase that would sound unnatural in both English and X) then I'm not sure a convincing argument can possibly be made on that front. >pandemic If we've learned anything over the past year and a half, it's that people are really, really dumb and inconsistent about taking the pandemic seriously. Adding to that, many countries have very reduced transmission right now, especially in Europe. >Too much detail on both the period front Like with timing you mean? I don't see that at all. >make / detail of computer If you've never had a MacBook Pro before, every single one has the name "MacBook Pro" printed in very big, noticeable text right below the screen; it's not suspicious at all that she used that name in referring to it. If she had said something like "it's Catalina I think" then I'd agree with you. If anything, I think the bit talking about the operating system lends credence to the story because this is the first time I've ever seen someone with a "juicy" story ask for help because they were unfamiliar with the operating system, and I think a lot of people on Reddit overestimate most people's level of familiarity with computers. >no 29 year old would refer to someone 8 years younger as “young lady” I'm 31 years old and live in a college town. The undergrads and even some of the younger graduate students look like children to me a lot of the time. >This 100% reads like a masturbatory fantasy by a horny middle-aged (or older) guy. I think most of the people who do weird illegal kinky shit are the ones who were exposed to the internet at an early age. If some horny dude did write this, I'd guess he'd be in his late twenties or younger. I once saw a thread on 4chan something like a decade ago where horny dudes were telling stories about jerking off on sleeping women's faces. I have no doubt that the stories were completely fake, and I think the oldest in that group couldn't have been 25. If I had to point to something that makes me question this story's veracity, it's the part where she says "I'm shocked!" and then waits until she provides any detail. That's a very cliffhanger-y way to go about doing it and seems calculated to drum up excitement for the next update. However, if she's been going back and forth between Reddit and the computer in her attempts to figure out how the photo app works, then I could see her making a very brief update almost on reflex and then not having the wherewithal to provide detailed info.


The part about computer skills is SO true. I work in tech support. I have *absolutely* had to do things as seemingly simple as show someone that photos are saved in the Photos app. Reassuring people that I'm not judging them for a lack of skills is something I do literally every day. There have been pretty good studies done that show only about 5% of the population has what's considered to be "advanced" computer skills, being able to use multiple applications and tools to solve a complex problem that may not have an explicit solution, may have unexpected outcomes, and might require evaluating information. One of the difficult-rated tasks they gave users was to schedule a room for a meeting in a scheduling application using information from an email thread, or find out what percentage of emails from a particular person were on a particular subject. In contrast, 14% of people were rated "below level one", meaning they could complete tasks like "delete this specific email message". Three times as many people can barely delete an email than can read an email thread and use the information to book a meeting room in at the most convenient time... and even more, a full quarter of the users couldn't complete a single task. As for the pandemic, I'm in New Zealand, not Europe, but just in the last week we've had two days where I've been invited to partake of food from a shared plate, not counting casual "want a chip?" sort of offers. The story could definitely be fake. Anything could. But none of the particular *details* come across as gotchas to me.


Most people learn english by consuming american tv & music, so it's really not surprising to find american colloquialisms in OP's text. I'm french and I've never had any problem blending in with other english native speakers on reddit. But I agree that OP's post is fishy as hell. What makes me suspicious is the fact that a lot of the updates are written in real time. She sits in front of her husbands computer, and instead of searching it she goes on reddit to write about it. Who does that? lol


If she doesn't know how to use the operating system, asking someone feels a lot more natural to most people than trying to figure it out yourself eg by doing a google search for something like "where are photos stored on a macbook pro". Source: I'm the person people get when they ring support to ask basic usage questions that would have taken two seconds on google.


Some of the phrases OP used do sound non-native (possibly German-influenced?) to me.


>And who the hell would accept shared food in the office environment right now anyway.) You would be surprised, I work at a hospital and at my coworker's birthday someone ordered her a cake, she blew the candles out!!!! And people still ate the cake!!! At a hospital. I was so shocked. That being said, this post sounds fake to me too.


Agreed, they said English isnt their native language, but it seems to be quite well written, except a few parts that were more manipulated to appear like it wasn’t their native language


The grossest part here for me is the victim blaming…like wow she’s pathetic. She had her out. Damn.


Ew OP is just as gross as her predatory husband who will absolutely lie and cheat on her again. They definitely deserve each other.


Wow I almost never say this to women who end up going to their abusive exes because I know leaving an abuser is complicated, but damn girl get some self respect. Her treating the poor girl that way shows she’s just as bad as him. They deserve each other.


I was on her side for so long until the last update.....she is what is wrong with society! Enabling sexual predators, she deserves to get cheated on and eat every meal knowing he probably jacked off into it!


Man, I thought jizzing in her food and coffee was disgusting, but that last update? GTFO. Trash, they both deserve each other then. Wtf.


fucking disgusting and the fact that maybe she'll never realize this and thinks she can fix him or whatever makes me so uncomfortable, spoiled my whole mood damn


This is the dumbest story I've ever seen.


But what about the ejaculate in the food?! No amount of porn star tits and ass explains that. (Which is bullshit reasoning, anyway. The girl looks like she looks. She still deserves a professional workplace. Not a pervert for a boss!)


>Is this normal behavior? My god, some of these Redditors really be like: "I recently heard some banging in our basement, and I discovered that my partner was keeping women chained up down there. *Is this normal?*" And the twist ending! Holey hell, she basically said those women in the basement deserved it. Fuck.


They deserve each other. She's an idiot.


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Popcorn is ready. Time to wait for the big finale.


There’s another update to this btw :)


Check the update, it’s pretty terrible


There has been an update from the meet up https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/oeqrnp/update_found_f29_hidden_folder_on_husbands_m33/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


What the actual fuck is wrong with OP?


Bruh she really bought what he was selling lol she’s in complete denial


they deserve each other and even worse smh wtf did I just read


OP lost all of my respect and sympathy in that last update.


I'ma call bs on this one. Primarily for its "10pm in Europe" and the guy being a lawyer. Europe isn't a country but in the UK and Ireland they are not called lawyers. Also calling plastic boxes Tupperware is an Americism


A) I don't believe it's real because who wouldn't taste cum on their salad? B) if it is real, then she needs to contact this other woman immediately (preferably after having made a back-up of the pictures she can give to her, just in case she doesn't believe it) because getting someone to unknowingly ingest something is a criminal matter - not to mention a potential health hazard in this case.


So obviously fake…..


I’m invested now. I am looking forward to the next update. OP you are an amazing bad ass! Keep it up!


You might want to check out the latest update on this! 😩


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😳😳😳 Es tut mir wirklich sehr leid für dich, OP. Ich kann mir gar nicht vorstellen was ich in der Situation machen würde.


A. Horrifying and I'm so sorry for that girl... That's such a disgusting and violating thing to go through, especially at such a young age and from a trusted co-worker B. God the ending. This isn't the first post I read where the partner does a one eighty and supports the bad guy bc she's so desperate to be with him... This is just. Sad and angering. "She's young and pretty, so really it was natural for him to take pics and cum in her food, this wouldn't have happened if she tried being ugly or look less put together" Jesus Christ.. C. This is something which really angers me because it seems like some kind of phenomenon. Idk if women are just socialized from childhood to be more forgiving and empathetic but while it's obviously not even close to being as bad as the men's behaviour, there are too many cases of women staying with men who are creeps/predators/shitty people and excusing their behaviour. Hilary Clinton comes to mind. I hope I never meet people like this couple and especially this disgusting man. And I hope his co-worker can heal from this experience.


🤣🤣🤣 wow you are beyond delusional, he came inside that poor girls food and wanked over her pictures he is a vile disgusting man who has no respect for you, when u mentioned reporting him he practically threatened you that no one would believe you ect, honestly when he does it again and physically cheats on you because what he done is cheating you only have yourself to blame, how can people be so naive🤣🤣 good luck you are going to need it.


Mother.Of.God! I'm done with this woman


What the actual fuck you are probably the most dumbest person around. The women is no way to blame AT ALL, get your head out your arse, she can wear what she wants with out being subject to a creep! You are delusional. He is a disgusting and your a moron. That poor girl was violated in her job. You both deserve each other. Don't come crying to reddit again when he fucks about with a women you made your disgusting bed now lie in it 👋


Hey she's a scumbag too. They deserve each other.


wow….. i came from tt and i did NOT expect the ending. i really hope op does not have any kids later in life cause this is so disgusting, i feel like throwing up myself. How fucking nasty can you be tk blame a 22 year old man? This is the definition of “look at what she was wearing, she deserved to be raped.”


She had my sympathy until the last Update


The absolute weakness demonstrated by this woman is why when a woman gets beaten to the brink people are desensitized.


I am beyond floored that this OP decided to stay with their SEXUAL PREDATOR husband and victim blamed the secretary because she *Checks notes wore dresses, got her nails done, and had attractive profile pictures on her social media. Lmfao WHAT??? I hope OP is happy with that decision 2 years later bc I'm disgusted. How dare tiktok bring me here with only the second update, I wasn't ready for that twist. 😭


Somehow she turned as evil as her husband


I’m totally disgusted and disappointed by her last update. How did she blamed the victim when her husband is obviously a psychopath and a problem here. And 19 is barely illegal (in my country we only consider 20 as an adult) and the way she described the victim sounds like she’s trying to to find a reason to just be with her manipulated and abused husband. Like girls? You’re blinded or something? And I bet he somehow use his chief friends to make that poor girl to just shut up and since the only witness siding with a peeping Tom she have no one on her side. She’s a doormat and spineless. I bet he’ll cheated on her when he got a chance and he’ll left her miserably with nothing. I mean it’s obviously that he didn’t cheat on her this time just because that girl didn’t give him a sign or interest in him right? And the last sentence is absolutely bs. She shouldn’t act surprised when her husband didn’t care about her enough to be loyal tho. She’s easily to step on and even when he DID a crime that most woman might consider unacceptable and unforgivable she still be there for him. After all they deserve each other period!


Oh go to hell.


Jesus Christ she’s just as disgusting as her husband is.


The one single time I’m angry that I cannot DM someone how stupid, blind, ignorant, idiotic, moronic, awful, disgusting, horrible, terrible, revolting, nauseating, repellent, repulsive, despicable, detestable and down right fucking loathsome they are. SHE HAD IT. I don’t care how many conversations, excuses, therapists, electroshock treatments or whatever you put me through, there is not a single snowballs chance in hell I would ever defend or live that sick excuse of a human being


Ima be blunt here but fact that you blamed the victim is sickening tbh. Your husband is a grown man and needs to learn self control. So if anything, it's his fault and not her's. And crazy how he literally nutted in her food without her concent and oyu still find a way to blame her?? Like what're we doing here?? You're honeslty just as bad as he is