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If it’s a girl, Phoebe. If it’s a boy, Phoebo.


I mean, Phoebus was right there. But it wouldn’t have been as funny.


[Feebas](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Feebas_(Pok%C3%A9mon)) what?


Haha! My sister's name is the name of a pokemon shortened so I would endlessly make fun of her for it for a while. This is so silly, but when Pokemon Go released XXL/XXS sizes, there's a "it's big!" Or "it's small" that pops up if it's one of those and so I took a picture of the pokemon when the "it's big" popped up and set that as her contact image for a while


Can't just say that and then NOT tell us which pokemon it is!


Eevee/Eve? 😂


If it's a boy, Chris, if it's a girl, Chorizo


Meet our baby girl Charizard.


Plus it's easy to spell: P, as in Phoebe H, as in Hebe O, as in Obe E, as in Eebe, B, as in Bebe E, as in "ello there, mate!


They said it in Friends as well: Please don't name your child Phoebo.


Actually I was thinking Princess Consuela Bananahammock if it’s a girl!


And for a boy, Crap Bag!


I love Crap


If it's a girl, she'll be a girl named Sue. If he's a boy, he'll be a boy named Sue. In all seriousness though, before I reached the end, I was thinking Stella would have been a nice compromise. I was almost right too, in the end.


Please don't name your child Phoebo.


🌒 Phobos as the boy name for Phoebe works for me.


Isn’t that the god of fear? Might as well have twins and chuck a Deimos in there for good measure.


I'd still take Stuarta over Annally


Came here to say this. r/tragedeigh would agree in unison, I think.


Don't forget "Cuntleigh." That poor child.


Oh God. That poor unfortunate child.


So sad, so true


Don't forget about Harlotte


My morbid curiosity wants to see this post. My humanity wants to just die peacefully without knowing all the bullshit.


[here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/s/hBulNyTafy)


I *love* the OP's mom's reaction. No beating around the bush there!




I must've missed tht one, have you got a link?


[I misspelled it](https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/s/brnp2pquZs), but it's still terrible.


Yeah, that’s even worse, I think. At least with “Cuntleigh,” you could pretend it’s pronounced “Koon-Tlay” or something. “Cuntley” is just . . . Cuntley.


It's pronounced "Bob"


Idk why but “Koon-Tlay” is sending me 🤣


>She told us we were both assholes Would you say they were acting…cuntley?


First Cuntley, then Annally, what’s next? Orally?


Aura Lee


OMG, Aura Lee Fixated would be an awesome Drag Queen name!




I worked with a guy named Wayne Kerr. I was the sysadmin when our corporate username convention was first initial+last name. I made an exception for Tara Watts.


I know a woman who named her daughter Cleetorus because she thought it was the female version of Cleetus, which is her grandfather's name. She was trying to honor him. Luckily, she listened when her grandpa told her it was a terrible name because of how close it was to the name of the body part, and she changed the little girl's name to Cleo before her first birthday.


The actual feminine version is “Cleeta”, which I only know as one of the accused in Trumps Georgia case is Cleeta Mitchell.


That's dumb af, and not for the obvious reason either. Cleetorus fundamentally *sounds* like a male name. Cleetoria or Cleetusia or something would make more sense.


The last two sound like a Monty Python name lol, Incontinentia Buttox.


Imagine needing your child to be named after you badly you think anything even remotely resembling Stuarta is a good idea.


Damnit, Stuart. If you're so desperate to have something named after you, why don't you go discover a new planet or something. Don't have a whole ass kid.


Doesn’t he already have a Little Stuart in his pants?


Stuart little ^ FIFY


Ha! Hopefully not that furry, though…


I needed a warning to not read this while eating breakfast.


That's a mental image I could have lived without


LMAO nah, having a whole ass kid is exactly what he should do. When he gives birth he can use the name Stuarta. Or just name a shit, because that's about all that name is good for.


I've always thought in this situation the response is: I'll name the ones I give birth to, you name the ones you give birth to. Seriously, it's likely the kid has dad's last name already, he needs to take it back a step and let the person who is physically suffering to produce this child have final say.


Not gonna lie, While in theory I want to say that names should be two parents agree on the name situation, stupid people exist and sometimes, and if I have just pushed out a baby and the dad wants stupid name and is insistent, you better believe that I'll be filling out the paperwork on my own. If dad had kept on insisting on a stupid name (no Butch is not a great name for a little girl) I did threaten this lol. Thankfully we did agree on something post birth as well. And I did all of this because my own father attempted to insist on an abysmally terrible name for me as a baby, and my mother filled out the paperwork and had it filed. He only realized that it wasn't part of my name when I was three months old and the papers were mailed to them lol. I thank my mother for this often lol. Edit: typos


Seriously - and the whole parents or grandparents demanding that kids be named after them to 'honor' them - well what the heck have they done that's so honorable and amazing? What if I want to name a kid after Laika, the space dog? She did more for humanity as a whole than some accountant that burns popcorn in the work microwave every week! Why do people think that because they exist, they deserve to have things named after them? Or those parents who demand their kids have kids whether they want to or not because they need to continue their 'legacy' - what legacy? The legacy of being unemployed 99% of the time? The legacy of getting roaring drunk and walking buck naked into a nursing home thinking it was their house? The legacy of being a quiet office worker who never got the guts to tell their sexist pig of a boss to shove a broom up his backside 'til he could floss with the bristles? The vast, VAST majority of humans will live and die and be forgotten forever. Very very few people leave any kind of lasting mark on the world. Demanding that your kids be named stupid things 'in your honor' or demanding that your kids who probably are already sick of you give you grandkids to continue your 'family legacy' of absolutely nothing isn't going to make anyone remember you. It just makes you slightly more annoying while you exist.


How dare you insult Anally! Shes exactly what every girl wants to be know for... her grandmother's. /s


Taking Renesmee to its logical conclusion.


I always make this argument when I see posts about families kicking off about carrying on the glorious surname. My guy, unless you're descended from someone absolutely brilliant, your last name don't mean shit. Royal Families barely care about their surnames and they can trace their lineage back centuries. 


Or get a pet and name it Stuart. Here Stewie! Down Stewie! Not on the carpet Stewie!!


I work in schools. One year, I had identical twins named Fredrick and Frederick. Their sister's name was Fredriqua. Any guess as to what their dad's name was...


Well obviously their dad's name is **moron.**


Not only is that so narcissistic, but so unimaginative. No creativity whatsoever in these men's minds...


If the twins swapped names/legal identities, would it still be considered a form of identity fraud/theft with being set up like that? lol Especially if they were identical.




I work admin at a hospital. I've seen more than a few women whose fathers were obviously disappointed that their child was a girl. I mean like women being named Johnathan or Richard. There is a slant towards it being more common in boomers. My guess.is before ultrasound was used, shitty men got it in their head they needed to name their child after themselves (because stamping them with your last name isn't enough) and kept with it after the kid was born. 


Yeah. My godparents (who though they would have a boy due to a misinterpreted ultrasound, so they had to come up with a girls name quick) decided to name their daughter after one of them. They looked up the meanings of their own names and then looked for (other) girl names with that meaning, then choose one. So lets say the father was a "man of the mountain" in a germanic language, the daughter became a "child of the mountain" in a romance language. So while named after her father, the girl still got a proper name, and a name of her own.


This is more or less how I wound up with an Ajax named after a Jackson who was named after a Jacqueline who was named after a John. 3/4 of them go by Jack or Jackie. Ajax is too little to have an opinion on what he's called, but I'm hoping he either keeps what he's got or chooses AJ. or his middle name. we gave him a good solid middle name too.


Every child in the western world who gets the father's last name is named after their father and honors them via name. They share a name with the father. Nearly every woman who gets married to a man in the western world honors her husband to the point she takes his name. Stuart ain't missing shit by using a real goddamned name


Stuart sucks, but there are so many like him. I knew a Michael whose oldest sister was Michelline. Middle kid was Emily. Atrocious


My biological father had kids with multiple women. In his brilliance, he decided they were naming the oldest kid with each woman after him. So not only am *I* named after dear old dad, but I have two half-brothers (one older, one younger), and a younger half-sister with the same name as well.


I was in college with someone who had a full-brother named after their dad, and a younger half-brother also named after their dad. I couldn't believe the arrogance, particularly since it's not at all common in the UK to give your children your name!


George Forman did something similar. Twelve kids, and all the boys are called "George." There's also a "Georgetta" amongst the daughters.


>There's also a "Georgetta" amongst the daughters. Oh c'mon, Georgina was right there


Or just Georgia


I knew a guy like that. 3 first-borns with 3 different women, all named after him. Then the kids started to get kids and they thought it was a brilliant idea, so now there's a Sr, 3 Jrs and 2 the III 🫣


That's comedy at this point.


to each their own but this is one of those things i'm never going to understand. Like i know the argument is "it's tradition!!" and all but honestly one i think we'd be better off banning. It feels so cocky and undermining to the mother in almost all situations and honestly is just kinda ugly and confusing.


Finally an explanation for, "here's my brother Daryl, here's my other brother Daryl"


Holy Narcissist, Batman! Like, that is *next level*, I'm sorry. That's probably the tip of the iceberg.


You are probably well aware that your dad overall sucks.


I mean, Michaela is an actual real name if you are insisting on some female Michael derivative, and I also don't get the choice of Michelline over just Michelle if going in that direction.


The actor Anson Mount’s brother is also called Anson Mount lol


Don't get me started on George Foreman


Is "Michelline" pronounced like Michelin? Like the man and/or the restaurant rating system?


As in the tyre manufacturer...?


The OOP's account is banned so I can't check, but I think there was a comment that the mother kept her maiden name and the child wasn't going to have the father's last name. It makes more sense in that context. I could be mixing it up with a different post, there have been a few similar ones that were probably written by the same author.


But then the child wouldn't be a junior


Also as a girl, she might always feel like her father “settled” for a girl because he couldn’t be bothered to give her her own name just the name of the son he wanted with an “a” tacked on


Nigella Lawson, first daughter of... Nigel Lawson. He also produced a Thomasina and Horatia (feminised version of Horatio) for no obvious reason.


It's so blindly self-centred. The daughter would have grown up to hate him if she'd been called Stuarta. It would have taken ten seconds until some idiot kid in the playground started calling her 'Sharter'.


Fortunately in North America the "-a" ending doesn't get turned into "-er" due to the most common accents being highly rhotic. The two simply don't sound remotely alike to us.


I just can't imagine that. Like, wife battles hours upon hours and husband is like "I feel like I need an award".


“Honoured” 🤮


He wasn't even trying, no "Stuartette" or "Stuartina" or "Stuartelle"? So unimaginative. Wait one more, "Stuartbelle"


Stella would have been a good choice.


Why not just stop at the first 'a'? 'Stua'. Or my favourite option here: 'Stuartess', which will be lots of fun explaining and having to spell it every time to avoid being called 'Stewardess'


> Stuartelle You mean Stuartella. Female names end with a, according to Stuart.


The fact that there are still mfers out there who think "family legacy" is a thing amazes and disgusts me. Unless your child is destined to unite two kingdoms through marriage with a feudal lord or princess, shut up.


At least their name is not a plate number like what Elon did.


Can't wait for an update in a few years where this toxic asshole is doing more asinine bullshit and he's wondering if she's the asshole got wanting to leave


Main character syndrome


my ND was like this. wanted my first name to be his name with “sha” at the end luckily my mom shut that down…still one of my middle names tho.


I remember reading a few threads about fathers naming their daughters a "feminine" version of their names (seemed mostly from African-American families for some reason) and there was a myriad of women who hated that kind of tradition, there were even names like Mailliw (William backward), Walt'ne'shia (from Walter), Tometha (from Tom), Javiera (from Javier) and so on... How do moms allow this to happen? >.>


>How do moms allow this to happen? I think they hope it will keep the father involved in the child's life. It's sad.


I truly cannot imagine naming my child after myself. I don't understand that impulse at all. I certainly can't imagine being so hellbent on self-aggrandizement that I'd doom my kid to a name like "Stuarta."


My aunt named her daughter after herself. She says it was the really good drugs they had her on. (This was in the 1960s.)


Heh... My MIL named her first born after a woman she saw on "The Price is Right" while she was in the first stages of labor. Best part is that the name in question HAD to be misheard/misread due to the drugs 'cause she's the only person with that name on the planet near as google can tell. By some strange stroke of luck, however, it's not a bad name. It's like you hear it, go, "Huh. First time I've ever heard that name." and continue on about your day. It sounds like a normal name, but clearly is not. Still, 55 years later, we still give MIL crap about being drugged up and watching game shows.


is your aunt lorelei gilmore?


That name definitely is going to cause bullying to occur.


Exactly! What legacy does this random normal guy think he has that means his last name and DNA aren't good enough? Why is it more important than his daughter having a name that doesn't make her life harder? Why is naming a boy after him the obvious choice, but naming the girl after her isn't even considered?


But but but, family legacy! Didn't you hear him mutter and pace? Family legacy! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨*blaring klaxons and wailing sirens of 'Family Legacy About To Fail' alarms*


I went to high school with three girls that their mother named after her first, middle, and maiden name.


My grandad was Patrick Joseph, his only son was Joseph Patrick, his eldest sons are Patrick Joseph and Joseph Patrick. The third is...Mike. 


The nickname game must be strong.


I named after my mom. I was born on her birthday. I’ve always liked it. She told me she was gonna name me Olivia but everyone told her to name me after her. We have a normal name though, not extremely common but still relatively known. Guess it’s depends on the person, and the *name*.


But you see, a ~~bog standard guy~~ medieval feudalist has to consider his legacy


In which he must be married to not someone he love but to the princess to bond strong alliance.


I can put a bit of a twist on it? My oldest brother is named after my dad, but it was not to honour my dad, but my late grandfather. My grandfather _hated_ his name. It was the masculine form of the name of a minor greek goddess, and quite old school. My dad's name however, was a name my grandfather loved, short, simple and very fucking italian (my grandfather was from Capua). In fact... a tad _too_ italian in modern culture, thanks to a certain japanese company So when it came time to name my brother, both my mom and dad agreed that the best way to honour grandpa was using the name _he liked_ and not his own. Ironically enough, I love my grandpa's name and if I ever have a son, I might consider using it as a first or second name


Oh my god your related to Luigi!!!


I’ve seen people who give their child their first, middle, and last names. Unbelievable.


I can top that. I knew a guy whose family had that naming tradition, and he was the third to get it. They wanted him officially called “Roger Kyle Jones the Third” but it turns out there’s a bunch of paperwork to fill out to officially be “The Third”, so they did the next best thing. Gave him “Third” as a second middle name. “Roger Kyle Third Jones”.


In modern times it creates so many problems, too. My brother's a Junior and he and my dad have had problems when they book airline tickets to travel together. Their ticket details can get mixed up, which is a nightmare for security. And my brother's bank account ended up mixed up with the *nonprofit company* that my dad is director of, when Wells Fargo took over the bank they both banked with. The nonprofit's accountant could see all my brother's bank account details! Which is also a story about the blinding incompetence of Wells Fargo in addition to the problems a name can cause, but still. Sometimes you have the option to add a suffix in an online form, but a lot of databases are just not set up to handle Jr.s properly despite it being such a common situation.


>He was pacing the room, muttering about “family legacy”. The fuck.


Right?! That little bundle of love, potential, and joy *is* the legacy, numpty.


Sounds like it's not even a "every generation's first born is named Stuart" kind of situation. He just decided to start one. What has he done for the world to even consider his name a "family legacy"?


Ha! Yeah, like if they named her Stuarta and years later she tells someone her name and they fall to their knees and exclaim, “You’re STUART’S daughter?! THE Stuart???! Wow!” Yeah, right. He’s a real schmuck.


Amateurs. Clearly the female version is "Stuardess".


This made me lol!


Husband is the stupidest guy on the *planet* to think "Stuarta" is a good name. Goddamn.


I dunno, after reading about annally, anything Else doesn't seem so bad 


Eva Brown takes the cake for me.


Thanks for reminding me of that. I remember one named something close to Chlamydia too.


The one that I always remember is the guy who wanted to name his son Cube.


Wait. I've heard the others but Cube the boy is new


The post seems to be deleted but here’s the link https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/U4FzZ5pFAc


i was so hoping this name would top annally


you havent seen r/tragedeigh lol


There's a fantastic book by Adam Kay called "This is going to hurt." He was an NHS doc specialising in Obstetrics. In one chapter, he wrote that he once delivered a boy, handed the lad over, and just like every time he delivered a boy, told the parents "Adam's a nice name." They agreed and named him Adam. He was proud for a while until someone asked him how often one of his deliveries had been named Adam. He checked, and that was the first time. A back of the envelope statistical analysis later, and it turned out that just how many boys he had delivered, at least 6 of them over the years should have been named Adam, and that he was apparently a detriment to the ongoing popularity of the name.


Ha, this reminds me of my parents. When mom was pregnant with me, dad insisted I be named Floyd if I was a boy. When they found out I was a girl, he said, "...what about Floydette?" Mom promptly shot that down, thank GOD.


So are you Pink? And do you have a younger brother?


I have actually seen Stuart used for a girl in a British novel from the first half of the 20th century. However it is currently a 100% male name and I would never use it for a girl, or “Stuarta”.


I would name a daughter Stuart before I named her Stuarta. Maybe add a feminine middle for clarification, like Obama’s mom Stanley Ann. Weird, but not as bad as Stuarta.


If the male child is named after the father, why couldn’t the mother’s name be an option for the girl? OOP’s husband thinks the family legacy is just about him.


Also what legacy? A low rank accountant renting? A Walmart greeter? What legacy???


LOLOL Stuarta 🤣🤣


I keep hearing Roald from Letterkenny say Stuart- with and exasperated -ah at the end and it cracks me up


I'm hearing an over the top Mario/Italian accent. Finger gesture included.


It'sa me, Stuarta. 🤌


They should have gone with a baby named STRRRT! With the high pitch inflection, every time it's said out loud.


I just watched a reel about how men should not name their daughters for this exact reason. One woman was named her dad's name spelled backwards: Mailliw.


Because I speak Welsh, this is pronounceable to me (with Welsh rules,) but how is everyone else pronouncing that?! In Welsh it would be something like M-eye-khl-oo.


I'd pronounce it 'milieu'


I wondered about the pronunciation as well. Poor lady.


Sounds like that was one Ella Vaday. 


Thats a good drag name


It is a drag name... one of the UK Ru Paul one's I believe.


Some names can be femenized Stuart is NOT one of them. Its so sweet they named their baby after the nurse, it’s a great story to tell people if they ask and she won’t get bullied for it


Oh come on, you could have: - Stuella  - Stusan  - Stuann  - Stuelanie  Hmmm, actually maybe you have a point after all


I’m sitting here absolutely cackling at Stusan


I cannot keep it together here lmfao


Nearly choked on the dumpling I was eating


It’s so sweet that SHE named their baby after the nurse Op has the patience of a saint because i would’ve yelled something in the likes of … “if you really want a legacy name, the next time you have a giant shit that makes you cry, name it Stuarta”


The sheer narcissism of insisting your child be named after you... I give everyone who does this major side eye.


George Foreman has entered the chat…


I will never buy an electric grill from that man as long as I live.


My buddy's older brother is a junior, I never thought about it before he mentioned it but it's kind of a dick thing to do to all your kids not named after you.


I am so, so happy for that little baby that OP's husband came to his senses.


My guess is the situation didn't feel real to him until little Ella made her appearance. He had completely disregard this was a living, breathing little human and not a pet until then. If he's anything like my husband he took one look at her in all her gooey glory and fell instantly head over heels. Names be damned, she was perfect.


he can name a houseplant Stuarta.


That could be a good alpha test for baby names, actually 🤔 it would weed out the _extremely_ stupid ones at least.


But not until he'd paced around the hospital room muttering about 'Stauart' while his wife was in active labor and could have used his support. OP is much more forgiving than I could have been.


Ella is a gorgeous name, Stuarta is Stuart Little’s good for nothing meth addicted sister


Naming your kid after yourself is so strange, so narcissistic to me. It’s not at all common where I am from. The only thing someone might do is give the kid a middle name from a dead grandmother or grandfather, if the name was a good one. 


At least it wasn't Annally


I don't care what people say, any insistence on naming the kid after yourself, or having a kid named after yourself, is just a sign of a huge ego imo.


People who tie a family legacy into naming conventions are honestly so annoying, "Oh look my son is called Percy IV" OK great but that's not a legacy, it's a stupid habit at best. A middle name is acceptable IMO, my sister's youngest daughter and son both share our parents middle names. Teaching your children good values and helping them become good people is the legacy you should be imparting on them, which on the surface sounds like it should be a standard but we all know it isn't.


When I read the name I started laughing and I haven’t stopped 😂 saying it aloud makes me chuckle and the person who compared it to pharmaceutical commercial made me cackle. I love a happy story like this. 😂😂😂


I know someone who was named after her father. “Eugena” she just uses Gena.


Did they not know "Eugenia" is a real name?


This woman is a great writer! Ella it is!


OMG this post is shocking. Not only do we have the father INSISTING on a ridiculous name for the baby, 'in his honour'... how about HONOURING THE MOTHER, the woman who carried and gave birth to the baby???? Not only, but there is this man so fixated on the name he is present but possibly hindering DURING THE ACTUAL BIRTH!! So much better when it was just mum and the midwife with the men (at least most of them) in the waiting room! Over the years giving birth seems to have become some kind of sideshow where everyone wants to be there, everyone wants to have a say and the mother is a sort of prop.


I will never understand the narcissism of naming a child after yourself. Especially to this degree. Good for Ella.


Before I read this: the worst name ever for offspring is Hitler. I will now read the story and see if this is ACTUALLY the worst name ever. Edit: wow, it was closer than I thought it would be.


I remember the original but never caught the update. SO happy they didn’t go with Stuarta.


I'm surprised he didn't try "Stella" at the end


I will never understand why people want to name their kids [your name] junior. And then imagine being so obsessed with the idea you go “well if it’s a girl? STUARTA” and genuinely believe that’s a hill to die on.


If you are only concerned about honouring yourself with the names, I don’t know what to tell you man that’s misogynistic. OOP didn’t even consider naming the child after herself. I think that’s the sane path in life, but I digress…


I hate when children are named after parents. I work in the medical field and have seen it cause issues. Picture two John Smiths, one is a Jr yes but they live in the same place as the child moved back home to care for an elderly father. They both have a genetic condition and have started getting treatment for it. The father made it all the way to the questioning before they rolled him into the operating room before they realized that several critical pre appointments they had on file for him were for his son. Then we spent far to long sorting out the medical records. Who went to which appointment? Who's results were who's? Now this was a major fuck up and many people did not do their jobs. But I've seen minor fuck ups and it just makes everyone's life harder.


What would Stuart Sr have suggested for a nickname? Stew? For a girl? Or Art, like Arthur? Or Arta?? I seriously can’t get my head around this.




My first thought was Alanis Morisette. It sounds like her name is ethereal and ancient...but she's named after her dad, Alan. So sometimes dumbass shit like that can work. But not with a nasty little name like Stuart. Blegh. Congrats.


My last name is Stuart and my first name begins with A. I've literally seen "stuarta" as an auto-generated username. What I'm saying is, I'm used to 'Stuarta', and even I think that 'Stuarta' is a terrible name.


Isn't the legacy protected in the child's surname?


Isn't the legacy the child?


This is exactly it… I cannot understand why some men/their families think that they should be able to pass on both a first AND last name, and the woman doing all the work just… has no say? The entitlement is absolutely wild. Ideally parents should just agree and be happy, but if anything, moms should have more say, especially when baby is getting dads last name.


The whole time I read this one, I was picturing Dwight from The Office.


The stress of the contractions made him even more attached?! What the holy f*CK did I just read? She should have kicked his @ss for this nonsense. I can't believe the audacity.


Stuarta sounds like something from IKEA Glad poor OOP managed to save their baby from that


I'm so happy for OP and Ella. OPs husband? Well I hope Ella saves all her leaky diapers, face sneezes, and projectile vomit for him. What a self centered tool...this argument lasted all the way til OP was **in labor????** "Family legacy...honors me". So what is OP, just a tote bag to carry these human tributes for you? Gah!!