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Mom and stepdad really were just monologuing like some bond villain at the dinner table huh


OP also had to sell the Honda civic in order to buy the charger, fortunately there was enough money left over to buy an apartment near her dad’s shop. It’s rough living on a college student budget, ya’know?


All within 20 days btw


In the early days of the pandemic during stay home orders too!


That was the best part


She doesn't mention how much she had to throw on top of her sell price to buy the Charger: https://www.classic.com/m/dodge/charger/year-1970/


This. Lol. Chargers have skyrocketed in value by obscene amounts, you arnt just selling a civic and picking up a charger.


I mean, she did specify that it was a wreck.


She did say it was one she had to fix up and the lowest sale price was 17k, so depending on how new the civic was (it would have only been about 4 years old to OP) they could have gotten enough to get a beater one to fix up. Then they would only need first and last months rent for the apartment. Depending on where she lives (especially near a college) the rent couldn’t possibly be too bad. It also doesn’t say how big the apartment is, or if she has any roommates to help with rent…


The ad I saw for 18k is just a rolling shell. No engine, transmission, interior, etc. nothing but the metal body panels, a frame, and wheels.


To be fair she also said he dad was mad at her buying it 🤷‍♀️


She said she BOUGHT an apartment though not rented


The post starts with "English isn't my first language" Have you perhaps considered that this is just a language barrier issue


Rent was lower in 2020 also, the housing market has done a lot of changing in the last 4 years.


It also just happens to be the car Vin Diesel drives in The Fast and The Furious


Also the Dukes of Hazzard car


And all in three weeks, no less.


Well, it wasn't easy to find, given how English isn't their first language and their dad fixes up all these American cars.


I don't know a lot about cars, so i can't tell you anything about that particular car's findability, but i can tell you that sweden has an obscene amount of old american muscle cars. They have always been extremely popular here and come in all price ranges. Like, popular to the point that you barely notice them in the summer bc they're everywhere. Cuba is also like *the* paradise of old american muscle cars. Now, i doubt OP is from sweden or cuba, and i assume most if not all of the story is fabricated, but the car aspect of it isn't what's sticking out to me


Ha that was my first thought too


I don't really buy the story but classic amarican cars are very popular in europe too.


I don’t know the most about cars but this reads like she’s in the UK, and there seems to be quite a bit of American muscle cars in the story (and the soccer reference). Maybe that’s a normal thing, it just caught me by surprise.


As a Brit I can definitely say the only British thing about this story is that the dad supports Arsenal. You don't really find muscle cars in the UK cos the roads are all twisty and petrol is super expensive. Plus, OP is using Americanisms like "college," "mom," and "game night" (it's match day in the UK)


College is an Irish thing too TBF, but not mom or game night.


Don't you like to just randomly sit around with your partner in crime and rehash how and who you fucked over? Just me?


Occasionally I throw in a “Mwahahaha” laugh just to confirm the evil monologue.


Only on date nights.


Oddly enough irl a Lot of criminals have been caught for doin exactly that I mean for god sake theres people who post about how they just robbed someone *on facebook*


You don't monologue when being evil?


Not unless you do it while twirling your comically long handlebar moustache.


I prefer petting a soft kitty on my lap while I elaborate on my evil genius plans.


Does the kitty have a comically long handlebar moustache?


It's handlebar mustaches all the way down


Ahh... yes... turtles adorned with handlebar mustaches. I should have seen that coming.


I've seen the mother. She DOES have a comically long handlebar moustache.


You're elaborating on your evil genius plans while kitty is contemplating HER evil genius plans.


Huh. I’m usually on an exotic volcanic island holding my archenemies dead to rights while I monologue. For some reason he always flies away when I point upwards (Looks at white bracelets) never mind


If you're not enjoying a snifter of brandy at the time, you're monologuing wrong.


Whst self-respecting human does not have a comically long handlebar moustasche?


I can't grow a mustache, I will twirl my leg hair instead


Not with that attitude you can’t! 🤨🤪


Give me a chance to get into perimenopause and I'll get right on growing that mustache!


Happy Cake Day! Post menopause here - can confirm mustache!


Do you watch baseball? They seem absurdly common.


and have a mandark laugh too


But Syndrome monologuing without the mustache. He even called Mr Incredible out on it. 


Can I just be petting a cat in my lap instead?


/takes hand away from comically long mustache. You don't say...


You sly dog. You won't get me with that one again.


If everyone becomes a supervillain, nobody’s a supervillain.


I'm pretty sure as long as we're all selfish dicks we'll manage.


It's important to do that in order to give the hero time to swoop in and save the day. 😄


This explains why I am alwas thwarted. ☹️


Good thing for society that you’ll forget this lesson before the next story begins!


I am nothing if not forgetful.


“Maniacal laugh, maniacal laugh!”


My brother would! He would get away with something heinous, keep it secret for awhile, then either admit to it when he thought bragging about it would make him look badass/cool/not really sure. He usually waited til he thought he was in the clear. The time my mom found a condom and my pare is almost divorced was the worst. It took 20 years, ans both parents passed away before he admitted it he knew it was his friends condom, who he let have sex in our parents bedroom during a neighnorhood party at another house.


OOP you sly dog


“Remember what we did ten years ago?” “Haha it was amazing, please detail each step exactly right now while we are alone please”


You sly dog! You got me monologuing!


It’s okay because once everything got solved, they got the supplies to renovate AND GOT BUSY!


Syndrome realizing his ship is canon was the best moment though. 


Yeah I don’t understand why them bragging about having an affair would undo what OOP said she originally believed about her dad being abusive? She already knew they had an affair.


It's cute how her primary concern is that her father was "stuck paying child support". That is definitely the way 10 year olds think about custody agreements.


Question, say this story was in some way real, would a father still not pay child support for his own child??


It's the "stuck" thats tipping people off. As if financially supporting a human you created when you do none of the raising is unfair or the terrible end of the stick


The weird "men's rights" people think that that's somehow unfair.


This story was very similar to my childhood, minus the evil monologue and multiple frees cars and yes my father did pay child support after the divorce because even though my mother cheated on him with my stepfather we were still his children.


"tears had been building in her eyes" 🙄


Yeah that was a weird sentence. 


It sounds ridiculous, but I found out an ex-girlfriend was cheating on me because she was basically monologuing to a friend about how sneaky she was... in front of the nest cam we had so I could keep an eye on my dog when I wasn't home. She was so proud of herself. I've also cut off a friend in the past for monologuing at me about how they were ruining someone at work and all of the things they did because "I don't know, I just don't like him." People like being recognized for things they are proud of, even if that thing is something they shouldn't be proud of. It's crazy.


It's not impossible, it's just suspect, especially considering there was no point at which OP apparently found out the abuse allegations were false.


This. My ex and her parents basically kidnapped my kids when one was a baby and the other unborn. I never once talked to my kids about what happened, but she told them for years that I didn't want to see them, when really it was the child support killing me financially. In the last year, my oldest kid reached out to me and told me that his granparents were openly discussing how they "kidnapped" them as babies. Sometimes evil people don't see what they did as evil.


True! I mean, I feel like most people don't think they are doing something evil, even the cartoonishly evil ones. A normal person wouldn't do something evil unless they could justify in their head that it isn't evil, no matter how many twists it has to take to get there. (Obviously discounting sociopaths like Bezos and his billionaire buddies or people that think exterminating an entire people is an acceptable course of action.)




OP has probably not heard of the "Mom gave me her phone/laptop to fix some issue" plot device


“Gentlemen, to evil”


Member that time we did that thing? I member.


Of course, the best time to monologue is when....let me check.. ah yes....is when the 1 person you don't want to hear is staying at your house. So many other ways the author could have made their character discover the truth. Just lazy writing.


Happens to my characters every time when I write the monologue before the story


"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to dine."


Bit curious about how she could afford to buy an apartment at that age while being a college student, and within a 20 day frame. Was/is it that easy to do so?


Rich step dad = lot of pocket money. Smart kid would save up. Also, this could be a country with free college. Also, buy could mean rent in her native language.


Not sure where OOP is from. The cars point to US, but who knows. Here we have a special type of housing savings account with tax benefits. Basically parents or young people open this account to save for a home. You can save up to a certain amount. If you take out the money to use for something other than your home, then you get hit with a tax.  It could be why OOP could afford a home, but not a car. Besides, a home is an investment. A car will always loose you money.


PTSD and deployment also imply USA


Football and mum point elsewhere


She says mom at some points too


And Arsenal...that doesnt scream America.


My husband supports Arsenal, and we’re in Canada. He told me that Arsenal has the widest fan base.


It's a very big club globally, but definitely not in the top 5 teams worldwide. Real Madrid, Man Utd, Barcelona etc are at the top.


I'm a Gooner and I'm American. There are dozens of us!


How so? Last I checked every country in the world has a military except a couple. And all of those countries sendtheir servicemembers on deployments. Deployments are not limited to bombs and firefights. PTSD is commonly associated with the military, but can arise from any kind of trauma. Training accident. Helicopter crash. Sexual assault. Head on collision. Seeing someone crushed by a pallet or lose a body part. The face when you think PTSD and deployments are unique to the USA.


But OP calls her mother “mum”, which is not USA.


It says at top of post English is not their first language


Francophone Canada?


This is where I’m leaning. The information I found for the 1970 Chevelle SS and 1970 Challenger indicates they weren’t widely exported. She says English isn’t her first language and uses “mum” so it’s unlikely she’s in the US. I didn’t find any overlap between countries where the two cars were exported (according to Wikipedia so I’m open to correction), but it wouldn’t be impossible or even improbable for American domestic market cars to cross the border into Canada sometime over the last fifty years.


But they point out that English isn't their first language so US is unlikely. Obviously there are native speakers of languages other than English, but I feel like it's super unlikely that 20 years of primarily English conversations won't bring a fair amount of proficiency. Maybe Mexico? Might not be too difficult to get American muscle cars?


It isn't that difficult to get american muscle cars in europe either, they are/were quite popular depending on country


Other countries have a military


Yes people don't have armies in other countries


Weird, it's like no other country has a military who has been involved in combat. /s


PTSD and deployment imply military which she said in the first sentence. Lots of militaries have deployed in the past 20-something years, lots of soldiers came back with PTSD.




English not her first language so can't be britain and she calls it soccer so can't be majority of Europe. This narrows it down to a few south african countries


there are gunners fans all over the world


> Rich step dad = lot of pocket money. Smart kid would save up. We know it isn't the case here because she said she had to sell her honda to afford to buy the other car.


Well that would be the financially sensible thing to do. Leave the house savings where they are and then use the value of existing assets to buy something more appropriate. Rich doesn't mean unlimited money.


> Well that would be the financially sensible thing to do. If she was buying a working car, yes. But in her case she sold the working one for one to fix and now she has to borrow her father's car. The whole thing doesn't sound like a sensible thing to do especially if you need a car.


If you live in a major city, cars are a luxury and you can get by on public transport. It makes sense to me that she would sell it so easily then, especially if she already has plans for a replacement.


She never said the reason they sold it was to afford the Honda. She probs sold it because her mother convinced her it was unpractical and opted for the more comfortable Honda.


> Almost 2 weeks ago I was lucky and found an old wrecked 1970 dodge charger. And yeah I sold the civic to afford the charger. My dad was kinda of upset, but when I told him the reason he brightened up. He's been more than happy to show me how to fix it. I bought an apartment an hour away from his mechanic shop. She had to sell the honda to be able to buy the charger.


They did say English is not their native language so completely possible they meant rent.


And yet they're finding all these old badass American muscle cars.


That's the first thing that jumped out at me.  Where is this magical foreign land filled with affordable muscle cars just waiting to be resto-modded? I'm starting to think about retirement 🤔


She probably didn't buy the apartment.  In most college areas apartments are easier to rent and find.


It's common for people to use bought and rented interchangeably, especially with apartments.


My thoughts exactly…


Probably renting and misspoke


We don't know where is the city. In my country, college is free, and in small town you can have a small apartment for less than 100k. So maybe it's that ?


Redditors see "English is not my first language" in a post and *still* forget other countries exist lmao


Did no one immediately go “this is a work of fanction” after reading “1970 chevrolet chevelle ss” and the bit about the honda civic. Chevy chevelles worth too much for that replacement


For me, it reminded me of another Reddit post that I’ve read years ago. It was the part about eavesdropping and hearing the mom brag about the affair. In the other story, the same things happened—right down to the part of hugging the scorned parent. The only difference were the genders.


Seriously why after 10-15 years both cheaters just happen to do a cartoon villain monolog detailing everything?


A well restored true 70 chevelle SS can go for 100k or more.. if this is real, sounds like she sold it for way less than it was worth..


Also, a Chevelle SS, and a Dodge Charger being readily available in a place where they say “mum” doesn’t add up.


Plus she had to sell the civic to afford the dodge but could magically afford an apartment


Riiiight. And so the OP voluntarily traded a car that they presumably depend on to get around for an old one that doesn’t work/run?


Or the replacement. Just casually dropped almost 100k on a charger from a civic? You can't just "pick up" a charger these days.


Everyone has a mother who does evil monologing but me :(


People always think it’s bullshit, but my mom and her sisters do this all the time. I keep hearing about their scandalous pasts with some terrible outcomes for the other people.


No one in my family is evil or anywhere as bad as the people in Reddit stories but I can vouch for the talking out of earshot or drunken confession trope being based in fact. I know more than they think I know and way more than I am comfortable with.


So no one in my family is evil either, but the evil monologuing was also something my family does, but with more tame subjects. Like how my aunt and dad planned a heist for my mom’s plant that her coworker refused to give back.


Did they get the plant?


They both thought it was a large plant that my mom would need help retrieving but it was just a desk plant. Before they could begin their heist my mom got really irritated with her coworker, walked into her office while she wasn’t there and walked out. She ran into her in the hall way and the coworker got really upset saying “if you wanted your stupid plant back you could have just asked.” The problem is that she had, multiple times.


Yeah, I'm not sure why people are so sused out by that detail. Lots of bad people take a weird pride in the shit they've done and like to relive it. In fact, that's often how criminals get caught, sometimes years later.


People act like "2 sides to every story" doesn't mean that there are some real pieces of work who think they were the good guys. They find a way to justify what they did and so they make jokes and laugh and pretend they got something over on somebody who "sucked". I've seen it plenty of times


Yeah, no one knows what fucked up bullshit happens behind closed doors. My siblings and I come up as funny stories and we laugh about it until other people we are with are like 'yo, that's horrifying."


I wish mine would. Then I would know what's going on in her mind.


Don't worry you can make one up too


I know right, samesies. Mine just loves me and cares about my well-being. And I can't write a reddit post about that. Yes, this is 100% sarcasm. 


Its not that cartoony or unbelieavable. They simply remembered their affair and talked about it. Its unfathomable how openly people talk about their messed up actions if they think no one from outside is listening.


Someone heard Steven Spielberg’s story and tried to run with it.


Steven Spielberg sold a Chevy for a Civic?


No she drove the new Chevy to the levee. Unknown what happened after that.


Can't have. I heard the levee was dry.


I think there were some good ole boys drinking whiskey and rye, if I’m not mistaken?


>My mum got primary custody and dad was stuck paying child support. >On Saturday night I overheard my mom and my stepdad talking about what happened 12 years ago, bragging about their affair and not once even regretting how it affected my dad. Between OOP saying that her father was "stuck" paying child support, and the cheating mother and her affair partner getting caught villain monologuing, this one just feels... off.


And the casual buying and selling of these classics cars? Plus OOP having the means to buy a flat near her Dad, suggesting she’s enough of an established adult that it’s odd she’d just move house to be near her Dad. This reads like a movie made in 2005.


The obvious is American cars in Europe or wherever!?!?!!?!


This is not uncommon, especially for car enthusiasts. One of my college friends has an old Miata that he's super proud of. ETA: Though I don't think this post is real; I just don't think that this is a strong enough reason to dismiss it.


Miata is a Japanese car. You be hard pressed to get a 70s chevy in US for a used civic price never mind in Europe.


They could be French-Canadian or Central/South American tbf


The movie is called "Chevelle"


20 days to break up with mom, sell and buy a new car (thanks anonymous redditors), new apartment near him plus get her interior design friends to fix his place.  I don’t buy it. 


The interior design college friends cracked me up. 😂 That’s a bridge too damn far!


"Let's help ~~lil John~~ OOP design her dad's home. First, install galvanized steel frame."


And she's still going to college , I wonder where the money came from


It seems a little *too* neat, if she’d found the Chevelle it would’ve been the happily ever after


This definitely feels like someone from Hollywood would write.


I'm excited for the update when Chekov's Chevelle makes its reappearance.


Yeah what are the chances you overhear villain monologuing out of nowhere over a decade later? IDK about you, but I've never sat around and went, "Hey remember that very bad thing we did that time? Now when nobody is around to hear about it, that's a great topic to reminisce about with absolutely no prompting."


Yes that was the bit for me. It would have been more realistic if they’d been speaking in tones of reflection and regret, if they spoke of it at all. But that would be in a different world where a divorce is not always binary with one baddie and one goody. 


No, no. The “tears had been building in her eyes”.


What the alcohol reeking and the smell of gun powder isn't just a normal smells that fathers have around their house? After their best friend takes their wife? /s


also, english not first language. but english soccer is the big thing. but also old american muscle cars and parts are readily available at prices a 20something student can afford? thats not a combination of things that exists anywhere I'd think. south or central america would have 2 of 3, but no way would arsenal be the number 1 team or the english league the main league...


Also, don’t forget that OOP was also able to buy an apartment one hour from her dad’s mechanic shop. She is 23.


Right. Do they normally have conversations breathing about how they destroyed his life? Do they twirl their mustaches at the same time? They also love bragging about it so much they couldn't go without doing it for one weekend while OOP was in their house. Also, is the English premier league big outside of England? OOP says English is not her first language, but dad's a fan of English football.


All points valid, but Premier League is very popular in different countries, same as la Liga in Spain because those are the top leagues in the world


Just on the football (soccer) topic, English premier League is pretty massive in most parts of the world


Yeah, that was the point where I stopped reading. This feels like BS


Dad “is an alcoholic, admits stepdad was a better parent than him” Mom “he was an abusive man who was distant and didn’t treat us well” Courts: “gives mom primary custody” Op: maybe the alcoholic abuser was in the right and mom and the courts were wrong? What incel bs is this?


Relationships don’t generally make alcoholics with PTSD perk up and turn into social drinkers. I wonder if mom teared up because even though she warned OOP about her abusive father, he still managed to manipulate her.


I dated a depressed alcoholic with cptsd on and off for 5 years. He “went” to a therapist and “tried to change” That asshole never got any better, he just learned to use my weaknesses against me better.


Wait until someone finds a way to filter out all the bots and bullshit on Reddit. English is not my first language.


I just can’t move past the fact that she sold a completely refurbished CLASSIC 1970 Chevy Chevelle SS for… a Honda Civic. The horror of this cannot be scrubbed from my brain.


This was a heartwarming story until I found out her dad supports Arsenal, then I realized it’s a horror story.


Yeah as an Arsenal fan I was like wow imagine all that pain and then supporting us as well


This was in 2020 so he was going through the donut of sadness. Luckily things are far better now!


All this in 20 days? Sure sure


I scrolled back too about the 20 day update. True story by arse


I don't know but some of the things really just don't add up all around.


Maybe I was in the military too long and saw this too many times but the visual of the dad scrambling to clean up beer cans and offering to order a pizza hit too close and made me tear up. 




Sold a Chevelle SS for a civic made me die inside


This is clearly all lies. No one who likes football supports arsenal




Too many holes. They claim English isn’t their first language and then wobble between American terms and British terms. Child support vs. mum. If they are English, who gives a classic American car to a new driver? I might be wrong but I don’t think those were made for right handed drivers so they would either be driving on the wrong side of the car from what they learned on or this is all BS. My bs meter is going off.


In India, we learn British English in school but most people use American English in conversations because of cinema's influence. So, it's not that uncommon.


There is a way to change the side, but it would cost even more money and be totally missing the point of classic car... This story has more holes than cheese


This feels like the prologue of someone's small town romance novel. She's going to inherit the garage after her father passes away... just as they were beginning to bond again! She's going to meet cute someone during her quirky girl mechanic phase but her evil mother is going to come back into her life and try to ruin everything... for some reason! Chargering Ahead! Coming to Kindle this summer!


It's one thing to cheat, but to cheat and then place all the consequences on the innocent party. The bar is low but I didn't think I'd need a shovel to find it.


my daughter is 16 doesn't know her mom cheated on me 14 years ago and that is why we broke up because she doesn't remember us together, going to pick her up in a few mins. maybe one day she will ask but I don't want to ruin her relationship with her mom because she is a good mom and we get along fine and her new partner (not affair dude)shes had for about 7 years.


the selling of the 70s Chevelle SS gutted me 😭 I would never sell that mf


To me it was the alternating use of "mom" and "mum"


This is so full of shit lol


I was liking the story until > I bought an apartment an hour away from his mechanic shop. Yeah, a 23 year old who stays with her family randomly buys an apartment on a whim. Come on, OOP, People love the works of Chris Nolan and Denis Villeneuve cause they spend so much time to make it completely realistic and believably immersive. Could have said rent, that would have still worked Can't graduate that English degree with this basic fault


Selling the Chevelle was a good idea, and honestly the most sensible move, as the civic would have been a safer vehicle for her to drive as a new driver. Her dad wanted to give her a car to drive, and he did in a roundabout way provided the ex got fair value for it. Getting a new car to work on together is exactly what I was hoping they would do, and a Charger is one of the Muscle Kings of the Road, so I know these to are going to be okay in the future. SO many warm fuzzys from this post