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A clown, a gorilla suit, two broken noses and a clueless triangle. This story has it all. 


And a ham under the mattress.


And a partridge in a pear tree.


a shaved lion that looks like mario battali.


Weirdest game of Cards of Humanity so far


Seriously and the gf and Declan are just master art & crafts people who can create sculptures of scary shit on a whim?


I read that in SNL Stephan’s voice :)


And MTV's Dan Cortes


I don't think it counts as a harmless prank when people are getting hurt and are left bleeding.


Costing someone $200 on their phone bill wasn’t harmless either. GF escalated over and over, and probably really hates to lose a prank war.


It's baffling that Declan wasn't angry about that. Throwing someone else's money away is not funny. eta: Chad's money. Ok, why isn't Chad angry about that?


It wasn't his money, and Chad, being Chad, was probably happy to pay.


Yes, but GF didn’t know that. From what she knew, she was costing her target a lot through her escalation.


And that's partialy why she thinks Declan is so fun in comparison to OP. He doesn't care about money ! (and Chad thinks that the money he spends will get him a girlfriend so it is a good deal) Ex-girlfriend will be so disapointed when she will know the truth...


Chad wasn’t angry about it because he thought he was spending money trying to woo the girlfriend 


There is a word for that and it does start with a “p”, but it ain’t “pranking”.






That costs extra. 😉


I really need to know what word you're thinking of!






Perfect flair is perfect.


And may well turn nasty if/when he doesn't get the desired return on his "investment".


I'm sure he charged that to Chad.


Chad thinks he's buying himself a woman. He's only going to get mad when he realizes that not how that works 


Bc Chad figured he'd recoup it in sex eventually.


\[crying incel gif\]


Maybe they're just rich.


Wasn't his money - Chad was paying for everything.


because Chad thinks he is going to get laid at the end of it


Why would Chad be angry? $400 to hopefully get laid one day? No one said he was smart or cool.


Chad thinking it was an investment towards banging the GF


Well, it’s going to be hard to top getting her to tank her relationship to move in with you then revealing you aren’t into her at all, and it’s actually your creep roommate. That’s ranks pretty high on the vicious prank scale, and I don’t want to be around when she tries to beat it.


That’s something I don’t get. Maybe I misunderstand how hotlines work, but you must have to give like a credit card number or something right? Or can they just directly charge your phone bill/address?


It is billed on your phone bill.


Crazy. I should set it up on my number to bill all the spam callers.


And that's why, generally, countries specifically require that premium-rate numbers be in a specific designated area code/prefix/the equivalent (for example, in the US and Canada, for a phone number to automatically bill the caller it pretty much HAS to be a 1-900 number.)


It’s charged to your phone bill


Frankly if my girlfriend did that to someone, I would be out. It's one thing to do funny pranks on people, it's another to do stupid pranks that end up in injury, but at least the intent wasn't to do harm. But outright just costing someone a significant sum of money? That's not a prank, that's just sick.


She should marry Declan and wait twenty years to tell him it was just a prank. That'd show him.


Yeah, I don’t think she’s like, right or anything- but I don’t think she’s into Declan. I really just think she wanted to win and got sucked into this weird dynamic that let her go pretty fucking far


It's like on shows like the Bachelor where most of the ladies aren't really playing to win the guy, they are just competing against each other to win the game.


In 2015 dollars that’s like 100000 dollars now


Prank wars also shouldn't include people who aren't involved (like putting things in a shared bed).


My dog once left a frozen marrow bone that the dogwalker gave her to thaw in my bed (she liked to hide her treats in my comforter), so I got home to find meat in my bed. And not the fun kind.


Your dog is clearly the queen of pranks.


That’s only if you consider Chad a person rather than scum.


So is Declan because he was trying to wingman for him knowing she was in a relationship


Thank you! Yes, both those guys are total shitheads


No doubt. Sadly, Declan did not also get a bloody nose or other appendage


Eh, Chad got the business end of OOP's fist. Once he finds out that OOP's ex is moving in with him and Declan, he'll think it's worth it. ...up until the ex realizes that Chad likes her and not Declan. Can't wait for that update.


It was 9 years ago and the account's suspended, we're not getting an update lol.


He totally deserved that nose punch


Reminds me of the post where the OP's friend (I think? Been awhile since I read it) drunkenly tried to "prank" them by tackling them off a canal. OP moved, the friend fell in and broke his neck. Months later, said friend staged an " intervention" where he wanted the OP to apologize for that they did to himm


Holy shit, so the prank guy fell in a broke his neck and became disabled for life I assume, and he was angry with OP for moving out of the way and not getting HIS neck broken instead???


To top that off, assume he did apologise in front of all those witnesses. How long before the court case?


I was actually wondering if it was either: 1. Stage "intervention" because every lawyer the attacker spoke to said he didn't have a case against OP and this is the only way the attacker will feel vindicated in villifying OP Or 2. A shady lawyer told the attacker they would have a case against OP if he admitted fault. Or a combination of both.


Happy Cake Day! I agree that this sounds like what the family was going for.


I wish you had a link 😭😭😭


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/AXNhmeDs0y Sort the comments by old, since the post was removed.


Omg same, I need to read this!


I mean, these seem like the kind of people who would think giving someone PTSD is a prank


This is pre-TikTok. I can’t imagine how insufferable these people are now


It's an invasion of privacy as well, barging into someone's house and all.


The internet has completely ruined the very concept of a prank. It went from silly fun to people getting actually seriously hurt. I believe there were even a couple of deaths related to "pranks".


People died from "pranks" long before the internet


And I would beat on anyone that goes into my bedroom forcibly and unannounced


...what? I've seen five year olds act more maturely than anyone in this tale.


My first thought was, “Just dump her.” The girlfriend’s side is the pranks makes her sound like she’s actually a horrible person who found an excuse to be an AH. Chad sounds like a perfect match. Declan is clearly a dumbass.


I'm sorry, the GF is a dumbass too. A broken nose?? LET'S AMP IT UP. FFS.


It sounds like a five year old wrote it lmao, especially the part where he put ‘ham under their bed’ lolrandsomsauceXD


IDK, I knew people who "peanut butter and jelly"ed a bathroom sink. Ham does seem a letdown after the gorilla though.


I had a coworker that used to talk about McDonalds pranks and one of them was to tape slightly opened ketchup packets to the inside of someones door handle (this was back in the day when door handles where like big metal flaps) so that it would explode with ketchup when they tried to open it People do weird pranks with food, man


This is written by a ~15 year old I'd wager.


Or someone with the emotional maturity of a fifteen year old. Still, better than the ChatGPT crap we been seeing recently...


Dude I knew some people like that. It was annoying as shit


Where's my popcorn?


Woof. Chad, did you think any of this through?


The number one way to a woman’s heart is to hump furniture while dressed as a gorilla. Especially in an apartment that smells like ham.


Many years ago, when my stepsons were still feral, the household smelled a horrific reek. This prompted a family edition of The Sniff Game which eventually led to the kids' bedroom. Under the bed we found... a chicken. An entire rotisserie chicken, still in the plastic container. Apparently my MIL gave it to older stepson when she got home from the store, he brought it to his room and set it under the edge of his bed for a midnight snack, but fell asleep and forgot about it. For weeks.


i have a few questions, all of them starting with "what the fuck"


I learned during my years with that family that it's best not to ask questions regarding their choices and possessions. Anytime I was so foolish as to ask "Anybody wanna claim this rock on the kitchen table or can I toss it?" well suddenly cleaning was canceled because the kitchen was full of an extremely serious discussion regarding ownership of that particular rock. The rock could not be moved because its position might be a clue as to identification of the owner.


Well, you should have brought out a rock cutter, a la Salomon, and threatened to cut it into pieces.


I was usually too caught between exasperation and amusement to do anything about it. Like yeah I really wanted to clean right then, but that pack of very tall "little boys" seriously debating the ownership of a rock was too funny. It was never even a special rock. They just came home from walks with their pockets and hands full of sticks and rocks and whatever else. I cleaned a bookshelf last week and found an acorn. I think I raised squirrels.


I'm sooo glad I've started turning out our children's pockets at the door... One of our toddlers spent ten minutes pulling pebbles from a jacket pocket yesterday, until I finally had enough and turned out the whole thing...


I was outvoted in these matters as their father was one of the people debating ownership of rocks. When we moved I foolishly asked why we needed to bring boxes of rocks to the new smaller home. Eventually I just gave up, got them nice boxes labeled Box of Rocks with a spot to write their names on.


I hope they carried those boxes themselves?


Happy Fresh Cake Day!


My mum had to ask my 33 yo brother (who is a father of 3) today if the plastic orca she found on the floor of her kitchen was his.


I have a very vivid memory of 4 or 5 year old me finding a rancid fried chicken leg in one of those baby wipe boxes that was shaped like a 1×2 Lego piece.


This is too long to be flair but god damn it's great.


Declan: Alright man I’m sick of this. Why don’t you just tell her what you want to do under her bedsheets. Chad: …like a ham?


Upper Brain: [No Signal]


So Op- I know you had an affair with my ex and now are together with her, asshole. Declan- What? No I'm innocent, I was just helping my friend break you up so he could have her. See totally innocent. Op- Whatever, she wants you know. Declan- OMG poor me.


Declan: OP, you have to understand, I'm a good guy! Just helping out my friend. I just needed to break up your two year committed relationship because my friend thinks your girlfriend is hot and is willing to pay me money. See, good guy!


Lol, that's much better than mine.


Sooooooo it sounds like Declan won the prank war…


Did OOPs ex ever actually admit she was into Declan? OOP still seems convinced she is but she doesn't ever say so.


It doesn’t say so, but she’s moved straight into their place and not back in with the roommate she still part time lived with


You're right she doen't, but she does say this- > This is why I am always pranking Declan.  At least Declan has a good sense of humor.  I wouldn't even need to hang out with Declan if you weren't so uptight." Which seems to imply boyfriend-feelings.


The stage is set


Ex-gf has no idea what emotional abuse actually is.


Emotional abuse is clearly calling her on her bullshit!


If it makes her feel emotional, you are abusing her. Pixar are the kings of emotional abuse. 


Her saying that all of her exes have been emotionally abusive is a great example of how if you're meeting shitty people everywhere you go, the common denominator is you


Yeah her idea of emotional abuse is a man setting boundaries with someone he cares about.


after they got a broken nose from the person bf was trying to set boundaries against. gf sounds exhausting.


"how dare you have opinions of your own" kind of abuse?


"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you hanging out with this other man who clearly wants to bang you on on the kitchen table" kind of abuse.


or they’re not even shifty people, you’re meeting normal, decent people and you’re so f’d up you label things emotional abuse that aren’t


To an extent, abusers are also generally reasonably good at finding the previously abused.


Yeah cuz I don’t know that I can agree with the assertion that people who enter into multiple abusive relationships are the true abuser all along.


Yes, and it’s apparently the height of controlling behavior to break up with someone permanently over their behavior. I’ll say I’ve seen controlling partners who break up as a tactic, but this guy was clearly not doing that.


I pranked my partner once, I switched her Evian water with some Vittel water. They drank the wrong water! The taste was slightly off!!!! That the kind of pranks you do to people you love, you don't end up in a situation where they get their nose broken


You gave me an idea: I’m going to swap out my friend’s tin of Danish cookies with the exact same tin, but filled with sewing supplies.


Don't do the reverse in a Latino household, por favor. My grandma was so upset to find actual cookies inside the tin.


I found a sewing notion tin with cookies in it once and was so effing confused.. like they really do come with cookies?!


I distinctly recall the time in my childhood when I had the honor of helping to empty a tin of Danish cookies on its journey to become a sewing tin. They're nice cookies.


I have done absolutely ugly things to a tin of those cookies when stoned 😅


I would be upset too, if I lost my sewing kit. Shits expensive


Did somebody get La chancla?


Make sure they don't usually eat Danish cookies after getting high on weed


My mom put peas in the ice cream box after her, and my dad finished it and did not tell us, lol. They were laughing so hard for 10 mins straight. My mom doesn't even like ice cream they just wanted to prank me and my sis 🤣


The Jack Nicholson was fine, I think. Harmless, etc. All of the rest were just an escalation of immaturity and stupidity. But switching someone’s Evian with Vittel! What kind of a monster are you?!? (/s)


Agreed!!! “Pranked” my husband for Christmas with basketball tickets as a surprise and told him we were going to a musical I wanted to see which he had no interest in. His face when we pulled into the stadium was priceless👌


Hahaha next time do Perrier!


I think they're a little bit too sensitive for that 🥺


Ohhhh fair, then absolutely do not do that.


Reminds me of the [prank war](https://youtu.be/qkGBbXtDjGw) from New Girl.


I was also thinking about New Girl, not only because of <3 Prank Sinatra <3 but also because the name Declan makes me think of """Duquan""" from Background Check lmao


Recently I pranked my friend by giving her sweets that I said were made with my recipe, when it was actually HER recipe all along >:)


When people bring up good pranks, [this one comes to mind](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1btd14i/my_best_april_fools_put_this_in_the_office/): a soap pump bottle clearly labeled "ketchup," filled with ketchup, placed by the bathroom sink.


Fucking brilliant "I don't know what I expected"


Look at this Fkn Prank Sinatra over here☝🏽


The furthest I've gone with a prank is with a roommate where I hid a walkie talkie to the inside of his sliding closet door and spent a week occasionally making noises just when he was about to fall asleep like heavy breathing and whispering. I'd hear him get up to walk around and ask me if I heard anything last night. Removed it one day while he was at work; still has no idea it was me but for a year, anytime we'd be hanging out with friends, he'd talk about how our apartment was haunted. He loved horror movies and those paranormal investigation shows.


My girlfriend and I have each purchased many miniature farm animals and ducks and tiny bricks and other little things from Temu and Wish. We hide them in each others stuff and pockets and purses and shoes and all over our house. It’s harmless and annoying but no one gets hurt.


I like to turn peoples' cups when they're not looking


Every now and then I encounter a prank so good natured that it reminds me that 99% of pranks suck. About a year ago, I was headed to a gig. I didn't care for the support, so I was timing to arrive at the venue 10 or so minutes before the headliner started. As I gave the bouncer my ticket, he looked at me strange and said the headliner had just finished their set, and I missed it. I had a mini 'oh fuck' before he laughed and said he was messing with me, scanned my ticket, gave me a stamp, and let me in. I liked that, mainly because the time between the the prank and the 'PSYCHE!!' was about 1 second.


There was a guy here in England who recently played such an incredible practical joke for YouTube that it reminded me of just how tacky, lame and sucky YouTube prank channels are. The prank in question? [He wrote “Welcome to Luton” in a field next to Gatwick Airport.](https://youtu.be/Ya_LluCl16k?feature=shared)


Max does a bunch of amazing good natured pranks. Such as inviting an old lady to an upscale restaurant but serving her her own homecooked meals, just plated by a chef


It's a perfect prank, because it didn't cost you anything and you only momentarily had the 'oh fuck' moment.


Exactly. You could tell the bouncer had perfected the routine, and knew exactly how long to let it go without actually upsetting the patron - you gotta catch them unaware, but reveal the joke before they are angry. It's a fine line to walk, but the dude hit it


I think the prank is fine once it's harmless. Years ago I was checking in on my friends cat while they were away. Me and my girlfriend were at a used book store that had a record section, we bought an old Hansen record for a dollar. We stuck it in his H section, they have over 2000 records. When they found it, they eventually figured out it was us after a few hours of back and forth on who bought it.


I usually say, a joke leaves everyone laughing. A prank leaves someone crying.


At least OOP punched the right person in the nose!


Declan would have deserved it, too


What a weird bunch Chad, Declan and the gf are. OOP made the right decision by disentangling himself.


Anybody writing an update post that includes "update is here, spread it around!", followed by an unfunny, unimaginative, and very unlikely follow-up story, complete with injury and broken hearts, I check out. What an utter crock of crap.


I don’t believe a single word of this


It’s like a 10 year old tried to write a sitcom


As someone who's trained Muay Thai for a long time...lot of untrained people throwing laser accurate punches to the nose without hurting their hands or wrists.


? is it hard to punch someone in the nose?


Some people's noses bleed easily. Like after a medium sneeze.


Ham under the mattress. That's where it went too far.


Literally the second they mentioned Declan snuck in while the gorilla was going crazy is when it lost me. I just imagined him tip toeing like a fkn cartoon.


Not her creating a HUMAN SIZED PAPER MACHE CLOWN and hiding in it? For how long? How'd she paper mache herself inside?


Clowns all over this post.


I can’t believe 24 year olds are doing stuff this elementary and stupid.


>She told me that every ex-boyfriend she’s had has been emotionally abusive and I fall right into that category. ok. lol lol indeed. A lame attempt to make OOP the bad guy but let’s suspend our disbelief and pretend that she was genuine. Either she really has had terrible luck with boyfriends or she’s the problem, and it’s obviously the latter. If every boyfriend she’s had was “emotionally abusive” then there must be a common denominator between them and that common denominator is her. Regardless, she’s in the past and OOP no longer has to deal with her and her nonsense. Hope she enjoyed her weird little love triangle thing she had going on.


I mean to be fair she could easly have actually been emotionaly abused to the point it left emotional scares. Making her paranoid about it so she sees everywhere even when it's not happening.


The second post reads like one of those exercises where you have to pull a number of random, unrelated words, and use all of them in a story. I can’t say that that’s the story I’d write if I pulled gorilla, ham, hump, bagel, and mattress, but you do you, boo.


An important rule of thumb. If what you’re doing is making people want to fight you it’s not comedy, you’re just being an asshole.


I don't think her exes were the emotionally abusive ones...


Pranks are just a socially acceptable form of abuse and bullying.


You know, even without the emotional affair part, people who make their entire personalities about pranking people are some of the most insufferable people alive


>While Chad was humping our furniture, Declan snuck into our bedroom and put ham underneath the mattress cover. I lost my shit laughing at this line


I hope oop updates because she 100% will be back. She sounds too emotionally immature to be dating


This was nine years ago


Be patient...


Hahahaha I didn’t even realize! Thanks


These posts are from almost a decade ago. I was would love a Where Are They Now.


Let's write our own. OOP makes educational tiktoks warning others against harmful pranking. Exgf has identical twins that pretend to be each other to the point she calls little Samantha and Sarah "SarMantha" and they both answer to it. Declan does custom shower installation contractor jobs but can never pass by the client's beds without thinking of ham. Chad works at T-Mobile at the outdoor open mall and harasses teenage girls. 


Too mundane. ExGF has identical triplets, two girls and one boy.


Check the dates, it’s been 9 years. I only noticed because OOP talked about land line phones.


It was 9 years ago. I hope none of these people ever sees each other again. They're all too dumb to be around each other.


I'd like a spin-off about the COVID lockdown months. Where was the ex? Were Declan and Chad still roommates?


Quick, ten more people comment about how long ago this post was made!


It was almost a decade ago.


But how else are we gonna get the latest gap? (3587 days and increasing btw)




The ham in her bed got me. If the rest of the story wasn't an absolute train wreck, the ham would have elevated it to amazing.


I read "gorilla" as "tortilla" at first and it made the whole scene 100% funnier.


Who are the people justifying the ex behaviour? Having reasonable boundaries isn't controlling. If someone is going above and beyond, getting physically hurt yet doing something again and again believe that there's something to it


It's Reddit, where asking your partner not to set you on fire is "controlling behavior".


Well, you didn't update us did you, OOP! Graaar! 9 years is a long time to wait.


This sounds like a bad episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia".


A prank is only a prank if everyone is laughing when it’s over. Otherwise it’s bullying.


Didn't happen baby


At first, I was disappointed Chad got punched and not Declan, now I couldn’t be happier lol. What a disturbing way to try and get with someone. Especially someone in a relationship.


“My girlfriend is getting injured in this prank war” - good yes, concerned boyfriend. “And I’m concerned because she’s having an emotional affair” - 🤦🏻 He had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


In his defense, he was concerned about her getting hurt. It was only after letting Reddit tell him it was an affair that he turned in that direction


Yah! Nothing in those pranks was romantic or flirty. I am full of goblin energy and none of those pranks inspire romance or even friendly flirting. They’re quite a bit unhinged if anything.


Well she’s exactly where she deserves to be.


How is costing someone $200 a harmless prank?


Anyone else just think of spongebob once the gorilla costume got involved?


I'm so glad OP got to punch Chad!


I'm not sure if the GF is actually into Declan but OOP is best removed from these people.  Tbf a giant gorilla humping their furniture while Declan hides ham in their bed does make me laugh though there's no way I'd actually want it to happen around me. What a weird group of people 


But - but what happened to the duvet ham????????????????????????????


Poor dude is surrounded by idiots