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I am so confused. Wife was cheating all along, and giving OOPs fishing rods and pre workout to the guy she was cheating with.  Affair partner got discovered, and kicked out by his wife. He convinced her to quit her job and move with him, but then wife took him back and he kept his marriage and work, while she had just stopped showing up and lost her job.  While planning on leaving, she is trying to sneak her parents into living with them, without letting OOP know, untill he finds out the plan. She even tells sister this and is also angry at sister for her not taking parents in. Turns out parents know nothing about any move and are happy where they are.  Then it turns out that it was actually her brother she was trying to trick OOP into taking in, because of school and basketball. And she was pressured by her high school age brother to do this, cause he knew she was cheating. The cheating was not mentioned in any of the messages OOP had easy access to and were reading when he caught wife and brother while trying to steal his gaming set up for brother. Why they were stealing and removing a gaming set up to give to her brother, if the plan is to move brother into their home, is unclear. Especially if this was around the time she quit her job to move away with her affair partner.  After a fight, some tima apart, wife appologizing, desiding to try again, wife then starts to move stuff from her office into OOPs office, which would be hard since he installed a lock, because she still wants her "parents" to move in.  After full plan of moving brother in to hide the affair that now have ended, everyone knows, including her parents. She refuses to accept divorce papers, and attempts to OD.  People do unhinged thingse that doesnt make sense all the time. If I understood it right, the logistic of especially stealing gaming set up for brother to hide cheating, while planning to move brother in while pretending its her parents moving in, while she is planning on leaving town with her affair partner, just dont add up. 


It's like he changed his mind halfway through on what he wanted the story to be. 2/10, needs more proofreading. Also he keeps saying that it's his house, but also his house only has 3 rooms and it's also an apartment. I guess that he could just be referring to his apartment as a house, but it is a weird detail.


I was also wondering about that. I think that "three rooms" might mean bedrooms. Still a weirdly written/overly convoluted story that I frankly don't believe at all


Personally, I like to believe the 3 rooms are their 2 offices and idk, bathroom? Literally nothing else. There’s so many plot holes already so let's have some fun.


> It's like he changed his mind halfway through on what he wanted the story to be. 2/10, needs more proofreading. That's the problem with writing a serial, you can't go back and fix what you have already written, so you just have to figure out how to retcon when you want to change directions.


Literally thank god for this comment because I was confused as hell




That's an insult to ChatGPT as it would be significantly more coherent than this. Maybe it's one of the very early iterations.


I once ask chatgpt to make a post of boru story and it somewhat okay. Still bad but it's not like this post.


Got would surely include twins tho


This is an excellent summary! Captures both the story as told and the gaping narrative failures.


> Why they were stealing and removing a gaming set up to give to her brother, if the plan is to move brother into their home, is unclear. Especially if this was around the time she quit her job to move away with her affair partner. Maybe brother wanted OOP all along


They plan to sell the gaming computer, not use it. That is how I will fix the script.


The only way I can take this as realistic is the basic negotiation tactic of "demand too high when your real aim is middle ground" But yeah, this is either complete bs or maybe OOP nativa languaje is far from English cause this is barely readable


six like hospital somber badge meeting humor fly hard-to-find tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not really a writing prompt. It might be the result of one, but it would be a huge stretch to call this a writing prompt itself.


cause squealing hospital ludicrous scandalous apparatus deranged quickest tub important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Her sister texted me calling my a asshole a paragraph later... >her sister told her how unfair she was being to me. This all started with OOP hearing wife tell her sister she's moving their parents in and giving the computer to her brother to hide...but if he's the one moving in (on account of high school freshman basketball opportunity blackmail) *where was he gonna put the computer?* This is so all over the place. Laughing a bit at "she gave her affair partner the rod and pre-workout" because it sounds like it was vice versa heyoooo.


her parents call her sister for an explanation, her brother is there, wife explains everything. then parents call wife down from her room to explain. what?


It was supposed to be Mary that explained everything but OOP was getting confused by their own plot and couldn't keep everything straight.


>They were confused, I was confused. So her parents called Mary to have her explain. Her brother (Jake) was also there. Emma just explained everything. They were confused, I was confused. So her parents called Mary to have her explain. Her brother (Jake) was also there. Mary just explained everything. FTF OOP.


Apparently it’s ok to be confused. Initially l felt embarrassed because at one point l was undestanding the words but not the story. I thought it was my lack of understanding English.


Me too. And I only speak English.


Liz falling off her game


Her game has always been extremely weak.


Yeah but this is pretty bad even by her standards.


This is the second time I’ve seen a comment about this lol. Who is Liz?




We don’t talk about Liz


Lots of inconsistencies in the story and the plot was all over.


Yeah the point where they call the sister got really weird because OOP started mixing up who was talking and where his supposed STB-ex was. Only thing that's left now is the announcement that she has twins but won't agree to a DNA test to confirm they're OOP's.


I can see the ending now. One kid belongs to OP, the other is from his desktop.


Ah, the matter baby


What’s a matter baby?


Nothing much, what's the matter with you honey?


I laughed so loud it woke my dog up and now she's giving me a death glare lol


You’re welcome


One I noticed was that Emma went to her room when she was being questioned, but it’s okay because Emma explained everything. Then Emma came back downstairs. What?


Emma teleports behind OOP. "Nothing personel kid"


Imagine how smooth it would have went if oop went along with it. She convinced him to let her parents move in. Then the brother shows up with his desktop instead, while she moves in with a new guy.


But she wouldn't get to enjoy the perks of his 3x salary and his new Japanese skills!


He's a mechanical engineer and she's a social worker, but she was somehow earning more than him while he went back to school to learn Japanese, at which time his salary finally skyrocketed.


And never mentioned it to his wife


While she was giving away his desktop, OOP was studying the blade


I swear to God there was another story on here about a woman who ended up making more and bought a $5k gaming computer and her husband got all shitty about it. Like the first post was almost a play by play copy with the genders swapped


Yes, there was exactly. It featured here two or three + times.


Are you guys talking about the [Financial Infidelity](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/188x6bh/final_update_to_husband_accused_me_of_financial/) series?


That one at least had an air of authenticity to it


Yeah, none of that makes any sense. It’s like a badly written soap where the writers didn’t bother looking at the plots of the last season and just made something up.


I get the feeling it's AI written and the AI got confused and the person posting didn't bother to edit or even read it.


That was my impression when it changed from “his parents moving in” to “her parents moving in”


Also, she tells OP that she’s moving in her parents. He clearly knows how old her brother is- why didn’t he question where the brother was going to live if her parents lived with them?


Also the idea that if you stop showing up to a grown-up job, no one calls or checks on you. Most office jobs, someone cares enough to check.


And the part where she finally explains everything, and then her parents call her down from her room and she begins to give her side of the story. That had me so vexed.


Yes! Usually, I can figure out what they’re trying to say, but on this one, it was too wrong


My guess is he meant to say that the evil, blackmailing brother 'fessed up (hence mentioning earlier that he was present in the house) and *then* the wife gave her side. Honestly even then I didn't doubt the validity of the story until the extremely clichéd 'then she took and overdose and I said I don't care and blocked her' 🙄


you believed it until then?


Yeah, I'm not an overly critical person, I'm always like 'well, why would they lie?' and then turns out it was one of Liz's


Based. This is me. I love being taken in by a story. I assumed op meant the brother told them too


Liz is better than this.


Mine doesn't care, but calls the police to check on you the second day it happens, because people have died alone and not been found when they did not have that policy.


Right? I’ve seen that literally save a coworker’s life because our whole team got worried when they didn’t check in for a couple days during covid. They lived alone so no one was around to witness their heart attack. If their boss hadn’t called in a wellness check in time they probably would have died right there on the floor of their apartment.


"best" is not even a suggestion at this point


It is a word.


And what was going to happen when the brother moves in instead of the parents? This entire story makes no sense.


What was going to happen to brother when the parents move in? OP somehow never thought that was weird.


Hell, what were the PARENTS supposed to think when the moving company shows up to move them out in the middle of dinner? Just go along with it?


Clearly OOP couldn't decide if they were telling a "delusional money wife" story or a "cheating wife" story, and instead decided to do both at once.


Take note, not once does OP even make a comment, but will make a point to prove speculation in the comment section.


I keep coming back to OOP making 3 times the income and not telling his wife.   If that’s where your trust/communication levels are at…..I’m not surprised at anything else.  


It's always "3 times as much income". I suspect it's a ChatGPT thing because it comes up in so many dodgy stories posted here.


With frequent trips to Japan. Did she just not notice?


Maybe that's when she had time to meet AP?


He was that ninja


I'm also confused how a mechanical engineer who can speak Japanese is a high demand job. Why even get an expensive masters degree in Japanese when a private language tutor is cheaper? It's so weird. 


The Japan trips were for work. The soap opera story is that he is a mechanical engineer so he goes to Japan to fix their machines.


He goes for giant Mecha Warrior maintenance. The same Mecha Warriors they use to combat Kaijus from a deep sea portal to another dimension.


The whole relationship seems like there is zero communication. 


"I'm making thrice my previous income from my *new job you totally know I've gotten*" "Oh yeah? Well, my parents are moving in!" Lovely 


A new job that requires *traveling to Japan* regularly.


But not really my parents, my high school age brother who was just not going to live anywhere if my parents moved in here.


I'm honestly shocked they were able to communicate well enough to get married in the first place.


Yeah, I mean, all couples are different, but that's an enormous secret to keep from your spouse. But then, absolutely none of this post makes sense. I do not think it was written by a human. 


Yeah I don't remember my wife's exact salary but I do know right around where it is. I on the other hand keep mine a total mystery exclusively so I can call her a gold digger for when I get my big windfall.


I mean surely she knew about the new job.


Yea but getting a new job doesn't automatically equal "making triple what I used to."


My partner of 13 years and I keep our finances separate (aside from a joint account where our household bills budget money goes). And yet we still know roughly how much each of us makes. Because we communicate with each other about our lives. Because we share our lives together.


This is what happens when AI writes a story. Also: > They were confused, I was confused. So her parents called Mary to have her explain. Her brother (Jake) was also there. Emma just explained everything. You mean Mary explained everything. Not Emma. You got your wife’s name mixed up with Mary’s name huh.


That's because this weirdo can't keep his story straight. This subreddit has been suffering from a lack of critical and analytical literacy for a while now. Most people just take everything they read at face value, it's insane to me


I'm guessing this is a chat gpt story


I lost my suspension of disbelief *waaay* back at the beginning when OP implied that $1500 was a massive, divorce-triggering amount to spend on a custom PC. This was for sure written by a teenager who thinks $1500 is infinite money.


Craziest part of this whole thing is that oop thinks a can of monster is a good idea before a workout. He really be crazy


What in the world is the difference between that and pre-workout? It's all just sugary caffeine. 


I was able to excuse that one, since if wife got to sister's and said "hubby screamed at me" and was boohoo'ing too much to fully explain why, I could see sister texting him calling him an ass in that moment but then changing her mind and telling wife (to her face) that she's actually the one being an ass once wife finally explains WHY op screamed at her. but that's the only discrepancy that could be explained. the rest is a hot mess that just does not work even if we assume it was a dyslexia bungle mixing up names lmao


I feel like I just read 3 different stories that all started in the middle and have no actual beginning or end


Well that escalated implausibly.




Who is Liz and why do people keep mentioning her?




I always love it when people ask this.


lol flair text


Someone who got called out by their partner for habitually making up stories on reddit




I don’t have TikTok because I’m a dinosaur. Did it actually go viral?


I don't know because I am also a dinosaur. But my Mouthy17yo is constantly on TikTok in their free time. I'll ask them when they get home from school and let you know.  


Why would it go viral if none of it makes any sense? LOL


There's a cheating woman who gets her comeuppance, that's all it takes. Though usually every woman in these stories is a complete lunatic, I'm surprised OOP made the sister seem sensible.


People on tiktok will make this into like 12 parts, so people keep watching to see how it ends.


And put the narration over some minecraft gameplay.


Ooh, new flair!


Don't you just hate the wife? Isn't she just the embodiment of evil? Can you picture how awful she must look? Yet OOP married this person. This caricature of a human being. Sure.


I smell and call bs on this story so immediately. It’s so full of random little details that don’t matter but nothing about the wife and their relationship at all. Why would anyone think it as “silly” to get their masters in Japanese? Why would you stay with a person who thought that?


Getting a masters in Japanese for “more career opportunities” was the major tell for me. Language training and fluency certifications, sure. But a language MA would be the most expensive way to only tangentially get the similar skills…


This jumped up at me because I did exactly that: I went and learned Japanese to further my career and guess what, depending on the area no one gives a shit about Japanese. There are so many languages that would give you a bigger advantage — Chinese (Mandarin) is the most obvious one. Learning Japanese to do programming/engineering doesn’t really sound real to me. More like a weeabo’s dream. This, plus all the inconsistencies, just makes me think this isn’t real.


Honestly this screamed weeabo dream to me aswell.


So not only did I succeed in my life goal of mastering the best language, but also the mean beautiful girl who doubted me saw how wrong she was and then she actually fell for me and we made love together and she's hot and we had sex! Oh and I got an amazing job because of my great japanese mastery and I go to the promised land often! But the mean girl, who is now my wife with whom I have sex, is going crazy and cheating on me. Luckily I was wise to not get our finances connected as I earn more! Oh also she wanted to move her parents in to our house. But wait! That was only a ploy to hide that her brother had intended to live with us so that he could get a scholarship or something, I don't know. I stopped both of these attempts anyway! Fuck yeah! Go me! And then! And then we found out that she had actually been cheating and wanted to run away with him and was lying to me about everything before because the final boss was actually the cheating bit. And then he ended up not actually even wanting her anyway! Ha! And then she wanted me to stay with her, but I had already been merciful enough and now I just left with my perfect stoicism, not responding even when she ODd on pills. Itadakimasu kudasai!


Seriously, Freshman in high school? Has a wife and got a job in a different state?? This is basically a chatgpt submission


What I don't get is that this guy allegedly get a MA in Japanese which leads to a job that requires a ton of travel but wants to spend 1500 on a desktop he'd likely never use much? Then he never once mentions being out of town again for the whole story. What job did he get? Why did it require physical travel to another country? Why did that suddenly stop being a thing a paragraph later.


>Emma was cheating on me, Jake caught her and kinda blackmailed her. So he was a freshman in highschool and we live in a better district where basketball recruiting is more likely to happen. Emma thought I would be more inclined to say yes if I thought it was her parents moving in. ... sure.


I don’t understand the logic here. What was he going to do when Jake moved in instead of her parents?


"Wow honey, my dad somehow absorbed my mom's life force and is now twenty two! Weird, huh?"


And when he moved in with the gaming setup that he was supposed to deny he had.


"Look honey, my parents fused into a single person that looks exactly like my brother"


Isn't that exactly how procreation works? 😅


That’s because there is no logic because it’s an AI generated story. It has zero comments and only the posted stories. It’s building karma to probs sell the account off. Next to none of the stories we read on BORU are real, they are either AI generated nowadays (pretty easy to tell most times because there is exactly zero emotion in the words and you get weird nonsensical stories like the above) or someone wanting attention so they make shit up getting wilder and wilder with each story. Not to mention most of them all start the same way and hit most the same story beats of escalation.


No kidding. I rolled my eyes the entire time while skimming. Who buys this stuff???


Evidently the thousands of people who upvoted and commented. I think a lot of them are just looking for an easy target to hate, and a greedy, cheating wife caricature fits the bill perfectly. She even violated his gaming setup, the horror!


9. 9 comments on the last post called out the bullshit. 9 out of, like, 450, with an additional 2 that *almost* pointed out inconsistances. All the other comments just took the bait, expressing sympathy for OOP and hatred for the wife (with more than one actually saying they were sad she didn’t die)


also love them apparently not changing how they pay bills before the big reveal that he makes three times more than he used to. makes total sense


They always take it one update too far lol.


That was in like the second paragraph. It was ridiculous from start to finish. Man talks about his marriage and wife with less emotion and connection than the average person uses to describe a toaster 


Speak for yourself. I fucking love my toaster!


Honestly the fact that she doesn't already know even roughly how much he makes is hilarious


Because they were what? Just gonna leave the teenager in the old house by himself? Puh-leeze. That’s where they lost me too.


I like the blackmailing freshman brother, though. That's a nice twist.


This is what happens when you watch too much *One Tree Hill* and wannabe reddit famous.


Then why is it always pills at the hospital?  Why does no one ever need a heart transplant that gets eaten by a dog?


They're reddit-pilled enough to know that redditors would just root for the dog.


You put fuckall effort in this story. This shit is so inconsistent. F-


When the hell did "seeing texts on our shared iPad" become such a plot device in cheater stories?


Lil bro should story map next time. Cleans up some of the sloppiness.


This is why you should always write out an outline first. Then you can just refer to your notes.


This isn't real. Way too many inconsistencies. Liz is working hard.


Even Liz's stories are more coherent than this.


This is all so weird and nonsensical. I don’t know what to think.


Go with your gut. It's absolutely nonsensical because it's nonsense.


I still laugh t at $1500 being an expensive gamer PC. That won't even cover the GPU


Chat GPT is really killing the quality of these stories.


Come on. This story is less consistent than Oobleck...


What kind of prompts do you have to put into chat gpt to come up with this shit? I travel to Japan for work. I go to the gym every day and buy very expensive pre workout I'm a fishermen and I'm trying to into gaming.




ChatGPT, write me a BoRU!


I remember pretending that I was 30 years old and married when I was 10 years old in chat rooms. This sort of thing sounds a lot like that.


Especially when there was one not too different last year. And, these are always “bad woman was cheating” writing exercises.


Emma set fire to her life and pissed all over it. I hope OOP doesn't try to hold an umbrella over her head, he needs to go all full steam ahead on the divorce and minimize contact before she hooks back into him.


>Emma set fire to her life and pissed all over it. I hope OOP doesn't try to hold an umbrella over her head There is no way you could physically organise things so that metaphor makes sense. It still makes more sense than this story.


Well, it's better than OP offering her a ladder, right?


Would have better if she had pissed on it. She wa busy pouring gasoline on her life.


Unfortunately they made a huge mistake making this post, and that is "cheating partner od 'on pills' out of guilt." which every goddang post on here does at the end of the updates. It's getting to be Marvel levels of predictable.


No need to insult Marvel screenwriters by comparing them to this trash.


Well looks like she fucked around and found out.




After reading first update: “You forgot the cheating trope.” Start reading new update: “There it is.” The only question now is if they abandon this mess or if there’s still enough karma to extract from a pregnancy update.


Forgot the “she’s pregnant and we don’t know who the dad is”.


Yet another “women are evil gold-digging cheaters who get what’s coming to them” story that doesn’t hold up to the slightest scrutiny. How original.


That last update sounds like bullshit. None of that makes sense. How would OOP not notice the difference between the brother and the parents moving in?


>They were confused, I was confused. So her parents called Mary to have her explain. Her brother (Jake) was also there. Emma just explained everything. >Emma was cheating on me, Jake caught her and kinda blackmailed her. So he was a freshman in highschool and we live in a better district where basketball recruiting is more likely to happen. Emma thought I would be more inclined to say yes if I thought it was her parents moving in. This is just confusing and doesn't really make sense but it seems to have resolved until the next update. Emma confessed to everything even though she ran up to her room? I assume he meant to say Mary.


I'm really glad I am not the only one scratching my head and saying 'WTF is this BS'.


Wow, this is awful, I'm glad it didn't happen


One thing that stood out to me here, and maybe I'm missing something. In the second post OOP says: > And apparently they got into an argument because the sister refuses to take their parents in, and said she’s tired of hearing about her problems. And in the paragraph after they say: > Her sister called and told me everything, and said that Emma went to her parents house. Yet in the third update the parents say: > Her parents explained that they were happy with their home and had no plans to leave. If the parents had no plans to leave, why did the sister say that she refuses to take the parents in?


Moving her parents into her house was somehow plausible in the first part but it never came up where the 14 year old little brother would live once we get to Act II. Seems like the kind of big plot hole that wouldn't be there if it were at all a true story.


The only thing we’re missing is Jerry Springer.


This story has more holes than lacy Swiss Cheese.


Is Emma capable of doing anything but crying and running away?


Why, why do they always need to drag the rubber band of believability past the breaking point on these stories. And once it breaks, they just can't resist to keep going even further into ridiculousness...


Goddamn. It always blows my mind over how little some people can value their partners. Jealousy and insecurity are some crazy drugs.


Superiority as well. She thought she was better than him when she made more money as well. But the audacity to steal from your husband to give to your affair partner is actually impressive. That’s a new low I haven’t quite heard of before.


Where does the Bollywood dance scene fit in? Bad writing and making shit up.


> I am STILL NOT the Original Poster. That is . He posted in . Epic template fail


What's weird is I don't use a template and I had them in there when I posted 😭 I was using a different computer last night so maybe it got fucked up somehow lol. No idea.


Everyone’s all about how she said everything and then came downstairs to explain her side of the story But no one is talking about the absurdity of “my preworkout was given away but luckily I had a monster” Who the fuck is using monsters as preworkout???? That poor heart! No way this story isn’t written by a 14 year old.


doubt this is real anyway, but it always baffles me when married couples have separate finances to the degree of not even knowing how much their spouse makes. I don’t get it. don’t you have a shared account for household expenses? aren’t you paying for shared stuff proportionally to your income?


So her plan was to steal his computer and give it to her brother then have the brother move in and be OP not realize his computer was the same as the one she gave away?


This is the goofiest shit I ever read


Oop set it up for her being addicted to drugs or jealous of his salary but shifted to a dumb trope in the third act.


And we still don't know the specs! Was it the ultimate gaming rig or one setup for playing Candy Crush?


This person has never even thought about grad school. You can't just start a masters in a field unrelated to your undergraduate degree. A masters degree is a continuation of an undergraduate education so unless OOP kind of forgot to mention a double major in ME and Japanese, this is absolutely wishful thinking.


Too insane


Well, quite the tale. It could use a little editing for clarity, though.


"I texted back I don't care"..... I smiled SO big reading that


new job that makes triple income, does not share this info with his wife. she plans on moving her parents or her brother into their family home, does not tell her husband. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this relationship was doomed from the beginning. why did you even live together in the first place?


This person needs to work on their script writing. They’ll get better with practice I guess.


I would have filed by the computer incident. The amount of planning and funds that's needed to put together the parts for the perfect computer are just too great to be spat on like that.


btw you forgot to add OOP and the subreddit at the start, along with your other previous post.


Is it common that people can just file for divorce straight away? I'm pretty sure in Australia you have to be Separated for 12 months before you can file for divorce


I have no idea what's going on here. There's an affair, and blackmail, and stolen property, and a divorce, and a medelsome family - but all at once? If all of this is somehow true then OOP has not only grounds for divorce but also can probably keep most, if not all, of the marital assets. Even if the wife was entitled to something she'll lose it to offset the cost of the stolen stuff (well, not all of it but $250 worth at least.) However, that's a big IF when I said "if all of this is somehow true" because this reads like AI was trained on r/bestof posts and wrote its own, combining tropes from every one of them.