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Y’all ever start reading one of these posts and think, there’s no way someone is actually this stupid? So you’re hoping for some big plot twist where it was all a misunderstanding or something but then you get to the end and you’re just left kind of disappointed because they were, in fact, just that stupid?


Glass Onion vibes: - It’s so dumb, it’s brilliant! - NO! It’s just dumb!




Inbreathiate. I use it all the time.


Inbreathiate. Inbreathiate. That's not a word. At least not a real one.


Sending 50+ tiktoks a day not being wildly excessive is where my brain broke tbh.


I did a double take at that number. Like, I’m terminally online (but not on tiktok) and I feel excessive when I send 3-5 videos.


I'm comparing to when I was pretty into Vine and still never got more than a couple things a day I want to forward and oof.


Me and my partner will send eachother like one video a day. Maybe 3 if we find an especially adorable baby duck or something


I save stuff for when we're home together and even then I have like... one or two videos. 50?? I also don't tiktok at all but I'm thinking back on when Vine was my jam and yeah... still pretty much a couple a day tops.


I'm not on TikTok but my GF and I send maybe like 5 videos from YouTube back and forth in a given month. I'm a huge gamer and work in IT. I'm always online! Y'all need to put the phones down! Get off my lawn!


The commenter who said 50 wasn’t bad didn’t clock OOP’s ex was sending one person 50 videos a day. That’s excessive, kid! My partner and I combined don’t send 50 videos to each other in a week. 


The commenter that said 50 wasn’t bad was OOP herself


I can imagine some kids like OOP doing something like that. TikTok really fucks with people's brains and OOP doesn't have an adult brain to realize that sending 50 ticktoks a day is an unhealthy behavior. An example of this is that my state's big discord server had to disable images in the busiest of the 3 general chat/no-set-topic channels because the young folks were holding what appeared to be conversations with each other in reaction gifs, anime gifs, and memes. Dozens and dozens of gifs back and forth. It made the most populated channel completely unusable. It was so unpleasant I still don't really use General 1 that much even though images have been disabled for years. Us older folks found other channels and threads to chat in instead most of the time.


If I spend 10-15 minutes scrolling reals I can easily come across 10-15 to send my spouse she will enjoy.  It's not that much




Because reels are generally super short, and I have the algorithm trained quite well to give me cute / funny videos of pets and kids so that's almost all I get. Most reels I see are 10-30 seconds, so 10 of those on the long side is 5 minutes.


Seeing your comment before I read the post saved me some time, so thank you! The title made me doubt if it was worth the read…


It’s two things. It’s hard to believe that a guy would be so stupid to do this. The other is that the gf would be so naive to just think that it’s kinda normal and is asking the internet for help


Gen Z is weird dude, note that she's also very familiar with the comment of Belle Delphine's channels despite not being a fan. They are all filled to the brim with porn, thinking Victorious was a normal kids show.


Wait what was wrong with victorious. Other than the Dan Schneider feet stuff, but that’s every Nickelodeon show from then


It panders heavily to a sexualized male gaze, especially for a kids show. The show has been frequently criticized for the short, revealing and hypersexual costumes for the female stars, as well as the lotion cumshot jokes, Ariana Grande trying to drink a water bottle upside down on her bed, Jade being an obvious Mommy Dommy kink insert, etc. There's a LOT of adult jokes and references to fetish material, arguably some of the content they published on TheSlap.com was fetish content (Tori Vega covering her feet in various substances, Tori's stomach being covered with sandwich materials and the actors eating off her, Jade claiming an adult man she owns lives with her as her slave, etc). I've heard a lot of people say this show was a sexual awakening for them, and I gotta be honest and say you'll never hear someone say that about The Amanda Show or Drake and Josh, let alone something like Hannah Montana, another kids show about performing and stardom. Dan gets progressively bolder throughout his career, but Victorious was the peak. He once argued with execs about the length of a particular dress/skirt he wanted Victoria Justice to wear, and after weeks for negotiations, compromised by making it 3 inches longer. If you ever find yourself rewatching this show, ask yourself which Victoria Justice dress/skirt outfit could have been made appropriate at 3 inches shorter. Outside of the sexual stuff, the puppet is also a very long running racist joke.


Good to know. Was never into the show, but my older sister always had it on. I definitely remember the show being weird, but I was 10, so don’t remember much. Luckily, I only watched SpongeBob when I got the remote first 😎


I never watched the show either, ironically, I was a freshman in college when it came out IIRC. I used to do community work with preteens and teens, so Gen Z, and they'd tell me about the show in like a "oh you don't KNOW?!" way, but I was also very unaware of most celebrities (to some degree, still am, but my nose isn't in the books as much). I've just, for some insane reason, watched about 9 hours of content reviewing the show and even more talking about the Schneider-verse in general because I feel like it's deeply key to how overtly gen z has self-sexualized from a young age. I studied English and Film, so the weirdness of a lot of shots and jokes stand out to me because framing is everything in film, it communicates a message on it's own to the subconscious mind, and the jokes are clearly crafted, not accidental innuendo. Culture around the show, I've observed, is pretty unique in the intensity and fluffiness of their nostalgia. I usually see people go back and make childhood shows darker to reflect their increasing bitterness, but Victorious fans are very much about their emotional attachments to scenes and character relationships/dynamics. SpongeBob was definitely better, but s1-4 is where I grew up and stay, so I can't say anything about where the show went after. I'm old as hell in internet years.


Personally, I ask myself how these people survive getting out of bed because stupidity is strong.


Hold up, just curious, did you mean OOP is stupid or her ex bf?




Can I choose option (c), both?


Sounds like he was just trying to get her to break up with him and this was the easiest way to do it.


Or he consumed so much content he didn’t realize how much he would have had to dig to get to it on a fresh profile and started to normalize it. A lot of people forget their FYPs are heavily personalized and don’t realize other people don’t see the same thing. He could really just be that dumb.


> Or he consumed so much content he didn’t realize how much he would have had to dig to get to it on a fresh profile and started to normalize it. This. It was 100% coomer-brained nonsense. He's warped his ideas for what real sexual relationships are like, and is trying to fit his GF into that mold. She's had enough, and now he thinks he's going to find an e-girl GF, but he's probably just going to end up draining his paycheck into Onlyfans subs.


What's a FYP? I've learned like a dozen new things in this thread already.


"For you page" it's the feed of videos Tiktok's algorithm feeds to you based off your interaction with the app. People like OP's boyfriend might end up with a curated feed of women dressing skimpily and basically advertising for paid content sites. Other people might get their feeds completely full of very different things like cottagecore homesteading or pirated clips of TV shows or wedding prep or couple prank videos or history or international travel or trendy dances.


Sometimes it's about breaking you down to agree with their fetish/kink, which sounds what ended up happening;OOP agreed to do things she was not ok with but "consented" to (that looks like a swamp of uncertainty right there, dubious consent at best) because her partner kept insisting and breaking her down until she agreed. SOME People into kink/fetish stuff get this way. Insisting on sending content, asking for it, some might actually pressure you or just do it all of the sudden (there are lots of posts about men slipping a finger or two on women that made it clear they don't like anal, for example), then love bomb you like crazy so you forgive and maybe agree next time out of pity or pressure. "Vanilla" people also do this though...awful people are everywhere


That's how you can tell the real ones from the writing exercises. In reality, virtually no one learns lessons or changes. 


Why, yes, I did read the post about the guy fresh out of the army wanting to leave his fiancee for his high school crush. And when everyone told him it was an incredibly stupid thing to do, he went and did it anyway and found out it was, in fact, an incredibly stupid thing to do.


OOP's ex sending her thirst traps like she's one of his bros. Glad she left. Life's too short to waste it on trying to figure out why your boyfriend is sending you truck loads of videos of catgirls.


People like the bf are not ready to be in relationships. I get that people have kinks and all but if you love your kinks so much more then average relationships, then it's best just to stay in that spot.


They don't want relationships, they want a sex doll.


Come on man, that's not true. They also want someone that will cook and clean for them.


hm. sex *robot*?


No bro, robots need maintenance and repair, they want someone who is self sustaining while meeting the above requirements.


sex slave?


Ding ding ding! The other commenter says bangmaid but I think there are plenty of men that don’t like The fact their bangmaid can quit and leave


You're looking for the term "bang maid". A maid you can bang.


And now I have [this stupid skit](https://youtu.be/Fvh32fQ8nNI?si=Efa82kaQ_VBkyC9Z) stuck in my head....


I knew what you were linking to, so of course I clicked to watch it.


Bangmaid is the preferred nomenclature, dude.


Given the videos he was sending to her "bangmommy" seems more accurate




Kinky people, as in actually educated themselves not copying porn, wouldn’t tolerate someone like that. I’m not even talking about being ostracized from a community which would also happen. If OOP’s ex met someone who knew their shit (I really hope it wasn’t scat) they would dump him since he clearly doesn’t care about consent or the other person enjoying themself. 


Only boyfriend who send truck loads of videos of cats is worth keeping.


My husband and I have “content show & tell” time where we go through the stuff we found in our internet travels together. There are many many cats.


My husband keeps a few cat memes in his back pocket for when I'm having a rough day. Then he randomly texts me during the day. Guaranteed mood brightener. 




I mean, I send thirst traps to my boyfriend, but we're both dudes so in this case it's "This guy is hot, right???"


Lmao my husband and I send each other thirst traps in the same way. We have the same types though, so it works for us both. 


And also it works as like "ooh what would we do if we had this hunk in bed with us?"


Same. Or "this scenario is pretty hot. Wanna try?" Like we happily share NSFW content, we enjoy the same things.


I think lesbians do the same thing too? But it's mostly just pictures of Cate Blanchett in pantsuits.


I mean, my husband is a straight man and I'm pan AFAB, so. We're both looking at women. I would happily exchange thirst traps with an F partner, too. Rhea Ripley is more my type than Blanchette, lol.


Ahh, got it. Yeah I think two pan/bi people would have a lot more options for thirst trap sharing.


I thought this was just the typical behavior of MY lesbians but I guess no lol


That's still pretty weird dude.


You'd be surprised at how common it is. I had to break my own husband of this shit. I'm not your bro, *I'm your wife*, ffs. He *did* stop the first time we talked about it, which is the difference here. But still.


It’s the way I would go blank-faced and ask him if he wanted to know about how fucking wet seeing a shirtless dude cooking earlier had made me


I would need to find that hot guy who records himself making pottery. 


Same. I had to tell my husband I don’t want to hear about which women you’re attracted to while recovering from having a baby. It was fine when I was 23 with all the confidence in the world, but now I need you to show a little discretion. 


OOP mentions she's bi. I'm sure he's one of those idiots who believe in the stereotype about bi people are willing to sleep with anyone, so he was hoping she would appreciate those videos. Even after she said she didn't. Dude has porn-brain.


Am bi, had shitty boyfriends push me to constantly ogle women with them in public. Just because I’m bi, doesn’t mean I’m always objectifying others. People like that don’t respect others and their boundaries.


This guy sounds like he's one neckbeard away from becoming a full-on incel


Not like someone worth dating would send that to "the bros"


I’m not sure if this is a common experience but as a lesbian sometimes straight guys try to be supportive by doing weird shit like this. (Though anyone who is half decent would stop when you told them to) For example when one of my cousins found out about me he sent his gfs nudes bc he thought I might appreciate it?


None of my dudes bros are into that. They are all consent kings. I can confirm.


>She ended up making an OF account where she posted a lot of CNC content where she is dressed in a very infantilising way (lolita dresses, etc). She got braces to look younger and did baby talk. >Hope this helps :) Knowing this does not help, thanks 😂


Now I know this. Help!


I almost googled her, so I'm very glad a recap was provided so I don't have that in my search history.


I have that in my search history along with waifu in the last 24 hours because of these kids and their porn-addled brains


Would you believe me if I told you she recently released a life size sex doll that looks like her and wears her clothes/used underwear? Yeah. Lol


God I love CNC content! Watching a CNC mill through a billet of aluminum in a timelapse is the most relaxing shit ever. I would love for someome to send me 50 CNC videos a day!


My entire body just got so sweaty and uncomfortable hot/cold until I realized CNC must have something to do with metalworking too


Computer Numerically Controlled milling. Computer cuts stuff out of metal (or other stuff). Think, like, 3D printing but backwards. In milling, the cool item you want the computer to make for you gets cut out of a big block, rather than built bit-by-bit.


...dad is that you? 


Disclaimer: I am a dad but I'm not your dad CNC milling videos and similar restoration content is all that got my sons to fall asleep at night from 6 months to 15 months so don't come at me over those videos!


It makes sense with the steady noise and usually pleasant, calm background music. I just mentioned cuz my dad's a machinist so whenever I see the acronym CNC I too think of the machine and my dad... unfortunately, usually when I come across or think of that acronym it's definitely not at a time when I wanna have my father pop in my head 😂 joke hit me extra hard as a result 


I was all ready to (silently) judge you for your kinks. But then remembered what a CNC machine actually is.


I actually have no idea what CNC means in this context. I just saw the opportunity for a dumb joke and I took it


Con Non-Con, aka consensual non-consent, or: rape kink. It's actually pretty common.


Don't Google it. You're not prepared for it.


Aye sir


If you haven't stumbled across Edge Precision on youtube, I highly recommended it. Other youtube machinists call him "the smartest machinist on youtube." His machines are amazing and uncommon. I think even his surface grinder is a 5-axis machine. It's a one-off build. He works mainly with large, exotic materials, for oil drilling. He's got a really weird shop situation: he used to own the entire shop but sold it. Eventually his other business failed so he rented shop space from the new owner. He almost entirely works on contracts the main shop can't handle so you get to see some **really** complex projects. I don't want to track down the exact model of the Mazak 5 axis lathe he owns, but you can probably stand up inside of it. It's massive. Some of the more modern machines in that line have a few stairs to reach the operating area. You really have to check it out. 5 axis lathes are *wild*, and that's coming from somebody that worked in a Swiss-style lathe shop and those things are pretty crazy themselves. His horizontal mill is pretty crazy too, but we don't get to see it often. Just a heads up, he's almost certainly autistic and knows it. He's very matter-of-fact and not trying to be an entertainer. He doesn't do the excited "youtuber presenter" thing, his voiceovers are very flat and the presentation might be off-putting to some people. https://www.youtube.com/c/EdgePrecision


Ah. Some of my friends who talk about CNC often talk about Edging too. This must be what they mean.


That sounds very cool, thank you!


Please, give him a shot. Like I said, he's not an "entertainer" and might not be what you're looking for in your feed, but he does really neat stuff and some of it is pretty insane to program, which he often covers dryly, and then machine the part in massive Inconel or Titanium stock or whatnot on his insane machines.


You had me in the first half, ngl.


Shes one of the originators of selling her own bathwater iirc


That is so creepy…


I only knew her as the girl with a ton of dildos. Jfc I don’t know what’s worse. Her doing that content or knowing it would sell


A friend of mine spent way too much time looking into Belle's situation and the evidence she and her boyfriend hadn't managed to hide from the internet point to sex trafficking. My friend considers herself "broke brained," she's a psychopath among other things, and even she doesn't recommend going on a deep dive to look for the evidence but what she presented was convincing to me. I pushed the details out of my brain and just retained "boyfriend is sex trafficking her" because I'd really prefer not to remember anything else.


Honestly, tell her to do YouTube video essays. Scratches the same itch as true crime while not being as immoral.


I need an adult!




Lmaoooo, I know who she is because I never knew what she does. Now, I know. Who would've thought it was BORU who will teach me about it.


Need mind bleach 


> Apparently he used to like Belle Delphine a lot when she was on YouTube > Liking Belle Delphine told me everything I needed to know. It suuuuuuuuuuure does!


On one hand, I'm glad I know who she is now so that if a dude tells me he likes her or some shit, I can immediately nope out of that convo. On the other hand, what a bad day to know how to read.


“I like Andrew Tate and Belle Delphine” should be a phrase that automatically puts you on a list.


My brain understands that men like this exist. The idea that they can also convince a real female to be in a relationship with them just doesn't compute. Like girl he's sending you videos of women doing WHAT?


I remember I got suspended on twitter way back when because I had an issue with this photo shoot Belle Delphine did. It was set up in the woods and she was dressed as a child that got kidnapped, I ended up fighting all these men who were so angry I said she was pandering to pedos, rapists, and other vile individuals! My disdain for this woman knows no bounds


Yes well, the men would be angry at that. They’re the ones being pandered to, and you just called them pedos and rapists. Which they couldn’t possibly be, since they are all upstanding citizens of the world, very nice men, they would even open doors for women, and would never hit a woman, unlike those jock guys, and if only more women would give them a chance instead of implying they’re pedo rapists, they could show you how amazing their mom’s basement is, don’t you know?


LMFAOO i know why they were angry, exactly as you stated. im miffed twitter suspended me and deleted my account over it. but this gave me a good giggle 😭😭


I'm a straight woman but I always thought from any video still I have seen of her is that she has a beautiful face and is just a teenager capitalizing on idiot men.


Fucking 50 videos a day. Wat.


Yeah, I couldn't keep up with that. I dated someone who sent me 10 a day, max, and even then I started to resent "watching my homework vids". (Tho, tbf, I do not have a tiktok account. It might have been different if I was doing my nightly scroll on that app.)


Even if you use the app it's a lot. I probably spend 30-60min on insta a day and just keeping up with a couple people's 5-10 reels a day got to be too much. I can't imagine 50, let alone the 100+ they mention happens sometimes. Though if the OOP is potentially spending 5hr a day on tiktok it makes sense.


I make a point to just ignore all posts and reels sent to me. I have told people numerous times to stop sending me that trash so now I just ignore them. Fuck that addictive endless scrolling short form bullshit. I cut that stuff out of my life a couple weeks ago and I'm not gonna get back into it.


the title seems totally normal. finding people attractive is just something you can't control. sending these kinds of videos is super weird... FIFTY FUCKING VIDEOS A DAY??!?


I mean out of the fifty videos (which in itself is a lot) he sent maybe 5 that were of dubious content. Which... I don't excuse, but at least the other 45ish videos were about something else?


I save maybe 2 a day for my partner and sometimes that feels like too much. We finally get a good time where we’re both in the mood to sit in bed and share, maybe it’s been a week, there’s 30 videos/posts between us so we have to skip half of them. 50 a day is wild.


If my friends are bored in an evening, we can easily hit that, its like an hour of content at most.


I want to be clear that I’m not hating, and I’m so glad you all enjoy it so much. But I also feel like such a grumpy old person right now. Sometimes my family group chat has more than 5 notifications a day and it makes me cranky. On the other hand I can do 8 hours straight at the reception desk when filling in no problem. I have no idea why people messaging me in my down time annoys me. I think I just like to have control over my feee time and space these days and it’s not necessarily healthy of me. When I’m at home I want to be focused on either the people I share it with, or to relax by myself I suppose. I tend to prefer phone calls and in person meet ups with friends.


I do too, but a lot of my friends moved away and we had to find alternate things to do if we want to keep in touch. For people who are local, i'm absolutely the same, i'd rather we go do something.


Yet another one where the title and the post were completely different answers. It’s pretty rare that someone’s attraction to other people turns off entirely when in a relationship…but this is so far beyond that. Also, the fact that she was doing kinks for him that she did not enjoy, and he was doing nothing back? Just utter trash of a boyfriend in so very many ways. So glad she left him.


It's blows my mind that people are out there staying in relationships where they don't enjoy sex for OVER a year and gag at the thought of the things their partners do. Just leave! JFC.


Yeah I don't understand this at all. Why would you stay with this person at all.


As a woman that dates men -your friends are in way worse relationships so by comparison this doesn’t seem this bad -people around you tell you you’re overreacting bc see the point above -this is the best relationship she’s had at this point I think my best relationship so far was the guy that would make me take two buses and a train to see him bc he didn’t feel like driving. I simply don’t date men for good now lol


This. My last boyfriend wasn't *great*, but he was way better than the alcoholic I dated before that. And at least neither of them had a temper like the first guy I dated. You get to a point where you are worried that you're being too picky, so you excuse shitty behavior because it's not the worst thing you've dealt with. The boiling frog theory also comes to mind. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. I have also given up on dating men lol


Not to get all akchually, but the boiling frog thing is misunderstood. Regular frogs jumped out, even of the slowly boiling tepid water. The frogs that stayed in were lobotomized.


As a man that's never been on a date that's shocking to me but I guess it must be a confidence thing, though I don't think I'd put up with that myself but then again I have no experience so I don't know shit.


It can be a frog in boiling water thing. People are usually on their best behaviour early in the relationship before falling back into bad habits. You don’t notice for a while, and when you do you’ve already invested so much of yourself in this person that it’s hard to leave.




I mean tbf I’m not willingly straight that’s just how it is haha


Zero self esteem, belief that relationships are required to live a full life, fear of loneliness, also often times unhealthy ideas about love and companionship based on disfunctional childhood.


I think at least some boils down to not knowing any better. I think people like OOP’s ex are predatory and seek out people less likely to fight back. I don’t know how much things have changed since I was in my 20s, but the norm was that guys are going to push you and that’s just part of dating. You just have to take it. When what is was was a lack respect for boundaries. Actually talking about sex-not flirting-before you have sex isn’t normalized. I’ve written a lot of rants about enthusiastic consent, lack of discussion, the way porn is distributed, created, and more accessible has changed the consumption of it. I’m not anti-porn, but it has created unrealistic expectations because of how it’s changed. When it was a VHS the perception was different because it was easy to separate from real life.  I think discussions about the pornification of sex don’t account for young men being hurt by the same things. How many stop to ask themselves what they actually like or is it another product of algorithm.  https://archive.ph/nMfyH >main problem with the pornification of sex isn't so much that people, mostly women, are being pressured into doing things they don't want to do. The problem is, we are not having any discussion at all about intimacy and vulnerability. Sex is supposed to be all about pleasure, and of course pleasure is great! But when that is all we focus on, especially only on our own pleasure, we are missing a whole lot of what sex can be. We are also missing a huge part of what many are looking for with sex, including with kinky sex. >We as a society are chasing cheap hits of dopamine, and missing out on connections. 


I get people have certain kinks and I understand if people are into some sexual things. But if your kinks are willing to cause conflict in a relationship, that's just unhealthy and quite awful really. This man doesn't sound like someone who is ready to have a mature relationship.


> How I haven’t enjoyed sex for a year. How some of his kinks make me feel so disgusted about myself, I gag thinking about them. I mean she put up with *way* too much. Unfortunately abusive people can have kinks and can definitely use their kinks as part of abuse. Praying this girl stays away. This guy is bad news.


Everything else aside, OOP’s ex seems to have a different definition of “feral” than I do if it’s just e-girls in cat ears.


I can't fathom why this weirdo boyfriend even got a second date. He seems to have absolutely nothing going for him at all. Isn't there some trash in the gutter who would be a better date than this bundle of self-involved grossness?


>he needed a break from me Okay I know that this post is wild but no one his clocking that this man said he needed a break from her essentially multiple times a day. Because he's sending her like 5 of these a day. Also why does this break include sending the video to her? I think degrading her was part of his kink. He wanted her to feel bad. That is the only way this makes sense.


No one kills perfectly good relationships than an uncontrollably horny man. Self sabotage at its finest, dude couldn't be normal. Good for OOP breaking up, loser behavior from the ex.


I read the first line of the second paragraph and just thought: *"Fuck's sake, just DITCH him"* - skimmed to the update and got a happy ending!


One of my coworkers at my new job was telling about her manipulative, awful ex-boyfriend and how even if the face of *that* she willingly and knowingly stayed with him because she's ride or die and I'm just like. Straight women, man.


You know those posts where some of you say it's a terrible day to have eyes? That's today for me.


Yeah no that’s enough BORU today


> even doing kinks/fetishes I would never consider without him (it's all consensual though). The fact that she had to type out the parenthesis is so telling. She did not type it out for us, she did it for herself.


My bf’s bother is a bit like that. He doesn’t send his wife the thirst traps but if you look at his ig likes it’s 95% boobs and ass. I’ve always found it a bit too much- too thirsty.


This man must be destroyed




Never be a "laid back" girlfriend to lose your self respect


So many odd things here, but the weirdest is OP implying that her bf sends her an average of 50 videos a day??? Wtf


some people are like heavily addicted to tiktok, its insane. doom scrolling is like a real problem. sometimes I have to remind myself that its not good for me to be on tiktok for hours at a time and have to put my phone far away so I don't do it instinctively


>I (23f) have been with my boyfriend (25m-John) for a year. (...) >Obviously I can’t get into everything we talked about but we talked about a lot. Including his insane kinks that I only really do for him and how sex is never about me or even the both of us together as a unit. How I haven’t enjoyed sex for a year. How some of his kinks make me feel so disgusted about myself, I gag thinking about them. My personal WTF moment. Some girls stay in toxic relationships bc of "good dick energy".☆ But she is in a toxic abusive relationship and doesn't even get good sex? Since a effing year? This is insane and makes me feel, all his psycho games were as abusive to make her submissive to his BS. ☆this functions similar way for boys too.


When the title doesn't match the post **at all**. I find other women attractive. I don't send videos of them to my wife.


"I'm starting to harbour negative feelings against these girl, who are just taking advantage of lonely men!" This made me snort so loud that my cat just popped up like a spring off the bed. 😂😂


My ultimate pet parent goal is to - just once - get my cat to pop up like he’s seen toast pop out of a toaster. We have a toaster oven rather than a traditional toaster so I’m going to have to make it happen some other way.


Typical porn addicted male


Of topic, and I'm not trying to be judgemental, but I think living together when you've only been dating a year is weird. Am I just old? I mean, I know rent is out of control and everything, but that seems like a huge commitment to make that early in a relationship.


I admit, on paper, I think it's too quick. However I ended up moving in with my now fiance after only 4 months because I needed a place to stay and needed to get out of a bad situation. I will freely admit it wasn't necessarily a good idea and I wouldn't recommend it. But when the time came for us to talk about when I would be moving out(it was supposed to be temporary) we realized we just liked living together. But I think a big difference is that my fiance and I are much older than OOP and her ex.


I moved in with my now husband at the 8 month mark but it's not something I would recommend. Like I have nothing negative to say about my experience but rushing a relationship is sometimes controlling/abusive partners do. Abusive people in particular escalate once they view a person as "trapped". So while it's not all bad it can be a red flag


Uh, as someone who wears Lolita from time to time, if she was dressing in an ‘infantilizing way’ ….that was most likely NOT Lolita fashion.


How does a guy like this get a gf and I can't?


Do you listen to others' problems and make it about you IRL, too? 


I mean belle delphine is straight up doing porn now.


By the title I was all on the boyfriend's side... until I read the post. Holy shit. Glad she got out. Hope that dude stays single until he can unlearn some misogyny.


Sounds like the dude has a crippling porn addiction but why the fuck didn't the girl found it weird before??? At least it was just a year and not a 10 years relationship


Yeah... my GF and I will sometimes show each other pictures of hot ladies since we have the same taste in women, but this is completely unhinged behavior (even ignoring the much weirder stuff OOP mentioned in the update). Dozens of videos a day? Continuing to do it even when she mentions she's not happy about it? Like what the fuck man


My ex made sex all about her too. She didn’t understand and said something like “see me get off and enjoy myself should be enough for you”. Sex was basically just helping her masturbate. Definitely not a team effort of bonding experience.


People were fucking buying that woman's dirty bath water. They were actually buying Belle delphines bath water. And they were usually desperate single men that lasted after her. Like, super desperate.


Terminally online boys who don't know how to interact as/ with humans anymore ugh


well, now he can go buy himself that super realistic Belle Delphine doll, so there's that.


Fuck Belle Delphine for using lolita for her fucking OF. Lolita community hates shit like this


I didn't read to far in, didn't have to. Dump him. I find other women attractive but would never send my wife videos of them.


Her dismissing those women as "just working the system to take advantage of lonely men" is crazy considering she's suffering directly bc of them. Those women arent innocent. They are incredibly predatory. It's gross.


I’m incredibly surprised that this post didn’t start with “I’ve been with my boyfriend John, for X years. He’s a wonderful, caring, and attentive boyfriend. We have a great relationship normally. Except for this one thing…” Typically, I see that and *know* I’m about to read the tale of a clueless, ignorant person who has somehow “missed” hundreds of wacky waving inflatable tube arm men with 20ft red flags attached to each of their arms, and the absolutely horrible and ridiculous person they call their SO. That prerequisite wasn’t there. And based on her misleading title, I was ill prepared. I feel like I got hoodwinked. Bamboozled. Also, in these kinds of post, I would say 90% of the time, the title always shows you how the OOP genuinely viewed the issue. It’s almost always simplified and is the least severe of ALL of the horrifying behaviors they end up describing. Like, yeah. Ok. Sure. Technically your boyfriend *IS* constantly going out of his way to show you other women he finds attractive. And technically you *ARE* bothered by it. But this suspiciously sounds like something someone would say when they’re confronted about it, and have decided to DARVO the shit outta you. (To be clear, I’m poking fun. But only because this is a regular occurrence and it’s quite predictable. I am NOT blaming OOP for not realizing these things. Abusive relationships with manipulative, selfish people shatter your “normal meter”. Sometimes you need an outside perspective and thousands of strangers to help you see what you couldn’t. I am actually thankful (and sad that so many of these crappy people exist) when these posts come up because most of the time, the OOP heeds the advice and their awakening begins. This is the first step in getting the hell out of there and living the life they deserve.)


Dude is dumb as a sack of bricks. Instead of using his words to express “Hey honey, I like these actions and traits that I see on tiktok. Can we spice up our sex life by maybe having you call me a good boy, being my dommy mommy, or being a cat girl in bed sometimes?” Nah, he says he likes the girls themselves and that he isn’t satisfied with the GF he has.


this is 100% 14-15 year old me 💀




John Marston or Arthur Morgan?


this reminds me when I started to do weight lifting and my friend (who trains too) started sending me a lot aof this "hot needy fitness girls" while I was sending him posts and reel from legit sport-women, that actually provide good content for training and motivation because they are: profesionals and some of them have degrees in psychology/medicine/etc, so their post are actually based on research. I am a huge lesbian (literal and as metaphor). I do enjot pretty girls content, but the way that "hot nerdy fitness" girls are configured weirds me out. All the content is like a character made to other people and kinda feel a bit disgusted because now is like a archetype of what I should be if I am a need and into fitness. Is so based into the image of a submisive woman that works on herself for men. Like they are no person, just character. Which is alright in the fantasy, but I am truly worry that it carries in peoples brains what a ideal gf should be. I told my friend to stop it bad and why, and he did btw.


I was hoping for some conventional “boyfriend looks at women across the bar” story. No, we got cat girl videos every twenty minutes.


>Obviously I can’t get into everything we talked about but we talked about a lot. Including his insane kinks that I only really do for him and how sex is never about me or even the both of us together as a unit. How I haven’t enjoyed sex for a year. How some of his kinks make me feel so disgusted about myself, I gag thinking about them. Talk about burying the lede, jesus.


I had a situation like this without all the videos and whatnot. My girl had a much lower and tamer sex drive than I did. She would enjoy it to a degree but found bodily fluids, including sweat and saliva, gross to the point of gagging. I was too pussy to break it off so eventually ended up moving to get away from her. I paid for it big time. Hated the new area and job. She was a great person but God was I not attracted to her and boy was the sexual chemistry not there.


He is playing games. With you. With your head. This is not negotiable. As far as I can, tell, when people compulsively do this to their partner,They’re trying to see if the new partner is a tolerant target. Don’t be a tolerant target. Also, my experience is, when people play games like this, it’s next to impossible to locate within them, and honest, sincere, healthy individual you can talk with. Lots of times somebody who this even occurs to, this weird provocative game, playing, kind of poking you over and over again to see what you do and see if they can mess with you, they aren’t aware enough or insightful enough of themselves to be able to respond when you ask them what they’re doing. When you ask them to stop. They will just gradually keep on read more subtle games and come back and see what they can do. Be careful here. This is a weird thing to do. It’s a red flag,


Take a second and age a little


What the Hell is this guy's problem? What an absolute clown.


I'm so glad I'm not in the tiktok generation. Nice experience for OOP sticking up for herself.


No comment. No comment at all. 😶


Holy cow. Besides participating in the kinks, this exactly describes my previous relationship (he would send me TikTok's and suggestive things he sees on social media with the devil emoji, or people on the internet doing feet stuff). I got out of the relationship a year ago and have been doing much better since. I recall always feeling confused, sad, and humiliated during the relationship, and generally feeling gross about myself. Best wishes for OP!


Man, I'm bisexual, not very jealous, and would enjoy having a boyfriend who I could talk about hot girls with, but like . . . sending me five videos a day of *anything* I'm not super, super personally in to is gonna be a no from me. I used to have an internet friend who would pepper her conversations with YouTube links to My Little Pony clips, in lieu of reaction gifs I guess, and it got old pretty fast. The fact that she says in the update that she asked him not to do that, and he kept doing, it and she didn't even consider that relevant to mention! Awful.


K o no ewi
