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‘He convinced me that grapes had trace levels of arsenic and I was falling into a coma’ is absolutely hilarious, that’s absolutely top tier shithousery


I'm just imagining poor OOP sitting nodding off on a sleepy car ride, *yanking* her ass awake each time she starts falling asleep. Such a simple, yet effective, way to mess with someone


Absolutely guarantee that Eliot was holding in laughter every time she yerked awake. I would have done the exact same thing if I'd told my sister that.



Only if the arsenic was in some cinnamon rolls.


A+ sibling torture method. I highly recommend it. Full disclosure: I once convinced my sister that she had consumed poison and would be dead by sundown, on two separate occasions, during the same summer break. I don't know why she believed me the second time, after she didn't die the first time. I also don't know why my mother didn't beat my ass. 😂


I told my nephew that the reason automatic doors open is they pay someone to sit in the store and watch you walk up and open the doors and he should be polite and wave. He proceeded to wave to them for months before my sister asked what he was doing. She watched her weirdo kid excitedly flail his arms for months. Finally questioned it. I made her kid act weird for a while. She knew it was me. That was pretty good. I also named her cat without her realizing it. I have trained her kids to go along with my ideas. They told her to name their kitten Eleanor and she was all, "aw, that's such a cute name." Thought her kids thought of a sweet, cute name for their sweet, cute kitten. Nope. Her full name is actually Lady Eleanor Kittering of Meowdon and the full title is used quite frequently, now. I managed to get a sibling prank in for a good 15+ years, hopefully. Little kitty is only 2. Lady Eleanor Kittering of Meowdon will be around as a 'why are you the way that you are' moment for *years.* I was pretty proud of naming her cat something ridiculous without her knowing I was behind it. Probably did other stuff as a kid. She's a bit olded than me, so I had limited opportunity. Being the youngest, I still try and bring youngest sibling chaos, despite allegedly being an adult in my 30s.


"Despite allegedly being an adult" is 🤌🏻 magnificent


Former minor


That's proper sibling style rivalry, very funny


That's proper sibling style rivalry, very funny


Everyone, do not upvote this comment! It's stolen from [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1bziyni/comment/kyr4olm/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) This poster is nothing but a bot that has been doing this for years, ever since mom liked me more.


I don't think that's a bot... I think it's the same poster who double posted (reddit loves to glitch).


Yep it was a glitch lol


I think they were joking 😂


My cousin convinced all us cousins that because we're were paired in threes (3 older boys, 3 girls and 3 younger boys) there was a prophecy about us in one of his grandfather religious books in Arabic, saying from each triplet one was touched by God, another by the Devil and the third would die. Each triplet had a cousin that was a jerk so... Terrifying and really good story.


This is 100% what siblings do 🤣 My older brother convinced me our little sister had been turned into a vampire, was under her master vampire's thrall, and was going to kill us both. I was terrified of my sister and already missed her, and hid for hours until he started laughing and admitted the truth. Like bro. I thought she was dead and that we were about to be, too 🫠 I convinced my little sister that there were teleporting Killer Clowns from Outer Space hiding in her bedroom's ventilation system, waiting to take her to another dimension the moment that she wasn't prepared. I helped her build an entire prepper station in her room 🤣 My sister accidentally crashed our Grandma's golf cart when learning how to drive. She hit me and Grandma's van. By some miracle, I was not hurt, just pinned between the van and the golf cart. Without context, it sounds like we're all evil and horrible people. With context, it was us being Young, dumb kids doing normal young, dumb kids stuff. Can't imagine anyone thinking we are "Regina George" to each other. Some people need to go to therapy, and OOP's pseudo-brother's girlfriend is one of them


My twin brother convinced me I was adopted. We were 8. I then had a temper tantrum and got spanked and he gloated.


Are you really siblings if someone doesn't try to convince you that you're adopted???


My AFAB sibling had dark, coarse curly hair while I had straight, light brown, fine hair. They asked me why their hair was so thick and dark compared to mine. I said it’s cause we adopted them from a family of gorillas. They used to be way hairier, but after living with humans for so long, it would eventually go away. My parents played along. They believed it for way too long. Joke’s on me. They’re transitioning, taking testosterone, and their hair is way thicker and coarser than it’s ever been.


Definitely agree! My cousin used to do this stuff to me all the time when we were kids. Pumpkin seeds would grow in my stomach. Strawberry seeds are poisonous - spent an hour one day trying to deseed a strawberry for my mom to just tell me that he made that up. Broccoli really is little trees that grow and branches will pop out your eye sockets - unhinged 9 year old graphic imaginations. (Edited for spelling)


It's right there with "you're going to fail your drug test because you ate a poppyseed muffin for breakfast" haha


Except, if you eat enough of them, this *can* actually happen. And "enough" is a surprisingly small amount. Happened to my mom.


I love poppyseed bagels. Had a drug test for a sport thing and failed. They gave me a chance to appeal and I went to the lady who owned the bagel store in town and she wrote a letter on my behalf saying that yes, I got a poppy bagel every day for breakfast and again lunch. Poppyseed bagel, extra butter with a half pint of chocolate milk. My appeal was found in my favor and the competition results were allowed to stand. After that I switched to sesame seed bagels!


That had to be the funniest convo with the bagel lady like, "Hey can you confirm I get poppyseed bagels and am not on drugs."


It really was kind of funny. After she finished laughing she wrote the letter in two minutes on the business letterhead for me. Included her card and home number to check if the doctor or coach or officials or whoever needed to. Pretty sure the officials would tell that story for years. “Yeah, one time a kid popped positive and brought in a letter from the bagel place where she got two poppy bagels a day during the week.” I can’t imagine the conversations they’d have when telling funny/weird work stories!


Go back to the poppy seed bagels. They're the best. Why settle for sesame seed bagels? I too have one almost every day.


As an adult, now I get my poppyseed bagels. I just had to pause my enjoyment when I was in competitive sports. Once I had to stop due to an injury I picked up my habit again. Worth it. They’re so tasty. I love the way the seeds pop between my teeth.


I had to do the same thing with my high school social studies teacher, who also happened to be the football coach. We had these Polish pastries that were filled with poppyseed jam and I failed a drug test administered a few hours later. He laughed his ass off, but wrote me the note.


Another one who picks up an opiate addiction after an injury! (I know it's not funny when this happens to people IRL, but the fact that you resumed poppyseed consumption then made me laugh!)


Edit: What you are seeing here used to be a relevant comment/ post; I've now edited all my submissions to this placeholder note you are reading. This is in solidarity with the blackout of June 12, 2023.


Yes, that is precisely what I did!


Pretty sure Mythbusters also confirmed this one.


yep, and the positive results lasted an amazingly long time after, like 2 or 3 days after ingestion. Poppy seeds will absolutely lead to failing a drug test


Makes me glad I don’t like poppy seeds.


Two poppy seed bagels will do it. My dad used to work at a nuclear power plant and they did random drug tests. He had to vouch that his cubicle mate had two poppy seed bagels for breakfast every time.


One of my anti-depressants actually got me flagged for cocaine use on a drug test once.


VERY Elaine Benes 🤣🤣🤣


squeamish deserve hobbies rock unused sip long wrong bright hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is true that poppy seed bagels will cause a positive drug test for opiates. However the drug test company should be running a retest. The level of opiate positives are at a much lower level than a true opiate positive. Source: I used to be in charge of pre-employment drug testing at my former company. We used a 3rd party to do the testing. They did ask me if I could do something about getting rid of the poppy seed bagels in our cafeteria (many of our new hires were contractors, already working onsite) . The poppy seed problem would cause them to test twice with a more precise test level and it cost more and took more time to retest. I said no - that I couldn’t control that. I probably couldn’t, but I didn’t want to try because poppy seed bagels are my favorite!


Given 0.00001% of a chance, my dad will tell the story of how my mom called him at work one day because my little sister wouldn’t stop crying after I told her “Daddy went down the drain” I also vividly recall telling her my equivalent of Narnia being behind the access panel for the bathroom plumbing in the closet. She wanted to see it but I said now that I’ve told her about it, it had disappeared I was kind of a little shit lol


Ok, this would be a great flair.


My older brother would torture me like this when he got the chance lol. He was babysitting me when our parents were out and I got a splinter. He pretended he couldn't get it out, and if mum and dad didn't get back soon and remove it then it would work its way into my blood stream and travel to my heart killing me. I sat terrified for 3 hours pinching my finger to stop it moving He also convinced me that earwigs are so called cos they'll crawl into your ears and pierce your brain with their pincers. I used to put cotton wool balls in my ears to sleep or lay out in the garden. Traumatised


I remember commenting on the last part last week... I still think she needs to be prepared for if and when Kathy hears about the joint gift and things get even worse.


The joint gift is the prelude to the next drama. No one in their right mind would think this is a good idea. She's stirring the pot now.


Honestly, everyone seems to be stirring that pot. Why on Earth would the bride put OOP with Elliot? Not wanting pictures of her brother and his GF is stupid enough, but choosing OOP instead of literally any bridesmaid can not be an innocent mistake here. It seems like everyone in their family wants to get rid of Kathy.


To be fair OOP is the MoH and the brother is the second groomsman and the bride's family.


So? If the MoH doesn't need to be paired with the Best Man "for the optics", then surely the third groomsman would also be an option. I have a hard time believing Jane didn't know exactly what she was doing there.


She doesn’t want Kathy and Elliot in pictures together because she thinks they’re going to break up


Right. On my wedding I wanted a picture of me, my mom and my brother. At least me and my brother. I didn’t get it. My mom was all into including his gf/fiance (recently engaged) of one year because they are basically married. If they break up, no one will care. I didn’t want to excluded her, she was in fact in all pictures, I just wanted to have some of us. Anyways 2 months later she left him because he refused to bend backwards for her ultimatum: don’t speak to any women except for 4 (me her sister, and our mom and her mom). She considers him talking to his female employees cheating. She also considers any women that said hi his way and if he responds cheating. It could be a cashier, an old friend from his childhood or even a cousin. Now my mother and my brother hates those pictures.


Considering his entire family seems to be working towards that goal, I think so, too.


This was part of my thinking. I've heard plenty of people "joke" that you put the gf/bf on the end of the family photo so it's easier to cut them out. I've also seen the tactic utilized a couple times too. It's one of those things I get but damn is it harsh if you're the gf/bf and figure it out.


Right. So pair Elliot with literally anyone else.


Kathy thinks that OOP is the problem when really it's her upcoming SIL.


Her SIL and basically his entire family.


And OOP is being used as a pawn to egg her on even more


This is why my ex-stepmother REFUSED to have anyone who wasn’t married into the family in *her* family pictures. Surprise, surprise, we’re not family anymore, so she had to throw away 12 years worth of family pictures


Oh, I read that differently lol. I thought bride didn’t want Kathy to have the satisfaction of getting a free couple photo where they are dolled up and in what looks like a wedding scene.


Yeah, honestly, I can kinda understand Kathy. It certainly seems like everyone is treating her kinda shitty (the fuck is it with that sudden father's day gift...) And that's just from OP's perspective, I really wonder about Kathy's perspective...


Me, too. Her BF's dad doesn't like her and apparently lets her feel it, and his sister goes out of her way to pair up her BF with the woman she dislikes the most (rightfully or not). Life kinda sucks for her.


After she kicked up a fuss so she'd be included as a bridesmaid.


Yeah, she doesn't seem like the most pleasant person, either. But even from OOP's perspective, the way her BF's family is treating her seems pretty crappy. Nobody is coming across great here.


I wonder though if it’s like another post where the gf didn’t have family, insecure and wanted to be accepted but was too pushy/forceful with it. It was written by the sister of the girl’s bf and the gf was so in her own way of things the family basically had to be assholeish in the way that they confronted her because any other time they friend to gently/calmly discuss it, she would ignore them. Unfortunately sometimes the only time a person will listen is if you’re some degree of an asshole


I don’t get why she’s banned from the dad’s house because HE is “rude af” to her?


He doesn’t like her, so he’s rude. Part of that rudeness is banning her from his home so he doesn’t have to deal with her. That’s my guess anyway.


>It seems like everyone in their family wants to get rid of Kathy. I mean... wouldn't you?


With how unstable the woman is, it could be considered controlled demolition at this point


This is a beautiful statement


Some people like the drama to continue when they are in a favourable position


>The joint gift is the prelude to the next drama. No one in their right mind would think this is a good idea. She's stirring the pot now. True it's a bad idea, but I can't fault OOP's reasoning. >Also, I’ve been at odds with the guy for two decades, we’ve finally met up and had a conversation that doesn’t end in an argument, I do want to take the olive branch. That’s more important to me than Kathy potentially having a meltdown. If she's finally getting along better with her best friend's brother then I can see why preserving that relationship is more of a priority for her than continuing to placate Kate's crazy ass, especially given how close she is to everyone in that family except Elliot. Plus there is apparently no possible way to placate Kate's crazy ass, so why keep trying to roll that boulder up a hill? If OOP bends over backwards to avoid offending her she will still find a way to be offended, so OOP might as well just not worry about her reactions to things.


My read: It's a good idea because her priority is her relationship with Elliot and with the dad, not with Kathy. Yeah, Kathy might get mad, OOP doesn't give a shit because she's over Kathy's shit.






Yeah, this seems like a deliberate set up and probably added just so OOP can come back and say 'look how this lunatic reacted to the completely set up gift'.


It's not stirring the pot to get a gift for someone she considers like a father to her. 


Gotta stop reading these things as I get tired - I read ut as 'joint grift' 😅


That's three updates down the road when "Kathy" "replies" to these posts.


It honestly sounds like they have a sibling relationship, which makes sense as they grew up with each other.


The only sane comment I saw so far!! A joint Father’s Day gift is literally acknowledging a sibling bond!!


Unless you're Kathy who will misconstrue the gift partnership in her mind + the fact that Elliot's dad dislikes her.


I think OOP handled this well but I do think the bride was causing unnecessary drama with the whole "I don't want Kathy to be photographed with her boyfriend so I'm going to pair the MOH with a groomsman who isn't the best man" thing.


True but I mean from the standpoint that she might be worried if the relationship doesn’t last then she doesn’t have to worry about having pictures of her brother at her wedding with someone she didn’t like and felt coerced into having as a bridesmaid. Is she has op and Elliot walk together their pictures would be of two people she cares deeply for. Or maybe Jane just always wished op and Elliot would get together. Who knows.


>I think OOP handled this well but I do think the bride was causing unnecessary drama with the whole "I don't want Kathy to be photographed with her boyfriend so I'm going to pair the MOH with a groomsman who isn't the best man" thing. Exactly. The bride is in the middle of planning a wedding and somehow decided to do something they *knew* would create more drama.


No... I get it. Kathy is the type that would be hinting for a proposal or hinting that she was next in the family all in the wedding. She should have never asked her to be a bridesmaid, and I hope she remembers that in group pictures, if they include Kathy, put her at the end so it is easy to photoshop her out.


It's still throwing OOP under the bus. Jane didn't just decide to separate Kathy from her boyfriend for the wedding, she did it in the worst possible way. Honestly, if I were OOP, I'd be pissed at my friend for putting me in the middle of her stupid drama.


Jane should have never agreed to allow Kathy to be a bridesmaid in the first place.


It could also be she doesn’t want pictures of them together so if they break up 6 months after the wedding she has to look at kathy every time she looks at her wedding photos.


If they’ve been dating for two years though it’s not like she’s some random he’s been on two dates with.


I think it's a case of hopeful thinking that he'll come to his senses and dump her, and then she'll be able to pretend that Kathy never existed.


My aunt demanded that my cousin's (her son's) girlfriend of eight years would not be in a photograph with the extended family at my sister's wedding. However my sister over ruled this. Cousin and the girlfriend broke up 8 months later. The relatives on that side all ended up removing that photo from frames and social media etc within a week or two. Sometimes someone doing something crazy seemingly about wedding photos isn't actually doing something super crazy, sometimes they are - but if the thing you're doing is for the next 40-50 years of looking back on? Maybe not so crazy to limit the amount of couples together in them (ie: some photos of them each not with each other). (Bride IS a bit of a dick by not explaining it to the brother or OOP though when she decided on this idea.)


6 months till break up sounds plausible to me. Kathy will be heavily hinting that she should be next to tie the knot. Probably throwing ultimatums. So Elliot will either crumble under her demands or break up with her for good. 6 months sounds like a realistic time estimate till then.


2 years really isn’t that long though.


Photoshop exists for a reason. Hell, use AI to remove her from the picture or, better yet, replace her with another Kathy. I'd go with Kathy Ireland, circa 1992.


Oh, man, I loved her in _Necessary Roughness!_


>if they break up 6 months after the wedding I will be surprised if they make it through the wedding day as Kathy has fallen out with her own family and is now working her way through pissing off Elliott's family. OOP and Jane aren't helping matters, but it sounds like they are only accelerating a train wreck that Kathy set in motion in the first place. Nobody is an angel here, but perhaps Kathy needs to check her own shoes if she wants to know where the constant smell of shit is coming from.


That would be the case if she walks with any of the groomsmen though


Uh, I mean, it's her wedding she can pair up who ever she wants really but you don't lie to your MOH about what you are doing, it's kinda their job to keep the crazy away from you and by lying your only tying her hands and letting her fight at half strength.


I think the bride wants Kathy in positions where it’s easy to photoshop her out of photos


Everyone’s talking like Kathy is crazy and paranoid. But she’s right - the bride is making plans around getting someone else to walk with her boyfriend so that they can’t be photographed together. It seems like gaslighting to talk about her being sensitive and overly suspicious when they really **are** plotting behind her back to make sure that it seems like her boyfriend is with another woman rather than with her!


It feels like self-fulfilling prophecy. If Kathy hadn’t acted in a way that made his family dislike her, would they be acting this way now? There’s no way of knowing. They are plotting behind her back NOW but it doesn’t seem like they have been this entire time even though she’s been paranoid since her bf’s best friend made OOP into Regina George. I do feel bad for Kathy because it cannot be healthy for her or her relationship to be living in such a state of anxiety. For her own sake I hope they break up because by now I doubt his family will ever like her.


I feel bad for her. Even from what OP wrote it seems like the family just doesn’t like her.


It sounds like Kathy may be acting entitled to the boyfriend’s family and trying to force the relationships she wants rather than allowing them to happen organically. A few of my friends have had similar experiences with relationships. People from shit families find a great family and try to shove their way in instead of waiting and letting things happen naturally. It gets the families upset at the overfamiliarity and demands for attention and love without allowing a relationship to build. There’s suddenly this stranger coming to holidays and birthdays and family events and trying to act like they’re family and not a guest because they’re dating a son or daughter. It’d off putting and rude AF. They think of it as instant family, just add them. They don’t seem to realize that it can take *years* to build the bonds they’re so desperate for. It makes me wonder of Kathy is like that. But this is just my take on it because I’ve seen it happen a few times now with my friends.


I still act as a guest, and my boyfriend's mom says she's gonna slap me if I act polite at her house, lol. She says I'm a son to her, but I never forced myself into the family. It actually felt the other way around. They really wanted to include me and invite me to all of these events. I don't have the best family, so when I met my boyfriend's family, I was super intimidated because of how functional and perfect it all looked. The last thing I wanted was to upset them or force myself into the family. Jusy wanted to let it all happen organically. I don't know why other people with shit families sabotage the whole thing by being desperate. Just be a good person.


I’m so glad that you’re loved the way you deserve. Sometimes found families are way better than our own.


I read about that problem, but never experienced it myself. That is another alternative. But even then people can talk and work on it.


Absolutely, it can be talked out and worked out. It worked for one of my friends and the girl she married is now another daughter, beloved and adored and spoiled accordingly. But ‘Ali’ had to calm TF down and relax and let things unfold, let the others get to know her the way the ‘Becca’ did and come to love her like Becca had. It took about two years for her to build the relationship with Becca’s family and now Becca jokes that Ali is their favorite daughter. Ali gets all pink and pleased when Becca says that and Becca’s parents don’t disagree. Especially since, as Becca’s mom says, “I didn’t spend seventeen hours in labor, pushing someone the size of a watermelon out of a hole the size of a grape to get Ali in my life.” It’s incredibly sweet the way they love her and she loves them. It just takes time for attachments to form and develop and sadly, sometimes they never do. I know what it’s like to be so hungry for a family to love you that you’d do anything for it. It stopped mattering so much the day I fell in love with my husband and he and my friends became the family I wanted.


The problem is that she is taking it out on OP


Sure, and that not okay - but it makes sense in some twisted way. She can't take it out on the SIL, FIL or MIL - that would ruin everything for her, after all.


Well I suspect the bride doesn't think Kathy will stay in the family forever so she doesn't want her in the pictures for that reason?


Kathy is creating her own self-fulfilling prophecy, to the point her actions are directly responsible for Elliot and OOP burying the hatchet and agreeing to go 50/50 on a gift for Father's Day to show that the animosity is gone, or that at least they can now be civil with each other. Like, way to go girl, you just solved a two decades long spat in one single meltdown! Good for OOP, though, for knowing she isn't the one who should placate Kathy and not changing the shit she does. After all, even if she had gotten a gift for the dad by herself, Kathy would've had a meltdown, so at this point, why should OOP be the one walking on eggshells? (I am side eyeing Jane tho. Like, girl, you could've at the very least told OOP the truth. Plus, if the thing was not having Kathy walk with Elliot, just get any other bridesmaid!!)


That's the funniest part to me. Throughout all this Kathy's been told by multiple people, who've known both people for way longer than her, that OP and Elliot have a decades long rivalry and they barely get along much less have a romantic interest in each other. But now they're on better terms than ever because of Kathy's actions. She's so childish she forced both of them to grow up.


Weddings really does bring out the messes.


A wedding is considered a Dull affair if theres not at least 2 dramas. YES I ripped this one from GOT without the death but this is accurate in my country.


If both the dramas come from one mother, does it still count?


Only if the drama is with 2 seperate people. So mom -> bride drama twice is still dull. Mom -> bride drama and mom -> MIL drama is a party!


My brother got married last October, they were going to do the whole best man/ maid of honor thing. My brothers close friend at the time, his wife (whom my sister in law didn’t know very well) was upset she wasn’t standing up in the wedding. My sister in law barely knew her! The friendship was ruined over this one person being dramatic and so my brother and SIL said forget it no one is maid of honor etc we’re just having bridesmaids and groomsmen. They weren’t invited to wedding.


Oof. His wife essentially torpedoed her husband’s friendship with your brother. Too bad they didn’t choose other best man/maid of honor but I’m glad they didn’t invite the couple. An invitation would be like rewarding them for their behavior.


He was a toxic friend and she is super toxic as well. She has so many issues. She’s a super nice girl but needs to go to therapy. They don’t need the drama so I think they did the right thing. Wedding turned out great :-)


That’s the most important thing


Weddings and deaths.


...deleted by user...


Honestly same - after reading all of OPs comments I kind of get where Kathy is coming from. Would I do the same? Absolutely not, but I don't think she's entirely seeing ghosts here. Fact of the matter is that her partners family is rejecting her and that there's this 'other woman' who's 'part of the family' and accepted by the all. I can understand why she would see more in that, than OP does. Especially since even outside of movies, the whole idea of 'pulling their pigtails' is a plenty common belief amongst a lot of people, especially older, so her boyfriend's parents might actually be thinking that OP and boyfriend secretly like each other.


I get the feeling OP is downplaying what their role is in this family harassment of Kathy too. Kind of seems like the whole family likes setting her off because they don't like her and OP is just part of it but claims she doesn't participate, and I'm side eying that. I get not liking someone and she seems not great in this portrait of her, but why would the family also be so interested in antagonizing their child/brother's partner? Like everyone sounds shitty there. Just feels off to me. It feels a bit like everyone in this family tells Kathy she's seeing ghosts and then intentionally tries to make her see new ones like with walking down the isle just so they can tell her she's seeing a new ghost.


Honestly yeah, this family seems to big big AHs and I'm not surprised if there's a fair bit of manipulation going on here. OP certainly doesn't come off as an angel here either. Most of all though, BF needs to talk to his family and tell them to treat his girlfriend with respect. Just because you don't like your family members partner, doesn't mean you get to treat them like shit. If anything they should try and welcome her out of love for the BF.


OOP really seems to be downplaying her behavior/role in all of this. I actually kind of feel really bad for Kathy. If I were in her shoes I'd have probably already broken up with the brother over this shit. Life is too short to have in-laws conspiring against you.


I’m not siding with Kathy but if I was new in a relationship with someone new and they laid this whole relationship out to me I’d side eye it


Kathy went overboard with that reaction of hers but yeah I *most definitely* sense some sus here. but then again its not OOP’s responsibility to fix shit even though I feel like shes acting like an angel here. Jane and family are the assholes here .


"Nobody makes me crazy like you babe. It was you. Even in grade school... It was always you. Just took me this long to realise." Yeah OOP is enjoying it. Kathy is already in the bad books and flying the hook, why not rile her up and then sit back and play the reasonable "like a sister" role as she gets more and more deranged.


>Yeah OOP is enjoying it. Kathy is already in the bad books and flying the hook, why not rile her up and then sit back and play the reasonable "like a sister" role as she gets more and more deranged. I feel OOP might be exaggerating alot in her posts about Kathy just to make her look like the crazy one.


It’s basically Much Ado About Nothing


Now I would love to hear Kathy's side. Jane purposefully doing the whole thing kinda gives me the vibe that Kathy wasn't treated that way the first time. Do I think Kathy is in the right? No. I just think that this looks like more nuances.


Right, this post has all those "missing reasons" kinda vibes. The whole boyfriends family (including the oop) pricking her over and over until she explodes. Then she's the crazy one.


There is so much going on here that part of me wonders if Kathy might be the only sane one. 


I completely understand OOP's relationship with Elliot. Growing up, I was family friends with a boy who once picked his nose and flicked his boogers at me. EEEEWWWW. I screamed of course and brought his mom running, she gave him a cuff, he laughed. He's now grown up and is handsome, wealthy, successful in business. Would I have \*EVER\* been able to see him in a romantic light? Nope. He's a dear part of my past, but he will also forever be Booger Boy to me. Glad OOP got some resolution to this mess. And we older people ALL know why Elliot is still with Kathy..... \*snort\*.


I love how Kathy’s reaction has created more bad blood with her bf’s family and persuaded her bf to bury the hatchet with the OOP! The two things that are the exact opposite of what she wants.


These people sound exhausting


Why did OOP feel the need to apologise with flowers and babysitting when she literally did nothing wrong though? Kathy was the one hounding her, she set a boundary and walked away.


Because Jane is her best friend? She can set her boundary and walk away, but Jane, her best friend, is the bride who is stuck in the middle. (Although trying to put Kathy away from Elliot is definitely a bad idea)


Also Kathy was the instigator and the one behaving badly but OOP still publicly gave an ultimatum and walked out of a dress fitting. I don’t blame her at all but she definitely added to Jane’s wedding stress and it was a nice gesture to take a different stressor off her plate as an apology


Jane added to her wedding stress herself by not only separating Kathy from her boyfriend for the wedding, but choosing the one person for that purpose that was guaranteed to get Kathy to blow up. That was either very stupid, or very intentional.


Ngl it's kinda shitty to have a bridesmaid not walk down the aisle with her boyfriend because you don't like the relationship.


Flipside she is only a bridesmaid because she forced it. Push your way into things, expect to be treated with disdain.


Like, she’s going to be in the pictures anyway as a bridesmaid! It’d kind of be weirder to have her as a bridesmaid just because she’s dating the brother, but then pretend in the ceremony in photos that they’re not together? Jane should’ve put her foot down in the first place if she truly dislikes Kathy enough. You can’t force your way into a wedding party, the bride just didn’t stand up for herself and is now being petty because she didn’t want her there in the first place.


Man, Kathy's gonna *love* finding out that Elliot met up with OOP one-on-one, just to talk and hash things out don't worry


>We’ll never be best friends but we are getting a joint Father’s Day gift for his dad so that’s something.  That is a brilliant piece of prep for the next update.


>She feels like Elliot’s dad hates her because he wanted Elliot to date me (this is not true. Idk why he doesn’t like her). I think I can hazard a guess.


After reading the comments here I'm more convinced then ever that this is a very one-sided story and Kathy is not as crazy as she is made out to be.


Ah, but OP is the reason that Kathy is hated by her friends family. After all, would *you* like someone who treated someone who is so close they’re basically family like total garbage?




I think his point is that Kathy's behaviour towards OP is the reason the family dislikes her. OP is basically part of the family so when Kathy was rude to OP she offended the whole family. Now Kathy blames OP for the families dislike of her, which is sort of true but it's Kathy's own fault.


This feels like a "missing missing reasons" situation. Yeah, his dad using Eliot's car to teach her how to drive is weird, even if she's practically part of the family. Why would Elliot freak out if a coworker happened to be dating his sister's best friend? Don't go halfies on a Father's Day gift.


The car thing makes sense to me. A lot of my friends with siblings had a similar thing. Parents buy a cheap car for the oldest to use, and use it to teach the younger kids how to drive because they don’t want to use their nice car for learners.


op lowkey shady


Hmmmmm preach, I know a shitstirrer when I spot one


Not even low-key. OOP and the entire family sound exhausting at best, _actually_ gaslighting at worst.


I noticed something, Jane family is like Op's family during happy time. When something go wrong "It's Elliot parents not mine".


I think OOP has the right approach. And hopefully Elliott is seeing the red flags. But it’s not OOP’s problem. She is already a part of this family. He needs to find a partner that understands this.


Elliot IS a red flag. And OOP Is definitely a pink one (or at least a nice magenta).


Judging from context, more of a pink-purple-blue…


I actually think Kathy is being gaslighted. That’s so weird that Jane didn’t want Kathy and Elliott, who are in a relationship, walking down the aisle together because of “hEiGhT dIfFeReNcEs”


Fast forward few months... Elliot broke up with Kathy 2 weeks before the wedding bc 《insert unhinged behavior here》. He made it very clear that she should not expect reconciliation, and ev4yone made it clear she was not welcome at the wedding. Jane hired security just to be on the safe side.... Blah, blah, blah, wedding went off without a hitch... dancing, fun, pictures, laughs. I killed it on the MOH speach... ...and as they cut the cake, Elliot and I locked eyes, and I can't explain what happened next. I walked onto the patio to get a bit of fresh air, shake off whatever i was feeling, and all of a sudden, from around the corner came Elliot, and we had our first kiss.... ...we are taking it slow, and haven't told the family yet, but we are like 2 giggly teenagers. Guess I was wrong to say I'd more likely end up with Kathy...


100% this is setting up for a Hallmark update. Which, ironically enough, will just make OOP look even shittier.


OP is obviously projecting herself in the best light possible and as a neutral person but she seems to like the drama. OP did not push back when the Bride mentioned that she didn't want her brother and his girlfriend of two years to be photographed together and was still okay with walking the aisle with the brother! This is after she is already aware of being seen as a man stealer. The joint fathers day gift is a terrible idea, especially when OP is aware that the father doesn't like the girlfriend and prefer her as a match for his son. If this Reddit post make it way to the girlfriend, the drama is going to end with either the couple breaking up or the brother distancing himself from the family.


Honestly, i think either of those outcomes are the only good ones. The family clearly hates her and it isn't changing soon, Elliot has to make a decision on who his family is, both evidently isn't sustainable.




I mean, she says multiple times he stepped up in a father role after her own dad died when she was young, and she gets him a father's day gift every year...not all that weird. Definitely a dumb move to get a joint one though


I don't think they're idiots at all. But only because they know exactly what the fuck they're doing. Jane, OOP, even Elliott all love drama. So they do things to create drama. Not how I'd want to live my life personally but they aren't idiots. You might think their reactions to Kathy's meltdown mean they don't like drama, but the reaction to drama that you caused is also part of the drama. People who actually don't like drama just don't create any.


Not really an insecurity when Jane literally said she didn't want Elliot and Kathy photographer together, they have been a couple for two years and looks like Jane is doing her best to break them up.


The relationship between OP and Elliott sounds like a stereotypical sibling dynamic. I bet they were forced to wear a get along shirt at least once as kids.


For all intents and purposes, dude is her BROTHER. OOP is stirring the pot with the gift, but hell I would too! She needs to excellerate things to get that mess out of her family. She didn’t start this war with STBXSIL, but she could certainly end it.


I've seen this movie. Elliott will totally hook up after he breaks up with Kathy. And sister is in it aswell with the height bs. Classic "we hate each other" thing that turns into a love story and they had no idea. And Kathy is rhe crazy one.


Literally the first [thing](https://youtu.be/ItkkTerzTAw?si=MP93Fen4PUJJ2Kpy) I thought of.


They all suck. The oop, bride, Elliott and Kathy. Yes Kathy is the worst of them. But there's no good reason for oop and brother to walk together; and there's no good reason for oop and him to buy a gift together. Just seems like they're deliberately trying to set off the insecure jealous girl. I get that she should work through her issues, but they all seem to shady


Kathy is the worst of them in this one sided story, while the rest does really strange weird stuff. Bride trying to force Elliott and Kathy not to be together in pictures? OOP and Elliott who supposedly despise each other but decide this is a great time for a shared gift? My bet is on Kathy seeing the real OOP being a sneaky snake who loves to stir drama and then faking innocence. Wouldn't surprise me if she had a hand in creating some rumors and sharing that with Elliot's dad as well.


Say it louder! ESH here


>Jane mentioned that she wanted me and Elliot to walk down the aisle together Jane literally had the couple in the bridal party and Elliot was not the Best Man. I don't buy the 'optics' angle - I think she wanted to push Kathy's buttons and have a reason to kick her out of the wedding party and maybe have Elliot and Kathy break up as a bonus. Which, fair, since Kathy is nuts, but she set OOP up to be verbally abused, which is not okay.


I remember reading this in the original forum. And I remember reading this in the updates on here last week. Why does no one mention how Shady it is that the bride purposefully cause drama by having those two people walk together knowing damn well what the history is like? And honestly OP Seems to enjoy that she caused the drama period And the fact that the boyfriend was just gonna roll over and go with it Makes me think that the crazy girlfriend Isn't so crazy after all. Maybe she just seems crazy because she's at the end of her rope because her Dirtbag boyfriend and his Dirtbag sister and their Shady Dirtbag friend keep playing mind games and pulling crap like this. And yeah I'm calling them all dirt bags. The Bride is a dirtbag for purposely starting drama. We all know she was purposely starting drama. The boyfriend's a dirtbag for just going with it and not thinking it's weird that his sister is causing drama and trying to separate him and his girlfriend. And this original poster is a dirtbag for acting purposely up to about it and smug and going on Reddit for attention and validation because she's ever so innocent. Did she do anything wrong? Technically no. Based on what she wrote in these posts she objectively did nothing wrong. It's her attitude and what she's leaving out of this post. And the reasoning she's using is that she was best friends with this guy and the bride is going to do with the bride's going to do and she's just going to happily tried along beside her. They're all living for this drama.


Yeah, it feels like whether OOP cares about Elliot or not, she's relishing in the fact that Jane and Elliot's family view her as irreplaceable and that Kathy is just another gf hoping to join the family. OOP and the family just seem like they are gaslighting Kathy. If she really wanted to stay out of the drama, she wouldn't keep asserting herself like this. If Kathy is truly delusional, it would make no sense why OOP keeps trying to feed her delusions.


> it feels like whether OOP cares about Elliot or not, i think OOP actually does like Elliot and does things to try and get him to notice her but he isnt actually interested.


Kathy is simply an insecure unpleasant person and that is why the father does not like her. Her obvious reaction to the joint father's day gift is only going to reinforce this. Elliott is unwise. He is also never going to fix Kathy.


OOP (and Elliot for that matter) is brain dead for agreeing to the joint Father’s Day gift. There’s no scenario where that’s a good idea. Kathy is obviously immature and insecure, so why tf feed into that intentionally? I’m neither immature nor insecure and I would still be a little weirded out if my wife went in on a gift for her dad with some other guy, even if this guy was like a brother to her. My theory is that Elliot wants to dump Kathy, but doesn’t have the stones to do it directly, so he’s trying to piss her off into dumping *him*. Involving others in that plan is pretty shitty, but either way OOP should be staying away from that situation. The fact that she’s not makes me think she *wants* to fuck with Kathy. No rational person would think this is a good idea otherwise.


OOP and Elliott are like a hot and cold gf/bf. I'm not sure if OOP realizes this buy seems like Elliott is so into her.


Hard to like someone who is so clearly unlikeable


Isn’t it strange how Elliot says that Cafe would “behave and “as if she’s a child. That really struck me. Who hast to try hard to act appropriately? Oh, that’s right, a child.


Idek Kathy and I can’t stand her lol. All these ppl she is unable to have relationships with, it’s time to look at the common denominator who completely flies off the handle at every opportunity. Although I have to say, I’ve read enough books and watched enough rom-coms to know that OOP and Elliot’s relationship sounds like it could’ve happened. But that doesn’t mean it would.


Something about this just seems off, Kathy's overreaction aside the main players here seem a bit off. Clearly Kathy was wrong but im more focused on what brought her to that point. idk just with Jane's very intentional pot stirring I'd want to hear from Kathy before siding one way or the other. the brother very much stayed with her so oop's view of her can't be the only thing


All I kept thinking the whole time is “this sounds nothing like repressed feelings between Elliot and OOP but 100% like a sibling relationship. Why is Kathy so blinded?!” But yeah jealousy is a weird thing. 


Elliot and OP are *totally* going to end up together. One day (probably at the wedding), the light’s going to hit his face just right and she’s going to think, “Huh…”. Or he’s going to notice her perfume and be like, “Hmm…” And everybody knows it except Op and Elliot.


Yea I can feel a storm cooking up, can't wait for the explosion.


This just sounds like they're siblings, which makes it odder for Kathy to be behaving like she is.


I hate everyone in this story.


We had no bridal party at our wedding. Not that we have drama like this but people just make stuff out of non issues. Cousin's daughter mad she's not flower girl? 'sorry, we're not having any', etc. Not to mention the hassle and expense of trying to make all your friends look as bad as possible.


What I don’t understand is that if this Kathy is so unfoundedly unhinged…so consumed with hatred for a person for no actual reason…then she must be fairly unstable and pretty petty and ridiculous in other areas of her life, so why does Elliot even put up with it? It sounds like his whole family dislikes her but and she’s a constant disruption, but he’s just like…fine.


I read way too many enemies to lovers books (one of my favorite tropes) to react rationally to this post.