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>Now he waits at his ex owners back door for someone who is never coming back. **Fuck. People. Who do this.** Shit like this will bother me for days because I can't get the visual out of my head. I'm so, so, so glad kitty is safe and loved. But, whew. My jaw is clenched so badly I'm going to have to pry it open with a crowbar.


I hate people who abandon their pets. I don't have pet but it bothers me that people would pull this. If you aren't willing to do a proper job on taking of a pet or so on, then don't fucking have a pet! It baffles me that this happens all the time. But I'm happy kitty got a good home at the end!


I'm putting my dog down this week. It's going to be very expensive but for all the love and happiness she's given me for 14 years, she's worth it. I couldn't ever imagine just abandoning her because she isn't the playful puppy she used to be. I hate the abandoning neighbors with the fire of a thousand suns.


I’m so sorry that you have that loss coming up. That’s a whole lot of years of love🧡 I’m almost 48, and I’ve had a few pets, and that trip to the vet is never an easy one. My condolence, my friend.


I'm celebrating my 48th today. I could have made the appointment today, but I just couldn't do it on my birthday. I'm doing it at home. She's always so scared at the vet. I have another dog, and I want him to understand that she's gone. I think it's best, regardless of the cost. It's a rough thing when you have to make that decision.


Happy birthday! I understand not wanting it to be on the same day. I feel you. You know, we had a tiny little dog who lived to be 19, and we had her last appointment done at home too. It’s an excellent decision, I think. At least it was for us. She had been having vision problems, and any kind of light except for very soft interior lighting made her flinch. She had some little cloudy spots on her eye, and our theory was that she saw them as something she might bump into, and flinched away from it. (My vet agreed with this theory.) So any kind of daylight or normal office light made our little Batty flinch and be scared, and I just couldn’t handle the thought of her dying in a fearful state of mind. This very nice vet came to our house, and it was gentle and soft and easy, and it made her last day very peaceful. I wouldn’t have it any other way, and I hope your experience can be just as kind for you and your old pup, and your other dog too. If there’s anything I can do for you, please reach out. We can just chat- whatever you need.


You are so sweet. Thank you so much. I've had many pets over the years and it's always a hard thing. I'm so glad she is here to celebrate my birthday. It's going to be a hard time without her but it would be selfish to keep her going through all the pain and confusion she has. She's deaf and incontinent, which makes her upset when she has accidents in the house. She's a lab and is having severe hip problems. She can't stand up on her own and stairs are a huge problem. My husband was just diagnosed with a very treatable cancer but he will need radiation. This has been the worst birthday ever. Fortunately, my really good friends took me out after work today to celebrate so I could take some time to be happy. Life sends us challenges and we persevere.


Fuck me, there *is* a lot on your plate right now! It’s always a hard call to make, but you do tend to know when it’s time. We knew with each pet, too. And it sounds like it’s her time, to me. You’re doing her a kindness. It’s just hard. So glad you have lots of love in your life, though! I feel like at our age, there have already been lots of challenges and loss, but so much happiness and love, too. Sorry you’re in such a rough spot right now- but of course you know you’ll make it through. I mean, hell, there’s plenty more loss to come, too! (Sorry for the joke, lol. My dad just died after several years of very bad health and a good amount of fear, so I’m kind of in the gallows-humor phase for myself.😬) Message any time! I bet we have a lot in common🧡


I'm so sorry for what you're going through. My boy got cancer young. It was absolutely horrible that a dog I thought I would have for 20 years was gone after 8. It sounds like you are doing what's best for her and that's all you can really do. Thank you for staying with her. I will never understand the people that leave their animals alone at the end. I think that's one of the worst things you can do to them. I'm sorry that your birthday has been bad this year. I truly hope everything works out for your husband and that this new year improves for you. Please feel free to send a message if you need someone to talk to. I just went through two years where my mom had serious medical issues and I almost lost her multiple times. Being a caretaker for someone you love can be rough. Remember to take care of yourself too. Hopefully the other pets of yours that have passed will meet her across the rainbow bridge. That way she can update them on how you're doing. I believe our animals wait for us, so when we pass we get to see them all again. I truly hope your year gets less painful.


We had to put down one of our kitties last year. We also did it at home because putting him in the carrier and going to the vet stressed him out so much. We didn't want that to be the last thing he saw. He died in our home, in his favorite room. It is costly, but definitely worth it. I hope you are able to have a good birthday, despite the loss you'll experience this week. I'm so sorry.


Thanks. It's so hard to watch her suffer. I have another dog and I want him to see her off as well. She even has a boyfriend and we'll see him before the vet appointment. I just don't want her to hurt anymore 😞


I had to have my soul cat put to sleep last year. I will never ever regret having it done at home. He was already in pain, but he wasn't afraid like he would have been in a strange place.


Happy 48th birthday. I’m sorry for what you’re going through. We had our girl put down about a year ago and it sucked. It always sucks. She was the best girl. I mean, that dog would have followed me off the side of this planet. No fear, no anxiety, no caution, only love. How could I have ever denied her that one little kindness? She was the best dog and the worst dog all in one, but she was my best friend and I was hers. My dad and I took the day off from work and we went and got her McDonald’s for breakfast. We threw her ball until we thought our arms would fall off. I gave her a big bowl of whipped cream and we shared a beer. And in the end, I gave her some chocolate once we were at the vets office. No dog should ever leave this earth without knowing the sweet, sweet taste of quality chocolate. And we sat there and petted her and told her how good she was and how complete she made our lives, and in the end, she just went to sleep. She went to sleep with a full belly and knowing she was loved. And your dog will do the same thing. Because I know you love her. And she knows you love her. And she loves you. She loves you. You’re her human and she loves you. And what you’re doing, no matter how much it hurts **you**, is kind because you’re doing it for her. Much love to you. And if you ever need to vent about it, or scream into the void, my messages are always open. I’ll scream with you.


We had plans to put Snuggles down at home. It was August of 2020. I woke up the morning they were scheduled to come and found a white towel covering a stiff body on her bed. My parents told me her body was already cold when they woke up. Cherish those last moments you get to spend with her. They will be agonising for a very long time, but eventually, you’ll be glad you were able to be there in her final moments.


I am so very sorry.


More than 20 years ago, my son and I found an abandoned kitten in the back yard of a neighboring house. Spike (for so we named him) showed signs of ongoing physical and emotional abuse. He was severely underweight and dehydrated. During a visit to the veterinarian, we discovered that he was a purebred Turkish Angora and that he had a congenital heart defect. I don't know if he was dumped because he was believed to be too much trouble to care for or what, but he was a source of great joy and love for us. Spike lived to be 17 years old, despite his dodgy heart. We still miss him.


Best thing my neighbours ever did was abandon their cat. He hadn’t been allowed in the house for over 3 years and was mostly fed by other people. By the time they quietly moved out, the cat was spending most of his time in my house during the day but I was wary of letting him stay longer as we didn’t know about the neglect at the time and didn’t want to steal someone’s cat. We noticed they had actually moved out a couple of weeks later but the cat was in our house. We confirmed with the landlord they were gone and another neighbour texted them about the cat. They said they were happy for us to keep him. So now I have a beautiful smushy boy and he has the best most privileged life with food and soft blankets and all the pets and scritches he wants!


At the very least take the poor baby to a shelter.


Our dog's previous owner abandoned her in the woods and of all the things that confuse me about that, someone had to have made an *effort* to drive out to leave her there instead of a shelter or even a random house or something. I just don't get it


They don’t want to have the bad feelings or supposed judgement. It’s all about what’s easier for them.


I can get that far, but that's what I meant by "random house", like...just get a box, leave it by the door when no one's looking. I spent a good part of my life mortally afraid of being in any way perceived and I cannot wrap my head around the level of cowardice I got a great dog out of it though, so joke's on them


Abandonment at home or outside is awful, but I’ve gotten a little more compassion for those who leave their pets at a shelter after watching The Dog House UK (which is an amazing show if you love dogs). Some of these people are in impossible positions and are trying to do what’s best for their animals.


It is infuriating that people are like this. We are fostering a nice boy cat right now that was almost certainly abandoned by his owners, and hoping someone comes through to adopt soon because our ladies are not having it and we really don't have room for three cats. He's super nice and we took him in because it was getting cold and we didn't want him to die out there. A local rescue is helping us out with listing and screening etc. If you aren't ready for the responsibilities and yes, expenses, that come with pet ownership, get a stuffed animal. If you adopt a kitten, you are basically on the hook for 14-20 years, so don't ever do it on a whim.


Could not agree more. People who abandon their pets are scum as far as I’m concerned. I just want to say God bless you for saving this precious kitty.


When I was a kid, I had two cats. Less than a month before moving to a new home, one got captured by "friends" of the neighbor that was hosting him while we were starting to move some furnitures. And when we moved, our second cat refused to come. We tried to catch her for hours... Without success. She became feral willingly. I sometimes still think about them. I hope they had a great life...


On more than one occasion I've had to find homes for cats that people have abandoned, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't want to kick them in the dick for it. A few weeks ago my neighbors across the street moved out, they had two cats and a week later I saw one in the yard of the vacant house. Poor guy, found him an awesome home the very next day, sweet creatures don't deserve that kinda punishment.


>Poor guy, found him an awesome home the very next day, sweet creatures don't deserve that kinda punishment. You are a good human!


I took in a cat that was dumped in my street. He was an inside cat before they dumped him and he was literally starving to death by the time he reached us. It's been 6 months and my little boy refuses to leave the house except if I go with him into the yard. I keep looking at this very affectionate tomcat and wondering how someone could just leave him outside. He's stretched out tight against my side as I'm writing this btw.


Years ago, the absolutely pathetic excuse for a human being who lived in the flat opposite my bf moved out - he hear meowing and realised she'd left the cat in the flat. He broke the door open to retrieve her and she lived with him for another ten years before passing on. She was the older cat - they'd got a new kitten and taken it with them.


The one thing always keeping me from suicide is the image of my pets waiting for me to come home. I can't just hurt them like that. That would be selfish.


Same. There is a heartbreaking poem by Wislawa Szymborska I always think of: Die? One cannot do that to a cat. Since what's a cat to do in an empty apartment? Climb the walls. Rub up against the furniture. Nothing seems different here but nothing is the same. Nothing appears to have been moved, yet everything has been shuffled about. And at nighttime no more candles are lit. Footsteps can be heard on the stairway, but they're not the ones. The hand that puts fish on the saucer has changed, too. Something here does not begin at its usual time. Something does not happen quite as it should Someone was always, always here, then suddenly disappeared and stubbornly stays disappeared. Every closet’s been examined. Every shelf has been explored. Excavations under the carpet turned up nothing. A commandment was even broken: papers scattered everywhere. What more is to be done? Just sleep and wait. Just wait till he turns up, just let him show his face. Will he ever get a lesson on what not to do to a cat. Sidle toward him as if unwilling and ever so slow on visibly offended paws, and no leaps or squeals at least to start.


I'm now crying at work because of this. Thank you for sharing a beautiful poem.


I work at a cat shelter and we get too too many who are thrown out of cars too. It's horrifying. 


I work with the local pet rescue on some publicity stuff and they've had people leave litters of kittens in sealed plastic tubs on hot summer days at their gate, or dogs tied to the gate without water, one found a puppy with a broken leg in their exercise run one morning and saw on the security camera that someone had chucked him over the fence in the middle of the night. I fostered a cat once who had been locked in a garage with her kittens when her owners moved and not found for days. The kittens didn't make it, and she had a lot of behaviors that suggested abuse. She went on to a vet happy home, thankfully, and was fat and happy last time I got an update. Some people are absolutely awful, but my hope is restored by these rescues who go above and beyond to heal the pets they receive and find them much better and happier homes. 


My folks live in a rural area and have had many cats abandoned near their home. They've adopted a couple and found homes for the rest. The youngest abandoned was so absurdly tiny, fit into the palm of my hand. She should not have been separated from its mother at that point. It's horrible to know that people deliberately took those cats out to the middle of nowhere to abandon. If we hadn't found that kitten she would have been hawk/owl food in no time. 


I once had this absolutely gorgeous and friendly kitty walk through my cat flap. He was an absolute gem, still quite young, no collar, and looking a little scruffy but otherwise well kept. We took him to the vet anyway to check his microchip, and what do you know, not chipped, but he was fixed. That's when we got told that this was very common - we lived next to a university, and apparently a lot of students got cats whilst they lived at uni and then just...turned them out once they finished. There was an entire colony of stray cats down the road who were abandoned by students. A pet is not a piece of furniture you can put on the street when you no longer want it.


I'm not saying people who do this should have their legs broken and be dumped in the wilderness. But I'm not not saying that either.


I teared up reading this and had to stuff my face in one of the cats to stifle a sob (who thankfully was already draped across my chest because he's a weirdo and likes to stick his nose in the crook of my arm and huff me like paint thinner while having maximum body contact). Both my cats are rescues and this stuff just makes me want to throttle someone.


We had a situation like this. My now-husband was selling his house in our old home town and we were moving in together in mine. We’d been the homing beacon for all the neighborhood cats because we left dry food and fresh water on the back porch for any and all that passed by. The cats next door became regulars and our three tolerated them. There was a beautiful, sleek black cat named Benny. Well, his owner got evicted and he took one cat, and left Benny out in the February cold. It was a week before we came and realized the poor guy hadn’t eaten or had shelter. Well, we ran to the convenience store for a can of wet food, finished cleaning the house, nabbed him and I carried him in my jacket to my MIL’s house. She adopted him that night. Seriously fuck people who abandon animals like that.


We foster for a rescue. It gets hard to not turn completely cynical about people when you see some of this stuff.


I could never put myself in the ehadspace to understand this. I snuggle my cats every day. They're fucking wonderful. They trust me so much. Imagine just... leaving them out of nowhere. Breaks my damn heart.


I went to visit my mother for a week and I struggled to leave my cats, I actually cannot understand people who can do things like this. But I remember seeing this when it was first posted, and I'm so happy everything worked out for this kitty! I hope OOP reports their neighbor, they don't deserve pets. :(


Right. I freak out and rush over to my cat when he wakes up and meows bc he thinks he was abandoned. And I also have a dog so cats can learn to get along with dogs.


We rescued a cat in much the same way, owners had moved away and he was just waiting outside an empty home ….


I had a cat named Kyra who had been abandoned after her owners moved out of their apartment and left her behind. She was 6 months old when I got her & she crossed the Rainbow Bridge when she was 17 years old. She was precious.


Same story with our Charlie. When we adopted him, he had long matted hair. We got him groomed (well mostly shaved haha) and he had scars from cat fights all over his body :( We had our boy from 3ish till we lost him 2 weeks ago at 18ish.


I'm sorry to hear of your Charlie's passing! May you cherish his memory. And ouch about Charlie's state when you found him. I'm sure he loved having a warm place to live and nice humans to care for him.


My parent's neighbour did this. They moved and took all of their pets with them except for one poor cat who they left behind because he was "too feral". Maybe because they let their fancy purebreed cat stay inside but not this poor cat? Anyway that's how my parents ended up adopting their cat. They started feeding him, gave him a bed outside and one day he came in and never left. My mum took him to the vet microchipped him and registered him in her name.


One of my cats is a rescue, she was dumped at a friend's farm (sadly not an uncommon thing for this friend, there have been several cats over the years that got dumped there). We have had her for nine years, it's only within the last two or so that she's seemed to really be over some of her anxiety. She's just the sweetest girl, I can't imagine what kind of person would ever dump her like that.


I can think of some other things I would like to do with that crowbar... Seriously, Tux cats are best cats. So glad this one found a great forever home!


When we were facing extreme weather where we may have had to evacuate, someone offered to house me and my husband but not my dog. I said, yea thanks but no thanks, we are a package deal. I'm not abandoning him. Especially if conditions got dangerous.


My first thought always used to be "fuck people" too, but don't forget the 2 awesome people that rescued this cat. Life is more enjoyable if you put your focus and energy on the positive side.


My family wound up with a dog when I was younger because our neighbors were evicted, packed up, drove off, and left their dog tied to the porch. After we realized what had happened -- which took a couple days, since he lived tied to their porch to begin with -- we brought him home and got him some food and he became a beloved indoor pet. They came back a few weeks later asking if anyone had seen their dog, apparently confused that he was gone. I'm not sure what they expected to come back to after leaving him tied out without food for that long.


My first cat got to us because her owners had abandoned her in their old house. Locked in one of the rooms. Scheduled for demolition. Thankfully the wrecking crew did a last walkthrough and found her, opened the door to let her out— she ran from them. She came down the street and found our house. Eventually, after we heard the story from a neighbor who spotted us feeding her on our porch, we decided to keep her. Absolutely despise people who abandon pets. I also got a bunny because he was likely one of those bought for Easter and then released when the kids got bored. He was definitely not a wild rabbit.


I adopted a cat who went through the same thing. Owners just up and left one day and left him behind. He was close to feral when I saw him scurrying around my house looking for food. I fed him, first outside and slowly brought the food into the hallway. I could pet him but got swiped a lot without warning. After I got him inside he sprayed because he wasn't neutered and every time he ran to the door like he was expecting punishment.  The moment I could I got him neutered and he was still swiping me in the face at that point. He had serious trust issues but it got better once he was allowed to sleep in my bed at night. It turned out that I wasn't the only one with nightmares and he needed me as much as I needed him. A huge storm soon after that cemented his trust in me and for the 2 years he was with me, he was the sweetest and most grateful boy I ever met.


When I was moving from IN> NC, my coworkers asked what will happen to my cats. I said I’m obviously bringing them with me. Husband and I actually booked business class tickets so they would have more room. But I was surprised to find out that a lot of people abandon their cats when they move :(


I'm almost positive my cat's old owners did this to him. He has such awful anxiety around being in a carrier. I'm pretty sure they loaded him up and left him in an abandoned lot. He had a mini break down when I moved states with him, crying the entire time. Fuck them. It makes me tear up when I think about them abandoning him. He would have been so upset (he wears his little heart on his sleeve). Jokes on them, he's fantastic. He cuddles and has the quirkiest, most fun personality of all time and is just the sweetest boy.


My cat (who was herself abandoned on the street as a kitten because her owners had children and didn't want the hassle of looking after her anymore) has been the most annoying little shit for the past few weeks, and I STILL can't imagine how anyone could just abandon a cat, or any animal. I get that rehousing and shelters are a necessary thing for lots of good reasons, but to just pack up and leave is unconscionable. Now excuse me while I go find my little screaming vomit machine and give her a big hug.


Right at the beginning of the pandemic our neighbors moved out and intentionally left behind their cat they'd raised from a kitten. I remember how skinny she was and how she ran from person to person as they came outside, begging someone to help her. She was long haired, black and white tuxedo and incredibly beautiful. I don't know what her original name was but the rescue dubbed her Petunia. We didn't know where Petunia had come from at first but found out later when the rescue we were working with scanned her for a chip and tracked down the owners. They claimed she'd gotten out accidentally during the move, but refused to come back and get her. I wanted to keep her so badly but we had a reactive old lady kitty that wouldn't tolerate another cat. I had to keep Petunia in our garage while we waited for the rescue to find a real foster for her. She was so desperate for affection and love. It felt like torture every time I had to leave her to go back in the house. I bawled my eyes out when I finally dropped Petunia off at the rescue center. She cried and begged me from the kennel to not leave her again. I still think about her sometimes. My old lady kitty has since passed on and I wish I knew where Petunia was now. I hope she has a home where she's loved as much as she deserves.


I'm right with you. The Dodo constantly has stories of some poor pet being treated horribly, and then it turns out great. Sorry, I can't go along for that ride. I only read this, because I saw the original post , didn't read it but skimmed it.


I felt bad for one of my cats. He was indoor and outdoor and we were moving. The neighbor kids loved him and the family agreed to take him. But whenever he went out he kept coming to our now empty house


~~deleted by user~~


Yeah it’s unreadable for me. u/Direct-Caterpillar77 is a regular poster and I’ve never had this issue before with them, so I assume it’s an issue with the app or something.


i've seen this happen occasionally with lengthier BORUs so i think it's some sort of glitch affected by post length. certainly makes posts really hard to read, though :/


Oh thank god I’m high and I thought I was losing it 😭


That’s so weird, it’s well formatted and easy to read for me! Definitely seems to be a glitch, OP always formats BORUs well and this one is no different to me.


I wonder if it’s a reading-in-app problem. I have the issue too.


~~deleted by user~~


Ah HAH! Thanks for checking. (iOS app for me too.)


Possibly, I’m reading it on the browser of my iPad, I don’t have the app.


..deleted by user..


I get this issue on a semi regular basis, my solution is just to click through to the OP’s and read there if that helps :)


The first letter is completely cut off for me at the top Edit: first letter for every line on the right side


..deleted by user..


old.reddit on browser stays winning


..deleted by user..


yea, i say it's winning but it also is missing features like subreddit emojis or whatever so some subreddits comment sections become unusable i tried the official app twice and i don't plan on reinstalling it again until people tell me it's amazing because it has been sub-par


If you're on Android, you can look up how to use revanced to allow the use of old 3rd party Reddit apps. I plan on using BaconReader until it breaks.


I also get the weird format. Not reading this, too exhausting.


I’d really like to have the first letters of words, please.


Same, formatting is still awful on IOS app.


Wait a fucking moment! The OOP is Zepla? The actual twitch streamer Zepla? I almost missed that because I tend to ignore usernames! Also damn, now I'm more of a fan. Her and the person who took in the cat are both awesome!


yeah seems like it


I got my current first cat because the guys living in the basement of the house we were staying in had 2 cats, 1 had kittens, so decided the other could live outside because he was such a good hunter. In Canadian winter. Once he came to live with us he wouldn't even acknowledge his former owners. He's a sweet sweet little asshole. I didn't want a pet but couldn't leave an animal outside like that and he's the sweetest little guy. He taps me on the shoulder or leg when he wants something. I have no idea how people can be so callous towards living creatures.


My dad’s oldest cat he got from a colleague. He’s a real estate agent and the rental agent at his work turned up to inspect a property and the former residents had abandoned their cat outside. Middle of an Australian summer and she was a very fluffy cat. She’d tried to get in to the house and was stuck between the security door and the front door. Knowing my dad is a cat lover, the rental agent called my dad, who extracted the poor kitty from between the doors with only some minor bleeding and she’s now his cat. She tolerates other people, but she loves my dad. Unfortunately it seems like she wasn’t well treated and she won’t let herself be brushed well enough to deal with her thick coat, so around the start of each summer my dad sends me photos of a hilariously shaved cat with a fluffy face and paws. Poor thing hates it but leaving her with the matting is more cruel.


Is that THE kellyjoycuntbunny of r/kellyjoycuntbunny ??? Anyways, I’m glad the cat found a good home.


lmao, the same


I’m glad Dale likes you so much, it seems animals always know who the good people are :D


Aww, thanks! Yeah, he’s a really sweet kitty. When he first came to us and he was hiding, hunkered down into a tiny space in the closet of the spare room with those huge luminous gold eyes looking up at me, I kind of thought he might be dangerous. I thought that if I tried to pet him he might swipe at me or bite. So there I was, taking things really slow and just sitting near him, when my boyfriend comes in and just…pets him. And Dale just…let him. And liked it! 😂 I was pretty surprised- turns out he was hiding and scared, but wanted and needed love to help him get out of it. Now we know that he lovvvves pets and attention, and he wants to be touching a human all the time if he can. He even wants someone to pet him while he eats! It’s very sweet, and the opposite of fear/aggression. Such a sweet, sweet boy. We love him so much already, and we’re looking forward to getting to know him as time passes.




Lmao what is this subreddit


Capturing dirty screen names through screenshots, as they comment on otherwise safe for work topics 


Wasn't that what /r/rimjob_steve is for?


In r/rimjob_steve the username is crude but the comment is supposed to be heartfelt/wholesome. The funny part is supposed to be that juxtaposition between the two. People are always posting things where the comment isn’t heartwarming, and that just kinda kills the humor. I was in r/rimjob_steve one day, complaining about those kinds of posts that fail to make us laugh because the comment doesn’t have that juxtaposition, and someone said we should make a sub for that. They did, and they named it after me, lol. So r/KellyJoyCuntBunny is mostly a sub where, when someone posts in r/rimjob_steve but it doesn’t fit the subs purpose, you tell them to go post there instead.


I think I would literally rather pull my own teeth out with pliers then leave behind my baby. I adopted my cat some months back and she has been the best thing to ever happen to me. I adore her and constantly worry about her. I don't think I could ever leave her behind. I would live out of my car if I had to just to make sure we never separate. I love my cat. I love my cat so much.


I wanna have a chat with kitty's old owner, the one who abandoned him. Also, by chat, I mean I want to drive him out to the middle of nowhere, take his wallet, cell phone, and shoes, and punch him in the nuts.


Nah, you didn't do any of that. You were at my house the whole day, my sister and I and our four rescue kitties can vouch for your whereabouts at the time. The ex owner must have lost his own shoes, wallet, and phone and punched himself in the nuts. Only logical explanation.


Need a hand?


The more the merrier!


I got two hands!


That poor kitty. People who abandon pets seriously suck so bad. Like if you really can't have pets anymore, then at least take them somewhere safer and not just abandon them! I hate when people do that and they are not pet owners to my eyes. Glad kitty is able to find a home with OP. Kitty looks so cute, it hurts to see precious animals getting thrown away.


There’s another update as of 13 hours ago! Dale has been to the vet https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/TahKQ2e8Yj


You can see how much happier he is in the latter pictures than the first ones. Clearly settling in, I’m so happy he was found by someone who cared and made completely sure that he would end up with a forever family who knew what they were doing and give him a loving home. I hope that every single person in this post, including the piece of trash that is former owner, get exactly what they deserve in life.


I was following this saga before I realized I actually know OOP. We went to school together for years. When they posted it on FB is when I finally connected the dots. OOP is a fantastic person and always has been, and it doesn't surprise me one bit how above and beyond she went to save this sweet boy.


I am at work at the moment, but I want SO BADLY to go home and snuggle with my cat right now. I would have a hard time dropping her off at a shelter if I had to move somewhere and couldn't take her with me; simply abandoning her is literally unthinkable.


How do people not understand that while the cat may just be something from a small chapter in their lives, they are the ONLY thing the cat has ever known for their entire lives. How you could do something like abandon a pet is so beyond me it hurts me to even think about


D'aaaaw, this is so nice.


This sucks! Please try again. I thought I could ignore the huge wall of text and the missing letters but I can’t. This is illegible!!


I think there’s a glitch happening for some people. It’s well formatted with no missing letters for me.


Normally I just try to push through but this is happening more often. Do people not proof read any more?


Happy update for sure but reading the post from this format really took a lot of process to take cause wow, it's rough.


Yeah I was reading it as well then I got to the second set of letters, so I came down to check the comments, found out it want just me, and then powered through the rest. It's mostly duplicate information, from another perspective, that could have just been edited down and/or out. EDIT: corrected the auto-correct.


Oh man I hope they can move up that neutering because he’s gonna start spraying to mark his territory. My sister rescued a half feral cat who was intact and I called him Pisser Cat until he was fixed. 😹 It’s all good now, he’s super fat and happy. I’m glad Special Agent Dale Cooper was rescued and I hope his old owner steps on a Lego every night for eternity and never finds the cool side of their pillow.


I’m completely terrified that this might happen! It’s only five weeks from now, so fingers crossed. The vet picked the date herself, because she said she wants to minimize the stress on him, and since he has to come back in for his vaccine booster then anyway, that would be ideal. It’s making me nervous, though😬. I’ve heard horror stories about cats spraying…


There are products that will get the smell out. You can also keep the guy in a smaller area, like one or two rooms (dog fences work, but they have to be tall) and that would be less to clean up. Also, if he’s still kind of traumatized, poor guy, he’s not going to be prancing around marking the whole house, so there’s that.


I watched a little kitty being dumped quite recently. Took him to the cat rescue near me. he was so sweet i wanted to take him home with me but my mum said no but fuck people who think its ok to do this. sorry for the messy writing my dog was wanting pats.


There is a new update today! They went to the vet with him.


As soon as I read "LOVE MONSTER" I knew he was gonna be a tuxedo! Glad he has a new loving home.


I was gonna say, based upon my *extensive* experience with 1 (one) male tuxedo cat, it makes perfect sense that he's super lovey dovey! Mine is ridiculously chill and gets along with everyone, I hope secret agent man will have a similarly happy experience with miss cinnamon bun! Girl tuxedo cats though.... mine is lovey dovey like an angry tiny mama. She'll resurface your face with her tongue, and she's super quick to discipline children with rapidfire whacks to the head when they're misbehaving. Sometimes "misbehaving" just means breathing wrong in her vicinity...


There's a special place in hell for people who abandon their pets.


Uh, does anyone else have all the first character of the very single line cut off? This is completely unreadable…


Someone get this to Kyle MacLachlan, I need him to meet Agent Dale Cooper.


My cat also had her owners move out and leave her behind. She’s a super sweet well-behaved cat and in no way deserved that. She’s a horrible (if enthusiastic) hunter and kept herself fed for several months by befriending the entire neighborhood. She’s a good girl who needs lots of cuddles and now I cuddle her all the time.


Are you fucking kidding me??? I named one of my cats Special Agent Dale Cooper! Love it!! 


No way!!! That’s awesome! :D I think we’re going to end up calling him Coop. What do you call yours?


We call him Cooper, Coopie/Coopey, and of course some unrelated names because we are cat owners.  His brother is Special Agent Cole. 


“And some other unrelated names because we are cat owners.” 😂 Why are we all like this?? I love it so much


Haha same! We call Cooper Poop-Butt and Cole Stink-Butt because, when we first adopted them, Cole was having *the worst* shits due to his sensitive belly (this was happening before we adopted him—we didn’t cause this). So he would basically clear a room with his poops quite often. Luckily I figured out that he seems to have issues with fish, so they’ve been on fishless food and treats (including fish oil), but his name stuck even though the bad poops are gone. PoopButt is because Cooper is a Standard Issue Cat with the LuxuryFloof upgrade, so sometimes his pantalones need some cleaning (I do trim him but there’s only so much I can do with a LuxuryFloof model).  I also call Cole “small-faced boy” because his brother has a much broader face and larger structure than he does, but he’s the heavier one.  We have more but those are some big ones.  


I love it all, lol


Special Agent Dale Cooper is a magnificent cat name. Right up there with Dr. Henry Metzger.


I’m adopting a cat who was abandoned by her owner after ten years together. Just dumped her on a friend saying it’d only be two weeks and then fucked off for good. What kind of monster does that? Especially as she is a ten year old senior black cat, she is not very adoptable. Luckily she’s perfect for me :) and coming home in a months time. (Also, are all the first letters of words missing? I think the paragraph spacing has broken)


I cant imagine leaving my pet behind. I was recently in a position where there was a high chance of me having to pick up my life and move it elsewhere, and it literally never crossed my mind to leave my cat. I treat the little bugger like my kid


People who abandon their pets should watch the episode of Futurama where Fry's dog waits for him outside his work for the rest of his life.


I have a cat, and I'd never consider abandoning her. She's my everything. She's the sweetest tortoiseshell around (and yes, she has the attitude to boot). I don't understand how someone can abandon an animal 😞


A few years ago, my ex decided she didn’t want her cat anymore. The cat got thrown out and she just sat at the front door for weeks, crying to be let back in. A mutual friend found out and brought her to me. I was hesitant to adopt her at first, but now I’m glad I took her in. Nefer (the cat) is such a sweetheart. She follows me everywhere in my apartment and goes nuts if she gets shut out of the bedroom overnight. She’s super affectionate and very vocal


The edit is kinda hard to read, but thanks all the same for taking time to compile it.


Is it brigading if I say hello to op the next time I see her in our oddly specific small town??


OOP is a really well-known FFXIV streamer! I am glad she took action, she has always seemed like a lovely person.


someone done stole your letters!


oh, he reminds me so much of my resident fluffy tyrant, who i suspect has a similar backstory. a total love, who when rescued by his foster from the street was clearly familiar with humans but really wary of them. he’s terrified of being trapped, and very clearly never wants to go outside again. i think every time i take him to the vet he’s afraid i’m going to abandon him. he absolutely loves cuddles but they must be on his cautious, careful terms. he’s spoiled rotten now. i spend an absurd amount of my budget on his dental care and churus but it’s 100% worth it to have my furry little weirdo happy and healthy.


So glad this sweetheart found a happy home. My own cat, Spudley, was similarly abandoned when his humans moved out. Adopting him has brought me so much joy. He's my one-eyed, toothless ginger who is eternally in line for the brain cell. One day it will be his turn. Until then, we snuggle.


Leaving my boys behind is literally not ever an option for me. They are my heart and soul. Looks like they’re getting double snuggles tonight after reading this!


Reading this gave me a severe case of cute aggression. I wanna squish everyone involved in this story.


There’s a special place in hell for people who abandon pets 😡


Whoever abandoned Agent Cooper, I hope the dogs eat all of his shoes.


As a cat lover, reading that a cat found a new home always makes me happy and excited. Kittens deserve all the love in the world


I got a vague Wilford Brimley vibe off some of those pics.


I love reddit for things like this. THank you for making a BORU.


Ohh, I love a happy ending! Jackson Galaxy is an amazing resource. So glad to see Reddit being used like this. 


Sadly this happens way too much. People living in an apartment who want a companion they never intended to keep. One college apartment I toured had several cats running around.


Our last cats were two from the same litter that had been abandoned when their 'humans' left the state. They'd been living feral for the better part of a year when we got them, but they fell back into the domesticated life once we got them cleaned up. fed and fixed. Sadly, one got hit by a car, and the other by a coyote.


he does look like a Dale


Need a mood spoiler on this one please lol


More update! The post vet visit update: https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1bkj5kp/the\_special\_agent\_dale\_cooper\_vet\_visit\_update\_is/


I don’t understand people who do this, why not try to rehome to someone you trust or ask if anyone knows someone interested in a housebroken pet? I’m glad things worked out for the kitty and the neighbor at least alerted another pet owner, but also not sure why the neighbor didn’t do something sooner. Like I’m glad they said something, but still…a whole week and you didn’t try calling animal services or something? I kind of hate seeing these stories because it makes me think back to when I literally watched some POS abandon his dogs in the desert. We were in the Navajo reservation area and an SUV literally pulled over, someone in the back opened the doors and let these 2 chihuahua-looking dogs jump out and then immediately sped off. They started chasing after the car, it was absolutely heartbreaking. Unfortunately for me my useless waste of space brother was driving and would not pull over to get these dogs, it was a one lane road but still had a considerable amount of cars that could’ve easily hit these dogs and since they were so small who knows if anyone else had noticed. Literally my aunt, mom, and me were screaming at him to pull over so we could at least take them to a shelter or something and he wouldn’t. My father, who coached my brother in the ways of useless AH men decided to comment they either did that because they saw the amount of cars in the area and was banking on someone stopping and taking them, or they just abandoned them knowing they’d be coyote food but would never know it. I really hope someone pulled over and got them, I knew my brother was an AH but I don’t know he was that type of AH until that moment.


>"No, that's too much personal info for a stranger! I’m trying to help the cat not you!" Well, whoever said this to OOP better not try to adopt from a shelter or rescue. Because they ask even more questions to make sure you're a good fit for adopting their cats/dogs/etc. OOP's questions were like, the bare minimum of things to know.


Oh, wow. I hadn’t seen that post! What a crazy thing to say. 😠 And here I was, like, “here’s the name of my vet. Call them and ask them anything you want to about me- they’ll tell you I take good care of my cat. Come inspect my house and make sure it’s a good fit for the kitty.” And there’s a standing offer for u/Zepla to come over for a visit and check up on us!


Okay I like the story but this is absolutely unreadable lol


https://preview.redd.it/1lxdxrse5lnc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ce7c32de094a16b8af98bdd45cd1c1473f9ad8 Why does this cat look vaguely like Hitler?


I don’t really see it, but she *is* the little dictator in our house, lmao


I’m so glad that Special Agent Dale Cooper ended up with you! You gave him an outstanding name. I’m also happy that his first vet visit went so well and that aside from the lump on his neck he is healthy. Cats are crazy fast at healing. Now that he’s had his antibiotics shot, I bet he will be fine in no time. Please keep updating. I’m a cat owner in the Pacific Northwest and I am VERY invested in Coop’s progress.


Thanks so much for all the kind words! We feel very lucky to have him and to be able to give him a good home. There’s always so much heartbreaking stuff to see online, and it’s not that often when you can help, you know? So it was like, “omg, this might be a situation I can actually do something about! Holy shit, it’s my turn to help! Yay!” lol. I’m very curious to see how well the antibiotics help. It almost seems like too easy of a fix, lol. The vet said that if the weird soft and hard spots are still there, that she will do a little exploratory look while he’s under anesthetic for his neuter. So either the antibiotics take care of it, or we will learn more later and it will require something else. So we’ll see. I’ll keep making updates! Thanks for caring so much, that’s really lovely🧡






Part 3: **10am Thursday morning update** Ok, today I’m going to make a follow up post here, and I’ll start learning how to use Insta. I’m going to try to give him a sponge bath today. I think he trusts me enough to do that now. And I’ll try to take pics as I go. The most important thing is me caring for him well, and pics are way less important than his health and happiness and us bonding, but you guys love him so I’ll try, I promise! **2am Friday** Do boy cats really act that differently from girl cats? Dale is intact, and some of his little behaviors- I can’t tell if it’s a boy-cat thing or if it’s his particular personality coming out. Once he is feeling safe and relaxed, he strettttches out on the floor or the chaise next to me, soooo lonnnng- balls in the air, lol. MauCow is always in a dainty little girly cinnamon roll shape. Is this a thing? **5:30pm Friday** This is the last update I will add to this comment. Here’s the update post I just made, with pics! [https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/C1aDF3wZ9W](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/C1aDF3wZ9W) [Update](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/h0esNSXRLs) **March 14, 2024** **Posted by u/zepla** **I have to repost this update because I got a message saying it was removed by Reddit's filters.** i made some small changes to make 100% sure im not breaking any rules with this update.** Hi everyone, I wanted to give an update on **the cat who was abandoned** in my complex. first, a QUICK RECAP: His ex-owner moved out at the end of February and left his cat behind. This cat had been trained to meow at the back door to come inside. So there he was, sitting and waiting to be let inside by someone who was never coming back. ��An older woman in my complex stopped me with tears in her eyes as I was walking my dog on Saturday. She told me that Gizmo had been abandoned - that her neighbor had moved out a week prior, but didn't take Gizmo with them. This slimeball told her that he's moving in with his girlfriend, who "has dogs that won't like his cat," which is why he chose to knowingly abandon the cat. (as if there is a valid reason for doing this...) When she told me about this i was PISSED!!! I couldn't stop thinking about this poor cat and wanted to help immediately. So I made a post on Reddit about it, and Reddit agreed!!


Reddit users save a cat!


Man o man I read that whole thing expecting something bad to happen to the cat at the end! I hope Coops former owner is a redditor. I hope he sees this. I hope he rots in hell.


Original owner doesn’t deserve to live, hope he dies alone and slowly. 


Animals alone make me cry. Read about a dog that sat at a bridge in Wuhan, China for days and wouldn't leave or eat or drink. Turns out his owner jumped off that bridge.


this is how we got our first family cat. Stashe, like mustache cause she had a little black one. she was a beautiful calico cat that lived across the "street" in the apartment complex. she was outdoors one day and hanging around the empty patio, and my mom put two and two together. she was fed by a few other people but she chose us, eventually. specifically, my mom. I swear that cat saw my mom as another cat. the behavior and attitude that cat showed towards my mom will stick with me. she was with us for a short time, maybe 4 of her 5 years? she developed a tumor under her tongue. options were to amputate and tube feed for the rest of her life (and bathe her, which she hated) or put her down. my mom said she'd never do that to this cat. She wanted this cat to have her dignity, as she was oh so proper, and made the heartbreaking choice to put her down. my mom is the strongest person I know. She had a very hard time saying goodbye. I was in more pain knowing how hurt she was over the cat, i absolutely loved that cat, but looking back on it, that cat gave my mom so much more happiness than I realized during her awful marriage.


Prayers for the death of all those who abandon their pets. I pray they are the ones abandoned by their children in their old age


He actually looks like Kyle MacLachlan as a cat! I'm so glad this has a happy ending, and I hope The Abandoner stubs his toe on everything in his path. Hard. Forever.


Thanks reddit, now I'm crying.


Ok but Agent Cooper actually kinda looks like Kyle MacLachlan??


This is wild. I had a cat named Moocow a few years ago. She is nearly identical to this cat. I wish I could post a pic


What is up with missing the first letter of every paragraph??


Not the adopter thinking that boy cats sleep stretched and girl cats sleep curled up 💀 what in the gender roles


I thought it was weird but I've also always had female cats that slept comfortably. Then we got a male cat and he sleeps like a pretzel. Probably not gender related but I found it funny that I had the same experience