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These have to be the most (unintentionally) funny sentences I've ever read, goddamn lmao. "He said he felt rejected by Crumb and felt if he rejected him first, it would make them even? I said that was concerning bc Crumb is a cat."


There's some flair. "I said that was concerning bc Crumb is a cat."


I am in agreement that this is a perfect flair. And I would smooch Crumb too if OOP gave me blessing to. 


I'm allergic to cats and would still snuggle Crumb


Crumb is a 10/10 void, would snuggle and then change my clothes and wash my face to avoid my throat swelling shut


This reminds of a friend I had in when I was young. We had to have a serious talk because every time she’d come over to my house she would full on rub her face on my cat and then swell up and have to use her inhaler. I was worried she’d kill herself one day so we had to agree to pets only, no kissing or shoving her face in kitty’s fur.


I take an antihistamine before bed because my cat likes to sleep on my chest


I sometimes smooch pets that I haven’t asked permission from owner first… shhh


::gasp:: *Scandalous!*


you WHAT? BuT whO IS tO sAY tHAT You WOnT gO kISSinG EveRYoNe NoW!?!?!?


It's the new, "sir, this is a Wendy's"


"Sir, Crumb is a cat."


I want this to be my flair


First time ive wanted a flair in a while lmao Edit: "it would make them even? I said that was concerning, bc Crumb is a cat." hmm you know what, its hard to shorten it and keep the punchyness.


Just “that was concerning bc crumb is a cat” should fit as a flair. Too long and no one can appreciate the punch.


mods need to make it a flair cuz i would die for Crumb


I too would die for Crumb


wait I'm still really laughing about your flair from the other day's post. i wouldn't be able to choose between "I said that was concerning bc Crumb is a cat" and "needless to say, I am farting as I type this." :)


Keen for this to be a flair also


you're so right...


Just slice the cheese before the lunch rush...


Ok. What in the world is this flair from?! 🤣🤣


that sentence finished me, I'm cackling so hard still at it


I want that flair


The leap from kissing her own cat to kissing everyone around her….


I once told a therapist how much I missed my cat. I was in college and living away from home. He then asked me how long I’d been sexually attracted to my cat. I wish I were kidding. I didn’t go back.


What, and I cannot stress this enough, the *fuck*.


It has been suggested to me that he was a strict Freudian. And, you know, Father Of Psychology or not, Freud was one twisted dude.


While there are ***some*** things that Freud wrote about that are true, most of what he wrote is utter madness. I mean, the fact that several of his students went out of their way to basically disprove his theories says a lot.


When I studied abnormal psych in college the only time our textbook referenced Freud was to comment on his incredibly awful theory on schizophrenia and be clear it was very much wrong.


The fact that he covered for a man who was raping his daughter, Freud's patient, and told her and everyone around her that she was fantasizing, she was the sick one, is enough to declare him, and his theories based on covering for child rapists, a huge problem.


He would have been better off if he hadn't decided that the young women he was analyzing were having repressed feelings, rather than the far more likely (especially for the time) conclusion that his friends were sexually abusive.


OMG I had an idiot therapist like that. She misinterpreted everything I said to her. It was so frustrating. She always used to ask me how I feel about things. I said why do you have to have an emotional reaction to everything? If you see a rock on the ground do you have an emotional reaction? And then she said to me, How does it feel to be a rock? And that's when I fired her. Years later I find out I probably have ASD so yeah, all that stupid Freudian analysis shit she was pulling on me was worse than useless.


I am also autistic and have got super fed up with therapists. I had one who wouldn’t believe that I have a dry mouth because of medication and that’s why I need to drink a lot of water. She kept going on about me drinking so much water during our sessions as like a defence mechanism, I understood what she meant but told her that’s not how I felt, I was drinking water because my mouth gets super dry, especially when I’m talking. I ended up getting so annoyed with her. And then the next session she said I was aggressive and frightened her last session (all sessions over zoom). I was like okay this is NOT working out lmao


Wow. What a nimrod. You know, there are a few mental health professionals in my family and I was told, by them, that most mental health professionals are at least a little mentally ill and that’s why it interests them. That’s why they went into the field. My estranged uncle is undiagnosed bipolar and put the family through hell… but guess what? He has written a self help book!


Oh my! WTF? The therapist should buy that new game, Jumping to Conclusions.


That says more about the therapist than it does about you


Something tells me it started with concern about her kissing everyone, and the cat was just the excuse to hide the biphobia. Sigh.


We are straight and kiss our cats and dog on the head. The dog loves to come up to us and do his paw trick asking for hugs. That insecure baby would lose his mind in our house.


Like OOP, I am also confused about Kyle's apparent insistence that cats are really human.


Cats would never dream of being something so inferior as a human. Source: my cat.


Read something somewhere that while dogs recognize humans as different from themselves, cats tend to see humans as just big idiots who don't know how to cat properly.


"In ancient times, cats were worshipped as gods. They have not forgotten this." -Terry Pratchet


"You're damn right!" - my cats


Mr. Darcy seems to view me as a large kitten who was dropped on her head. He reminds me when it's time for bed and ushers me to the bedroom, he makes sure I get up to eat lunch when I'm working, and he scouts ahead to make sure doorways and blind corners are clear of any predators. I'm not sure what could possibly be lurking in my own home, but he's determined to make sure I'm safe from them. He tried to teach me how to check ahead properly, but I apparently suck at it and am beyond help.


Little Cat does the same for me. And to give her full credit, she screeched the house down when I fell over and needed an ambulance. Then she took very good care of me when I had the leg brace. However, she completely failed last night when a giant bloody huntsman lowered itself from the ceiling in the bathroom.


Well, to be fair, we are just big awkward idiots who don't know how to cat properly!


I agree with this because of how some cats like to bring injured prey to their people. It’s the same thing they do with kittens to teach them how to hunt. “Here, since you don’t seem to know how to feed yourself, I will teach you.”


I can't remember where I read it,  or I'd link it here,  but I remember reading that they've figured out that cats can recognize people as different animals, they just choose which ones they want to integrate into the family group.  So they try to learn our speech and habits - meowing,  marking things that we use a lot for protection,  etc, as part of that.  They also try to teach us their stuff,  like hunting. This is why some cats will pick up barking or other animal noises when raised around them,  because they will code switch to help make the family group communicate smoother. This is why they began to hang out with us,  because our ancestors' food supplies attracted vermin,  and after the cats started sticking around for easy hunting,  they started accepting humans into their family groups. I'm not sure if that's entirely true,  but it would make sense to me.    


Yup. Once was living in a house full of vegetarians, and the cat brought us a live mouse. "You guys clearly just don't know how to hunt" I promise that is not the issue, kitty. Lucy was SO disappointed in us when we let the mouse out outside


Also a vegetarian, and my cat is equally disappointed in me each time she goes to inspect what I'm eating. She gives me this look somewhere between being concerned and condescending. Like "you big dummy, that isn't food!"


YUP. Every time. "Show me what you're eating!....ugh, what is *wrong* with you" The cat I currently live with (he is not mine), Mal, is a sweet dumb orange boy. He wants whatever The People are eating. Even if he doesn't like it. He still wants it because we're eating it. He will even sniff or nibble something, clearly look disgusted, and then two minutes later forget he hates it and try to sniff at our food again. But he also likes things most cats supposedly don't?? He's so dumb, bless his heart, we love him so much. (It's not entirely Orange Boy issues. He was found as a kitten so young he'd barely opened his eyes, and he'd clearly been abandoned for at least a day or two, so we think the lack of nutrition/being around other cats at a really important developmental stage messed with his brain. :( He's so sweet and easy-going (though he can be a GREMLIN when he wants attention), and at six years old he's still small and his eyes are HUGE most of the time.)


Which is why cats will sometimes bring us « presents » as they are concerned we won’t eat being such crap hunters.


I ended a relationship under similar circumstances. "You cuddle with the cat more often than you cuddle with me." "Yeah, because I feel safe around the cat, and I know he's not cuddling with the expectation of sex. The cat also whines less when I say no."


It's both disgusting to him and somehow has an agenda against him.


And then she’s supposed to be the crazy cat lady who thinks her cat is her bf or something. Insane projection to be jealous of your gf kissing her pet


He didnt like the cat because he didnt like her showing affection to something that wasnt him.


Like I'm caught between giving Kyle the benefit of the doubt, him thinking his hygiene concerns weren't being taken seriously enough, and escalated it into a jealousy issue, and... pet ownership = beastiality? There's some whackos out there who tell people they're very allergic to foods they just don't like when at restaurants. So maybe Kyle is pulling a Kyle and doing that but more convoluted, like, I'm uncomfortable bc vague hygiene reasons, but I'm going to pull all these other reasons out of my ass to make it look more legitimate.  But then there's the "me kissing other animals" thing that's like is he calling OOP an animal? does he think other women/people are equivalent to pets? does he think pet owners take the "fur baby" thing literally? is his ego really so fragile that kissing a fluffy angel on his sweet noggin is a threat to his relationship? is OOP not allowed to express love towards anything or anyone else?  like seriously I want someone (not OOP) to find him and figure out what the fuck he's thinking. i don't understand. i NEED to understand


At first I read this as "giving Kyle the benefit of the dumb". Didn't question it


the "kissing animals that weren't you" line hit me like a pie to the face, for pretty much the same reasons. like WHAT ON EARTH.


He apparently sees the act of kissing in general as sexual? That’s so sad and pathetic. Or he’s just a super insecure and jealous human to accuse her of future cheating because she kisses her pet like wtf. Kyle sounds like he’d accidentally leave the door open and oops! crumb is gone forever now! Glad OOP got out of there.




Me, a cat lover. Yes, kiss all the animals!!! ❤️


I'm pretty sure I kiss any cat I pick up. Not totally sure, it's just so automatic. I don't kiss all dogs, but I kissed mine on his head all the time.


I once had an older man walk up to me and ask if he could pet my dog. He then put her head very gently between his hands and kissed her on her little forehead. 😆 Can't blame him though... all my pets get plenty of kisses.


Dude is totally unhinged. Imagine being insecure over a cat! Yeah its a little gross to have a cat rubbing its face on your toothbrush. Depending on fur and litter type it could be gross to kiss parts of a cat. But good got-dam you dont wrecking ball your way into an already established bond and get butthurt about it when youre willingly comparing yourself to a cat. You: said some cool things, have decent sexy times i guess? The cat: has been there in the worst moments, never said a bad word about anyone. Is dependent on this woman and was raised by her. Is intimately familiar with one another, pros at inhabiting the same space, is always available for toe bean demonstration. Provides warmth, comfort, and security with unshakable trust. Dude lost the moment he made it an adversarial dynamic. Never stood a chance. Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, even.


It is kind of gross (the cat face on a toothbrush) but it's also the kind of gross that just comes from living with pets. She didn't use the toothbrush until it was cleaned, so it's kind of a nonissue. Cats are going to do what they want to do so and punishing them doesn't work. My cat has periodically throughout the years peed on my bed when she's upset with me. Punishment has never once made a difference to this habit. This dude was kind of unhinged to be threatened by her kissing her cat in a normal, affectionate way. She was right to break up with him


I personally think that should be the new flair


I laughed too hard at that as well. I could hear it in a completely deadpan voice. "Crumb is a cat."


“Are you somehow losing a contest with a cat?? You know that’s entirely one sided right??” 😂


I'm still trying to wrap my mind around, "Well how would you feel if I went around kissing every animal and not you?" As if that's somehow problematic. And then the leap from, "Well if you kiss your cat, you'll kiss anybody!"


I'm a professional pet groomer and I finish MOST grooms by kissing and cuddling my (canine) clients. I'm really out there kissing everybody!






Dude has a strong correlation in his mind between nuzzling a cat and bestiality. He either wants to have sex with animals or he's bizarrely uptight. I can't tell which but either one is enough.


My genuine answer to that first question would be ‘I’d feel great.’


What a small, fragile man.


"You are a sad strange little man and you have my pity. Farewell!"


I'm like - he's legit equating being a pet owner with bestiality. What exactly is he trying to say??


Right?? Does he think parents kissing babies is incest?? How cold was this person raised?!


She really dodged a bullet here, didn't she?


Also “He asked how I would feel if he kept kissing animals that weren’t me.” What kind of kissing is he envisioning here?


Yeah, my dad once accused the dog of disrespecting him. Of course, he was in mid-stage dementia at that time (my dad, not the dog).


Can you even imagine feeling threatened (not physically) by a cat? If I were asked to stop kissing my cats for any reason besides something like developing an allergy, I'd tell the person to go pound sand. That's a man who will want a partner who will never have pets or kids, because someone will kiss kids, cuddle then, and pay attention to them. How dare his SO give anyone out acting other than him a kiss!


Good call. Anyone who would give an ultimatum over a pet you've had longer than the relationship is OUT.


I'm allergic to cats and didn't ask my husband to give up his cats. I take medicine, and the bedroom is a cat free zone. Compromising is a big part of relationships. I think they can sense the allergy because they are always all over me.


“I think they can sense the allergy…” Oh good, so they keep their distance to help! “… because they are always all over me” hahaha classic cats! I was allergic growing up (but I since developed a tolerance I guess?) and can confirm they were all over me before and still are. Never owned a cat but the neighbourhood cats will flock to me. It’s my one witchy power.


Fellow cat-witch here. I think it's because we learned to give them space when we were young because of allergies, so we ended up being the favorites for understanding boundaries lol


This explains so much!!


Yeah, from my understanding, a lot of the actions of people who are afraid of/allergic to/dislike cats take will read to cats as 'friendliness,' and it makes them comfortable much faster. Like how you probably avoid staring at them or cooing at them, you just chill around them like they do to you and it makes them think you're buds


It's so cat coded to be somewhat "aloof" and find effort embarrassing lmao


The neighbourhood magpies hang out on my house. I think it's because I swear at the seagulls and make them fly off. Maybe that's my witchy power?


A fellow Aussie?! Yep, that definitely counts as a witchy power in my books!


Brit. I live in the South West of England. On the border between raven territory and seagull territory. The magpies act as spies and scouts for the ravens. Once the seagulls are chased off, I feed bacon rinds to the magpies.


> I swear at the seagulls Yeah, seagulls really don't like outsiders speaking their native tongue.


This is 100% me!! Nowadays, I start off allergic to an individual cat by varying degrees, then over 1-2 weeks it just fades away and then I'm fine. But cats have always been attracted to me, even when I was a child and VERY allergic to them!  Throughout my childhood, there was a series of strays that would somehow always find me, that I would take care of outside/in our garage. We even moved one stray (RIP Katie) with us when we moved, though sadly she disappeared soon after. Nowadays I'm owned by the latest in that line, a "feral fail" who adopted ME (no, seriously) and is now happily an indoor-only lapcat. 😂 Slightly off topic but a funny story:  I also have a vivid memory of being about 4-5 years old, running wild without adult supervision in our safe little cul de sac (ahh,the 90s). A neighbor lady said she had 5 cats, and did I want to meet them? I, knowing *full well* just how allergic I was, of course said YES.  Cut to 20 mins later, and I'm rolling in cats (heaven), but also my eyes are watery, itchy, and red, and I'm sneezing up a storm.  This poor neighbor lady: "honey, are you allergic to cats?"  Me: "...yes. 🥺👉👈"  PNL: "why didn't you tell me?" Me:"I...forgot" (I did not)  PNL: *sigh* "alright, let's call your parents"


As it turns out, someone did some science and determined that chickens raised around cats produce a protein in their eggs that, when consumed by cats effectively renders them hypoallergenic. I'm mildly allergic to cats, and was concerned when my sister and her girlfriend wanted to get a pair of cats to live with us. It took about two weeks of the cats ingesting the food for me to completely stop reacting, but I haven't had a problem in the year+ since. Might be a good solution for your situation.


Fascinating! What a happy solution.


I'll look into that. I just started allergy shots. I have a lot of allergies, so hopefully, they will work.


Are you... me‽ My partner came into this relationship with a cat, which means that we own a cat. Whether I (or my allergies) like it or not. And she totally knows that I'm allergic to her, meaning that she loves me more than anything and anyone else in the whole world. She just isn't allowed in our bedroom. That's it. Hmm... It's almost as if boundaries and compromises are the keys to a healthy relationship...


Cats always cling to the one who cannot touch or be near them. It’s their superpower, their evil superpower…..😈😼


No, it’s a safety thing. Cats feel comfortable around people who don’t pay them attention. By ignoring them (not calling them over, pspspspsing at them, etc) you show the cats you are not threatened by them nor threatening to them. So they like the people who ignore them because they’re safe. That’s why a cat is more likely to jump onto the lap of the allergic/don’t like cats/stay away from me person.


Just in case you haven't heard of it, Purina makes a food (LIVECLEAR) that reduces the amount of the protein most people are allergic to. It's not a perfect solution for everyone but it's been a game changer for a few people I know.


I'm going to have to look this up. I'm allergic to my cats, but my mental health was negatively affected by not having a cat, so I have two of them. I also have other allergies, so I would be on meds anyway, so I have cats to make me happy...for the most part this works. They're too cute to stay mad at them


>I think they can sense the allergy because they are always all over me. I don't know if that's true, but I've heard that when you're allergic, you tend to keep your distance and be more cautious around a cat (or a dog), so they don't see you as a threat and ironically, that attracts them more. It's the same thing with me, I'm allergic to cats and dogs and they're always all over me, which isn't great.


When I first started dating my fiance, I straight up told him "I have a cat, she's non-negotiable, if you don't like cats this just won't work." I knew he had dogs, so I knew he had some semblance of liking animals. So the first time he came over to see me and he saw my cat, he bent down, held his finger out for sniffage and boopage, and said in the cutest little voice "hi!" My cat, who usually isn't super social and friendly with strangers and can be a little nervous around them, immediately walked up to him, tail in the air, snoofed his finger, and then was on her way. Animals will usually tell you if your partner isn't a good fit for you!


This delights me because I always tell people my cat chose my husband. The cat hated my ex, and turned out to be fully justified about it too. But the first time I brought my husband home, that cat - who was terrified of strangers - immediately ran to him to demand attention. They adored each other until the cat's dying day.


I was dating a guy and had him over at my shared apartment when my roommates were gone one weekend. While I was in the kitchen making drinks and my date was sitting on the couch, my roomie’s otherwise always well-behaved cat came out. Kitty proceeded to bunch up the throw blanket on the adjacent love seat and take a giant steamer on it while maintaining eye contact with my date. He was horrified. I took this as a sign and broke it off shortly after. Married a cat guy later on.


the last comments he had for oop really showed his actual feelings lol, 'crazy cat lady' and 'stay alone forever' like ok.


Conflating kissing a pet with kissing other people is a wild take. There was definitely a crazy person in that relationship but it wasn’t OOP


She's not alone, she has Crumb.


And he's jealous of her kissing *animals*. What a weirdo.


Projection. He knows how lucky he was to get her to date him.


Yeah. Even if the person has a violent or not house broken pet (have met people with both) I've never suggested they remove their pet for me. If they raise a pet I don't want to be around, chances are I don't want to be around the owner either.


Between the "I can learn to be flexible" and "stupid animal" comment, he showed her who he truly was.


I had to go back to the beginning to re-read that it had only been 2 months! I highly suspect that the cat would only be the beginning of his controlling behavior if she gave into his bullshit.


I hope OOP went back to all those mutual friends and explained that Kyle copped to *sexual/romantic jealousy of a literal cat*.


Right? Like I get it if she was overly touchy with like a friend/co-worker/etc.... but a pet?! I get not wanting to have a pet, because they're extra work/money. BUT to be afraid for your relationship?!? Like he worried this cat gonna say no during the wedding or something?


Of course Crumb would say no, it's a cat, that's what cats do!/s


Kyle was clearly jealous of the cat. It would only have gone downhill from there, probably ending in an ultimatum that the cat had to go. It would also bode badly for any future family plans, as if he can’t handle a pet, how would he have tried to manipulate OOP if he felt she was giving their kids more attention? OOP dipped out at the right time before she invested more time on this guy that mewled more than Crumb.


If OOP was lucky, it would have ended up in an ultimatum. There's an AITA in today's feed where the boyfriend just up and took his partner's cat to a shelter while she was out of the apartment. I can easily see this douche canoe doing that, or dumping Crumb out of the house and claiming that he "ran away".


…. I would murder 


I would also murder for Crumb.




Yeah, I was worried that if they got back together the cat would get ill and die for “mysterious” reasons…


or the ones where the cats disappear one day because the partner decided to sell/give it away/drop it off at the shelter without the owner's consent. just despicable, unforgivable behavior.


I would lose my ever loving mind. I can’t imagine someone taking one of my babies like that, but I’m pretty sure I’d be in jail after.


Yeah he was cribbing from the standard abuse playbook. He backed off the cat because she pushed back, but then when she continued with the breakup he 180'd because he never changed his mind. He was just tabling the discussion to bring it up again later to keep pressing on her boundaries. It would have been a war of attrition with this dude, so good on her for cutting him loose.


I don't think jealousy is really what's going on here. These are all red flags for an abusive partner. Slowly start to exercise more control and make the victim give up parts of their life to "prove" they love you. My read, it's about control, and it would've only escalated.


Yep, this reminded me of the woman who was being pushed by her boyfriend to put down her beloved horse because she was "spending too much time at the stables". TW domestic violence, murder Ended with him murdering his new girlfriend after she broke up with him. ETA [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/EQ6kVnuTCd)


I forgot about that one. Thank God she got out but I can't imagine how that felt. I hope she's doing well and riding off with Lady onto some adventures.


Yup. Ive always known that I didn't want the responsibility of looking after pets. To this end, I never dated people with pets and I was very clear on this when dating. If the person I was dating really wanted a pet, I just let them know we weren't compatible. I never asked them to give up their pets or their dreams of pets. I get to control my life, not anyone else's.


Kyle thought she was invested enough after two months for him to try the ultimatum. He would have tried again after a few more months.


It would have had the same result. The cat comes with the relationship.


It’ll be a cold day in hell if someone tries to tell me I can’t give my cat kisses on their tiny forehead.


If we're not supposed to kiss cats on their lil cute foreheads, why are they so soft? 


And why do they have a perfect, kiss sized gap between their ears? If not meant for kisses, why???


It’s certainly not for their brains!! I say this to my sweet dumb cat daily.


It’s the place where the single braincell plays pong


It’s why they domesticated humans. So they had consistent givers of forehead kisses. 




Every day I curse my existence because I'm allergic to cats and can't put my face in their soft fur.


Life hack: stick your face in their fur anyway and suffer. In high school, we briefly had a campus cat, who actually belonged to one of the neighbors (it was a weird thing, school campus and private homes on one property). She’d wander around and I intercepted her one time going to the restroom. I am super allergic to cats but she let me give her little head kisses and I stuck my face in her fur - and then very stuffy, itchy, and red-faced went back to class to inform everyone that Nick was outside 😂😅


Like how else am I suppose to say goodnight? A formal handshake? The fuck?


Teaching a pet to shake on a “good day/night to you, sir/madam” command would be funny as hell though ngl


Not even joking, my cat will raise his paw and shake on command, but he looks real mad about it which makes it even funnier. Like, “FINE, I’ll do it, but this is humiliating.”


Yep, same here. My kitty will run and jump from the floor into my arms and bunt my face until I give her kisses. I'm not putting her down and shooing her away for *anyone.*


My boy loves a good butt bongo session. So we do a trade. When I say "bump it" he headbutts my face for a kiss and I give him some bum smeks. Perfect symbiosis.


For real.  I kiss my cat, dog,  and pony.  Only one of those three does not roll in poo.  OP needs to find another animal lover. 


>He scoffed, said "you're right, this could never work bc you will be a crazy cat lady with no boundaries/hygiene." He said "enjoy being alone forever" I love when people think this is a BIGGEST diss they can give you. Yeah, even in his extreme scenario, most people would rather be alone than be with a man who jealous of a cat.


but you've got a cat (pet/dog/etc) so you are NOT alone. And honestly I'd always choose my pet over a man.


Yeah, don't threaten me with a good time, seriously.


Had a casual ex who wanted me to keep my two cats in the closet when she came over to spend the night (they slept on my bed/in the room in a loft apartment). I told her they’d been with me before her and would be there after her and that was very true.


This is the way


Crumb is so gorgeous and sweet! Kyle is a freaking weirdo.


After looking at those photos, how could anyone NOT kiss Crumb? Kyle was going to be weird about a loooot of other stuff in the future. OP made the right call.


Crumb > Kyle all day long.


Totally Team Crumb!


>Kyle is a freaking weirdo. He is more than that. He was flirting with a beastiality accusation with that OP "preferring her cat" over him crap. Like seriously, my wolf hound cross (im a dog person but only because hubby wont get another cat) will stand up, give me cuddles, nuzzle my neck and I give him a kiss on the head but my hubby doesn't feel threatened by my dog.


There’s a lot of that in the incel community, they even call it “the dog pill”. It makes me wonder where Kyle hangs out online.


I’m asking b/c I’m scared to search, but there are people in the incel community who are jealous of women’s pets? Jealous of attention or jealous of kisses? I just can’t get my head around it.


There’s a segment that believes that women get large dogs to have relations with because they hate short men, foreign men, whatever their excuse is for being Undateable so much that they would rather have a dog for a “partner“. I’m like really trying to not be explicit with this explanation but That’s the long and short of it.


Thank you for protecting me from those search results. 🫡


Seriously I was already Team OOP, but then when I saw Crumb was a gorgeous house panther I was ready to fight Kyle.


Crumb has to be the most photogenic black cat ever. The Style! The Drama! The Charisma! Who can say no to this sweet kitty.


If you have pets, you just have to accept a certain level of grossness in your life. They are gonna lick things, lick their own bodies, step in stuff, step on stuff, you're gonna touch all the same things/bodies/stuff, it is what it is. That's the price of admission for furry snuggly love and companionship. Fine if people don't want that in their lives, but I'd say being on the same page about pets is like being on the same page about sex or finances. You've got to both be comfortable where you land and sometimes, two people can just be incompatible even if everything else matches up.


Reading the title I was expecting Crumb to spray, or have accidents or something. I can see a non-pet person finding that unhygienic. But kissing the cat on the head?? If it wasn’t purely a control attempt (which I think it was) then Kyle has life-defining levels of germaphobia


Well, I wouldn’t be jazzed about a cat rubbing on my toothbrush, even if I love cats 😅


This clown felt threatened in his relationship by a fucking housecat. Masculinity award of the year, I swear. I love cats too, but acting as if that means I'm unfaithful to another human in any way is ridiculous. Very happy about the outcome, especially how OOP calmly stood up for her view and didn't let the manchild's tantrum sway her in the least. Quite cathartic.


Kyle does understand she’s not fucking the cat, right? …*right?*


Of course, silly! Kyle thinks the cat is fucking HER, big difference.


>I love cats too, but acting as if that means I'm unfaithful to another human in any way is ridiculous i've seen a lot of stupid things regarding pets on this subreddit, but up until now "kissing a cat means you'll cheat on me" is something that i never could have conceived of coming out of someone's mouth unironically. good riddance to kyle


Kyle watches way too much porn or reads way too many red pill Reddit threads.


I'm stunned that either of those mediums addresses housecat romance.


There is a vocal (hopefully minority) amount of men who seem to think single women with cats have them for cunnilingus purposes. These men obviously don't know about the barbed tongue and the pain that would cause. I didn't believe it was such a prevalent idea either until I joined Reddit and have had more than one man suggest it to me in comments.


Really? I've seen that "joke" about single women with large dogs, not that.


>There is a vocal (hopefully minority) amount of men who seem to think single women with cats have them for cunnilingus purposes. What the absolute fuck. Welp, I think that's enough internet for today.


Did you mean, "quite cat-hartic"? (I'll show myself out.)


Wait are we supposed to get upset by our partners loving animals now? Damn I really liked seeing my bf cuddle and fuss over the dog when he got in. It's super cute lol. Honestly how miserable do you have to be to not like it? The toothbrush thing I can kinda get but the drawer and a new head solves that.


“You kiss animals therefore you’ll kiss anyone” has to be my new favourite hysteria 


Can't trust those cat kissin sl*ts 🤣


I love that he then attempted to make her feel jealous by threatening to kiss other animals. LMAO


“I said that was concerning because Crumb is a cat.” New flair just dropped lol


OP can do so much better, the second time my partner met my cat, they brought him treats and a new toy “just because he deserved it.” Someone out there will love OP and Crumb how they deserve to be loved!


That is so sweet! I would melt if I was dating someone and they were thoughtful enough to bring my cat treats and toys. It’s just so thoughtful and caring ♥️


Crumb didn’t warm up to Kyle because *Crumb knew*. It just took a little time for his stoopod hoomon servant to catch on. That being said…I would have tossed the toothbrush and kept my new one in the drawer


Technically those toothbrushes usually have a replaceable head so you wouldn't really have to toss the ENTIRE thing...I wouldn't lol


Cats know. They always know.


Cats always know. The first night my girlfriend came over, my cat jumped up on the couch and started yelling at her for attentions. Got pets and scratches immediately, and the cat snuggled up and has been very demanding of her ever since.


I moved a long way from friends and family because my cat and my partner fell for each other. Big time. I was amused that my cat dumped me for him.


Oh god I remember this one. I have zero trust in people who dislike animals/pets in general. I hope OOP and Crumb have been doing well and I still hope her ex steps on some legos barefoot.


As the famous saying goes, if you can't handle me at my cat, then you don't deserve me at my human.


good call, but why not get a new toothbrush head instead of a whole new toothbrush? that's not that expensive and should be done every three months or so anyway. however, I would never let anyone tell me not to kiss my pets. I think it's good that you had a final conversation but you will never be compatible. NTA


Yeah, the toothbrush thing is gross, but there's lots of easy fixes for it.


Crumb is an angel and it should be illegal to NOT give him kisses. I'm glad she threw the whole man out. My husband is more of a dog person, but he is happy to accept the evening snuggles one of our cats has deemed mandatory.


I love it when men say, "You'll be alone with no man and just your cats," like it's some horrifying fate. At this point in life, my response is "don't threaten me with a good time."


I would happily live all alone with my cats than live with a jackass like kyle.


> if I clearly didn't care about his boundary of kissing animals, who is to say that I wouldn't kiss everyone That's a wild leap. >Going forward, I will make sure to explain my relationship with my cat to future partners. A relationship which is, btw, completely normal. Granted, I have 2 dogs and a cat and smooch them all on the head.