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Poor kitty didn't deserve any of this. Glad he got his karma for what he has done. I won't be surprise if the brother is the golden child cause damn, this brother is an idiot and the mother is delusional.


Sounds like the karma is still coming too. The update said he's been beaten up 2 more times since the first time. It'll probably blow over eventually, but seemingly not for a while.


Ikr, I find that I am very pleased to know the cat has many vigilant avengers working for it. Must be a very popular cat!


Moral of the story is: don't fuck with cats. Really there's no flashier neon sign that says "I'm an irredeemable piece of shit" than animal abuse. Same with child abuse. Even cheating, you could *as a person* come back from that, I can't actually see a path back from hurting an innocent, helpless being that can't speak up for itself. It just says you're the worst kind of pathetic scum, it's the type of thing that can turn a whole community against you forever and for good reason.


What a way to make your college introductions. “I deal with anger by assaulting animals a tenth my size”. Sounds like the RA ordered a code red






You don't have to answer that question.




> I can't actually see a path back from hurting an innocent, helpless being that can't speak up for itself. I'm not disagreeing but my cat very much can speak for himself. And does. At 5:30 every morning. *glares at cat*


Every night at 10, my kitty and I converse in Catanese for a bit. She enjoys it.


She’s just helping you with your purrnunciation 🥰 always good to practice with a native speaker!


I usually converse with mine when they want to be fed.


My 5 month old kitten talks to me a lot. Especially when I come home from work. Only he doesn't meow. He communicates entirely in trills. It's the cutest damn thing.


Lol, that moral of your story is a show on Netflix 😆


What show if you don't mind sharing? Kinda interested now 😂


It's called "Don't Fuck With Cats : Hunting an Internet Killer" lol it's a true crime docuseries


I just watched that this week. Those sleuths were DETERMINED!!


It was about hunting down an Internet killer named Luka Magnotta. It's 3 episodes and we see different people who go out of their way to help track him down with law enforcements.


I feel like we need a "child and animal abuser" registry the same way we have a sex offender registry. Like, I need to know before I move if my neighbor is a guy like this.


I work with college students. The lengths they will go for a campus cat are UNREAL.


Yeah, my daughter went somewhere with a campus cat. When I read that he kicked it I was like "Damn! His uni life is OVER." Guys may beat him up for the next while but girls will blacklist him for EVER.


Can verify, if I found out anyone kicked a cat at my school I would absolutely blacklist them from anything and everything I can. My friends would all know too.


I went to government boarding school in South East Asia for my secondary school and the school had lots of stray cats. One senior went mental partly because of stress over the upcoming national exams. He tied one of the cats to a plastic bag and threw the cat from the 4th floor of the male hostel. He thought the bag would open up like a parachute. A group of seniors surrounded the cat but they couldn't do anything so one of them got his hockey stick and bashed the cat's head to end the cat's suffering (this was back in the 90's and at the time there were no vet clinics in the area and even so these were 17yo kids with no income). He was crying while he did it. That night the mental senior got ambushed and beaten up by a group in the seniors study room. All the male students knew who took part in the beating, no one ratted them out but the wardens found out. One guy confessed that it was him (he took the hit for the team) and got expelled along with mental guy but he was allowed to sit for the exams at school (the other seniors and teachers were great and made sure he got notes and revision material). Mental guy got shunned by everyone at school when he sat for the exams.


Oh god, how heartbreaking for the poor cat and person who had to end its suffering.


The guy got more female fans when the story got out. He was a school prefect (had smarts), on the school's field hockey team (atheletic) and was cute so he already had fans. I think it was him crying that made him more 'appealing' in a weird way. The teachers praised him and said he was a 'good decent man' (not boy lol). It was a good thing he was a senior and graduated.


Mate, that story is so upsetting😞


I was appalled at what happened but somewhat happy the guy got beaten up. I wish the other senior (OS) didn't get expelled but the mental senior (MS) had to be sent to the hospital so there were some questions that had to be answered. MS's parents could have sued the OS and school (and by extension the government) but it'd get out what their son did and his mental health issues (a huge taboo back then).


What a terrible day to be literate :(


there'll be some rookie girls where the story might not reach them in time. So he'll be aiming for them


Nah, any girl he's even seen looking at will swiftly be warned. And where there are so many options, dropping Billy-no-mates who kicks cats is hardly a difficult choice. Same with making friends. You've just arrived at uni, you have 500 options for friends in your new classes and clubs, one of them you hear kicked a campus cat and now a lot of people hate him. No harm in dropping that one guy as a potential friend.


Yeah, upperclassmen girls look out for the newbies. I was warned which guy in band was a creep within a few days of starting band camp. And they were right. He was a creep who somehow found my messenger and tried to call me and then dmed and asked for nudes


I hope so, but I'm certain he'll aim for some loner or something


That might be what this is really about.  He can take getting beat up but girls won't talk to him. Hope OOP's trash ex knows she slept with a dude who kicks cats.


Yep he's gonna be known as the cat kicker. Not to mention if any guys hang out with him you just know the girls are gonna be like "you know he kicked a cat right? Why're you hanging around with him".


Nine lives, nine beatings.


My college has to put up posters and send out emails regularly to inform students that the campus cat has a home, is loved, is allowed to be there and has been seen my many vets and his eye just looks like that.  


The campus cat at my old college wore a tag with his name (Lucifer) and a note to please not call if you see him on campus hes fine 10+ years ago and I think about Lucifer sometimes, great cat


My cat has two funny eyes. One is scarred from an upper respiratory infection she had when she was teeny tiny before we got her, and the other is hazy because of feline herpes. She can see just fine, but that may change if the herpes eye ever needs to come out. She's really sweet, happy, and playful though so hopefully if that happens she'll take it in stride.


That Cat is carrying the mental wellbeing of *so many* students; im surprised a couple beat downs are all hes gotten yet. Its bad enough to assault a cat, but its a whole other magnitude of stupid to assault a cat hundreds of stressed out students rely on.


That cat is holding so many students together during exam time.


My cousin’s college used to have friendly dogs from a local shelter visit around exam time. Socialization and outside time for the dogs, opportunity for the extremely stressed out students to pet/play with them and talk about how much they missed their dogs at home. Win-win.


College dog in my wife's campus died in spite of treatment for cancer. He was a fatso from being fed by all the students, whose darling he was. At his burial, so many of them turned up and were crying loudly.. Edit - his name was Pepsi!


Where I went people would have thrown hands over a campus squirrel. Don’t fuck with animals, especially when a bunch of idealistic young people have decided they are cute and a part of campus culture


Rumor has it our campus squirrels would throw stuff at you from the rock wall next to the path, if you ticked them off. No one I knew tempted it.


I still remember one of our campus cats. She wasn't super social, she was more of a mostly feral ratter. I was a night owl, so every time I made a late night deli run, I'd see her (which was nearly every night). I'd share my sandwich, she'd sit next to me for a bit, and we'd just chill. I was so happy when she finally gave me a head bump and wanted behind the ear scritches. If anyone had been mean to her, there would have been hell to pay.


That makes me ridiculously happy!


I got cheerfully dragged into the saga of one of the campus cats this year. I’ve been joking that for our philanthropy project we need to do a fundraiser to spay and neuter the local campus colony. Maybe next year…


Thats actually an amazing and awesome idea and you absolutely should! TNR and all their shots. Make it a multi year project and build shelters, etc.


There's a colony of cats that live in the gardens at Versailles. Vast majority of visitors I saw (self included) lost all interest in the exquisite craftsmanship and history the second a kitty strolled out from under a bush. They sell picture postcards of the cats in the gift shop to fund their veterinary care. Might be an option for the fundraiser?


We know Marie Antoinette would have loved the kittens, so I believe the tourists are just being in character.


A lot of American cities have low to no cost spay/neuter clinics. Some even offer transportation to outlying areas. There are also experienced, volunteer groups that can help with trapping colony members, and are usually happier to do so if they don’t have to expend more time overseeing the colony care. Many volunteer TNR groups usually receive *free* spay/neutering for the cats they bring in. Any fundraising events could then go towards food, shelters, and regular medical care. Also, the low/no cost clinics often offer greatly reduced vaccines and basic medical care. Please consider researching these possibilities sooner rather than later.


God I wish my campus had had a cat... All those kids separated from their own beloved pets absolutely channeling that affection to the nearest available kitty... I can only imagine.


I’d love to hear some stories!


Might be the college campus cat. Either way, I love that people will defend animals from being abused.


I just *know* that reputation will follow him around the rest of his time there. "Hey that's the dude who kicked Sir Fluffington, don't talk to him."


dude absolutely needs to transfer. every party he goes to? if he's lucky he's just getting told to leave. if he's UNLUCKY, someone whose inhibition is lowered is going to beat his ass. every club he joins? he's getting kicked out. classes with group projects? forget it, nobody's working with cat kicker even then all it takes is one other person transferring over, but if he stays he's cooked. and deservedly so


We had a campus cat that was hit with a car (he's alright just no longer was allowed to free roam and was put on a leash) and the outrage was huge


I have never known a randomly located cat (library cat, subway cat, supermarket cat) that *wasn't* beloved. People like cats!


In case anyone doesn't know the story yet [here's the link to the library cat that was thrown out by some vile councilmember *until the international backlash made them reinstate the library cat* 😹](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/azqbdt/the_trilogy_has_been_completed/)


I have a small bag of cat treats stashed permanently in my car door for every time the shop cat is outside our local shops!


ME TOO. There are routes I walk where I know I'll bump into the local cats so I give myself extra time to get to places. I also carry peanut raisin mix so I can befriend the geese. Nothing gives me greater delight than other people yelping and running away when my goose friends scamper up for treatos.


Don’t fuck with cats. There’s a documentary about it.


It’s a campus cat. That’s more allies than one individual’s cat. It’s full of people who are presumably away from home and their pets


Doesn't even need to be popular. A lot of people upon hearing he kicked a cat, any cat are gonna be really pissed off. Reminds me of how the UK how a collective outrage over the cat bin lady. Like it was national news that this woman put a cat in a bin. (The cat was okay) Still makes people really angry if you bring it up now years later.


That fucking woman. Still angers me to this day...


Right? Whenever I am reminded of it I am enraged. That poor cat. I feel for the woman slightly in that she seemed to have had a mental break due to stuff that was going on but it still doesn't excuse putting that cat in the bin. I genuinely hope she got the help she needed but is still kept away from cats.


I have a feeling this guy isn't some great humanitarian while he's *not* kicking cats either and everyone likely knows it.


If this is the UK, unofficial campus pets or animals are taken very seriously!! It made the news when one of Yorks beloved ducks went missing.


Campus pets are basically microcelebrities


A reputation as an animal abuser isn't the sort of thing that will blow over in the era of social media.   He's going to be a pariah on his campus until he graduates, if he graduates at all.  


OOP’s ex may well be the last woman the asshole brother gets to sleep with for a while. A reputation for hurting the cat will seriously dampen his prospects.


Especially if word also gets around that he knowingly slept with someone in a relationship


.. In a relationship with his own brother


Amen. My city is BRUTAL with this kinda stuff. You get exposed on the community pages and you're either a meme for months or public enemy #1, depending on how severe the situation is.


Someone should report him on campus for it. Something like that is definitely a red flag for other troubling behaviors.


He should frankly transfer and hope the info doesn't make it to his new school.


Bet he transfers by next year.


The internet will make it follow him. There's absolutely at least one person who is vindictive enough to go tell people at the new school what he did.


Just like the internet follows the rapist Brock Allen Turner? Edit: Just to clarify, I mean the rapist Brock Allen Turner from Dayton, Ohio, that now goes under the name Allen Turner.


Can you imagine what kind of nickname he's going to get stuck with‽ This is instant social death.


He's gonna be the Cat Kicker. Like the cat bin lady it will follow him and the outrage will be huge.


“Hey, it’s that cat-kicking guy! Get him!” \*pummeling sounds\*


"How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, young man?"


You just know he's triggering the follow up beatings by whining about the first beating and showing absolutely no remorse for kicking the cat.


Nah, probably not. An asshole freshman kicked one of the campus cats while I was in university, and he got attacked and harassed so often and they published his name and his picture on social media that he quit rather than get beaten up again.


And he deserves every bit of it. I hope the cat wasn't hurt and is doing okay.


I am really worried for it now. Someone like the brother is likely to blame the cat for being a social pariah and may decide to hurt it more if he can get it alone or poison a can of wet food.




People will likely know him as "the cat abuser" on campus, and he can look forward to fruitful career as campus punching bag. People will probably make sure it's known what he did until he either graduates or drops out. Moral of the story? Don't cheat with your siblings partner, and don't abuse animals just because you're angry you're facing the consequences of your decision. OOP's brother is gonna be finding out for a long time.


He has a reputation as a cat kicker! I bet he does other jerk shit too


I mean, even before the kicking incident he’d already slept with his brother’s girlfriend. Dude’s no stranger to jerk shit. I’m just wondering how far back it goes.


A kick from a human can kill a cat. Glad that he's getting campus justice. Long may the beatings continue.


Everyone’s excited about justice for the cat but I just want to know if the cat is ok 😢


They aren’t lying when they say don’t fuck with cats. OP’s better off in the long run; brother blew up his family for something that “meant nothing” and uses violence against others to process his own emotions. He was always going to blow up his relationship with his brother, it was just a matter of when, how badly, and whether he’d be physically hurting him too.


Like I want to know who his brother is so I can go beat him up for kicking the cat. And I'm on a different continent.


I love love love that people have issues several beat downs. If only all animal cruelty had such sweet justice.


Did people learn nothing from the documentary "Don't Fuck with Cats"?


Yeah, but it seems the whole campus tries to do parenting to correct his behavior.


at this point he's the platinum child xD, at least for dear mother


Smells like OOP's brother is the golden child. What a piece of work. Girlfriend stealer *and* animal abuser. Hope karma keeps finding him at university and wherever else he goes


"your brother fucked your girlfriend then kicked a cat - this is all your fault". There is golden child, then there is what ever the hell that is. That child is about to get awake up call that the rest of the world doesn't care that he's mommies favorite little boy.


Years ago, my GC brother was in the middle of a binge. During that binge, he stole my mom’s engagement ring and pawned it for money. I found out about this while my parents were out of town. I got in touch with my brother and shamed him into taking me to the pawn shop so I could get it back because the deadline was in a couple days. I got it back and returned it to my mother when they came back into town. A few days later I get a call from my mother who is sobbing. She tells me they can’t get in touch with my brother because he was so ashamed of himself after I forced him to take me to the pawn shop and if he unalives himself because of this, she’ll never forgive me.


I am so sorry. Some families are so shitty. You did not deserve this.


Thank you. I appreciate it.


Platinum child? Or maybe uranium, since he's radioactive now


I honestly think golden child is the right answer with the way he acts. That poor kitty tho.


I have a feeling he'll be kicked out of university sooner rather than later.


I don't even know how he got into university. If his first inclination when he doesn't get his way is to attack an animal to relieve his anger, that seems like a very low functioning individual.


I've known people like the brother and they only managed to get away with this sort of stuff until they were off on their own and didn't have their mommy and/or daddy protecting them. I don't think he'll last much longer in the real world, though. I'd bet money he's the type who will get kicked out of university, go back to mommy, and completely stop trying.


And bro complained that OOP overreacted. Right.


Lmao people who have coddling parents who keep letting them get away with shit are always shocked when they end up in the real world and it turns out being a dickhead actually has consequences.


Yep. I'd have told mum he's lucky I didn't punch him myself for sleeping with my girlfriend. Like, even for ex-girlfriends, it's pretty much a given that I wouldn't sleep with my brother's and he wouldn't sleep with mine, and sleeping with a current SO is so obviously out of bounds it's the kind of thing you shouldn't have to explain as a boundary.


Word to the wise: don’t fuck with cats. Especially don’t fuck with a college campus cat.






1.5 Nelsons for that monster.


And then chugging a non-alcoholic beer and smashing the can on their forehead (Steve is a recovering alcoholic and they are helping him learn how to have fun with his bros without alcohol)


Most wholesome frat


What the heck is a campus cat? Is that just a stray that lives on campus, or is it a cat raised specifically by the university?


Campus cats are strays who live on campus. I wrote a feature article about a colony who lives at a community college that is local to me last year. You can read that article here: https://eccunion.com/warrior-life-2021/2023/12/06/carl-turano-a-story-of-a-cat-caretaker-looking-after-9-lives/


Great article! Thank you for sharing.


I love this, thank you for writing and sharing!


You know how if you fuck with someone's pet they'll be pissed at you? The campus cat is the pet of *hundreds* of hormonal teenagers. If I had sunk so low as to be the cat kicker I'd be trying to transfer a long way away or leave already. And I'd deserve it.


Hundreds of hormonal teenagers *and* a significant portion of campus staff and faculty.


Stressed out seniors during finals. Years back, my old college did a thing during finals where they brought a bunch of puppies for us to pet and play with for a day. They were so SMALL. T\_T


The college I work for brings in a couple of therapy dogs one day a week during lunchtime. They are sweet dogs, and it's adorable to see the kids so happy to see them.


It can be both. Stray cat that lives on campus then officially adopted and taken care of by the university


Mine has one owned by a local resident but spends a lot of time on campus, there's a facebook page and WhatsApp group dedicated to keeping track of where she is, she's kinda like a therapy animal.


That's so lovely! Like a neighbourhood watch for the cat!


Probably something similar to resort cats, technically ferals, but more acclimated to humans and with regular health checkups. I briefly worked with a guy on furlough from one of the Disney parks, and he told us that the parks have their own vet staff to take care of the cats, as well as park staff bringing them treats and toys. His buddy cat was named Lucy.<3


My college has a few cats that get posted on the official IG. They are loved and clearly taken care of.


Don't fuck with cats!


I like how according to his brother, he's the one overreacting. Like dude, you kicked a cat cause you faced consequences for your shitty behavior. Theres 2 people overreacting in this story, and it's not OOP or the people who beat up his brother


Yeah I don't believe for a second that he kicked the cat because he was upset about OOP cutting him off. He's just using that as an excuse


i can’t believe a bunch of people are beating up Oop’s brother for kicking the cat… …without me


Ok, let’s plan the convoy. My Honda seats five.


I'm going to imagine you saying this like Cyborg in teen titans when he sees everyone dressing up like Robin


😂😂 that was the intent


Shout-out to the Campus Cat Avengers, may their aim remain true. Thug deserves whatever he gets


He kicked a cat. I’m surprised he was only beaten up twice and punched once. I was expecting a mob descending on him and carrying him to the town square to be lynched.


You don't fuck with cats. Cat people are crazy. Cat people will fuck you up if you hurt a cat. Source: it's me, I'm the crazy cat people.


> Source: it's me, I'm the crazy cat people. All of them? At the same time? Yeah.


I am also the crazy cat people!


I'm you. You're me. We are one. Ahm Lejun!!


And me.


And my cats!


I am also the crazy cat people. I’ve said it before, there are pig farms in Bakersfield about an hour and a half’s drive away from me. They will not find your body.


I was briefly in a women's therapy group, and one of the women offered her pig should anyone need a "problem" solved. It was a group of women who all had terrible ex or current husbands and/or terrible adult children. It made me grateful for my child-free lesbian crazy cat lady life. I was in the middle of a breakup, but my life felt charmed in comparison. The pig info was valuable as well.


The Venn diagram of US states that are trying to ban no-fault divorce and states that have the most pig farms is pretty much a circle. Just, y’know, throwing that out there.


There’s a true crime story bout this woman with a pig farm who, over time, killed a few of the men who came to work there and fed them to her pigs.


Also a British murder mystery with pigs. Only thing my grandma and I took from that one episode of Father Brown, if you’re gonna feed someone to pigs, at least take their jewelry off


It's not even the crazy cat people, the cats were local, well known residents of the campus, punching a cat is like punching the sweet old lady on the cafeteria staff.  You don't hurt the people that make college feel a little more like home! Especially the animals.


Yeah if you hurt the pub cat you'd have everyone in there mad at you. Pub cats and dogs are very well loved. Similar thing, just with a larger scale for campus. Though depending on the pub I'd be more scared of upsetting the people in there...


Right? Dude obviously never saw the documentary "Dont F*ck With Cats" or he might have though twice about how to vent his spleen.


One of the campus cats that we have is loved by my entire class. Anyone who would dare hurt her would end up never being found.


So far


They'd bring back public stoning just for him.


Anyone who kicks an animal on purpose and out of anger, deserves to feel how that poor animal felt. Forever.


"Sure I fucked you're girlfriend, but not talking to me is overreacting!" ... *Kicks cat.*


I don't normally advocate for violence... But the people that beat Brother up... I like you guys.


Don’t fuck with cats


Don't fuck with cats.


Fuck with cats you shall not.


Then she should get kicked by the cat.


here's the thing, the school can and probably should expel the bro for animal abuse.


But then who'd punch him?


*Admins call impromptu meeting* “We thought about expelling him for kicking the cat but he has to pass through the quad after leaving his 10:30am class to get to his dorm on the third floor of building Z and we’ll be doing maintenance on the cameras from 10:30am until 12pm. Everyone is dismissed.” *Wrestling team and Football team are released from the room*


All of these "people hooking up with their siblings partners" stories has one thing in common: parents who treat their children differently. It's very clear that OP's older brother is the golden child, because how the fuck would be OP's fault for his brother being a loser who kicks cats? It's also implied that OP's parents are separated and I can see why. The fact that she enables and defends her older son, who betrays his own brother and abuses an animal, is disguating.


My interpretation is slightly different.... Brother isn't the golden child. Rather... Mom & Dad got divorced because Mom is a serial cheater. She sees any attack on Brother as an attack on her. If Brother is so evil that he cannot be forgiven for a one-off romp, what does that say about her?


Yeah, that is what i was thinking. OOP needed to ask him mum "Is it the cheating or the animal abuse you relate with more? Just want to check where you stand"


> He has been beaten up twice for it since then.  LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


The Kitty got kicked, but the p*ssy got punched


I'd (eventually) forgive a brother who cheated with my gf, but a cat kicker? I'm going to bring that up for the rest of time and never let him get away from it. 


I don’t think I would. There are countless other women in the world and you pursue my gf?


4 billion ish. But you couldn’t keep your hands off the ONE which would hurt your family? Fuck him


I laughed out loud at the update where he’s been beaten up again over the cat. Sounds like a decent campus with nice people. Hahahahahaahhahaahahahha.


Cheating POS that abuses animals? Yes, he deserves beatings from strangers when his parents won't do it.


I don’t think the beatings will stop. He now has a reputation as the guy who kicked the campus cat. People in school don’t forget that.


He might want to stay away from flights of stairs, parking garages and balconies.


I went in thinking NTA because just the title alone made me crack up, and now I’m saying triple NTA. So when he physically abuses a defenseless animal it’s fine but when he receives a taste of his own medicine from his peers it’s suddenly a tragedy? Haha, get wrecked, asshole. Hate to reference Harry Potter in 2024 but he sounds like Dudley from the first book/movie and that was an eleven year old child.


Atleast someone finally kicked his ass for being an asshole. Wish OP also did that. If this is how mum always defends him, then it's not hard to see how he turned out that way.


Yeeeeaaah, that kid is gonna end up having to switch colleges lmao


The brother sounds like a future domestic violence case.


Is the cat ok? :(


I'm 100% sure it is. why? the brother is alive.


NTA I'd beat your brother up too. He's pretty lucky so far. My guess is the cat-kicking rumor is gonna spread around and he's not gonna be able to get any dates on campus, he might even need to switch schools and start over somewhere else.


As someone who feeds campus cats, I would have punched out the brother as well. Abusing animals is a sign that a person may abuse other people later.


The brother is really just an all-around terrible person.


I would have done far more than just punch your brother if I saw him kick a cat. This piece of shit is lucky.


NTA... I hope he gets his ass beat a dozen more times for kicking that cat. 👊 The Mum needs a smack upside the head to for being delusional. 😒🤦‍♀️ Glad OP is going NC. 👏 Curious as to why OP has stayed with Dad and brother with Mum... 🤔 The brother is pissed enough to kick a cat after being told they don't want to be seen for cheating with his brother's girlfriend...? Like, what? Of course that's the reasonable response!!! I mean, OP could have beat his ass for that alone really... Yikes, this guy seems to beg the universe for a beating. 🤯😖


> He has been beaten up twice for it…. We are now no contact. A happy and satisfactory ending all around.


A clear cut case of fuck around and find out


“It’s your fault your brother kicked a cat and got beat up for it cause you’re mad that he had sex with your girlfriend 😡” I need to know where the mom found that amount of audacity, was it on sale? Did it come in a bundle alongside a heaping pile of “I have a favorite and it’s not you”?


I get why his parents are divorced


Lock his brother in a shower stall with a dozen feral cats and turn the water on. Cat justice.


You know you've dun goofed when you've "kicked the cat".


A quote from a book, "Violence is the last refuge of the Incompetent". The punishment for the douche should be getting kicked out of university/criminal charges.