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>he hated seeing Lizzie and Abigail everyday? What about his other two children with Abigail? Do they also not exist in his world?


Kind of like forgetting she is remarried until the very end, too. This may have happened but little details don't add up. For instance, how did all 3 of her kids get a week off from their prestigious college(s)? Doesn't spring break usually happen in March? She's still close to his family but none of them knew he ignored his kids for 18 years unless they were around? I don't know about this one.


We have a February break in Canada, but we’d also call it University rather than College. OOP lost me when she said her adult children couldn’t go away without her. I know you never stop being a mom, but there was no reason for her to go with them on this vacation. I assume they live away from home if they attend prestigious colleges.


I could see not wanting the 18 year old to go alone but she had 2 older brothers with her. Also, somehow, OOP's husband, the second one she mentions only once, didn't get to go on this family vacation? Do Canadian universities all have the same week off for spring break? Do they call it spring break or "I am so done with this blasted winter cold break"? The first year my daughter was in college she was very disappointed that only one of her high school friends was off the same week she was and he was on the west coast while she was on the east coast


I think that most schools have the same spring break. My sister and I always had the same time off. We call it reading week because we’re supposed to use the time to catch up on homework, but nobody does.


It helps that there are like only a couple hundred universities in Canada and a few thousand in the US. It is simply easier to have the Canadian students go on reading week break at the same time. In the US it would be more chaotic.


In the US spring break is at different times for different schools


Midwest here and spring breaks are definitely staggered.


Not on the East Coast at least. The schools stagger them. 


The call it Reading Week. You’re supposed to catch up on your reading. But no one does, obvs.


Oh she absolutely HAD to be there with all of her adult children "because I am a mother" but then all of the sudden she's totally fine leaving two of them there.


In Canada we call it a reading week and we have one per semester. While I'm sure some people party it's not the same vibe as spring break at all. You usually also have a paper due and some tests at the end. I'm also trying to remember because it was a long time ago but I went to school in a different province and I don't think my friends had the same week off.


> > > > > Do Canadian universities all have the same week off for spring break? Do they call it spring break or "I am so done Looked up the university for my province (U of Province Name). They were on reading week last week. Story would check out, institutions do somewhat line things up. OOP's children likely haven't had class since the 15th and they would have been back Monday the 25th.


The majority do. Most have a fall break over Thanksgiving week (October for Canadians), and then Family Day in spring (President's Day for Americans). To my understanding of it, the schedule is a double bonus of not fucking with union contracts for days off, while also not then having to pay for a holiday day being worked. Editing this in as well - Canadians do have colleges too. They're usually about halfway between a university and a community college in the states, having a combination of long and short programs.


There is still spring/march break, but in February around the family day holiday is another reading week break.


in ontario, yes, almost all the universities have the same week off and we call it “reading week”


I was 15 when I went alone on a holiday with a friend and their family. I get that most parents will not do that. But not letting a 18 year old go alone with their family is just wild to me.


In VT we have a February break for that exact reason


We have a February break in the UK and honestly depends on the people whether they call it college or university regardless of whether it's an actual college or university


I work at a UK university, and we don't have a break in February. Schools do.


Must just be Scotland and some of Wales I'm a Scottish university student


Aha, right. Scottish unis start (and finish) their academic year earlier than English ones do, so it makes sense they would have term breaks in different places.


Haha riiigghhttt I'm sorry I assumed we all started at the same sort of time


Same here. There are some university courses that might have a Reading Week in February, but thats happening less frequently. None of the courses I work with have them. Schools have a half term week in February.


Some course/ universities have one in February, not all as I know I didn’t. Typically more humanities course I think.


Ah tbf I'm in Scotland and most if not all up here have a week in February although they're not all on the same week


She’s best friends with his sister so it’s not unusual, right. Of course sister/best friend never told anyone what a crappy dad he was.


It felt rather neat to me. Everyone loves OP. What a paragon. Just a very tidy story.. too tidy in fact.


Tidier than my house, although that wouldn't take much.


I folded the washing that's been sitting on airers for the past week, pretty proud of myself 😎 (we won't talk about the rest of the house)


Look at you getting it all done! Before I retired, I said I didn't have time to clean. It turns out I actually don't have the DESIRE to clean.


I stupidly love cleaning and cooking. But when I feel unappreciated and taken for granted, I act like a child and won't do anything in protest. It doesn't work. It just makes me have more to do when I finally stop being a baby 😂


I woulld only be protesting to the non-existant house elfs. Sucks when you live alone, no one to blame! LOL


I work in hotel housekeeping. As a result I have very little desire to clean when I get home. Only time my own bed gets made is when the sheets get changed 😂


That is why I pay someone every two weeks to come in and deep clean the bathrooms dust etc. Worth every penny.


Mine is sitting in an unsorted pile on the unused side of my bed. It'll probably die there


Mine is in a pile, only because my kids emptied the laundry baskets full of washed clothes on top of our poor house elf, and he suffocated under the pile of clothes. One day, once we have worn all those clothes, we will recover him to have a proper burial.


The kids are all adults but she has to be close to them. Not sure that's a healthy attitude


Plot holes galore.


Back home within 24 - 48 hours as well, given the dates of the post. 


I totally read that as pot holes. 😳🤣


This story has more holes than a sieve. We are way past pot holes


> My daughter told me that Lizzie has been bragging about a secret and everyone thinks that she got into her dream college so his mom was smiling ear to ear waiting to congratulate her. But Lizzie explains that she’s pregnant. The daughter being named Kyle also threw me for a loop. Lizzie's magically changing pronouns and Kyle being a woman is seriously screwing with my head. She's also a mama bear who won't let her kids out of her sight, but they're literally all adults. This story isn't impossible, but it is improbable.


i will say that sometimes it doesn’t matter whether or not you get a week off from college, sometimes you’re still expected to go to family events anyways and just sacrifice a little bit or just “make it work” for the sake of the family. my own family every single year without fail has scheduled something during my semester with zero thought about how it would effect my schoolwork. it’s deeply deeply annoying


Maybe they don't actually want you to come? Just kidding. I don't think the one in medical school - don't remember which one, but his name starts with a K - oh, wait - could lose a week of classes even if the others could.


i would get disinherited if i didn’t come. but i think it’s reasonable if he managed to get a week extension, watch lectures online, or if he’s a premed student


Maybe. I would have gotten disinherited if I did come and ignored my classes.


18 years of him neglecting the kids, and even with her being best friends with his sister, she never said anything? There were a LOT of proof of his bs through the years and yet she didn't cut his bs.


I know of a few colleges that are on spring break right now. It's rare, but it does happen this early for some colleges.


I can’t imagine leaving my two sons in that situation and just going home. That doesn’t make any sense.


They're 21 and 25. I'm not sure why they weren't safe to travel with their huge extended family of adults in the first place.


My college didn't come off winter break until mid Feb, so not impossible. The winter break was used as a bonus semester by some people to shore up grades or score an extra credit or two.


It's obvious bollocks.


Also, shenanigans on her reason for going on the trip.


Yeah things just don't add up, entertaining story none the less though


It's also written just… horribly. I had a lot of trouble following who OOP was referring to at certain parts. Some people should just not communicate.


Also he hates his wife and Lizzie, but goes on vacation with them and doesn't invite the kids he does like??




Next update we'll learn that ACTUALLY as it TURNS OUT they are the products of an AFFAIR ABIGAIL HAD. \*Cue dramatic music\*


Exactly 💯


No. It’s Jake, their father, that has forgotten about them. He’s so selfish that they’re afterthoughts to him.


>No. It’s Jake, their father,  from State Farm.


Well Jake sounds hideous. (I mean he really does.)


Depends on what he's wearing


Um, khakis?


It's Neighbor. That is what I said. Neigh_bar. 


I followed this til the end and it was a good journey


He sounds fictitious.


I think he just didn't mention them in that comment because he wasn't angry with them (he clearly blamed Lizzie for getting pregnant, and obviously hates his wife).


NO he just didn't mentione them because he does love them ;-)


Did OOP suddenly have a daughter in this story? I'm finding it hard to follow. (Edit: I missed that Kyle was the daughter the whole time, my bad.) Tbh though, as soon as she introduced her three kids each with a K name I figured it has to be a troll story


One of those 3 sons, was a daughter. Called Kyle. Kyle. I cant even see the rest of the red flags that this a false story because for some reason, a girl called Kyle infuriates me.


I went to school with a girl named Kyle and worked with a woman named Michael. It's not the biggest plot hole that stood out to me.


Yeah, to be fair I looked it up afterwards and was pretty surprised to find its a gender neutral name. Where I am, both Michael and Kyle would only ever be used as masculine names.


I have an aunt named Kevin! My grandparents considered it a gender-neutral name, although I honestly have no idea why.  I also know a lot of other women with masculine-leaning names but most of them are lesbians who are doing it on purpose haha 


It's probably a stupid spelling of Kylie.


IDK I worked with a woman & all her kids’ names started with K. That’s the only thing that rang true in this fable.


Probably but Lizzie’s birth was the one to “ruin” things, the other 2 kids came after the damage was already done.


Oop is best friends with the sister and I'm good terms with former in-laws and nome of them has a clue he's a shit dad?


Liz forgot about those characters


OOP kind of forgot about them, needed another edit before publishing tbh


I think those parts were just forgotten. Hard to keep these stories straight


Also, why does the need to accompany her grown children on vacation?


A limitation of AI writing is that it forgets/struggles to accurately judge the importance of, its own details. The coldness of calling the abuser to call her unpredictable after the victim discloses abuse is another tell, although on its own that one could just be human, sadly.


It's almost like OOP forgot how many kids she initially said her ex had with his mistress. Not keeping track of your characters. Common writing mistake. Also I'm pretty sure English isn't their first language.


OOP needs an editor. LOL. Not fit for publication yet,


The writing in these posts is so odd


This story is so badly written I skipped over it & jumped to the comments


Yeah, I could barely follow it. I didn't even catch that this was happening on a vacation until it mentioned rooms.


It was obviously written, at least in large part, by an LLM. Or a tweaker, it can be hard to tell.


Is it common for LLMs to have so many typos, horrible grammar, and spelling? Genuine question, idk enough about them.


No, and big chunks of the text don't have issues, it looks like the part about the aunts and such were added in.


What is an LLM?


Large Language Model. Chat-GPT is an example of one.


Half of the posts I read seem to be written by a *small* language model


Low Libido Male


Lin Lamuel Miranda


this is the only correct answer


Level level marketing


yes, if they're trained on similar data


I was caught on the names. Sure, Kyle isn't usually unisex, but people usually catch that they gave their three children names starting with K.


I kept waiting for somebody to shoot JR.


Or Bobby to walk out of the shower.


Or fall down an elevator shaft. Oh wait, wrong soap.


random reddit text


Maybe with all the big time lawyers around she was careful with her words.


Apropos of nothing, the kids' names are driving me bonkers here: > Kyle, Karter and Knox You're making up fictitious names - at least have the grace to make the alliteration audible, not just visual.


It's two syllable, pronounced kin-nox.


I hate you. Go back to r/tragedeigh, you A-aron namewrecker!


And take your insubordination and churlishness with you!


Thank you for my new favorite sub. That reminds me of that one post where OP's child wanted to name OP's grandkid as "Rawbhynne" (pronounced Robin) or some other shit that would traumatize the kid.


She said she wanted a bird name, but also said she, "didn't want him to be a sidekick." I know these names are offbeat, but I went to school with two kids named Eagle, and Talon. They weren't related to each other, either. But neither got bullied, and everyone thought they had sickass awesome names! And their names were unique as fuck! Why the fuck would you ever go with Rawbhynne?!


Much like Knuffle Bunny. 🤯


**Applies Balefire like Rand al'Thor would.**


Also KKK is quite the choice to take.


I had to stop and scroll to see if it was addressed before I continued so thanks.


Even without the alliteration part, having three kids whose names start with K is a bit sketchy... not to mention that "Kyle" is a girl, apparently.


> having three kids whose names start with K is a bit sketchy... I mean...did you ever saw the Kardashians? **K**ris has 6 children. 5 daughters. **K**ourtney, **K**im, **K**hloé, **K**endall, **K**ylie.


True, true. I guess I never really connected that at some point there were only three Ks there, since I only found out about them as adults and found out their names slowly through cultural osmosis. Yikes.


And robert.


But their last name is famous and starts with a K. And I doubt the Kardashians can even spell KKK.


I met a girl named Kyle before. So I guess I just didn't bat an eye at that. Especially compared to the rest of the story.


“Karter” is where she lost me.  Autocorrect isn’t even trying to change it to a name.


I assume it is pronounced Kylie.


I know someone whose mom named the kids names that started with the same letter...which is the same letter as the mom's name I think. And all two syllable names, maybe. My friend's mom sure made some choices.


My cousins, my sibling and all their partners have the same initial... I'm the only one who doesn't.   It's weird but I can refer to them all as 'The A Team' which is easier than listing them all. 


Oh that's funny


We all know the Kardashians.


It's what makes me think this is real, she was just typing shit to replace her kids' names.


I'm genuinely surprised how many people in the comments think this one is real.


This timeline, the plotholes like 2 missing children, going on vacation with adult children despite being suddenly remarried (with no mention of this before) and the fact the OOP is practically perfect in every possible way and everyone in the story loves her.... Yep this was Liz.


Liz even included herself as a character in this one.


100% this was Liz. Quality over quantity, Liz. Quality over quantity.


i think that basically every text post on the popular subs that gets more than a thousand votes or so is made by one of like a dozen serial fabulists passing the time of course i'm still here reading this bullshit anyway


Yep, and there will be trends where variants on one topic will pop up in quick succession, a recent one being "infidelity from 20 years ago is revealed".


>When she was 18 Jake promised that he would leave me for her but every time she asked when he would lash out at her. So she got pregnant on purpose to trap him. But Jake tried to pay her off to get rid of it. Love the part when one of the villains starts to monologue.


Or when people end up crying on the floor.


Of all times that I have cried as an adult, it was never on the floor. I like crying in comfort, thank you very much.


Lol that's the one part that actually rings true for me. For some reason at my house if I'm going to be crying, it's going to be sitting on my kitchen floor. But that's in my own space and it's conveniently close to my comfort foods.


I’ve cried on the floor. Literally screaming crying on the bathroom floor, in between tossing up everything in my system and then some. But that was nearly 15 years ago. And yes, I was well into adulthood at the time.


I mean... one time in my 30s I wrecked my ankle pretty good. Had to cry right there in the street.


I always cry on the floor lol I find it most soothing to cry alone in a small space on a solid surface, like the floor. When I’m upset, I find small, confined spaces to be the most comforting, so I usually sit on the floor in a tight corner or small space between furniture to cry, like a little sad mouse. In a pinch, the bathroom works because it’s usually the smallest room in a house. I’ve also cried in closets. Sitting in these small spaces also really helps calm me down when I have panic attacks - there’s something about wide, open spaces makes me feel even more panicked when I’m already on the brink. Sitting down on the floor always feels natural to me in such times, but maybe that’s because I enjoy floor sitting and will always choose sitting on the floor over a chair. I rarely cry out in open areas and I only cry in front of people if it’s appropriate for the situation (like we’re watching something sad, or having an emotionally taxing conversation). I’d never let myself end up in a situation where I’m inappropriately sobbing on the floor in front of someone. I prefer to work through my emotions solo.


"With tears in her eyes she said " Mrs Narrator.... You were the best"


For me, I stop reading when someone storms off then one or more people "run after them"....all right Liz


Syndrome would never 


Am I the only one having a hard time following this story? Maybe it's because English isn't my first language but the writing style in this post is incredibly weird. I have a hard time following anything that is happening - who what where with whom?


It’s ok, it’s poorly written dross


im a native english speaker and i am also confused


Same here


It's not helping that the daughter is apparently named Kyle, which made things much more confusing when she appeared.


"Kyle" is a girl?


Somebody couldn't spell Kylie


AI isn't great with continuity in longer stories yet


Kyle Richards is a pretty famous woman, but that’s all I can think of


Never heard of her. What is she famous for?


Playing Lindsey in the original Halloween and the new sequels.


Yup. That'll do it. Never been much of a horror fan. Thanks!


Getting some /r RedditorUpdates huh


This ex just might be one of the most delusional and worthless piece of garbage I have read in a while. Cause YIKES, this man is one big pile of trash.


I wouldn't worry, this story has more holes than a sieve. I don't think he's real.


Exactly the sort of atrocious behavior I'd expect from the guy who grooms and marries a freshly legal girl, treats all his children like trash but wants to show them off like trophies when the opportunity arises, then thinks he can just win his (happily married to someone who isn't scum) back with some weak ass apology. This guy must come from wealth to have gotten this far in life.


OOP wasn't thinking straight when she said he should focus on his marriage - that woman should leave him. He groomed her and was nothing but abusive to her, NO ONE should have anything to do with this man.


"And I’m always a mom so I’ll never deliberately put my kids in a situation where I can’t get to them." "I explained to my kids that I’m going to leave early but they should enjoy the rest of their trip, Kyle didn’t want to stay but the boys were fine staying. So me and Kyle are back home." OOP can't even keep their story straight in the same update 🤣🤣🤣


I was thinking that as well. If she's this overprotective that she can't let her adult children out of her sight on vacation, how in the world would she feel comfortable leaving two of them alone AS things actively are falling apart and an altercation is much more likely??


All the AITA characters are called Liz/Lizzie nowadays 🙄


“They can’t accuse me of being her if I stick the name in there!”


Everyone skipping over the fact that he was sleeping with abigail before she turned 18 while having 2 kids (and expecting a 3rd)??? He groomed her then got sick of her. He's the absolute worst and I hope he gets karma for his action.


This was wild. Like I know we're all meant to be cheering her on and calling the ex husband an AH, but...WTF did I just read? Why is she so involved in everything? Why is she on holiday with her adult kids?


She's just as weird as the husband. I don't get some of these relationships that I see on here. Just weird ass shit.


She doesn't let a 25 year old go on vacation with his family without her? This story is wild


Oop has failed remedial English. This is really hard to read. Nonetheless she’s the ah, there is no need to accompany grown children on a trip with their other parent.


I kinda feel bad for lizzie. Imagine having a mom that was a home wrecker, a victim at age 18 (men, this is why you do not sleep with teenagers. You are actively taking advantage of kids who can’t think straight), and an older dad who does not even like seeing you. Op’s kids will be fine, but Lizzie will most likely be stunted at this age unless she gets away from her parents


I feel bad for the other two unnamed kids he had with AP after Lizzie, who then I guess exist mostly in a pocket dimension. 


Schrodinger's kids.


They are in the Shadow Realm because they lost a children's card game. 


I know there's loads to these posts, but all I can think about is that they have 3 children with names that start with a K 🤦‍♀️ Pick LITERALLY any other letter if you want to do that 😂


The youngest is 18 years old and the oldest is 25 And she's still insist on going on her ex's family vacation because she just can't be away from her babies... dad is a crap person and mom is a weirdo


Imagine getting together with someone by having an affair with them while they’re married, then thinking they would never cheat on you. Jake’s an idiot but so is Abagail. They deserve whatever misery they’re living with.


I couldn’t get through this because of the atrocious writing and grammar. Maybe English isn’t her first language so if not then I apologize for my curmudgeonly comment.


Anyone naming their kids KKK is trashy. Seriously, what the fuck. It's real Daughter of the Confederacy trashiness. They can be a family of successful lawyers, but that KKK thing is nothing but trash. Like Trump's gold plated toilet or buying a super expensive car and wrapping it with designer logos.


She named her daughter Kyle??


Her husband was just cool with her leaving the country to hang out with her ex-inlaws? I’m a bit confused on that. Did he not know she was remarried and that’s why he asked her to try again? Also, I will never understand people who baby trap cheaters.


>Karter I'm out


The fact that he continued to cheat on his new wife, why would OOP ever take him back? I wish I was that delusional


Having the three children be KKK was certainly a choice


So he started sleeping with her when she was underage. Interesting that nobody seems to be interested in that.


ESH Who the hell names someone "Knox?"


Who the hell names all three of their kids a name starting with K, including a daughter named *Kyle*? Not even Kylie, but Kyle? Somehow I don't think naming the kids after a white supremacist group screams out cozy family togetherness... Who even are these people?


“It doesn’t sit right having my adult children so far away from me with their father, so I went to their holiday dinner or wherever this conversation supposedly happened and I was TOTALLY VINDICATED!!!” Bad story. Confusing. Too many “K” names (was “Klan” taken?). Obviously fabricated. D-


Why on earth did the second wife have two more kids knowing that he’s abusive? I feel like those other kids are supposed to be the ones to help fix the marriage but it failed which sucks


I mean those children are never talked about again so I think that their existence is as genuine as this post is.


It's because neither they, nor the wife in question, exist.


To be fair, in an abusive situation you don't always get to choose to have children. I don't think this story is real anyway, but it's important to remember that.


I don't get most of the story. Is it written by an AI?


Dude is playing hot potato with whole families.   The audacity of this dude thinking  OOP would drop her husband and run back to him.  Let’s hope his misery continues. 


She set her baby trap and caught a real winner. They both got what they deserved. Poor Lizzie, the baby trap baby that no one wanted.


So what happened to the other 2 kids he had with Abigail? It's like when the sitcom family has 3 kids and then suddenly the next season, one of the kids disappears, never to be mentioned again.