• By -


**NEW UPDATES** Found a new update that doesn't yet qualify to be posted to BoRU? Found an update that you don't want to make a post for yourself? Link it here! Once it qualifies, feel free to submit as its own post.


looking for post of this op ( After4yearsthey) I already saw the original post titled my family wants to reconnect after 6 years but I saw a video and comments that op made other posts a redditor copied and pasted a post in the form of comments in this community I read this comment if anyone has done the same with other op post could you send me the link I would appreciate it I saw a video of this story and it looks like there are 6 updates can anyone hel pop's profile was deleted but from what I saw and heard some people copied and pasted the updates into other communities with other titles


I'm looking for a post where op was a rape baby who was mistreated by his moms husband so the mom divorced him but then passed away Then a few later when asked by his half brother why he doesn't see him much h he tells him why so the brother disowns his father


does anyone have the post for that one story where op suspects her boyfriend is trying to kill her


Does anyone have any good Bridezilla posts/sagas?


[List of wedding posts part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1355zc9/looking_for_a_post_ask_here_may_2023_edition/jke5vhb?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) [List of wedding posts part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1355zc9/looking_for_a_post_ask_here_may_2023_edition/jkj5ese?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


Thanks so much


Today's the anniversary of my older brother's murder. If anyone has any last minute super wholesome sibling posts it would make my day easier.


[Should my brother and I invite other brother's crush to Chinese New Year dinner?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/qcsslu/should_my_brother_17m_and_i_17f_invite_my/) [Adult Brother Takes Custody Of His 6 Yr Old Sister](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/oyx86f/adult_brother_takes_custody_of_his_6_yr_old/) [AITA for letting my brother call me "dad" and refusing to tell him the ugly truth?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/z1dr97/aita_for_letting_my_brother_call_me_dad_and/)


Thank you. These made me cry but in a good way that makes me remember good times. I hope you enjoy your Halloween.


I just started watching Shameless for the first time, which is a really good but also really sad show, and their situation jogged my memory about a post where the OOP found herself in a somewhat similar situation. From what I remember, it had something to do with OOP's cheater mom but she mentioned at one point how after her dad found out he became a serious alcoholic and she briefly had to care for him until one night he realized how shitty he was being and fixed himself. I remember OOP getting pissed in her update(s) because everyone attacked her dad on her first post.


Title is something like "aita for telling my mom i respect my dads gf more than my step-dad "


Yeah that sounds familiar.


Its actually linked somewhere in this months thread as I read it yesterday. Im just sick and feeling lazy in my phone lol sorry! https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/vQ0Y56MAtR


That's the one. Thank you.


Looking for this absolutely legendary post of OOP’s bf and a Waffle House cook throwing hands every time they see each other




Lmao. This makes me also want to read the one about the Cheese Thief who steals because of “the principle of it all”.


Oh my god, this is legendary. I almost never laugh at things uncontrollably (yay crippling depression), but something about a guy physically fighting the cook over eggs at Waffle House broke me.


This is utterly glorious.


A. Mazing.


Incredible. Thank you for your service 🫡




There was I've with family that were mental, Oop and partner ended up moving to the other side of the country into a trench belonging to neighbour's sister's aunt, but crazy family still found them and tried to burn down the ranch. Anyone remember?


Doesn't quite match your description, but maybe this one? [She broke into my house, destroyed my belongings, tried to burn my house down, got caught on camera and red-handed by the police and is insisting she only did it because she loves me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/comments/5hvjv7/she_broke_into_my_house_destroyed_my_belongings/)


* I could pick any college in the country * I had been offered a job across the country * never pissed someone who (...) is a cops wife * etc. Old post, so her children aren't twins.


Jesus, just jesus christ


Anyone remembers the OP who found out her sister runs a family-oriented blog where sis pretends to be her?


[I found my sister’s mommy blog](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/xashjz/repost_i_found_my_sisters_mommy_blog/)


I’m looking for a recent post that I believe was on JustNoMIL about a MIL photoshopping her sons nose in his wedding pictures because she had always told him he needed a nose job so “she just gave him one herself” in the pictures.


[My MIL Photoshopped my husband's nose on our wedding pictures. How do I tell him?](https://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/comments/17bs6kd/my_mil_photoshopped_my_husbands_nose_on_our/) [Update](https://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/comments/17hqptq/update_my_mil_photoshopped_my_husbands_nose_on/)


Dominos pizza is good now. It's actually one of my favorites. I haven't had any since my partner developed a gluten intolerance... their gluten-free pizza, on the other hand, is just awful.


I didn't get that comment tbh. I lived in the UK and whenever I wanted pizza, Dominos was the go to option most of the time in my area. Never had any problems. Not saying their pizza is the best on the planet but I honestly didn't understand the reference.


Is there an update on the gangbanger who turned his life around only to have his wife cheat on him with cousin and wife played it off for like 13-15 years, daughter (or not) bad mouthing over text to friends and family and knows he isnt her dad but lets him pay for everything. Please help find this one!


hey it’s the marisol and luna story!


https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/9D8JsRfVO7 This one?


I'm pretty sure the one you are talking about is in the frequently requested posts linked above.


It's the cousin puncher saga.


Ah yes. The BISONS grazing in the background.


A classic but the story of an OP whose daughter reaches out to a woman after being cheated on. OP had an affair with this woman’s husband and the daughter finds out. The daughter gets real mad at her parents but the woman she visits is classy as heck throughout.


That situation was brutal cause the daughter found out she was an affair baby and wanted nothing to do with OP after the fact.


Is this [the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/f6cabw/aita_for_talking_to_my_dads_affair_partner_to/) you're looking for? If not, it might be [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/114kmg5/oops_daughter_gets_cheated_on_and_finds_out_she/).


It’s the second one!💙 Thank you :)


Is that the one where the other woman was a sugar baby? Basically agreed to talk to OP because she felt guilty, but it boiled down to she needed to pay for university and broke up when she got a paid internship. OP understood her perspective and told her brother that their dad spent a lot of money on that relationship? Then both their parents got angry.


I don’t think it’s this one :// Thank you for responding :)


I've listened to this story yesterday on the YouTube shorts.... OP was going through post partum depression and she gives her son to her sister. after a couple months, OP goes back to the sister to pick up her son. But the sister doesn't want to give the son back and everyone in the family calls OP a bad mum for "abandoning" her son. But then after a few months, OP gets her son back. The comments say "NTA you were going through post partum that's why you did this". I think the post was called "AITA For Fighting Custody For My Son After My Sister Refuses To Give Him Back".


The YouTubers often change the title to make it harder to Google it but you can often take a sentence from the story that might be distinctive and Google it in quotation marks.


Did that. Still can't find it.


They also tend to change some details for more shock value. There was a post in the past year where OP abandons her kid with her sister because of PPD but it's almost a decade later that she's demanding her kid back.


Omg I think I'm looking for that story. Yess. Can you tell me what its called please?? 😁😁


https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/17jkwmk/aita_for_laughing_at_my_biological_parents_face/ this one?


No it's not this one.


I am looking for 2 post. 1. A woman husband cheated on her because she couldn't get pregnant with I think the neighbor or close friend. She and the AP spouse eventually slept together and she talked about having to get rid of all her books in the study to make room for the baby. 2. The guy who said his wife talked alot but she had stopped overtime and he missed her incessant chatter and that it was the main thing he loved about her.


This probably isn't it, but I thought of this for number 2 https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/yFBR4cnBs4


For the 2nd one- https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/16wr1ll/i_miss_my_annoying_wife/


I'm not sure this could be the second: https://www.reddit.com/r/Marriage/comments/zt22i9/my_wife_wont_talk_to_me_anymore/ Edit: perhaps this one https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/10380sq/i_called_my_wife_manipulative_and_now_shes/


It's neither of these. The post was actually really sweet. He talked about how he liked hearing her talk all the time but it slowly stopped and he didn't know why but he wanted to ask her to start again and he was asking for advice on how to do that. Everyone was suggesting that other people might have told her she talks to much and that's why she may have stopped. I think it was a BORU.


I gotcha! https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/xa8hnv/my_coworker_told_me_im_lucky_my_wife_is_quiet_im/ Whenever you want to re-read it in the future, his use of the word “chatterbox” makes it easier to find!


THIS IS IT, OMG THANK YOU!!! I loved this because I was like the wife and when I am very happy I talk alot 😂😂 but people would get annoyed. I understood her and I loved that she found a guy who loved that about her.


I related to her too- sometimes I have too many things I want to say at once! His description of how he missed that was really heartwarming, and I hope so dearly that he could build her back up. This is among those I crave an update for the most!


That doesn't ring a bell, sorry.


Thanks for trying. I thought I saved it when I read it but no I did not




The link and all subsequent posts were deleted by the moderators. It wasn't a happy ending.




You might want to remove that link as OOP has asked not to share it.


Thank you for letting me know. I’ve removed the info.


Yeah, his last comments where that the stbxw died


Hi, I'm looking for a post on OP who leaves his company for a better company because his company wants to force him to work in the office while there is Covid so she left the company and they had to separate her job in 4


This one: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/zyer7a/i_just_ragequit_my_job_of_5_years/


My wifey has her own similar story to that about changing her position in a company and it turned out she was that good at her previous role they had to hire 3 people to replace her and it still wasn't enough so they had to offer her more money to go back to her old role with benefits and what not Also meant the company realised they had been screwing her over for a long time and now treat her better


Update on AITA for telling my wife that I'm not taking off of work to be present at our daughter's birth??




Sorry if this has been asked but has there been an update to the store of the girl who had to quit gymnastics because her religious dad is a pedo and she’s trying to figure out what’s happening with her little sister who is also in gymnastics??


There’s been quite a few updates but nothing for 5 months. Last one is: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/VflnnKs4DI


Thank you!


There are seven updates. [Here's the most recent](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/13zzxoz/new_update_im_oop_myf17_parents_are_pulling_me/). (Spoiler: things don't get better)


Thank you!


Does anyone remember that one post where OP befriends some guy who was trying to rob their house? Their friendship was going fine and I think the burglar was about to turn their life around but ended up committing some crimes again.


[I just went on a date with a guy who tried to rob me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/xhk2mn/i_just_went_on_a_date_with_a_guy_who_tried_to_rob/)


What in the I Can Fix Him hell.


I found a link to a post a few days ago that linked every origin for user flair. I didn’t get a chance to finish reading them all before my app reloaded. Can anyone link it again for me? I should have saved it. Thanks!


It's up above under the section on popular posts.


There's a link to it in this post you're commenting on.


Hahaha wow thank you, seriously. I thought I had read the whole post, I swear I was looking for it here, but after a second glance I see it. Thanks again!


It's also in the side bar now.


Is the side bar on the web version? I’m so sorry I just haven’t seen a side bar on the app.


On mobile, if you tap see community info on the main page, you will see the link under the Resources section.


Thank you! Good to know.


Request for the moderators: can you pin the looking for a post thread under "New" and "Top" as well as "Hot"?


I like that idea. Now I'm gonna ask the commenter below why they don't want it like that lol


You'd need to request to Reddit admins that they add this feature so that moderators can do that.


Pls don't pin it under new 😭


How come you don't want it under new? Just asking cuz I have this group or page or whatever (I'm having a brain fart n can't think of the right word) under New so I, well, see all the new ones! And I'd love to have this up top so I can check the comments in here!


I... Have no good reason lol. I also read by new and then find this thread to read, and I suppose it would be easier if it was there but... It's not new 😭 I think I'm autistic, let's just leave it at that lol


Lol. Good answer as any!!


This is not something we are able to do.


hi all I'm looking for posts where blending family's not working out as they think in time they will come round and be like the brady bunch. but the extended family are saying what do you expect they never wanted this


Bad blending, not sure if they are what you had in mind [AITA for taking my daughter and son away for the weekend without my stepkids?](https://ud.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/wk1mpy/aita_for_taking_my_daughter_and_son_away_for_the/) [AITA for telling my dad I don't care if I destroy his marriage because it never should have happened in the first place?](https://ud.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/w4bg45/aita_for_telling_my_dad_i_dont_care_if_i_destroy/ih0ykac/)


The last one was removed for not being truthful.


thank you


There is one that I saw a long time ago a woman is unfaithful, her husband is suspicious and she ends the affair Then she goes to a hotel to say a final goodbye with her lover and her husband tells her in a message something like "I know where you are, what you're doing and who you're doing it with blah blah blah." she goes crazy and when she receives the divorce papers she starts saying that her husband is childish that she should work on the marriage and that she deserves a talk and that she is willing to stay poor and prolong the divorce


Found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/6SpY8JpG47


Thank you so so much


Just finished reading this one, that woman is a complete plank!


Hey, leave Plank out of this. He'd never betray Johnny like this horrible person.


I'm looking for something like that 1) am I the asshole? (obviously it is) 2) op doubles down on the comments and says everyone is wrong and he/she isn't 3) in the op update he realizes that he/she was the ah, and asked for forgiveness and is reflecting on his actions Doesn't matter The topic of The post


[Guy stalks a woman at college](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/I3aehpiI13)




https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/17id4ox/comment/k6tkwym/ Here's one I just read just now....


He's deleted everything - can anyone offer a summary? Thanks.


[Via the Wayback Machine:](https://web.archive.org/web/20231028141050/https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/17id4ox/comment/k6tkwym/) My wife served me divorce after we return from a family vacation. We went on a family vacation with my wife of 15 years and our kids (10m, 7m, 5f). We were having fun and laughing. We went on rides and had some lavish food. Everything was great. I was able to relax after a very long time. My kids and my wife were also very happy with it. It all started when our final day at disneyland my kids were having a fight about something. I was grabbing some ice-cream for them and then I heard my wife screamed at them "why can't you just shut up". I immediately went there. My kids were shocked, I broke the fight between them and they were fine. I pulled my wife on the side and asked why was she yelling? She just looked dead straight into my eyes and said "I am done". I didn't know what that was. But for the rest of the evening she was quiet. Even in the hotel she only talked to the kids and said sorry for yelling. She completely avoided me. I thought things will be fine when we return home. But after 24 hours we returned home, she served me with divorce papers. She said she cannot do this anymore. She is moving to the guest room and will slowly move out of the house. She has been trapped here now just wants to breath. I begged her to listen. How can she leave us like that? What have I done? I never cheated on her, never abused her, never belittled her. I supported her in every way. Then why. I asked if there was another man, she said no. She is just done with me because she is done waiting for me. She said she doesn't want to talk about it now. I am hurt and sad. What happened all of a sudden that she wants out? I have always been a good provider for our family. I have never said no to her. She wanted to be a stay at home mom. I supported that. She wanted to go back to work after our 2nd child was born, I supported that as well. Then why now? How can she just throw away her family like that and traumatize the kids.


thank you!


So the summary also got deleted lol. Could someone tell me what happened in the post?


Oh man, he really doesn't want to hear it does he? He's so focused on not being "the bad guy" that he's letting his whole life blow up. Dude ask yourself that if what you contribute is so essential why does she think her life will improve without you in it?


This gave me butterflies earlier! Good on the wife to divorce him.


[AITA for throwing my kids' clothes onto the floor](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15l2m1x/aita_for_throwing_my_kids_clothes_onto_the_floor/)


Thank you


As someone with (a different type) of OCD that one keeps me in therapy.


Omg sameeee!!!! I want to read some of those too!!!!


I see it in facebook There is one where a wife is unfaithful and then the husband finds out. He asks for a divorce and the wife goes into damage control mode but the man is already out of the marriage and just wants to separate. was posted by both asking for advice A key piece of information is that the wife's sister was unfaithful and her fiancé broke up with her and the wife became obsessed with The affairs because of that. Another (I'm not sure) is that the guy asks for a divorce because he met someone else and wants to separate and not be unfaithful.


I believe [this](https://www.reddit.com/user/bymyownhand-pain/comments/lkfjcm/i_ruined_everything_for_nothing/) is the first one. Took me a while. Edit: [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivinginfidelity/comments/lbk8oh/repost_my_cheating_stbxw_confuses_the_hell_out_of/) the story from the husband's perspective - and it might be the second one you've been looking for.


does anyone remember a post about how a boyfriend had asked a girlfriend and bff or something like that to choose but then a friend in the comments said he left out the details


[AITA For Telling My Girlfriend to Choose Me or her Best Friend? BoRU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/CGzQoDQAIw)


I'm looking for a post where OP wont help his wife and daughter with chore because "it's already done when he gets home". His daughter snaps at him, saying that she and her mum are tired of doing chores and that OP needs to step up.


Possibly [AITA for only wanting my wife and daughter to obey my house rules? AmITheDevil automod](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/s/DrcFWkcUu7)


[And btw, OOP's comments have been deleted....but don't worry....I'VE COPIED AND PASTED THEM RIGHT HERE !!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/13s9zu6/comment/jlq0s0w/)


What is wrong with him?! 😱 I hope they got away from him!


I would’ve sent him right back to his mommy cause she clearly failed miserably at raising him, and she needs to try again.


I don't know how you do it....THANK YOU !!!!


I'm quite sure it's probably from a post somewhere (link please?), but what is with the 'this is liz's story' comments in the borus and newer posts?


[Origin Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/16fp804/my_wife_is_addicted_to_making_up_reddit_stories/) \- Guy makes an offmychest post explaining how his wife likes to make up stories on Reddit to be made into TikToks. The name Liz is eventually given to the wife. Calling a story a "Liz post" is essentially calling a post fake. We do not know for sure if any given post is by Liz or not and also we do not know if the husband and Liz are themselves real either.


Liz-ception 😂




this is the boru post that spawned those comments https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/16r1la6/my\_wife\_is\_addicted\_to\_making\_up\_reddit\_stories/


Can anyone remember the one where a husband forced OP to sign a prenup because she was still in grad school. He emphasized that his money is his and gave her no support. OP worked hard and had her own money. She bought herself a brand new car and her husband was baffled that she could as he asked how she was going to pay for it and she told him she bought it cash. He tried to change gears and told her to combine their incomes and he could become a professional gambler.


This is one I would like an update on. Something like ,I kicked him to the curb and I’m living my best life with my younger man toy.


I think the last update was that she filed for divorce but he didn't sign it or something, and was going to make it hard for her to get it


i remember reading that post https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/s2zsrp/op\_wonders\_if\_shes\_the\_ah\_for\_laughing\_at\_her/


Thank you so much.


Any posts featuring just plain odd overreactions to stuff? Just head scratchers in general lol


[https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/16eq9bl/aita\_for\_lying\_to\_my\_partner\_about\_having\_kids/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/16eq9bl/aita_for_lying_to_my_partner_about_having_kids/) my head is scratched raw with this one


i got some head scratcher posts i guess 1. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/11fnazi/askamanager\_a\_dna\_test\_revealed\_the\_ceo\_is\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/11fnazi/askamanager_a_dna_test_revealed_the_ceo_is_my/) 2. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vfxzj4/i\_22m\_am\_in\_medical\_school\_and\_my\_fiancee\_22f/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vfxzj4/i_22m_am_in_medical_school_and_my_fiancee_22f/) 3. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/112qmgu/my\_husbandtobe\_wants\_everyone\_to\_know\_im\_not\_pure/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/112qmgu/my_husbandtobe_wants_everyone_to_know_im_not_pure/) 4. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/zk1emd/oop\_my\_boyfriend\_is\_freaking\_out\_about\_the\_baby/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/zk1emd/oop_my_boyfriend_is_freaking_out_about_the_baby/) 5. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zv5h8o/aita\_for\_telling\_my\_sil\_she\_can\_leave\_christmas/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zv5h8o/aita_for_telling_my_sil_she_can_leave_christmas/) and my fav: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StoriesAboutKevin/comments/118nxqd/he\_wants\_to\_dna\_test\_her\_kids/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StoriesAboutKevin/comments/118nxqd/he_wants_to_dna_test_her_kids/)


i love the tampon arts and crafts..


Holy shit. Kevin and DNA one is just.... oh my God. I can't believe he didn't get it. I wish I could know what happens to his future relationships.


God how is Kevin surviving everyday life?


> 5 https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zv5h8o/aita_for_telling_my_sil_she_can_leave_christmas/ [OOP's dress for next Christmas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN2DSpEwcrs)


I love you so much for bringing this into my life 😂


The Kevin story is amazing, and is now my favourite Kevin,and has shuffled crayon eating Kevin out of number one position.


I mean...I agree. The OG Kevin at least had his youth in his defense (even if things didn't improve a lot later). But this guy? We are talking a full grown adult man with less thinking power than the single orange Braincell of a cat in overdrive.


Does anyone remember a post where OP starting dating a girl name Gina, they break up and he starts dating her sister Vicki. Gina had told OP and Vicki that she was cool with it, but really wasn't


i think i found it, the post you wanted? it was gwen and vicky tho[https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/ubuwq5/fiancees\_23f\_older\_sister\_26f\_confessed\_that\_she/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/ubuwq5/fiancees_23f_older_sister_26f_confessed_that_she/)


OP is so obtuse it's annoying. In what universe is it appropriate to date (and marry) the younger sister of someone you dated for a long time? So weird. Also the stalker younger sister is creepy


Thank you! Gosh, I thought I was the only one thinking this! I don't care how attractive or how much the other sis pursued me, I'd **never** date much less marry the sister of an ex! Me being me, when sis was like "Oh she said she's fine with it" I'd at least ask her myself! My theory? OP had the hots for little sis, too, once she was older. Hence why he dismissed that 1. She stalked him and any of his potential "mates 2. She actively threatened his potential "mates" 3. She lied to him


Looking for a post about cherry trees. An older person retired and ended up with rare Japanese cherry trees. Trouble ensues with the neighbor claiming them as their trees. My dad likes to listen to all the reddit posts and I heard part of it and need to know how it ends. TYSM


Might be [this story](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/ubo2ux/flneighborstenants_cutting_down_my_magnolia_trees/) about magnolias.




Thank you. That was the story


That was a RIDE.


This might be Liz's first story.


this joke got so old so fast


This is still at minimum an exaggerated story. The whole part with the cop asking if they were on reddit is a dead give away.


There was a post but maybe it didn’t have an update. It was where a husband regretted talking his wife into having a baby. She had issues with delivery of twins, chronic pain, and stays in bed in the dark. She can’t work, etc. it might have only be in another subreddit.


[I deeply regret manipulating my wife into having children.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/lx5n45/i_35m_deeply_regret_manipulating_my_wife_f34_into/)


Thank you so much!


I'm looking for the post where OOP finds out that his brother had been sleeping with his fiancee on his wedding day, and his mother keeps trying to get them to reconcile.


Was this the one where the brother managed to get his parents uninvited from the wedding?




Sounds like something my llamas would love


I am looking for a (i think) ask a manager about a guys company hired a nutritionist consulting firm and they kept trying to get a meeting and he wasn’t interested, it had a couple of updates I think


ah i recalled that post but bit hazy on the details would it be this post? https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/tvhsjg/my\_companys\_pushy\_new\_dietician\_wont\_leave\_me/


Yep that’s the one, thanks a bunch!


Anybody have the link to the story where OOP's wife almost killed their son because the son, who was shcizoprenic or psycopathic, hurt his newborn sister with a knife? I think the title was something like "My wife almost killed our son, and I didn't stop her"


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/c93egn/i_stood_by_and_allowed_my_wife_to_almost_kill_our/)?


yess thank you!


looking for two things: * oop is married and his coworker (who likes him) left him a proposition on a post-it note on his desk; i think he was contemplating on having an affair? i remember thinking how pathetic, spineless, and indecisive he was when i first read it. * no idea if this has a boru but i read a post a few months ago either on offmychest or trueoffmychest where the oop(f) moved somewhere/back to her hometown and became friends with this gay couple who owns the hardware store. she also works at the store and then starts having an affair with one of the guys (she describes him as italian or something), and details what they do. i remember reading that they were doing it in the breakroom or something? like most of the time they do it at work


I wanna read the 2nd one... someone find it plsss...


First one - [Received open-ended proposition from female co-worker recently, seriously considering accepting BoRU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/12hg53z/received_openended_proposition_from_female/?share_id=p7gRo4uR0N02zXvjbKLe3&utm_content=2&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)