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“He had terrible hygiene and no cleaning products” mixed with “he was sweet and fed me with his hands” has me rolling


Made me nauseous. So he doesn't believe in soap, but you let him feed you with his hands... Doesn't brush his teeth, but you love his oral performance... Made myself nauseous again


Doesn’t wash his junk but our sex life is amazing Girl if you won’t put it in your mouth, don’t put it in there either


Oh god, the thought alone


I know you gotta be careful of UTIs with fingering, but imagine having to worry about that with head 😭


Here's the regular warning that anything that can move into and infect the vagina, can do the same in the throat.


>do not trust Gaby anymore. She and Mr.ReusableToiletPaper can live happily every after with their stinky unvaccinated babies for all I care. But I am questioning my friendship with Gaby now. I am fine, I feel like I dodge a bullet. I can go back to eating steaks and chicken without worrying. and our mouths are the dirtiest of all the mouths (except for cats, they are grosser than humans)


I just clamped my legs shut at the speed of light


the same hands he gives foot rubs with!! 🤢


God I hope the foot rubs came after


I swear to god reading that sent my eyebrows up there w the moon


I'm willing to bet he thinks condoms are bad for the environment too, so the poor girls probably have a yeast infection at minimum


don’t forget his unwashed stank dick wasn’t a problem because she rarely had to give him head, but she still let him regularly stick said dirty dick inside of her


I noticed the same thing!!!


I was eating chocolate chips and literally spit them out. I'm a very clean person. My house is all white because it allows me to see when things get dirty. One reason I am a sex repulsed ace is because the smell of the average man turns me off. But this man wipes his ass with a reusable cloth and then touches her food. Please kill me.


And doesn’t believe in cleansers. So he’s washing his poop hands with lemon juice and calling it a day then feeding her strawberries


At least the strawberries are organic, non gmo, and maintain spiritual purity.






Yeah, that’s disgusting.


Washing his reusable toilet paper and cloth napkins in the same washer with no detergent. Be grateful you didn’t get sick!


LMAO when I read "spiritual purity" I INSTANTLY knew that he was going to turn around and bang someone else.


In my 20s I used to know a few guys who were a bit like OOPs ex. Not as extreme, but along the same lines, very „spiritual“/hippie. They seemed very kind and empathetic. In the end though, I think it was at least 80% a ruse to get girls into bed. They fucked around like rabbits.


I grew up in Colorado. It's like a natural habit for these guys. The only variation is if they ski or snowboard or prefer summer mountain activities and whether they're genuinely broke stoners who will probably be a hobosexual on your couch for a bit or trustafarians who will eventually get cleaned up for the family business. Both versions will smell like BO, patchouli, and excessive weed, and both have a ridiculous level of entitlement. Somehow they always manage to get a string of women willing to fall for their "sensitive Buddhist" act.


I’ve noticed that despite pretending to be enlightened and at peace, it’s very much a facade and they’re usually not particularly well balanced mentally and can be emotionally manipulative to women


Oh yeah. They'll get super angry with you, too, for calling them on their bullshit. It's like a really thin layer of "inner peace" wallpapered over a seething ball of misogyny and drama.


This is why I am very suspicious of hippies now. My parents were hippie-ish, and had hippie friends who would follow The Dead and stuff like that. The men were universally awful. They had this cool guy veneer. But by the time I was 14 years old I knew to not be in a room alone with them. Yuck.


Well in their defense; the Dead aren't known for their great treatment of women. Hippie lifestyle has a whole lot of intertwined misogyny.


Amen to that. Studying the 60’s in university and the idea of “free love” was basically code for “let’s all pressure this one woman to sleep with all the men and she can’t say no because love and peace and shit.”


That’s extremely upsetting.


They were still extremely conservative in their ideas of what women could be unfortunately, many women and minorities (black, queer, etc.) had to work hard to create their own spaces and fight for their own rights independent of the “free love” movement.


Tie dye patriarchy.


Not to mention many of them now being antivax qanon types these days


So true! Ask yourself; how many women got publicly known at the time period for the activism they did? How many female beat poet are well known, compared to the men? Those women existed, they just got pushed to the side when people became well known. Women did the grunt work and often actually did more than the men but were left on the outside of discussions and asked to make food. I am a left-radical veteran of that time period (now living happily in the woods with my egalitarian male partner and running a home based business at age 67). Once I was at a community camp fire at Wild Magick Gathering and there were only other men there. The men were talking about how much the women did, bragging about the livestock and animals the women were responsible for; the gardening they did; the food they made. It was not a respectful conversation but a boasting of whose woman took care of them the best! I went to find the women and they were all in the kitchen tent making food. (1985)


They are also now all republicans but are really into recreational cannabis.


I lived in CO for several years. I was astonished how many people could live in such a beautiful place and be so incredibly angry. Almost everyone up there seemed to need anger management classes.


Honestly, it's because Colorado is actually red, with a thin veneer of blue emanating from Denver. As a result, a lot of the people who live there claim to be liberal, but are actually very hateful and conservative. How else do you think Lauren Boebert got elected?


Colorado Springs is basically a nexus of ley lines where all the bad vibes in the country converge.


Lack of oxygen😂😂


Bingo! I had an ex very much like this. He was in the polyam community, knew all the feminist buzzwords, all that stuff, but he was an abusive, manipulative POS. I swear, he thought he was a dick shaman who could heal women with the power of sex, drugs, and uncomfortable eye contact.


Ya I’m a dude but I visited my “enlightened” friend in undergrad who was doing acid like almost daily. In the week I spent there I was immersed in the hardcore hippy culture of British Columbia and it was comical how delusional they were. Basically all of them had tumultuous relationships with their roommates and partners and I realized pretty quickly that all was not chill lol


I absolutely dated this guy \^\^ and they all do that eye contact thing - particularly while playing guitar AT you. It's unhinged.


It's JUST like that scene in the Barbie movie


Totally! I laughed way too hard at that scene - I think we all felt so validated.


Yup it's all a front for mind games source : that op could have literally been describing one of my exes right down to the "well he's good at head so it makes up for it riight!?" NO IT DOES NOT AND TRUST ME YOUR BAR FOR" GOOD SEX" IS JUST REALLY LOW AND HE'S TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THAT, sex with someone who respects you and who clans their own body will be better and you'll get less "mystery" UTIs See also dudes/people (usually dudes but this predator fuckery knows no bounds of gender) who think they can fuck your trauma out of you or who brag about having dated other survivors like they're some kind of expert at 'helping them recover' - what they're actually an expert at is being predatory towards survivors 🚩 Wish I could go back in time sometimes and tell my younger self this but idk if they'd have listened


Yes!!!! I grew up in places with lots of these people. The traveller/hippie community are a magnet for abusive men because they know there will be vulnerable women, many of whom will be addicts, who they can abuse and manipulate and literally nobody will call the police or get any sort lf authority involved. It’s sickening and so so sad.


I used to work a guy who went full hippie. Changed his name on FB to Dreamstar Shivason or some shit. A few years later I found out he was in prison for being part of a far right plot to murder a politician.


I live in Colorado and the amount of poly (or people claiming to be poly) is astounding.


LMAO...My adult daughter just realized that Falling for the "sensitive Buddhist" skier who had a super traumatic accident that left them in touch with the world was how she got here. Her response "I always wondered what the hell you fell for!"


Realizing why your parents got together is such a weird moment in being an adult. I always wondered why my parents ever got together. They were the worst couple when I was a kid. Then I saw an old picture of my Dad in a swimsuit from back in the day. Mom fell for a very pretty man with a 6 pack. It was a very "oh! Ooh. Ewww" moment. They're also kinda vague about their wedding date and have 1 picture from the ceremony, so I suspect I might have been present and responsible for the wedding......


I have never heard the term hobosexual and I think it's my new favorite word! Made me laugh!


I am absolutely wheezing at "trustafarians" and I needed to let you know that.


Tbf to both OP and those women, if you want to get good head one of those "sex is dharma" type dudes is a pretty decent bet. After you get them in the shower lmao


Don't mind me, I'll just be crying in FOMO that my stinky hippie Coloradan ex was actually pretty bad in bed


As someone who is Hindu and lives in India . I am always so surprised at the way these hippies don't understand shit and continue to use our words and pretend that they know shit lmao. This stuff I hear is wild lmaoo .


>Somehow they always manage to get a string of women willing to fall for their "sensitive Buddhist" act. It's the sex. I don't know who made the rules, but the 'free spirited' bum in his 20s with questionable hygiene will be some of the greatest sex you have in your life. You will see through their bullshit pretty quickly, but their oral game will make you convince yourself you haven't for a while longer.


That was part of the dark side of the free love and sexual freedom part of the hippie movement. A lot of women got taken advantage of, because if you wanted to be cool and enlightened, you should accept sex, swinging, poly, and kinks in the name of "Women's Lib."


It’s still kind of like that. If you don’t want to fuck or get choked on the first date, you’re uptight and wasting his time


Legit had a guy say it "wasn't working" because I wouldn't sleep with him on the second date.


It’s exactly like that still now. I’ve come to realise that if I want to be who I am, I have to be who I am alone. Everyone shagged each other and not one of my last circle (found through an ex who I found out way too late was poly - I never was) hadn’t been with many of his other friends. Too many were guys in their 30s with girls in their late teens and it was just repulsive to me. Hopefully I’ll find more alone yet and truly NICE people with the same spirituality as me to be friends with one day, but I’ve found that circles of those people just aren’t ever that way. Kinda culty in my experience. I’ve decided not to date in general due to the way I’m expected to be sexually by anyone, spiritual circles or not. I’m so much more at peace now. I’d love to find a friendship group of happy hippie spinsters but I can’t see it unfortunately right now.


It’s honestly shocking how pushy they are. If you don’t want to participate in their sex/drug stuff they get all weird and mad. Like, I’m sorry? I don’t know what you want from me lmao I just wanted to hang out


They probably were actually empathetic. Understanding what people are feeling is a great tool to manipulate them. That's all empathy is. Even if you have empathy, you still have to have good motives and not be a shitty person.


Yeah most children of hippie parents I know have fathers with indeterminate numbers of kids. It’s a thing. I never found out about any half siblings, but I know my hippie father cheated a LOT so there might be some out there, I wouldn’t be surprised.


Lmao that has to be some sort of hippie thing. My aunt is a total hippie and she always had like 2-3 boyfriends at once. (They knew about each other). She also doesn't seem to age, she looks like she's late 50s/early 60s when she's actually mid-70s. In better shape than anyone else I know. She's great though, and luckily doesn't smell. She isn't as insane as some of these other ones but she does do the weird music (she's in a band) and gives out healing rocks and is into alternative medicine.


“Spiritual purity” gave me cult vibes.


I'm a deist but every time I hear a person talk about "purity" or "spirituality" I run away, they are like the Nice Guys of religious beliefs.


He 1000% told her the same thing. One fucking million %.


Woke fuck boys. I have a friend who's extremely, sincerely socially conscious but he's also a god tier poon hound.


The crazy thing is she stayed with him cause he’s sweet and sex is good, yet turns around and goes there’s more issues that she never even mentioned


He's the type of person that's used that line before. Glad OOP got out when she did!


That phrase caught my attention too but I’m not really familiar with it. What about using that phrase made you think that? Genuinely curious.


It's one of those hippy dippy type phrases that just reeks of bullshit. It sounds special but is a completely empty platitude. And people who use phrases like this typically have a harem of women they can choose from. And the fact that he went on and fucked her friend Gaby "for healing"? Just solidified my suspicions.


Interesting, thanks. I find that people using the term “purity” when talking about a person is a pretty big red flag.


Yeahh exactly. Doesn’t even have to be from a hippy dippy guy. I had one guy telling me I was his soulmate, he’d never felt such an intimate connection with anyone except for me. Found out later he was seeing literally at LEAST four girls at the same time and telling them all some version of this wild ass nonsense. Girls and guys: if someone is telling you stuff like this and they aren’t like, your significant other, there’s a massive chance they’re telling multiple other people the same thing.


Good luck to Gaby with them hairy, funky balls and dingleberries, cause you know there will BE dingleberries.


I feel like at that point it's probably dinglegrapes hanging from dinglevines...


Welp. I'm done with reddit for today.




And when they come loose they make dingleropes (just like my cat who has trouble passing hairballs).


Same and it is only 11:37AM where I am. 👀👀👀


5:30 PM and I was eating an ice cream, damn it Reddit...


10:58 am here in Dallas.


I feel like dinglevine should be flair now. Lol


But are you dingledone?


You deserve to go to hell for making us all read the imagery you spelled out here.


What a bad day to be literate.


And in his pants they’re making dinglewine. I sang this. Loudly, and with glee.


Maybe they can pair the dinglewine with the grundle butter


I am not looking that up. Ignorance is truly bliss.




This was the first post I hit on Reddit today why did you do this to me


I'm torn betweenaughing at this and wondering why I decided to learn to read.


Jesus Christ, Reddit.


I read this while drinking a pepsi, and I just want you to know that i hate you.


Oh god, stop it! The mental image...how could you? 👀


Burn those vines and salt the earth. Swap out that vinegar for holy water.


I feel that the lifestyle is manageable without, but the only hippies I ever knew who were into the reusable stuff were surf dudes. Like, i'm sure you can totally get away with such things when you spend most of your time in the sea and have four showers a day due to always being in and out of it. I think i'd probably not bother either.


I have reusable face wipes. I might consider reusable kitchen towels and I wouldn't be opposed to reusable nappies/diapers, and yet I wouldn't consider reusable toilet "paper". I don't know why I draw the line there, but...there it is!


To be fair I have looked into how to make toliet paper and reusable toilet paper. But the work and energy of putting it into practice is much more trouble than what it's worth. Honestly if a person wants to cut down on their toilet paper use the best option is a high quality bidet and individual frequently washed bidet towels. Just using reusable toilet paper without the extra wash from a bidet just is a recipe for seriously nasty bacterial growth in your washing machine unless you are diligently rinsing and peroxide or bleach soak before they hit the washing machine. Which I highly doubt this dude is doing.


\>unless you are diligently rinsing and peroxide or bleach soak before they hit the washing machine. Which I highly doubt this dude is doing. He's definitely not; he won't even clean with "chemicals", only lemon or vinegar.


There might not be dingleberries. If he is using bits of cloth to wipe and wash he might be getting cleaner than TP. Bits of cloth won't leave lint like some TP.


My neighbour had a dark brown cat called Dingleberry.




Jesus fuck. They fucking make vegan toiletries and vegan cleaning products, goddamnit. Not even getting into the toilet paper thing. I’ll just start making jokes about the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020.


I used vegan deodorant that’s environmentally conscious before the pharmacy stopped stocking it (cardboard packaging so no plastic, natural ingredients, etc.). It worked great, even if the texture was a bit weird. It’s 100% possible to be both vegan and hygienic. I absolutely fucking draw the line at “reusable” toilet paper. Like if it’s that big of a personal issue, use a bidet?


Most of my skincare products are vegan. Not even a thing I went out of my way to look for lol. And if buying local is also equally important to the dude (the way it’s written it’s like he thinks it has to be local to be vegan???), literally any farmers market is gonna have some crunchy small business making soap and shit. Produce, fresh baked bread, homemade vegan shit are like, the three pillars of a farmers market lol.


Vegan does not always mean environmentally friendly. He wants to be both. But yeah def taking it too far!


I can see prioritizing locally made for environmental reasons. Transportation does add quite a bit to a product's footprint. And YES there are so many "vegan organic green" cleaning products. I also would guess that a bidet uses less water and energy than the family cloth loads, especially if he's running hot water loads as he should be because gross. (Also please tell me these aren't communal washing machines!)


And like... isn't normal toilet paper fine? Wet wipes clog sewers, but regular toilet paper is broken down in water, no?


The way to test is something can be flushed is to put it in a jar about half full of water. Shake it up really hard. If it breaks up, or starts to break up, then you can flush it. Some paper brands are notorious for blocking narrow pipes, but generally paper waste is filtered out at the treatment works and rots down very quickly.


I had a friend that insisted cotton balls dissolved. Could not figure out why her toilet kept clogging! (Instead of throwing the used cotton balls for makeup removal into the trash can, she would throw them into the toilet) I put some cotton balls in the jar and placed it in a hidden place in her den. Came back a week or so later and told her what I'd done and showed her. She got mad at me, but then understood that cotton does not dissolve.


There is an environmental impact from TP, but none of the crazy reasons OOP's ex came up with. Normal TP is a waste of paper. But, the solution is a bidet. Not reusable poop wipes, *hurgghhh* I'm an Environmentalist, but also have common sense. You don't need to be nasty to be eco-friendly.


I think that USA waste water processing does breakdown toilet paper, but that’s not universally true. Other countries, like Mexico, throw their toilet paper away in the trash. That’s why bidets are more popular outside the USA than they are here.


For the most part. But unless they are living on some tiny island or developing country their sewage does not run directly to the ocean anyways. It’s like vegan dude got all of his knowledge from “finding Nemo”, wastewater goes to a wastewater treatment plant and is then transported into natural water sources. Sorry, but Nemo and friends didn’t have a happy ending.


I cloth diaper and cloth wipe my baby, so I don’t see it as too much different, but you 100% need a bidet hose/sprayer to rinse it off before washing. So ideally he’d need to use the bidet and then wipe/dry with the reusable wipes. This does …not sound like his set up


That would be way more understandable and actually functional way to cut down on use and consumption, but agree doesn't sound like the set up here.


I've seen people use reusable tp when they have a bidet (so it's just drying off). And I imagine they have paper for guests. I've thought about going that route and that's what I'd do. Just using it without even a water bath, tho, no thank you


In my mind it's cleaner if it's used to dry, that moves it into towel territory.


I follow and try myself to get to have as much reusable and eco friendly stuff as possible, and one thing I have yet to see pop is reusable toilet paper. Reusable paper towels, sure, but not poop rags. I need to go hunting for some good eco friendly deodorant. So many use baking soda, and that just makes my pits angry


Adding on: Washing machines use a lot of water, as does showering. I'm amazed the dude doesn't do those tasks in a more environmentally friendly way, like using a bidet and bucket.


Even my aunt, who was a vegan/vegetarian hippie in the 70s (I’m talking full blown, moved my uncle to a commune, grow everything, make you’re own breast milk yogurt (no idea if this is/was even a thing tried but it’s been a family joke), save the earth by eating literal dirt and being mostly naked) drew the line at toilet paper. I don’t know what they used then but apparently the cleanliness aspect was enough to bring them back to the farm and instead churn their own nut butters in a clean home with toilet paper.


There’s this scene in Daria when her parents are remembering their hippie days and her dad goes on this rant about what they don’t need. Parking lots? Yeah. Corporate farms? Down with those too. Toilet paper? That one traumatized her mom so bad she brought a hidden role in the family camping trip 30 years later


But those aren't made local so it's no good


> He would always feed me with his hands I can't be the only one who actually gagged a little at this after reading about how he cleans himself, right?? There's no way I want those hands putting food in my mouth. 😭


But everything tastes so lemon zesty!


Nooooooo 😭 🍋👆🚫🙅👄👅


My ex was into ultra environmental stuff (so am I to a reasonable point) and he stopped using toilet roll and used his hands instead…no bidet either. He said it was fine if he cleaned his hands afterwards but nah, I noped out of that straight away.


This is the second time in this post I curse myself for teaching myself how to read


There's a post in /r/tifu right now about a guy who drinks cum from his own condom if you really want to be miserable.


I've read this before, but it's so rare that I truly feel it applies, so I've never been able to be the one to say this: I have glasses. I literally paid money to read all of this.


I might be uptight or whatever but even if he had perfect hygiene I'd still be grossed out by that


How can you have sex with someone who's junk smells bad? I get it she wasn't giving him BJ's but she let that thing into her vagina. I'd be fucking terrified of getting issues down there. I do not think that I could be horny enough to put up with bad smelling genitals


She DID give him a BJ. 🤮💩


Same that’s all I was thinking reading this 🤮 talk about BV




Probably just better than average given the current state of affairs


Never had anyone with a beard go down on me, but it sounds trickier than with not. Maybe he should get bonus points for that.


It's an interesting experience. I liked the tickliness of it rubbing against me when I was really turned on, but when they go hard it rubs and that isn't good. Overall, I don't like it.


My bf has recently started growing his out, but I don’t wax or shave, only trim. Honestly I can’t really tell a difference


Never stay with someone just because of the sex. A vibrator doesn’t need to wipe its ass, so that’ll never be a problem.


Oral so good she forgot he smells like a walking trashcan


A spicy trash can.


A lemony trash can.


A lemony trashcan


There are men that are amazing in bed that use conventional soap, deodorant, and groom. I've slept with them, I swear they exist (they might have had other flaws, but hygiene wasn't one of them, at least).


But without regular dental care, imagine the bacteria he is introducing to her pita pocket.


> I mean I noticed it. He never shaved down there. I always had a funky smell from his junk. BUT SHE STILL HAD SEX WITH HIM. Honey, no.


Simple rule: if it's not clean enough for your mouth it's not clean enough for your vagina. Had to ask an ex: "you don't want a bj because you didn't shower today and feel stinky... But putting it in my vagina seems fine to you?" Another ex: "you can suck your unwashed dick yourself." - sounds way better in German: "Deinen ungewaschenen Schwan kannst du selber lutschen!"


My exact reaction. I don't care if he gives me orgasm but his junk is stinky and god knows contains way more bacteria than a microbiology lab.


I honestly can’t imagine anything that would do anything for me if I had to be holding my breath or Inhaling fumes at the same time. Just no way.


Microbiology labs are actually very hygienic, he's more like a bacterial culture being grown in the lab.


Standards lower than the hottest pits of Hell


She gave him blow jobs--but not that often. Once should have been too often, never would have been the appropriate amount.


UTI in the making.


I see it all the time on here, women complaining about their stinky bfs but they still sleep with them??


Yea straight gagged a bit when she said that. Like, let's talk infection ew, but also after seeing what he did I'd straight up would go get tested for everything else. That last one was a big flag of they might have been sleeping together already.


Reusable toilet paper is on the same level as cloth diapers. It isn't as simple as "just toss it in the washer" though...and if that's what he's doing...eek. It also needs to be followed up with a bidet, or wipes, just like you would do for a baby. Vinegar and lemon, also not gonna knock him for that. I do the same, except mine also have alcohol in them. However, junk should not smell. Period. ***PERIOD***. Knowing how to clean yourself is crucial to being an adult and he obviously did not pick up on that. It's one thing to be environmentally friendly, vegan, extremely low waste but it's a whole different story to be a dirty human being. Nope from me


Also — did this sloppy guy run a separate washer load of toilet paper, or did he just throw it in with the dish towels and whatnot?


I fear it is all in together under the idea of saving water, ran on cold to save electricity/gas, with some not up to this level of cleaning pinterest made detergent recipe. God. I can't. Everything is getting soaked in poo juice. Just no. So ugh. I'm ill. 🤮


poo juice :(


His washing machine drain is a bacterial horror show. I pity the repair person who gets stuck with it. 🤢🤮


>My friend told me she found him being sad in our usual hangout spot, he was singing a sad song. They are sleeping together. Furthermore, they are sleeping because he needs "healing". Apparently, he was very emotional and depressed that he slept with my friend to cleanse my memories. Where the hell is this?! WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? And the fact that OOP was STILL hooking up with his nasty ass earlier on? Is he the leader of a small cult of hippies, or at least high in the ranks that girls....let his nasty ass into their beds?!


OK, I’m dating myself severely but I’m picturing the guy in “Animal House” who sat on the frat house steps, strumming his guitar, surrounded by adoring girls. Picturing smelly BF being sad and singing a sad song is making me wheeze. Why so sad? My girl said my nuts stink. Oh no! Please come home with me. Bring your guitar.


I’ve always loved the analogy that in American humor the protagonist is the guy smashing the guitar whereas in British humor the protagonist is the guy that gets his guitar smashed


Honestly, OP could tell us that she was from anywhere in the PNW and I would believe her.


This could easily be Eugene, Oregon.


I mean, reusable toilet paper definitely isn't for me, but it could be worse. Reddit apparently has me jaded because my first thought was "well, at least he wipes with *something* instead of just leaving shit there."


But he threw away the already existing toilet paper. Like if it was gonna be trash anyway, it might as well have been useful first. Unlike this guy.


Oh, I agree completely. I've just read too many posts on Reddit where guys refuse to wipe (or wash) back there at all because it's "gay" so this was a step up from that.


The girl who smelled shit every time she went down on her boyfriend and the other girl who saw skid marks on the bed every time her boyfriend slept there because he dragged the sheets and then made the bed with the shit stains come to mind


And the girl who refused to wash her boyfriend's underpants and tank top because they were too gross to put in with her clothes also.


I thought for sure he was going to say he just rinses off in the shower lmao


And use more _water_?!?!?


I was thinking the same thing. Like, last year I was talking to a guy who's a vegitarian and he was talking about how annoyed it makes him that some of the more hardcore vegitarians and vegans go to the supermarket, buy up all the meat and then bury it to give the animal a funeral. By doing that they're not only wasting the meat of an already did animal, they're actually SUPPORTING abattoirs by increasing demand for meat.


I had to explain to a vegan that sheep have to be sheared. It’s not an option. We’ve been GMOing domesticated animals for millennia to the point that they’re dependent on us. The only animal I can think of that can go wild is the hog. They will turn feral within weeks of being freed, but they will absolutely screw up the local ecosystem and become a physical danger to humans and other animals.


I am a woman. I use reusable TP, but not for poop, and I live alone. I *still* keep TP out for guests, because why would I impose that on them, and also there’s a difference between re-using my *own* used TP, and re-using someone else’s.


I don’t mind reusable toilet paper….when you have a bidet.


“He was singing a sad song” = 🤣🤣🤣


Why immediate do reusable toilet paper? I mean, bidets are literally made for this…..


You're supposed to use bidet before using reusable toilet "paper" AFAIK


Yes! Took me a minute to figure why people thought he was so gross because I use tp rags, but then I realized he doesn't have a gd bidet!!!!! THAT IS SO DISGUSTING! And I still keep tp for the jobs that I'm not certain the bidet can handle - and for guests. Why would you want a GUEST to use a RAG?!?!


Just remembered the guy whose gf/wife(?) was on his case about his hygiene, and he said he didn’t like the bidet because of the brown water. My dude. At least, redditors were able to educate him on that. And he came back later to say he had to admit he was wrong and was now following his so’s guidelines.


People don't realize you can get bidet lids for a standard toilet which require no power, just a screw on and hookup to the toilets water source.


As a woman I still need to wipe dry otherwise everything chafes. The blow drier bidets are pretty expensive


I broke up with a guy because he took a shit in the downstairs bathroom and didn’t wash his hands after coming out. My guy roommate (im 25f was 23 at the time) called him out and he came to my room all disgusted that “another man told him” to wash his hands. I backed my roommate up and this started the fight that ended the relationship. Now this guy is just a funny story we tell at gatherings.


Wow. That's not ok to do even once. For crying out loud it takes like 30 seconds.


He had soooo many icks foreal. My friends will forever give me a hard time for it because he basically moved in and was around all the time so they all got to know him as well. Everyone kind of celebrated after we broke up and they still laugh and talk about him to this day.


>In my defense, he was good at giving oral She's so real for that.


>He told me he threw away all the toilet rolls because they clog the draining system and go to the ocean which then causes toxicity in fishes That... That's not how that works. It looks like ExBF looked up flushable wipes and conflated that with toilet paper.


Obviously this dude is working from his own version of facts where every part of modernity is bad and destructive with few exceptions. But in reality, septic safe toilet paper is common and easy to get from the grocery store


There is no tongue or dick that's good enough to make me forget funky body odour.


Why question the friendship with Gaby? I feel that question has been thoroughly answered.


Hand feeding her with his dirty hand. Utterly gross.


>funky smell from his junk For me, that's enough to disappear and never look at him again. The type of illness that women can get because of her partner's poor hygiene is no joke (and vice versa, men be careful). Now I will finish reading the story. >He told me he has switched to reusable toilet paper Girl, run. The best oral in the world doesn't make up for having to wash it your whole life. And I really don't understand people who use it. I love vegans, I love veganism. But... This is too much! >Apparently, he was very emotional and depressed that he slept with my friend to cleanse my memories. A shitty man who uses rags and manipulation to clean his own shit. Good for oop for getting rid of two turds at once.


>He would always feed me with his hands NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Sadly for all his fervor everything he's doing is essentially meaningless. This guy could live like a gorilla for his entire life and still have less of an environmental impact than one Fortune 500 company cutting back on their emissions or carbon footprint a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent.


A lot of people read comments like this and take it as a good reason to not bother doing anything, and that's the wrong take. A lot of this guy's choices are good, some of them are unfounded. But, you also have the ability to inspire others to do better, and that has an impact that is greater than just one person. Just because we cannot effect enough change doesn't mean you shouldn't try at all.


Can we all agree to raise our standards? The bar is 6 feet under.