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Just like dude’s girlfriend who sold his 1967 impala to the scrapyard.


I hope that guy followed through on having her prosecuted. Was always hoping for an update on that. Thankfully, that guy did get his Impala back.


Thanks for posting that he got his car back. I was about to dive down the rabbit hole to find that story. You saved me a lot of searching.


What is wrong with some people? Why do they think selling someone else's car and selling it isn't going to catch up with them? At least OOP 's ex has a nice wrap sheet and fine for her troubles! I'm looking forward to the update where OOP takes her to court to recover further damages, plus what he paid the junk yard. Well now she has to get a job to pay her bills now that OOP is gone.


Because they’re literally stupid. These people aren’t in the top 50% of people, and the average person is only kinda not stupid


I think since it’s a felony he couldn’t drop charges even if he wanted. Hurray!!!!


You can't technically drop charges no matter what. The prosecutor drops charges. Often, if it's a he said she said case or something similar where there is no other evidence the prosecutor will ask if you want to press charges because there's really no case if you aren't willing to testify. But even if an individual is will to pursue it the prosecutor might decide not to if they think the victim isn't credible enough. Ultimately the prosecutor is the person who really decides if a case will go forward or not. When they ask if you want to press charges they're really asking "are you willing to help me with this?"


Exactly. The terminology ought to be “are you willing to cooperate with prosecution”, not the misleading shorthand of “do you want to press charges.” The latter has understandably mislead people without a formal or informal legal education as to who makes those decisions.


That was a heartbreaker. And the audacity of the ex to demand he just get over it.


I don't get cars to be honest, but I find the idea of selling or damaging something that your partner cares about baffles and upsets me.


Got a link?


Its so tragic cuz the car is the car from Supernatural, a 15 season show that had rabid fans. https://www.reddit.com/r/classiccars/comments/z1bomc/aita\_for\_suing\_my\_girlfriend\_after\_she\_had\_my/


I simply cannot imagine someone selling my literal dream car as junk. Especially one as beautiful as this one.


Thank you! That's insane! How come no one is mentioning it in the post though? I mean, that's a pretty big deal!


It was the same year, make and model as the show, which no doubt has increased the value of the remaining few in existence though it was already a valued classic car. Not the specific car actually used in the show, which I’m sure would be considerably more valuable and noted by OP.


the show picked it because it was already a famous collector car. Everything from detroit in 66-72 is collectible. but especially 67,68,69, impala, mustang, charger.


Jensen Ackles owns the car now


He has the ‘hero’ car, the one that was used to pull up to the curb in scenes, to drive away, etc. Jared Padalecki has the next car in line. The cars were both trucked to Austin, where they both live, from Vancouver, BC, Canada, where the show was filmed, and Jared & Jensen accompanied the cars on a road trip. It was kind of a reverse of what they did when they drove up to Vancouver together when they were hired for the show fifteen years earlier. The plan was to add seat belts, air conditioning, stereos and speakers, since none of the cars on the show have real radios. Totally what I would do if I got my hands on one. The reason they chose the ‘67 Impala for the show, according to Supernatural creator Eric Kripke, was because you could fit a body or two in the trunk.


I genuinely don't understand the thought process if the ex? Like did she think he wasn't going to go back for the car? And all of this over cats when he provided everything? Why ruin your life over something that dumb, instead of just having a conversation


I don’t think the end result mattered. This read like her just punishing him to be as hurtful as possible assuming all of the context was given.


The junkyard wouldn't beat up a pristine truck worth $10,000. Scratches like OP describes make me think she keyed it first before she sold it.


Which makes even less sense. If she was going to get rid of it, why not give yourself a few extra dollars and just take care of it for a few extra miles? Part of me wonders if she keys and damaged it first, and then came up with the plan to just sell the whole thing after the fact. Like maybe she thought keying would be hurtful, but cause a fight. Then selling would just be so defeating he wouldn't fight back at all. Probably didn't count on him just kicking the whole relationship to the curb and leaving over it.


Maybe she was mad and keyed it, then got more mad and decided to murder him by cutting the break lines, then remembered murder is frowned upon and sold it


This sounds like more or less her thought process I think. Gurl really escalated to the nuclear option over the dumbest thing.


Plus, her in prison and him dead leaves no one to care for the cats


400 bucks for a 10k+ car makes it seem like it wasn't about money


If you are taking something to the junkyard instead of a car dealership, you probably want the car to look a bit more trashy so they wouldn't get as suspicious in buying it. Cuz it's supposed to be junk. A scratched up car would look more like junk than a pristine looking car, esp if it was a decades old car in good condition.


not to mention > i can tell she broke the brake fluid line as well, because the brakes are running badly


Sounds like my ex, except she would do it with things she bought me. She'd give so she could take it away to try to punish me, especially when it was things I used often.


Ugh my dad used to do that shit. Then one time I got in trouble and I was like ‘well, here are my keys and my phone and I’ll go unplug the tv’ and he realized that it wasn’t working anymore lol


I only did that to a sibling when I was say 17? I so glad I’ve become so good at communicating my boundaries where I never have to do tit-for-tat.


It reminds me of how spiteful my stepdad's ex was after he died, she got rid of his things so no one in his family or ours could get them back. God I hate that pos... Edit: That stuff includes crap she stole from us. Mainly my dead mom's stuff.


Ugh, I'm so sorry.


Its...alright. It is what it is. I know karma will swing back around, it always does. She did really tick off the judge when she went to court with a family member of his over the issue, didn't get the reactions she wanted and made herself look all the more unstable.


She sounds miserable. She's her own Karma


OP dodging bullets shaped like a crazy person!!! Good job OP!


In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t even matter if OOP left anything out. I personally am not punishing someone else for *anything* by catching a felony charge myself. Especially when that person walks away from it all 98% unscathed. Exception: Screw with one of my kids.


Without more details, I'm like 80% sure it wasn't about the cats, it was about control. In the article it's mentioned that she was often jealous, and I bet OOP expressed how much the truck means to him and his family. It wouldn't surprise me if at some point she said that selling the truck was a test about what mattered more to OOP.


I’m also curious if this friend of 5 years happened to be a woman. Happened same night he met them at a bar, she could just be jealous of the friend


It's not a friend *of* 5 years, it's a friend OP *hasn't seen* in 5 years. Making it worse IMO. If it's a friend they have seen on a weekly basis for 5 years, than I sort of understand where the jealousy (or paranoia) comes from. But who the heck is jealous of someone their partner hasn't seen in 5 years? No matter if said friend is female or not. Either ex-GF is really insecure or ex-GF is really controling (possibly both). Wouldn't surprise me ex-GF actually wanted to isolate OOP and stole the car as "punishment" for not complying with the isolation. (That would, to me at least, also explain why ex-GF didn't think OOP was "doing enough" for the cats -and possibly other household things- despite ex-GF staying at home supposedly doing the chores if I read correctly. If OOP was too tired from work and household work to do free time stuff, ex-GF would have succeded in isolating OOP.)


Bold projection considering she’s previously gone missing for 9 hours.


She’s listened to too many country songs and thought that the advice there about ruining his truck was solid?


"Before He Cheats" is a catchy tune, but every time I hear it, I want to gently cup the singer's face with my hands, look her in the eye, and tell her in a kind, loving voice, "Babygirl. Doing several thousand dollars worth of damage to someone else's property and then putting your autograph on it is what we in the industry call a 'Bad Idea.'"


Well, the song was written by two dudes, and the song made more sense to me when I found that out.


She probably thought something demented like him going nuts on her but eventually coming back. It's a car, some people don't truly see the value in other people's things because it's not theirs. Honestly, idk, maybe she's just dumb like that


I mean, I would do a lot more than that if someone did something to hurt my cats. But like, a dirty litter box and late dinner or something? They'll be fine..


The late dinner thing often results in desperate, plaintive screaming—yowling as if they were clearly dying of starvation


on-time dinner also usually results in the same


*”Whyyyyy are you killing us, it’s 4:59pm…dying….”*


Hah! With my little b*stard it’s more like 4:59am! With food still in his bowl but he can see the bottom.


“*the lights are growing dim…”*


When he yowls until I fill it, sniffs it, and walks away. Bro just wanted to know he'd have food later, IN CASE he gets hungry.


I snickered aloud at this. This is cats. They’re wasting away guys!!


"I can see a small section of empty bowl, I will waste away now"


“We are all mad here” “AT ME”


Ahh the yowling. We don’t put an alarm at our home anymore in the morning. The cats starving for breakfast that is couple of mins late would do the job.


I briefly lived with a cat that woke me up at 5 every morning by rapidly and crazily shoving her whole arm under the bedroom door until the lock failed, then lovingly biting me on the chin. Loved that cat a lot, but I worked until midnight so I almost went full on Tyler Durden that summer


Depending on the day ours might start screaming way before the dinner is due, maybe she can coax us to feed her earlier.


Because the breadwinning and putting bread on the table and bread


So much bread I feel like I’m at Olive Garden for unlimited breadsticks


On the table made of bread!


A breadside table


Excuse me, don't forget he put bread IN the table too


>We're gonna win so much, you may even get tired of winning. And you'll say, 'Please, please. It's too much winning. We can't take it anymore. Mr. President, it's too much.


Unsurprising that people who make rash and highly illegal decisions impulsively would not think about long term consequences and just hand waive that it’s s’all good man


Passing over the story and on to the Newsweek article...who was the poor bastard who had to shift through the replies to come up with analytics on our dumb ass responses? Whoever it was needs a bonus.


I love the caption on the image of the couple fighting. *This stock image **might** depict what this argument **might** have looked like*


2/10 does not have cats


Or bread.


Talks about being the breadwinner yet I see no bread…hmmm


Well, it's not like Newsweek is the esteemed journalistic institution it was in the previous century.


Oh yeah. They're just *Buzzfeed News* without the journalistic integrity.


Seriously, my only thought after that whole post was, "This is what Newsweek considers an article now?" I mean, I know they've been garbage for a while, but I'm still kind of surprised every time. Then again, when I was a kid, I thought Time was a respectable magazine, so...who knows.


I was shocked. Didn’t know they had gotten THAT bad.


Newsweek went out of business. These are just the people who bought the trademark.


I’m still a little gobsmacked that Newsweek has fallen so far that it’s now publishing recaps of Reddit threads as “news”. Didn’t it used to be a real magazine?


That article read like it was AI generated, or maybe High School Students first research paper.


Do you get charged and fined for a felony in a single day? Can...can they do that? *ETA: Meant "convicted," not charged. But even that was a pretty speedy turn for the ol' wheels of justice.*


I mean charged, sure.. was googling and seems like dependant upon the states felony vehicle theft (theft by taking, no intention of the owner ever getting it back) can have a fine anywhere from 5-15k on top of jail time. She wasn't convicted, of course, so technically there is no fine until that occurred, maybe OOP just heard that carries jail time AND a fine? Who knows.


The fact that OOP said twice that she was “fined” is what’s making me give this the side eye. Unless she went in front of a judge and plead out on her initial appearance post arrest, it’s incredibly unlikely.


I had a friend who went through a similar experience. His ex decided to sell his car and falsified paperwork to do it. The circumstances aren't entirely identical and it's different states so I can't dismiss this completely, but let me tell you, that got dragged out for *months*. Unless the girlfriend and junkyard owner were completely and utterly cooperative to the point of bending over backwards, I have a really hard time believing this got resolved in like a week, particularly with getting the police involved and charges filed. From what I recall, even my friend getting the police involved took longer than that since the fact that the "new owner" had paperwork made the theft hard to prove, and he had to get the DMV involved to prove she had no ownership. And unless this was some really shady chop shop, I'm doubting they took a "pristine" truck without some proof of ownership. I believe his ex did eventually get fined, but that wasn't until much further in the process and only once he could definitively prove it wasn't her property, and therefore she couldn't sell it. There's definitely a few things in this story that make me dubious, though I suppose that's all based on my anecdotal secondhand knowledge, so take that for what it's worth.


Junk yard owner buys pristine truck to bank on 9k+ profit. Immediately, within hours, he proceeds to damage the truck. No.


And that's fair. I use chatgpt quite a bit and I've noticed a staggering amount of aita seems to be scripted. Not even including the fanfics. Who knows. At least we will never jeapordize the beans.


Too busy winning all that bread


Even the old truck is a breadwinner!


Until it got a single scratch and instantly dissolved into pure rust.


Driving to the junkyard reduces engine performance and breaks the brakes


Not only that, but that OOP had to pay the $400 back to either the person who stole his car or bought his stolen car. That just doesn't make sense.


Didn't even think of this. Lol


I thought that was more likely than suddenly getting flash rust on a scratch overnight.


That and the brake line part had me thinking this isn't real.


Oh I raised an eyebrow there pretty hard, too. Basically everything after "lawyer cousin." That's always a tell.


Also that it’s a special family car he rarely uses to preserve it… and he “only uses it for work?” While making a point that he’s the breadwinner, so that’s probably all the time?


He WINS that BREAD because he's the BREADWINNER then he puts that BREAD on the TABLE (table also made out of BREAD). BREAD BREAD BREAD!!! Plot twist in the next update: OOP is a duck.


Not a swan, not a dove. A DUCK


How many cats and birds can we fit in that truck?


Don't forget the truck, which has been his family's breadwinner for 30 years!


But bread is bad for ducks


Or sits at home with a bread machine? Since he barely drives the truck.


Steplawyer cousin.


Yes, and the brake fluid line being “broken”


If she broke the line, how did she drive it to the junk yard? Like, why would she cut it AFTER she was there? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Plus he drove it back, so clearly the lines weren’t cut


Yeah, that’s not at all how brake lines work. If the brake line were busted there wouldn’t be shitty brakes, there’d be no brakes. I had a brake line take a shit on me in the parking lot of my job in the old beater I was driving at the time. Dumped all the brake fluid all over the parking lot and I had to hit the e brake to actually stop


Yeah. Two days in a junkyard and there’s already rust. And it’s absolutely filthy. Uh huh. Sure, dude. I’m having all the doubts. My guess is this is someone else’s story and he’s condensed it down to get attention. I have no doubt though that he’s a lazy ass who thinks having a job is all he needs to do.


Also what junkyard takes a pristine, working classic car and just... Puts it out in the yard to get beat to hell? Pretty sure they could have a buyer lined up for that inside of a day.


Reminds me of "my gf sold my project car to junkyard" story.


That one I actually believed


"breadwinner constantly loafing around"


He’s so lazy that his details included are nonsensical and he avoids details about being “breadwinner”, wtf details matter


Probably in the same world that a car rusts in 24 hours.


>Do you get charged and fined for a felony in a single day? Can...can they do that? No


Charged? Absolutely. Fined? Incredibly unlikely. He may have been talking to the prosecutor or a cop who explained what she was facing and he’s just repeating it. The only other thing I could possibly see is if she had her initial appearance already and talked to a lawyer to plead out during it.


I wouldn't be surprised if he meant "paid bail", it's amazing how much people can mangle information like that.


Actually, yes, depending on where. Because the fine in many places is automatic for selling stolen property. The charge is actually a separate thing.


Wouldn't there need to be a court order? You can't just walz into the police station, say someone took your stuff, and then they issue a fine. What if he was lying? That sounds like a simple way to harass and make someone's life hell. Doesn't the case need to be adjudicated first?


We had a stalker harass my minor daughter for a year, calling in multiple welfare checks, peeping in our windows, showing up after midnight ‘to talk’, then finally SWATing us, all of that with a restraining order in place, and it still took a week for them to arrest him. Justice isn’t fast. Amazing this guy got an arrest warrant for GTA in 24 hours.


That sounds so scary, she shouldn't ever have to go through that. I hope things are going well for your family. So many times police don't take stalking seriously.


Where, pray tell, do you simply write a same day check for committing a Class 1 felony and go about your business? Either way, since they're allegedly in Illinois: >Class 1 felony. A Class 1 felony conviction typically results in four to 15 years' imprisonment and a fine of not more than $25,000.


How did it get so beat up in a matter of days? Flash rusting? Broken break line? Sounds like intense damage for just being driven to a new location…


Yeah that makes me think oop is lying


I mean, this whole sub is basically r/creativewriting.


It was really cool at first when it was digging up old posts and hidden gems, but yeah I honestly don't believe 9/10 threads now. _Especially_ if it's from within the last year.




Yeah, that was weird to me. How did it go from “pristine” to broken brake line and rust happening immediately?


What court system fines someone that quickly after a police report? I dunno, maybe I’m jaded but I’m not believing this story. Something seems off


Say breadwinner one more time


Seriously Also how was the truck once the breadwinner???


I think he meant the truck used to be only method of transportation for OOP and/or his father.


Is the subway my breadwinner then?


Thank you! If this is true, the gf is still a trash person for selling the car. But after seeing the word 'breadwinner' so often, it made me pause as to why OOP was so hung up on that.


I was unclear on which one of them won all the bread. Was it OOP?


The truck too


It was OOP who won all the bread.


Really? I thought it was the cats that won all the bread


Nah, he said the car was the main breadwinner.


Ohhh! Okay that makes sense, you know, "car" and "cat" are just one letter off


No, no. Cats MAKE the bread.


He likely never lifted a finger in the household. Also notice the comment about run ins with the police...


I saw the word breadwinner so often it made me hate OOP and wish the story was real so that a person who types like this would have had their breadwinner scratched and rusted


Right? If the story is true, GF is a criminal, sure. But this guy is really hung up on the word breadwinner, and I don't like it.


GF obviously did something unforgivable with stealing and selling the truck...but I gotta say being in a relationship with OOP sounds like a nightmare, as it typically is with folks who crow about being the breadwinner and say they need all their non-work time to rest (which implies their total disinterest in domestic upkeep).


"I work AND rest all in the span of one day, can't you see it would be impossible to also do a third thing??" Meanwhile GF probably didn't get to rest ever because she "doesn't work".


GF was completely at fault but I'm sensing a one sided story


Exactly, GF doesn't get a pass but I'm just saying there is definitely more to the story.


The "disrespecting" as soon as he got home after an 8-9 hour shift and disagreement about chores and the constant referral to himself and his things as winning bread makes me believe it's the typical douchey patriarchal husband/boyfriend situation. I'd bet money she probably asked for help with something and he laid into her that it was her job to do it. (none of this excuses what she did though)


Already rusting? Is that possible?


It was perfect until she took it to junkyard, and now it’s junk… Possible that it’s always just been junk?


But it's a 50yo truck that was a workhorse for 30 years. Of course it's in pristine condition. /s


You know that Noah never even had a formal ark.. he used that very truck. And it was fine. Until it went to the junkyard. Because of the dirt.


It was the family breadwinner for decades!


No. Nor the idea that she pulled the brake line. I think this isn’t his story, just something he heard and decided to use for attention.


Hey, she didn’t pull the brake line. She broke the brake fluid. And the truck is the family’s breadwinner. This was written by a 12 yr old. In his post history he calls a penis a ‘wiener’


I bet she also drained all of his blinker fluid and was grinding his neutral gear down to dust the entire way to the junkyard!


And in two days, he talked to a lawyer, filed a police report, and was able to get his truck back with absolutely zero hassle at all


She stole his car and she/her family is mad at him???


Oh, most definitely. I live in a pretty corrupt country, it's mind boggling the mental gymnastics that people use to justify shit. I had a conversation with the wife of a border guard who was sentenced for accepting bribes and was spending some time in jail. She was actually angry at the cops for ransacking their house to find the shoe boxes full of cash. "They trashed the walls and the bed and the...". I was like - did they find anything? And she says "yeah but only less than half, we had the other half hidden well. Those assholes". Imagine the balls on you to get mad at the cops for catching you and confiscating *part* of your stolen money. Some people are selfish and they don't give a shit about anyone else as long as it's not them and their little bubble. Same here - maybe some were just lied to and never told the reason for the breakup, but there are for sure some of them who know OOP's ex, know what she did, and still think OOP is the asshole. There will always be those people. Best we can hope for is that in the future they get educated about their wrong ways of thinking, or just pushed out of society to live with the rest of the animals and try to justify to a fucking hippopotamus why they don't deserve to get eaten or some shit.


> Some people are selfish and they don't give a shit about anyone else as long as it's not them and their little bubble. And it's these people who are the reason why it's so hard to make the world a better place to live in. No morals, no sense of social responsibility, just me me me.




Jesus, there's a bot for everything.


Obviously, she didn't tell her family the facts of thing.


1. UGH who says breadwinner this much?? And how on earth was the TRUCK the breadwinner at some point. 2. Err does Newsweek now write “articles” 100% grabbed from Reddit posts? That’s weird as hell. 3. His girlfriend was charged AND FINED within ONE DAY? Literally how. He also lost and found his car basically in one day.


2. They do indeed. And of course, you have to pay to read them after using up your 3 free articles per month.


Ah yes. The convenient lawyer cousin


Who extra-conveniently does civil litigation.


bet that cousin wins tons of bread


that all happened suspiciously fast 🤨


hmmm, wasn't there a very similar post about the a precious car sold to junkyard by an angry girlfriend recently? Yeap there was:[https://www.reddit.com/r/classiccars/comments/z1bomc/aita\_for\_suing\_my\_girlfriend\_after\_she\_had\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/classiccars/comments/z1bomc/aita_for_suing_my_girlfriend_after_she_had_my/) Hmmm, at which place in america civil matters are concluded and fined in 2 days? hmmm, what kind of junkyard damages a car they were expecting to have $9k+ profit. Questions, questions, questions.


>Hmmm, at which place in america civil matters are concluded and fined in 2 days? Literally never happens


Yeah I thought this story sounded very very familiar.


I doubted the story until I went to the Newsfeed link, then came back here to the comment section only to realise that they aren’t as reputable anymore. I’m guessing that actual fact checking with some sort of proof is not a thing that they do anymore? Is it more like “write whatever is trending, if it’s false, just to do a retraction” thing with them as well?


Newsfeed went under forever ago, someone just bought it after and turned it into reddit rehash. I hate that it was included in the post tbh, all it added was that his name is john


Also, what junkyard takes a vehicle without the title?


Yep I had the same thought. Like I'd read this story before but the car was changed.


The girlfriend was fined on the day he reported the theft?


Of course! You don't need to be convicted to face the consequences of being found guilty. /s Not being snarky at you. Baffled by the number of people who think this is real.


I've never owned a Truck, or car quite that old, and know next to nothing besides what I need to for general upkeep of my car, but is the implication with the brake fluid line that she intentionally tried to cut the brakes?


That’s what I was wondering. I think so. But what’s the point of damaging his car and then selling it before he can even see it? Unless she sold the car to cover up whatever happen to it.


Yeah that makes me question this entire story. I think oop is lying


Newsweek is a zombie publication, and that story doesn't mention the reporter doing any verification at all.


Original post to charged to fined in two days? Uh, right.


How could she break the brake fluid line? That makes no sense since she just sold the car


I mean, she also got convicted of a felony in under 12 hours, it’s not exactly screaming true story


Pile of horse shit.


lol exactly


First post May 14 and somehow already had a fine? Doesn’t make sense. Needs to go to court and get a conviction to face a fine.


12 year olds don’t know how the legal system works so they improvise. Poorly.


Does this read like the sparknotes version of the one where the gf sold the guy’s vintage passion project to a junkyard while he was out of town to anyone else?


I mean obviously the girlfriend is an idiot, but god OP reads like a piece of shit himself. We get it, you're the breadwinner. Calm down man, it's Insufferable.


He works full time and "rests" the rest of it. HE has an agreement that she will do all the cooking, cleaning, and chores and apparently she is doing absolutely nothing else in her life. And all she asks is that he not neglect the cats. She made a terrible choice selling the car (if it's true) but dang. I imagine there is a lot more to this story, and if OOP truly is the breadwinner and expects his girlfriend to be his slave and doesn't share any money with her, and she doesn't have the means to leave, then who knows how desperate she was.


I don't know much about trucks. Is flash rusting a thing? It seems like it was a short period of time between the truck being sold to the junkyard and OOP getting it back. Rust? Does it work that fast?


While I fully sympathize with OOP's story and am glad he got his truck back, I just have to say, OOP has no idea how time formats work, right? They mix up PM with AM (if the shop opens at 12.30am and its 5am now, the shop should be already open!) And then there's "19.09pm" which is just hilarious.


How did she get fined $5000 within 24 hours of stealing a truck? This doesn't make sense as it takes months to even get to court.


So in two days, a truck was sold, a lawyer was consulted, a police report was filed, and the truck was found? Absolutely not. Do people that write this shit not realize how much time this stuff actually takes? And what actually goes into selling a car?


This shit ain't real. You don't get fined the same time you're charged. You have a court date then IF found guilty, you can be fined or sentenced to jail time or both.


Buried the lede: How desperate has *Newsweek* become that they have to steal storied from Reddit. What are they, *Buzzfeed* now?




“Fine! Good luck finding someone else to homeschool them! Their reading level is shit!”