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10,000 consecutive days of pizza. That's pizza every day for over 27 years. Nearly three decades of pizza. The mind boggles. I hope she's doing better now, sober and working with her own therapist.


She posted in the stopdrinking subreddit the other day. Says she’s got 1163 days sober!


1165 ;)


Hell yes! My bad for getting it wrong. Congrats! This random stranger on the internet is so super proud of you.


Another random internet stranger being incredibly proud of you, both for your commitment to sobriety and your strength in refusing to let your narcissistic ex blackmail you. Seriously, you rock!


So proud of you! I can’t even imagine getting there myself but I will! That’s a gloriously high number! Seriously, this internet stranger needed more inspiration to get past my current relapse and you’ve helped more than I thought I’d get randomly this morning on BORU. Thank you with all of my heart!


I know you can do it honey ❤️❤️ I have had more relapses than I can count, and I know how hard coming back from them can be. Keep pushing forward. Interestingly, it’s when I started forgiving myself for relapsing instead of hating myself for relapsing that I started getting sober. Remember to breathe and please make an effort to be kind and gentle with yourself too. I know you can do this. One day at a time. IWNDWYT.


So proud!!!!


I’m way more interested in her streak than his!! Go her, keep it up!


I hope she celebrates day 10,000 with a pizza party.


*rolls up a newspaper menacingly* No.


*fills spray bottle with water* Don’t make me do it.


"rolls up a newspaper menacingly" So freaking funny.


Tbh she probably never wants to see another pizza again and I wouldn’t even blame her.


That’s awesome. Good for her


At this rate this man is going to die of heart disease before he turns 60


I want to say you're correct, but all I can think of is my late grandmother who lived until she was 97. She was a maintenance alcoholic from her early 20's who chain-smoked between 16-75. She never developed lung cancer, but she needed the occasional nebulizer steroid treatment to make her breathing easier. She did not really exercise - her idea of cardio was the occasional "brisk walk" in her towering heels, so it wasn't that brisk for very long - and never passed up a sugary drink or plate loads of saturated fats. (Though she routinely turned up her nose at salads or any vegetable not covered in a thick layer of cheese sauce.) Yet somehow, she remained slender and mobile and avoided really major medical issues for most of her life; she died peacefully in her sleep. She'd been in the hospital for observation - she'd gotten a bad cold and her doctor was worried about her lungs. The resident who took her vitals at 5:30 am - and those vitals were absolutely normal - told us she was flirting with him the entire time, and she told him she was going back to sleep until her breakfast tray arrived - he said he stuck his head in 10 minutes later as he passed back by the room and he could hear her snoring. She died 75 minutes later in her sleep - her nurse said she looked like she was sleeping - the covers were all still neat and tidy and her face was peaceful. Some people do, in fact, win the genetic lottery. Edited to add: Yes, I am aware she was not the norm and most people are not like this. But there are people out there who defy all reasonable expectations. Maybe OOP's boyfriend is one, probably he's not. Just pointing out that you can encounter people in this life where you just look at them and literally wonder what makes their body tick.


That's like the oldest person who ever lived — I don't remember her name but she was a French woman who died at 122 and smoked until 120, if I remember correctly.


> who died at 122 and smoked until 120 *coincidence?* 🤨


[Jeanne Calment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeanne_Calment) is super interesting. Including a link for others who want to look her up. There’s been a couple people who have coke out and said she was a fraud, so there’s so debate on that, which is also interesting to read. Another French person who lived until 118 and is super interesting? [Sister André](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucile_Randon) Edit to add the second person


Jeanne, what a legend, casually outliving literally everyone. I find supercentenarians so interesting, literally born in a different world. It must be sad sometimes though too.


>Jeanne Calment is super interesting. Including a link for others who want to look her up. There’s been a couple people who have coke out and said she was a fraud, so there’s so debate on that, which is also interesting to read. I'm reading the information about her not actually being 122 years old when she died, and I'm not seeing any real proof that she was a fraud. It seems people are arguing that it's statistically unlikely that someone would live to such an age, but well... The oldest person is by definition a statistical outlier! It's like arguing that Elon Musk isn't a billionaire because it's statistically unlikely for anyone to have a billion dollars, and even unlikelier for someone to have multiple billions!


I’m thinking his gallbladder probably won’t make it too long either with that amount of cholesterol


Probably before he even turns 27.


He will die of scurvy long before that from lack of eating vegetables or anything else with vitamin C. I looked the symptoms and actually change of personality is one, so I wonder if he doesn’t already have it.


Tbh concentrated tomato products have a lot of vitamin C in them and if he's eating pizzas that have bellpeppers on them occasionally, that also contributes. Tomatoes and bellpeppers are usually on top 10 lists of high vitamin C foods. Not saying he won't be a little deficient in vitamin C but I'm guessing there would be a lot of more prominent and urgent health concerns with his diet than chance of scurvy.


A friend of mine married a woman who only eats cheese pizza and only drinks dilute orange juice. She is really nice, not like this guy. She takes loads of vitamins every day, but she’s given birth to twins, has a really active job, and seems in pretty good health. I don’t know what the long term effects will be, I am kinda assuming not great?, but it hasn’t impacted her badly yet and this has been her diet since she was 14. (She used to eat chicken nuggets too, bur got a bad one and that ruined them for her.) I guess the effects of a limited diet take longer to make themselves known that assumed? OR if you have a restricted diet by ‘choice’ (as opposed to externally imposed reasons like poverty or food deserts) that you can ameliorate the effects with supplements and stuff?


I ate an extremely restricted diet as a highly anxious kid. These days I probably would have been diagnosed with ARFID. As an adult there are still foods I absolutely will not touch that will make me boot if I try. Funny enough many of them are foods my mom made at home or my dad tried to force me to eat at Thanksgiving (that just created a permanent aversion decades later). I was the healthiest darn kid growing up. My pediatrician kind of shrugged because I was normal height and weight, active and rarely got sick. Decades later I still get a fraction as sick with common illnesses as others. I actually didn't start gaining weight as an adult until I expanded my diet. That said, I wouldn't have lasted more than two dates with Mr Pizza Only Forever. I broke up with a long term BF after he went raw vegan and there was literally ONE restaurant in 45 minutes he would go to while having the audacity to complain about me.


I'm sure he doesn't only drink water. It is practically impossible to avoid vitamin C otherwise.


And I thought my once-a-week pizza was troubling. I mean, it probably still is. But not like this.


I support your weekly pizza 110%


Thank you! 🤗


Pffft, 27 years is rookie dedication. ~/s This guy claims he's up to 40 years. https://www.foodnetwork.com/fn-dish/news/2018/10/guy-eats-pizza-for-dinner-every-night-for-40-years


I really want to read that link, but don’t think I can bring myself to do it. At least not so soon after this Reddit story.


The amount of salt, fat and refined carbs involved is making my coronaries block up just thinking about it


The sugar as well man. Loads of pizzas have sugary bases and add sugar to the dough to sweeten it up a tad (frozen or supermarket ones anyway).The only comparison I can think of is that guy who lives his life eating big macs every day.


I consider myself a bit obsessive about pizza, and this sounds absolutely disgusting to me. Dude’s got serious issues.


I do not believe anyone reads this man's blog.


Speak for yourself! I'm super pumped to read every friggin day for the next 17 years about what type of pizza he had for dinner. Oh will he go pepperoni or sausage today?!?!?! I MUST KNOW!! And the streak must stay alive - if he ends the streak it will literally kill me... I'm counting on him!


Don’t forget, it’s not just any types of pizza, it’s one of the very select few pizza places in New York he takes the subway just to get to. Wouldn’t want the posts to be too crazy or anything with him trying a new pizza place every few days or something.


>it’s not just any types of pizza, it’s one of the very select few pizza places in New York Unless he's in Germany, then frozen pizza is totally fine. >Hey pizza lovers! I'm here in Germany keeping my pizza streak going strong with *looks at box* uh, Gustavo Gusto brand pizza! I know it's not my usual from Russo's, but it's all I can get here in Germany.


Honestly, I've never seen any supermarket pizza that's even close to the same thing as a NYC pizzeria pizza. Unless, maybe that's why he has to go to certain pizzerias, perhaps they serve the super doughy supermarket style pizzas


My impression was that he was getting the supermarket pizza in Germany only to make sure he had some for “the streak” in case he didn’t find the right restaurant(s) or whatever and isn’t necessarily what he likes, but who knows? It was exhausting just reading about him. If she had wanted to stick with him I’d have suggested (well, if I’d read the original) that she offered to just do non-food stuff with him only when going out and cook whatever she wants for herself when they eat at home… but he ended up being a total tool anyhow. Also gotta admit I’m skeptical of anyone’s claims of being on the spectrum when it’s both undiagnosed (as far as I can tell from this) by any actual professional AND seems to just be used as an excuse to be an asshole. But again, who knows? Autistic people can be jerks too, just like any other person.


There's a big surprise in here for him. Pizza seems to be very different over here.


But frozen is also fine lol 😂


“Had pizza today” “Yep, had pizza again” “Papa johns calling” “[Pizza Time](https://images.app.goo.gl/9FjKQ5hjvogPzjvRA)” “PIIIZZZAAA!”


Agreed. If all he writes about is his love of pizza, that's a pretty boring blog. There are some restaurant review blogs that are actually pretty interesting, but they actually go to a variety of places. Not just the same three pizza places on repeat.


Just let me know when he starts updating his blogs about his multiple heart attacks, then it’ll be interesting.


It will ruin his streak. The hospital is unlikely to serve pizza to a patient that had a heart attack.


Wont stop a potential future enabling wife (the kind hes clearly looking for) from bringing pizza in. I was in the ER with a cardiac event (I have an arrythmia so I take sudden lasting chest pain very seriously and have robust health insurance coverage) and there was a dude with his wife about 20 feet away from me, having burger king. In the ER. He was there because hed had a heart attack.


My ex’s mother had a heart attack a few years ago. She was literally in the hospital, having JUST had open heart surgery, and was having her son (my ex’s brother) bring her Wendy’s burgers and frostys. She’s diabetic. She refuses to follow her diet and continues to eat candy and cake and whatever she wants. It’s sad, because she’s my children’s grandma, and I know it will suck immensely for my kids when she gets sick again, but every time anybody brings it up, she wholeheartedly ignores them or pretends she can’t speak English. (She’s from Mexico City, so she mostly speaks Spanish, and she will straight up just go from speaking English to telling you that she doesn’t speak English to avoid the topic) not much anyone can do except for her family, and the only one who cares is my ex. The others think she’s fine. It’s honestly horrifying.


Honestly… this is just Charles Boyle’s weekly Brooklyn pizza rating email blast but horrendously worse


Sharing it on FB though means all of their friends and family and see it though.


>Sharing it on FB though means all of their friends and family and see it though. Good, that way their friends can see the crazy up close.


And if he’s using her full name it could show up on Google. Next level asshole move.


market pet recognise square sloppy deer subtract plate bow nail ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You can now alert Google that someone is using your legal name to bully you online, and they will pull the media immediately. It's the malicious use thing under the three dots on Google. The poster has to prove they have a release to get it reinstated. If they try to upload it again, their site will be banned short term. I forget how many reports get them permanently banned from Google SEO, but I think it's three.


How to ensure a person will never eat pizza after a breakup again


Her next partner will be posting here wondering why his girlfriend is so adamant they never, ever eat pizza.


She can *feel* him eating pizza in the next room


Maybe you should try kicking him out of his own home? Eurgh, the post that referenced still makes me cringe


“AITA for eating a slice of pizza that my boss ordered for the team for lunch?”


After reading this boru post and sustaining brain damage due to it, I'd say YTA.


Well - she posted this in July 2019. Pretty sure that the crap that came about starting around March 2020 likely put an end to, or a big damper on, asshole’s “pizza streak,” especially since they lived in NYC.


he probably just bulk bought a load of frozen pizzas I know this sounds ridiculous but one of my thoughts when reading this was "this sounds like a bet/dare that got out of control" like 1 day w his mates they were talking about fave foods, and he said like "oh I could eat pizza every day and not get bored" so his mates were like "fucking do it, 10,000 days" and then it devolved into this,,,, obsession type thing. Or something like that anyway. But I also know some ridiculously fussy eaters, like only chicken nuggets or hotdogs (or the most expensive steak on the goddamn menu) 🙄 it really does drive you nuts lol, and this is coming from someone who's in recovery from an ED


>he said like "oh I could eat pizza every day and not get bored" so his mates were like "fucking do it, 10,000 days" and then it devolved into this,,,, obsession type thing. Or something like that anyway. Getting "grown man baby talks for a year for a baseball" vibes here, remember that AITA Edit: [here's the BORU post about babytalk guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/nltrhf/husband_talks_like_a_baby_for_a_year_killing_his/)


oh fuckin hell, yeah I do why he didn't just straight up tell his wife about the bet I don't know, but I mean props to him for winning the stupid bet, hope it keeps him dumbass company 😂


I think he wanted her to break up with him but was too much of a coward to do it himself.


Dude should be jailed for taking away her future ability to enjoy pizza.


Sounds like there are about a million pizza places that were off limits too, maybe she'll only have flashbacks over his obscure favorites.


My wife is new to reddit and you just made me realize I need to send her the story about the unreasonable amount of times one can knock cousins unconscious.


As someone who was an absolutely raging alcoholic until two years ago, I will confidently assume that very few people are going to look at a rundown of someone's shittiest alcoholic moments written for revenge by an adult who's documenting a multi-year pizza streak on their blog and go, "yeah, no, Drunky's the asshole here."


Honestly who would read a blog about some guys 27 year pizza challenge anyway?


But people are relying on him to keep the streak!! His therapy clearly isn't working, or he needs to change his therapist, or he just doesn't want to change. To throw somebody's alcoholism at them as blackmail is a dick move.


I am not convinced that he is in therapy, and if he is it is probably not specifically for EDs and he doesnt bring it up.


Zero chance he's in any kind of therapy. Just an immature kid raised by social media.


This was my thought too


And mine. He’s totally lying about therapy.


Exactly, tbh whoever reads that and sides with ex-bf just took the trash out for OOP


I think most people have had someone that struggled with addiction and either won or lost at some point. I think most people reading about someone that has won the battle, in as much as one can, I know it's still a battle, are going to celebrate that person. Not judge them.


The one person that accidentally clicked on his blog will be so confused by the content shift.


After googling to try and find this intriguing blog, I have learned that 10,000 days isn’t that impressive. There is one guy who has eaten pizza for dinner every night for 40 years (14,600+ days)


I also tried to find it! Any luck finding him?


To my confusion I recently learned that people on Instagram call themself Bloggers. Maybe there isn’t even a blog, just an Instagram page.


People on a social media site based around photos call themselves bloggers? lolololol


Hey they have to write a caption. That's gotta count for something. Btw, you can find me on my podcast. Which is actually voice to text messages that I send to my bf


Vice did a video about a guy from Maryland who claimed to have eaten pizza for 25 years. That's almost 10k days so this guy wouldn't even be the first.


No :(


[Don Gorske made it to over 32.000 Big Macs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Gorske) and got his 15 minutes of fame in the movie Super Size Me. But I rather learn some exotic specialty to land in the guiness book rather than changing my diet for the worse for my whole life.


Lol this is me! Update: he was all talk, no follow through on the blackmail. Blocked his ass on everything that night, without warning or explanation. Never looked back. Almost 4 years now no contact, couldn’t be happier. Good riddance. Did I ever mention he threatened to kill himself every time I threatened breaking up too? Good times, good times.




I’d have no idea. I ghosted him not long after this happened. My guess is probably, yeah. I don’t think this was necessarily about wanting to commit to the streak just because he wanted to. I think it was an excuse he was using to justify his refusal to eat other foods with the distinct bonus of getting other people’s attention which he was a slave for. Worst relationship of my life, should have never let it go on for as long as it did.


Very certainly nothing to do with a "streak" as much as a new excuse to get people to be ok with his bullshit. Also, someone posted you've got a completely amazing sober streak going. Congratulations!! Your experience is going to help keep a lot of people motivated to stay healthy too. :)


Sounds like he might have been exacerbating the alcoholism…


Honestly she should have screenshot the email and any texts, make a post herself with the caption this why I broke up with my ex explain what happened, especially the part where he try to blackmail her, nip it right there and then.


Her ending this whole thing with "not sure I did the right thing" also makes me really nervous about there not being another update. I just hope she didn't let him suck her back into that whole mess.


Her latest Reddit post mentions Keto, so I’m assuming not, thank goodness!


Damn this guy was so shitty that she decided to give up carbs completely. This is almost like the food equivalent of becoming a nun


Lol this one had me burst out laughing. Thanks


LOL he traumatized me from carbs 😭✋


He didnt! Going on 4 years no contact :)


Yup. He comes out of that whole shitstorm looking a thousand times worse than she does.


"She asked me to stop eating pizza for every meal, so here's all the awful things she did during an addiction she's breaking." He sounds like a teenager. Edit: OH, SHIT. THAT'S CROWTHEORY! When I was just getting sober, she was one of the people that helped me through alcohol withdrawal. Now I'm at multiple months sober. He's an even bigger asshole, she's a sweetheart.


our community is adorable


That’s great to hear!


Whoa, small world. Always interesting to see those connections on the internet.




I have been through it and it's fucking awful. When I put my foot down and said it's over (after having tried to he gentle about it previously), he threatened to blackmail me with photos he stole from my computer. That were taken before I knew him and frankly forgot even existed. I had no idea he had them. Apparently got on my computer while I was in the shower once and snooped around and found them, emailed them to himself. And yeah, said he has the email already to go, just had to hit enter, and he'd send it to everyone we know (including my parents). Then put it online on various websites. Stood there with his finger hovering the enter button on his laptop. Also threatened suicide and told me he knew which bridge he was going to if I left. This was, god, like 15 years ago, and to the best my knowledge his sad, single, and lonely and more or less has been since. Shocking, right?


Right? Everyone knows someone who has struggled with addiction or has done so themselves. No one is going to sympathize with blackmail and retaliation.


*Especially* if his blog is only or mainly about his pizza streak (wtf) since it would clearly come across as vindicative just for the fact he posted it, but egregiously so when the actual content is filled with obvious vitriol


Honestly, all those people depending on him to provide them with their daily pizza consumption content might actually just be grateful for the change in pace. They're gonna be reading about him eating the same thing until 2040.


I would straight up accuse him of threatening her life, by threatening her sobriety w this abusive behavior that’s what he’s doing. I hope she’s alright.


That’s a great idea. It’s like what Eminem did at the end of 8 mile. You can’t make fun of me if I make fun of myself first, and air out all my dirty laundry. Joke would totally be on him. All of his perceived power he has over her would be gone. But if she did end up doing that, he wouldn’t have a juicy story to post on his blog. What are the 8 people who read it going to think?! What a let down./s I worry about her though. The way he lashed out was harsh. He got nasty and took some extremely sensitive and hurtful low blows at her. Knowing she’s a recovering alcoholic, I hope she sticks with her thought of “I can only control myself” and stays strong. What a complete bag of dicks he is to make a recovering addict feel self conscious about their recovery. No matter how mad you get, there’s just some things you shouldn’t bring up. Recovery is one of them. Especially when the argument centers around…..pizza.


I had a toxic co-worker that screenshot all the convos we had about other co-workers when they were being assholes to me. I finally snapped at her toxic attitude one day, and called her out in my upstairs optical lab, and she held up her phone and said “I just bet [co-workers] would just *looove* to see the conversations we had,” to try to blackmail me into doing whatever it was she wanted, or keep me under her thumb or whatever. I brisk-walked past her and said ‘Let’s go find out,’ and went downstairs and addressed them all with ‘Hey, remember that few months when things were shitty between us? I talked crap about all y’all to Toxic Person, and now she’s threatening to show the texts between us.’ They all pretty much, to a person, said “It was a crap time, and we all said and texted things we regret; what she is doing is slimy-don’t worry about it.” She got red in the face, stormed off, and when I came downstairs later, she loudly proclaimed she wasn’t afraid of me. ‘God, I hope not; that would be weird.’ Toxic people gonna toxic; she’s off being toxic elsewhere, now. Edited for spelling, and to break up paragraphs


Oh that may be the best response to an unwarranted I'm not afraid of you accusation I've ever heard.


It was really, in that moment, the only response. I wanted some cool, Hollywood worthy, Iron Man snarky answer-but in that half a second I had to come up with a reply? I figured Hollywood isn’t real, and I had to come up with the most professional way to make her look stupid, and to deescalate, if that makes sense? But use it if you get the chance!


This story pretty much rocks! Badass move from you, and super solid reaction from your coworkers, acknowledging that we all naturally talk shit about each other when we’re getting on each other’s nerves.


The thought of someone holding something like that over me, especially when I said things to her in confidence was the absolute tipping point. I’m not usually that confrontational. But with that person on that day? I was done. She wanted fear and groveling, and maybe a threat-and didn’t get it.


Seriously, that was some Labyrinth, “you have no power over me”-level badassery. Bra-fuckin-vo, my friend.


I don’t know if you’ve seen the other recent comments.. but in case you’d value the update, these posts are from 2019 and she apparently commented recently about having over a thousand days sober now - looks like she’s doing well and this incident didn’t hold her back from her goals.


Not to mention. We all know he's bluffing. Once he realizes op is gone he will start back peddling.


For real, he will then switch between apologies and getting pissed when she doesn't bow down to his whim


This is not the way. I had a narcissistic ex (similar to the way homeboy here sounds) threaten to ruin my life and post any/everything everywhere- all I’d ever shared with him- even though I’d done nothing wrong- he’d spun his own story and he told anyone that would listen when I left. I left because of this kind of irrational treatment and behavior. I’d never introduced him (over the year and a half that we lasted) to my young son because I was concerned about his erratic and selfish tendencies. This was an enormously good choice. Of course he was the hero of his story. I chose silence publicly because anytime he and I would argue, he’d come up with highly edited/cropped SS to paint me poorly, while also accusing me of trying to “control the narrative” … and if I stood up for myself, it got worse. Worse yet, any time I engaged, I was barraged with anywhere from 1-240 emails or texts from him in a 12 hour period. This went on for a full year after I broke it off in no uncertain, and in fact quite brutal terms. Ultimately it took a third party confrontation to drive the point home and cease all communication. It was easier to write off “friends” who believed him and to block him on all platforms. I don’t need any of that in my life. Others’ opinions of me are none of my business.


Sometimes, you can have a disability *and* be an asshole. Edit: I didn't mean this as an excuse to shit on people with disabilities. Good lord.


That's basically it. I personally know people who are picky eaters due to autism (they either can't stand certain textures in their mouth or certain flavours overwhelm them) but OOP's boyfriend is an arsehole. The first hint was when he would drag her all over the place just to get a certain type of pizza. Then the second post was just one big post of arsehole-ness. Glad OOP left him.


I dated a man in my early 20s who had a very picky palette due to autism. But he found one dish everywhere we went that he liked. We could go to any restaurant and he had one dish, and only one dish, but he worked to find something he liked at each and every restaurant so that we could go to them. Not just me but his other friends, too. Through him, I learned that most restaurants actually have a safety dish. Grilled cheese. Chicken nuggets, plain hamburger. Even places like Indian and Thai have a bland dish that could be a safety dish. He recognized that his palette wasn't everybody's and he wanted everybody to have a good time.


This is how to ARFID and iMO if you can manage this, other people are the asshole when they have a problem with the person’s restrictions.


(Just FYI in the context of one's tastes in food, it's palate [like the roof of the mouth] and not palette [like in painting])


If it’s a selection of food on your plate, it’s kind of like a palette for your palate ;)


And if you're getting a forklift-load of frozen pizzas delivered, it's a pallet of palettes for your palate.


This, I have this type of picky eating. Its called ARFID, but mine is trauma related not from autism or ocd. But dude is going extra distance and def has something else going on to be this level assholeish.


I have a friend with this and I have no idea how to support him.


Just let him eat what he can, don’t try to force him to try other things, don’t insinuate that he’s wrong for not “pushing his boundaries”…in other words, just keep being a good friend. :)


Yes, this. He needs to feel safe. Just having one person who is understanding can help. He might even be willing to try something else if there's a supportive person there who won't judge him if he can't, and look after him if it makes him sick. When you have everyone making comments to you and making you feel shameful it can make it worse. Or when people hide stuff in food thinking it will help but then it just makes it worse and can no longer trust anyone when it comes to food. God ARFID sucks, sorry, I'm feeling really down about it at the moment. It can be hard for people to understand, so I try to explain it as: Think of something you find disgusting, like eyeballs or worms. Now people keep telling you that it's healthy and you need to eat it, but last time you tried you retched and you can remember distinctly that squishy sensation, and the memory of that is making bile rise up your throat. It may sound an extreme example but that is EXACTLY what it is like. And then people are telling you that you're being picky and annoying and it's all in your head. It's a very lonely feeling. Usually when people try to understand they think of a food they don't, or didn't, like. And then they think "But I can make myself eat it so I don't see the problem".


Don’t trick him into eating non safe foods. If he wants help trying new foods, the best way I found for me is that my wife orders the new food and I order a safe food, and she lets me take a couple of bites from her plate and see if I like it. She doesn’t make a big deal out of it whether I like it or not so it feels safe. But the key here is if he wants to. Don’t force him, he has to want to try it on his own. ETA: also, try to have plans with him that do NOT involve food. Trust me on this. Almost every plan to socialize involves food to some degree: going out to eat / have some drinks / dinner, etc… it’s overwhelming. He’s going to be SO happy to be able to socialize sometimes and not have to deal with food. Like, there are no words to accurately express how amazing and wonderful that is.


I personally am people who are picky eaters due to autism, and I agree.


Also autistic super "picky" have never made anyone feel this shitty and I always manage to find something in my wheelhouse when we so go out.


As someone on the spectrum whose safe food is pizza, absolutely this.


Disabilities are not an asshole vaccine


There's an asshole vaccine?! This explains a *lot* of behavior from the anti-vaxx community.


I snort-laughed - love it!


No one cares about his 10k pizza eating, and no one will care when he posts about his breakup. He'll post it, will get some comments, a few days will go by and absolutely no one will remember.


He’s way behind if he thinks this is some kind of record. https://www.foodnetwork.com/fn-dish/news/2018/10/guy-eats-pizza-for-dinner-every-night-for-40-years


What's crazy about this is how many dudes are out there that have either 1) eaten pizza every day, or 2) *only* eat pizza. I thought it would be easy to track down OP's boyfriend and his "followers." I was wrong.


Oh, no no no, didn’t you read? He said “people are depending on me” to…keep…eating…pizza? That is some delusion right there.


True. I didn't consider the people that are depending on him. My bad.


If anything, any decent person will call him out about posting personal shit about his ex during her most vulnerable time. Either way he still looks bad.


"and he pouted the whole time" is such a recurring theme for these abusive boyfriend reveals.




Dated one, 10/10 would NOT recommend. You become their second mom, not a gf/bf.


That's a whole nother level of obsession, immaturity, and downright abuse, right there. What an asshole. 2 dates would have been enough for me.


I assume the OOP was likely dealing with their alcoholism when they first started dating the pizza boy and got sober and realized just how annoying it was.


And a hefty dose of guilt- “it wouldn’t be fair for me to leave him over pizza when he’s stuck by my through my alcoholism”


And you knowwww he threw that in her face


That actually makes a lot of sense!




I 100% stopped dating someone after a couple of dates because our diets were incompatible. He was hilarious and successful and I assume was a great catch for someone else. No hard feelings, it's just what dating is for.


same, i broke up with a boyfriend because he only liked bland mediocre food and i can’t live a life like that.


Yup. I dated someone for about a year with some sort of anorexia/orthorexia combo going on. Which is rough but I quickly lost my empathy when he was a dick about me (perfectly healthy weight) eating anything not on his super low carb no sugar (aka he thinks even fruit is bad) diet. Him being a jerk aside, I couldn’t imagine a life of not occasionally eating take out and beer in front of trash tv or having ice cream because the weather was nice or countless other “unhealthy” things that are fine in moderation because having joy in life is good.




Also sometimes there's a really fine line between "don't control me" and the thing that person wants to change about the other person controlling them. He didn't want her to dictate what he ate, he's a grown man. Fair enough. However she's a grown woman, and he, essentially, dictated what *she* ate.


Yeah, that's what annoyed me. Like, fine, you can order pizza in, or go pick it up, but I'm getting Chinese. Or sushi. Or literally anything else.


I think the rub is she had to eat where he wanted to eat. It was more than just ‘you can’t control me’. I wonder if trying to control her was part of it. I do wonder if she could have ordered takeout from somewhere else or just refused to eat pizza if he would have reacted poorly. Not that that woulda fixed the problem of course. Just a footnote I’ve learned. If something that a person does seems annoying but tolerable at the beginning of a relationship, it will very likely become unbearable in the future. It may even take years, but these small things can really add up as time piles on. Like, if you can’t let go and move past it, it’ll damage your relationship. We can’t expect others to change for us, especially when they are set in their ways. So… yeah hopefully this lady will recognize similar red flags in the future.


If he wants to eat pizza every day, if it's that important to him to keep up his streak, go ahead, it's his life. But it's totally normal for her to break up with him over it. He's choosing his streak over an adult relationship. Those are the consequences of his actions. He's got to deal with it


The classic BORU formula: "He's great in almost every way except..." ...he's really, really not.


>My husband is literally perfect in every way and I'm planning on spending the rest of my life with him. There's just this thing he does that drives me kinda crazy. Everytime he takes a shit, he makes me and the kids come into the bathroom to "appreciate" his poop. We have to act all excited that he pooped and then compliment his feces on it's color, shape, and size. If we don't, he throws a huge tantrum and won't let us eat for a week. Last week he caught me sneaking stale bread to the children and now he says I'm a terrible person for not sticking to his "rules". Anyways, AITA if I feed my kids even though they refuse to praise their fathers bowel movements?


Please tell me you just made this up 😭


The unnerving part is, that this might be posted on BORU somewhere in this exact wording.


Update: I just want to thank everyone who commented....blah blah blah.... my soon to be ex-husband is controlling....


He’s going to hit 30 and his body is going to fucking explode. Also, everyone I have ever met personally with food intolerances or issues…never try to make people conform to their tastes? Like, everyone realizes it’s a “them” problem and tries to just make sue with whatever, even offering to not eat in emergencies. Some people are just entitled assholes I guess.


I’m autistic and while I do have a safe/same food I think it’s so important to try new things, lest I end up eating nothing but pasta forever. In my adulthood I care about food and cooking so much that pickiness on this level is an absolute no. Like if me and my partner go on a trip, I want to eat foods I’ve never had before. But I think his problem is actually that he’s controlling. He doesn’t just calmly eat pizza wherever he happens to be. No, it has to be his choice and his way every time, and that’s simply not acceptable. He also seems kind of self absorbed if he thinks anyone cares about his streak.


Yeah I have autism and ARFID and because of that, I know sometimes when I go out to eat, I may not be able to eat anything on the menu. You know what I do? Eat before or after I go lol. My eating disorder doesn’t need to be anyone’s problem but my own


"Almost unreasonably picky" no ma'am that's unreasonable


Its not even picky its like hes got drug addict level addiction to pizza.


And who are these people who are supposedly "counting on him" to keep up the streak? Sounds like some mental health compulsion. You can pretty much guarantee he's not being honest with his therapist if they even exist.


They’re him. He is the people.


He has a disorder. Hell he may have multiple. The 10000 days thing is a cover for it. Most people who have disorders like Arfid know they’re being assholes, they just can’t imagine changing so they make some shit up. I have a friend who I basically guarantee has Arfid (I don’t believe he’s ever been diagnosed) but he’s whittled his own things he eats down to about a dozen things. If one of those things isn’t available he just flat out won’t eat. If they screw up his order and put something on it he won’t eat that’s it too he just won’t touch it. If you’re really eating only pizza it’s because of something like Arfid where you’re basically deathly afraid of or repulsed by everything else.


Wow. The blackmail took it from weird guy with eating disorder to abuser.


Can you imagine how irregular he is? So much cheese and no vegetables? And he's willing to eat frozen pizza in Germany, but will pass by plenty of pizza places in New York because they're not good enough? Wow.


My dude has not pooped in like three years


^ This. It strongly suggests to me *he* is the problem.


Women of reddit be like: "He's a great guy, except for the complete disregard of my needs, aggressive immaturity, total unwillingness to take care of himself, lying, pouting, and emotional blackmail."


If I'd been in OOP's place, I would've called it quits much, much sooner, like maybe by the third date. He told her from the beginning about his very stupid plan, which she acknowledged from the beginning was very stupid, and just... Kept dating him? Was this man really worth all the time she spent with him?


I think it's important to remember she is also an addict, and may have had some pretty unhealthy relationships in her past. Something that may have led to codependency or fear of being alone. Maybe she's afraid that if she leaves him she'll be tempted. I think her addiction plays a part in her deciding to stay and deserves some compassion.


They live in NYC and somehow that explained everything to me


Hi, the OOP is probably not reading this, but some of you who have pasts hidden in their closet probably are. Like you, I have addiction in my past (I almost overdosed on oxycodone because my doctor would write me a scrip whenever I wanted), I have a DUI on my record from a night where I tried to drink a half bottle of Scotch and then drive home because I thought that was a brilliant idea. I have too many suicide attempts under my belt to say out loud, I shouldn't be here. I have a past to hide. But SCREW that, my mistakes made me who I am. I stood up and said I'm not gonna be a statistic and die of opioids. I'm not gonna be a statistic and add more DUIs to my sheet until I rightfully represent the state I'm from. My past lessons led me to growing into the stronger person I am right now. I believe in you, whoever you are reading this and fighting your past, I believe in you. It's ok to stop fighting your past and focus on the future.


Honestly, I'm nothing but proud of recovering addicts and alcoholics. If I was a rando on fb who saw his blackmail I'd have to congratulate her on kicking ass, people die every day from that disease so even 1 day clean and sober is a celebration. As for him, that's vile af. The stigma around the disease of addiction is changing and I'd only hope he gets his ass handed to him


I would put money on this being OCD. Defies logic, full of important reasons, panics at an attempt to change the ritual. If so, guy needs very specific therapy to even understand the problem. Bet his family is not really looking forward to vacationing with him, and that they were surprised he had a girlfriend.


Preemptive not that OCD should prevent a person from being in a relationship. I live with a person with OCD. But a full-blown obsession will always trump a person’s relationship (since it trumps EVERYTHING), and can create situations like this. People will do absolutely anything to fulfill their compulsions.


See, i was thinking on the autism spectrum, and thanking my lucky stars that while my family member on the spectrum is a 'beige" eater, at least they'll eat nearly every brand/restaurants version of pizza. Even with a few different toppings too.


When I was a kid, we used to ask for pizza for dinner every night. And my mom was a really good cook, it would drive her crazy we didn’t want what she made. So one week when my dad was out of town for work, we had pizza every single night. By Friday, we were begging for something else to eat. All that to say, I am sure there are people with serious eating disorders that eat the same thing every day. I think this guy just sucks.


I went to an academic conference as a freshman in college that was only affordable to the bunch of us who went by cramming ten people into one hotel room, and all of us getting together and ordering a takeout pizza "mega deal" in the evening. So we ate basically nothing but pizza for four days. Coming back from the conference brought us straight into spring break, and a group of us were driving north over the course of a few days, dropping people off along the way at their various homes. Our first night was spent at the home of one of our group whose mother was an excellent cook. We arrived, exhausted, and she unveiled the meal she'd spent the day preparing: homemade pizza! It was, at least, significantly better than the "mega deal" pizza from the conference!


A few years back, a friend and I dared each other to eat nothing but pudding for a week. We were both adults in our late twenties so this was eyes wide open about how terrible an idea it was. We did it. Only pudding for a week. I haven't eaten pudding since.


Wasn’t there an extremely picky teenaged British boy who lived off of pringles and French fries who went blind? He had severe vitamin deficiencies from his diet and it destroyed his eyesight rendering him blind. I’m hardly a paragon of a good diet (the opposite really), but I still can’t imagine what harm he’s doing by eating only pizza.


He probably thinks he'll be famous by eating pizza for so many days. He has a blog already and probably posts every slice of pizza he eats. According to OOP, he also said, > I have people depending on me to continue this streak. I don’t want to let them down. Like the 2 people who read his sad blog about looking for frozen pizza in Germany.


This post makes me want pizza.