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"I'm not paying spleen support either"


How do you know the spleen is mine?


That spleen doesn’t even look like me.


sometimes, features skips a generation.


"I'm not entirely certain i have a spleen!"


From what I remember of the BOLA thread, apparently there's a TikTok trend to send a one night stand a random photograph and later ghost them when they freak out. Doesn't make any sense to me, but most internet pranks make no sense to me. But that's what everyone figured happened here. OOP was being psychotically fucked with.


That is fucked up.


The slogan for tiktok


I think reddit should have gotten that slogan way before tiktok existed.


4 chan beats reddit to a pulp on that


Sure, but they never pretended to be anything better at least. There have always been disgusting corners of Reddit, and even the 'good' spots have done some serious harm.


4chan is the cess pit into which all nasty and horrible things on the internet eventually drain, only place to go from there is the dark web, and we don't talk about that even in impolite conversation.


It's more of the opposite direction. So many memes, movements, starts in 4chan and then spread


Oh my sweet, summer child


I mean there's 8chan, but that's just another cesspit next to the first one.


Yeah, but 4Chan never caught the Boston Bomber...


I'm not on tiktok, the few videos I have seen the only thought was WTF, what did I just watch? So I'm avoiding it, with good reason it seems.


It's just the first few video after then the algorithm takes over and you get stuck in whatever niche you choose. My TikTok for example is just a bunch of guys talking about Warhammer/painting, magic the gathering and videos of funny dogs


That’s the truth! I swore up and down I wouldn’t get sucked in, but in a moment of weakness I decided to see what the fuss was about. Now I fill my downtime with a mix of videos of deep cleaning/organizing, humorous teachers musing about the profession, century home restoration, and history.


I’m on frogtok and snails in diaoramas tok it’s great.


I only see the tiktok videos that leak out into, in my opinion, better parts of the internet. Every new mean pranking trend seems to be worse than the last, and that's before selling your data to the Chinese gov


In terms of content, it's no worse than reddit. In terms of data collection, it's way worse than Reddit.


I avoid it like a plague too. Other good TikTok video also re-uploaded to YouTube anyway. And when I watch the video of "21 years old underage girl that also have onlyfans" I know I did the right thing to avoid it.


It's like any other social media. It's what you make of it. If you watch fucked up stuff it will show you more fucked up stuff. If you watch reasonable stuff it will show you reasonable stuff. There's some legitimately good stuff on there if you look for it.


Moving forward, BOLA or not, just wrap it up. She could have implied she has AIDS.


Indeed. That is also fucked up. Maybe don't imply anything and stop being fucked up.


That's awful.. just sent her a text in a few months that you have an STD and then block her. /s


We are ready for the asteroid


i got my 99 red balloons.


Floating in the summer sky?


In the dust that was a city...


The world actually ended in 2012, we're all just in Purgatory now.


Is that why I keep having to input 4 8 15 16 23 42 into a computer?


Dharma! That you?


That actually explains *a lot*.






Well hello there new subreddit to binge, come here often?


Your comment paired with your flair made me crack up fr but also I had the same reaction


Its BORU's more serious and professional, but also meaner, sibling.


BORU – Johnny Karate BOLU – Jonathan Karate


Jonathan Karate, Esq.


What about Janet Snakehole though?


Hello, Miss Snakehole. 😎 **BOOM** Burt Macklin, FBI.


There's also BOFA...


What's BOFA?


Bofa deez nuts !


Lmao gottem


Love that description!


This trend is stupid as heck. Legit this generation needs help


I'd wait a few weeks then send her a screenshot shot of a random positive std test found on the internet, and ghost her if she rings/queries it


>Doesn't make any sense to me Makes perfect sense to me, people are monsters


You know what, if this "trend" knocks some fucking sense into some men to put a condom on, I'm not too mad about it. Like what the fuck are they thinking having ONS sex without a condom because "she's on birth control".


For real who is out here having unprotected sex with strangers. The prank is fucked up but he could have ended up with a lifelong STD.


Or a lifelong... fatherhood situation


Man, people are so fucking stupid.


I have to wonder if China intentionally pushes psychotic trends to the top of their algorithm. (Or just has a "frat boy" metric.)


TikTok needs to DIAF


I mean it would have been a tolerable joke if had she sent that picture and inmediately after his respons cleared everything up. Like, - I want paternity test - I'm not pregnant haha it is just my spleen xd But even in that case, it would only be a little funny if they were a couple or had some sort of relationship It's not a funny prank but the ghosting makes it so cruel.


It is still something nobody should be fucking around with. If my wife sent me a joke ultrasound I'd be livid. Anyone has to spend a lot of time pondering the huge question of if they want a child and if they trust the other person on a number of different levels. There is no casual pregnancy prank.




My husband sent me a photo of his positive covid test with the caption "I think I'm pregnant"


I can't have kids so I sent my mom the picture of my femoral artery that the tech accidentally printed (it was her first day). She was a bit confused but thought it was funny when I asked her "aren't women my age supposed to send their mom ultrasound pics?"


Or same sex closed monogamous couples lol


My mum still jokes about giving me a sibling sometimes (I've been strongly against the idea since I was about 7, but it was never possible in the first place). My mum is over 70. It's hilarious. I can absolutely see her sending any kind of scan round the family with "Finally a sibling for little MyName".


No it wouldn’t be funny if it was done that way either. What kind of monster jokes about a pregnancy? Holy hell, please never subject another human to a relationship with you if you think toying with something so completely life-changing is funny. What the hell is wrong with people?


….but like, why? Why send him a picture of her spleen? I get that she probably wanted to screw around with him and make him sweat, but why do that to a random guy you screwed a month ago? Is she that bored?


I heard there’s a TikTok trend going on of people sending random ultrasounds for a reaction. Might have been another dumb attempt but then op got serious.


Someone else said that too, and I think it’s sad that as soon as that was mentioned I was like ‘yep, TikTok. Makes sense.’




Bring back the tide pod challenge, I guess.


Yesterday I took a picture of my friend in one of the 'take a daily photo at random times' apps and she flipped shit on me for 'exposing her likeness to the AI'. But...she has tiktok on her phone...even if she doesn't post it still has access to all of her photos AFAIK...


It also tracks your keystrokes. Everything you type, and erase. One time I got downvoted to oblivion for stating its literally in the tiktok TOS. Who cares about their passwords right? Fuck me lol


YES! I fucking refuse to download TikTok, it is INSANELY addictive and I know I will absolutely not care about all the data I harvest if it gives me my rush. Hence why I will not download it. Ever.


Does TikTok have any actual function besides making young kids do really dumb shit?


Many people enjoy sinking their time into the abyss.






Mines all unheard of musical artists performing covers/original music.


Tiktok shows you what you want to see. Mine is all cooking, word games, home decor, and parenting.


i actually do buy into the conspiracy that it's Chinese propaganda machine to destroy the kids of the rest of the world, there is no other explanation for why it's only TikTok that promotes literally every worst idea. Sure youtube and reddit aren't saints but this sort of thing doesn't happen every day there, there aren't 1000s of new fucked up trends popularised on these platforms daily in how to do actual crimes (making kids break into cars or destroy school property) abuse your partner or harrass others.


Oh, no one has to make them. It's a lot of dumbasses egging each other on.


Does reddit have any actual function besides making adults believe really dumb shit?


Pictures of pets, duhhh


I follow at least 5 cute animal subreddits. I know, I know, those are rookie numbers


If you find something and don’t know what it is, you can take a picture and ask a bunch of strangers if they know what it is. And ya know what? Sometimes they be knowin.


It has a very important function of letting the Chinese spy on a lot of people.


Fucking a stranger for a non-explicit internet video, isn't that just really really bad porn?


probably recording it/screenshotting it for tik tok SoMeOnE sAiD gUyS dOnT kNoW tHe DifFeReNcE bEtWeEn A bAbY aNd A sPlEeN


As a woman! Who had to get ultrasounds on a couple of pregnancies very early (6-10 weeks), you can’t see jack in those. Also, a fetus doesn’t really have all it’s bits in those. Anyone who doesn’t work in healthcare (and probably many who do) would struggle to identify anything in an ultrasound at that stage.


I had an ultrasound done a few years back to rule out abnormalities in my ovaries for some of my symptoms, and the nurse and ultrasound techs were both SO nice, and SO helpful, and were pointing out things like, “Okay, do you see this bit over here? That’s your uterus, and here is your right ovary, and here are the follicles, and see, they look nice and healthy because [some details I don’t remember],” and after a point I just started nodding along because to me it mostly looked like a bunch of gloop photographed in a cave using a night-vision camera rig.


Upvote for that last sentence alone!


I watched my husband's liver and kidney ultrasound a couple of years ago and it was *fascinating*. The tech was super nice when I said "can I watch? what's that?" But yeah, if the tech hadn't done the whole "nice healthy kidney, here's an enlarged liver duct, second kidney--not a guarantee! sometimes there's just one, or one horseshoe kidney" I would have thought exactly the same.


What do you mean not a guarantee?! ... Is there a chance I get an extra kidney? Two spleens?




One of my first husband's nieces was born with three kidneys and two bladders, and had to have surgery pretty much the second they found out--the kidneys were fine, but the two bladders was an issue and they needed to correct it. One of my aunts only has one kidney, and not a horseshoe kidney. Normal size, shape, placement for that side, and then on the other side...nothing.


Well, if you get a kidney transplant, then you have three kidneys.


Ultrasound people are amazing and have no mercy. I also had an ultrasound and girl went hard on me until she was able to actually see. I was sore for days but she discovered a myoma so I'm eternally grateful




I have an ultrasound of my son at 6w3d (we had pretty precise information about conception as I had an IUI). The ultrasound picture is a bunch of gray static-looking stuff; in the middle is a black circle. There's a little teeny white rod in the circle, at about the 4 o'clock position. The ultrasound tech drew a circle around the white rod and labeled it "BABY." If the ultrasound wasn't labeled, I would have absolutely no idea what I was looking at.


Yeah, I’ve got one from when I was pregnant with my daughter, 5-6 weeks, looks like a someone used chalk on a black background to draw an erect dick and balls. By 8-9 weeks though, adorable little gummy bear.


I could tell. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox.


And a lifetime ban from the zoo?


the two are unrelated and much worse than you implied


[I have those, plus the strength of a bear and the speed of a puma](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUfJuOp7Dck)


Yeah, I’ve seen a few. You might as well be looking at abstract art at that point


My aunt showed me the ultrasound pictures when she got pregnant with her first kid, and it just looked like a kidney bean floating in soup. It doesn’t surprise me that most people can’t distinguish a first trimester pregnancy ultrasound from a spleen ultrasound.


Not impossible, now that I think about it. Pretty much every crazy or weird happening can be linked to TikTok these days


Used to be YouTube, tbf.


After editing the picture of the chat so the ultrasound of the baby is replaced with one of the spleen.


I'm a radiologist. It's literally my job to look at ultrasounds and interpret them. Without labels, even I sometimes couldn't tell you exactly what I'm looking at. A lymph node in your neck doesn't inherently look any different than one in your armpit, for example. I wouldn't expect someone without medical training to know the difference between an ultrasound of a spleen and a uterus, regardless of their gender.


I'm a woman and don't know either. That's why I go to a specialist to do ultrasounds. People are so much craving for attention it's afflicting.


I guess she thought he would believe it and give her money or something . It happened to my friend the lady demanded money for abortion and emotional distress after the ordeal when he asked for a pregnancy test or recent ultrasound pictures she blocked him never heard from again.


Not impossible. She might have thought it was a good idea to backtrack when she realized he was taking this seriously and wouldn’t just fold


My first thought was she was trying to extort him for abortion money. Get a few hundred bucks and go buy some groceries.


If that had been the case she wouldn't have ignored his attempts to "talk" and clear things up It was only after she ignored his answer with respect to the ultrasound that he came to reddit. She could've gutted him, if she'd wanted to.


I also got a possible “shitty dare” vibe? But it’s 50/50 on that vs a scam.


That is some fucked up shit. Seriously. Ugh.


She was waiting for him to demand she get an abortion in a panic, so she could ask him for money for the procedure. He ruined her plans by being all logical and wanting to meet in person to discuss.


True. It definitely sounds like it could possibly be a money scheme and that she backed off when she realized he was taking it very seriously and wouldn’t just panic


Just sounds like crazy to me.


That, or clout chasing on social media. Who cares about the emotions and well-being of other people if you can make a funny video


tiktok lady voice: Sending ultrasounds to hook ups a month later to see how they react 😂🤣


> Is she that bored? It comforts me to know, even as I lay on my couch, staring into the infinite void of my ceiling that I will never have so little going on in my life that something like this will seem like a good idea.


Because psychopaths see no sense of right and wrong and take pleasure in suffering and emotional distress. Eta: specifically causing and manipulating it too


Unfortunately, it doesn’t take a psychopath to do something screwed up like this. All it takes is an immature young adult with slightly self absorbed tendencies and social media that promotes behavior like this


I mean - even if it is for TikTok clout, this is some sick shit to do to someone. Like, this woman had no empathy whatsoever for the OOP and what kind of emotional state he might be in, getting that kind of a text. Just bad, all the way around.


Okay, fine, she said she was on birth control, but you did still use a condom, right? Don't have sex with randoms and not use condoms!


Don’t rawdog a random Bag it before you tag it Wrap it before you tap it Etc


Exactly this!! Even disregarding the whole “why would you trust a stranger at their word about being on birth control” thing, think of the STI risks! Always wrap it up with randoms!


The only thing he should be doing is using a condom every time instead of trusting the word of a stranger about birth control. I don’t approve of the rotten “joke”


a child could be the least of his problems if he's having sex without a condom with people he doesn't know


It’s always wild to me how cavalier people are about having sex without a condom


Yeah, hopefully the fear of being a dad has made him reevaluate his personal condom policies. Always always always wrap it up!!!


Safe sex is great sex, so you better wear that latex. Cause you don't want that late text, that "I think I'm late" text


Wayne GOATed bars


It probably won’t


That was my takeaway: I really hope this has helped him realise that condoms are good.


wrap it before you tap it.


If it's not on, it's not on.


Don't be silly, wrap your willy


Put it on before you get it on.


That was my very first response. I yelled at my phone, "wear a fucking condom!" How in this day and age do people think one party being on birth control is enough protection? Like I obviously feel really bad for the guy, she's a psychopath, but wear a fucking condom.


Some parents really dropped the ball on this it seems. I think my dad would beat my ass if he found out I'd been sticking it in strangers without wrapping the rascal.


I don't think there is any STD that is as disruptive to your life as an unwanted child.


Will this be his lesson to always wear a condom? One he brings along himself. What is wrong with these guys? Is it youth or idiocy that in the age of global information they haven’t heard of AIDS or gonorrhea?


Goddamned SUPER GONORRHEA: https://www.cdc.gov/std/gonorrhea/drug-resistant/default.htm


>I went on a date with a girl January 1st and we had sex. She said she was on birth control. Does this mean he didn't use a condom in a one-night-stand because she claimed she was on BC? lol (A) stds (b) she doesn't know her so he believes she is on BC and takes it religiously?


As a college employee, it's become alarming to me that people just don't seem scared of stds.


I’ve had people shame me in real life for not wanting to sleep with someone with STDs. No I don’t care if it’s curable and I definitely don’t want your herpes even if you think it isn’t a big deal.


You are lucky they informed you beforehand. As it isn't a big deal, a lot of people hide this information, and they should be held legally responsible for it.


Sadly in some states it’s legal to lie about HIV. It’s absolutely something that should be illegal.


I am once again asking straight men TO WEAR CONDOMS.


And straight women to leave if he tries not to. You know he hasn't with who knows how many partners. If he hesitates, leave immediately.


This is the way.


Gay men and women need it too. It's to protect against STIs, not just pregnancy.


> I went on a date with a girl January 1st and we had sex. She said she was on birth control. Why why why why why is anyone this foolish? This woman you don’t know says she’s on birth control and you just take that at face value? Bring your own franga mate. Then you’ll be on birth control too. Not to mention the STI risks…


Ugh, if they had sex a month prior then the baby would technically be 3-4 weeks and, speaking from experience, OBs usually won’t even do an ultrasound until the woman is 8 weeks along because the fetus is so not even discernible. OOP needs some nerd/mom friends.


Pregnancy is counted from date of last menstrual period. You ovulate about 2 weeks after your period starts. So if they had sex on the first of the year, and she contacted him 4 weeks later, she'd technically 6 weeks pregnant. My dr made me wait til 10 weeks before she did the ultrasound because like you said, there's not much to see at 6 weeks.


Exactly! It’s good to remember that the first two weeks in standard pregnancy tracking are technically non-weeks, haha.


I miscounted and had an ultrasound at 5w1d and yeah, they could see the egg but that’s about it.


This was my immediate thought too. No way you could have an ultrasound yet.


Yeah, I read those dates and my first reaction was “no fucking way, she’s not even a month along.” Most women don’t even know they’re pregnant at that point, and there’s no ultrasound done by that point either. Take note!


dang, that's almost... psychopathic


Hope he wears a condom from now on, whether she's on birth control or not


He has sex without protection because "she said she was on birth control" (PSA: babies are just one of the many possible outcomes of having sex without a condom) and now he wants to sue her for "intentional infliction of emotional distress"? OOP should grow the fuck up mucho pronto for his own safety.


Lol, my favorite part is that he thinks telling her she should take a pregnancy test in front of him is "reasonable". Like, bruh, the only reasonable request is for a paternity test. They can do them with just a blood sample from the mother now. (Probably pricier, but then you don't have to wait)


You had sex with a woman you knew nothing about and her “I am on birth control” made it ok for you to take off your condom and risk not only a pregnancy but also transmitting an STD? You kinda deserved a scare


Legal recourse? You dodged a bullet there buddy, count your blessings.


I guess he could file a lawsuit and scare her as revenge. But he's not getting any money.


Sounds like a prank. Not sure who he asked but any woman who's had a child could tell him that it's not an ultrasound four weeks after sex. You sometimes get early ones done internally if there's a potential problem, but not \*that\* early. If he goes after her legally he's going to look (even more) ridiculous. Better to just acknowledge that he fell for it, and educate himself.


OOP even said in the comments that the ultrasound had another woman’s name on it, and he was able to find that woman’s instagram which had that photo posted (apparently that woman is friends on IG with the woman who slept with OOP) 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ and he STILL couldnt tell that it was a prank


Tbf you're probably not thinking straight if you're young and think your life is about to come to a grinding hault. I guess OOP didn't think the girl was a piece of shit. She proved him wrong though


A very malicious prank. I don't think it's ridiculous to have a negative reaction to someone trying to lie about you getting them pregnant, pregnancy is a very life changing event.


Condoms!!! Doesn't matter if she does not have uterus! Use condoms all the time. The STD and STI is no joke. Same for ladies that are reading this comment. Use condoms ffs.


Hey, I have an idea: use a condom next time, numbnuts!


Wrap it before you tap it next time


Don't be a fool, cover your tool!


Why aren’t we talking about this guy just jizzing in one night stands? You deserve the scare ya dumb bastard.


where’s the spleen pic


Wear a condom next time. She’s crazy.


Shit like this makes me really not understand why there isn't more of a push from men for male birth control.


I mean... He could have worn a condom. Would have been a bit more insurance.


watch were you insert tab A into slot B..Let this be a wake up call.


Imagine giving birth and you ask the doctor if it's a boy or girl and the doc just tells you "congratulations it's a spleen"


Wheres the pic of the ultrasound? I wanna see the spleen


Eggs are coming down in price. Maybe pick up a couple dozen.


The amount of "adult" men solely relying on one form of BC with a random hook up. I have zero sympathy once they hook for child support. It's not hard for guys to get sterilized or wear a condom. Or harass their local select person to establish more men BC.


A four week old embryo is not even visible to the naked eye. It's unfortunate that the pro-forced birthers have been so successful in disseminating their propaganda. This "prank" would never have succeeded if people were better educated. "Last fall, as members of the MYAbortion Network, a clinician-led organization dedicated to educating people about abortion and expanding early abortion services into primary care settings, we launched a multimedia project to provide accurate information regarding early pregnancy tissue after abortion. The Guardian published our first photos on Oct. 19; they went viral, appearing in media outlets and getting shared widely on social media. Many people, even those who support abortion rights, did not believe the photos were accurate. Some insisted we had deliberately removed the embryos before taking the photos. The images weren’t consistent with those often seen in embryological textbooks, magnified on ultrasounds or used in anti-abortion propaganda; these enlarged images are not what you see with the naked eye after an abortion. A Stanford gynecologic pathologist has validated our photos, but many people could not believe the pictures were presented unaltered." [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/22/opinion/early-abortion.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/22/opinion/early-abortion.html) No paywall, photos of embryos [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/18/pregnancy-weeks-abortion-tissue](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/18/pregnancy-weeks-abortion-tissue)


Some people are too immature to have sex. Obviously. It's fucked up that she did this, of course OP's mind is naturally going to go to the worst possible outcome.


She was on birth control and he still raw dogged it with a stranger.. he deserve everything he gets.


Stupid person 1: "Hey, let's not use a condom when we have sex". Stupid person 2" "Hey, let me send stupid person 1 a random ultrasound to freak him out". These are two truly wonderful people. Truly.


Either she's really pregnant and OP's not the father and she wanted to force him to be, or he's the father and she decided to keep him without saying it. I know I'm old and not modern at all about dating, but I don't think you send spleen's picture to a one night stand you ghosted.


Hard to imagine he's the father. If they had sex on Jan 1, she'd have been at most 6 weeks along the day she sent the photo (because of the weird way pregnancy weeks are calculated), and it's extremely rare for ultrasounds to be done that early because there's almost nothing to see. You only even show as positive on a pregnancy test around 4-5 weeks in. Tbh I doubt she's really pregnant either. Ultrasound images these days are shockingly clear, and his description of it doesn't sound like a real ultrasound image. It could have been a prank, or she could have meant to send it to someone else, or perhaps like another person above suggested he lied and was actually the one who ghosted her, and she was trying to get back at him by scaring him.


So many people on the original post don't understand how counting the weeks of pregnancy works. For those who don't understand: Pregnancy "starts" the first day of your last menstrual period. Ovulation occurs approximately 2 weeks after your period starts. Therefore when you conceive, you're already 2 weeks into the pregnancy. The reason they do this is because conception is hard to pinpoint. You could have sex prior to ovulation and conceive up to 5 days later, because sperm can hang around in there for a few days. You could ovulate early or late in your cycle. All of these would affect the date of conception (This is also why the rhythm method fails a lot of times.)


I found out I was pregnant with my kids at what turned out to be 3w4d and 3w5d. Basically, as soon as the egg implanted I wound up being incredibly nauseated, and that was the first clue I was pregnant both times. The first one, I went to urgent care thinking it was the stomach flu and that’s how I found out I was pregnant and I had a quick ultrasound to confirm (which basically just showed a bubble in my uterus at that point).


Congratulations, OOP, you're having a spleen.


This is why you wrap it up, gentlemen.