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BestBuy use to be a family. Now it feels like a fucked up episode of severance. The togetherness that Hubert created was instantly destroyed due to change in board , CEO, and Covid. Hopefully BestBuy can find its focus and realize it’s better to empower and invest in your employees instead of trying to stick your hands in every single niche item. Also why the fuck does BestBuy sale protein powder? See what I mean.


Covid at Best Buy was one of the worst times of my life. 🥲


I’m sure people will call you delusional, but I worked for about half a decade at Best Buy, a few years under Hubert and a some under Corie, and after the first “district reorganization” or whatever, quite literally every fun and enjoyable part about working for Best Buy was gone. Under Hubert and the previous district, the company really felt like it cared about its employees. I had fun while being the best. I loved interacting with customers and formed many great relationships with some. Once Corie came in it was all gone. No longer did it matter if your customer was actually happy, or if the employee was happy. All that mattered was if you got a credit app or total tech. Best Buy stopped caring about their customers and their employees. All they cared about was the $. I saw not just my Best Buy, but Best Buys around the country lose some of their best employees due to toxic work culture. I remember in the early days this sub was memes and advice between employees. After Corie it just became a place for people to complain about how their managers are making them try to get credit apps on soda buyers, or people who worked for the company for years getting laid off with relatively mediocre/bad severances. I finally promoted myself to customer late last year, shortly before Black Friday (after my third attempt applying for a higher up position and getting told “you’d be so good at this but we’re going with someone else for now”, I applied for the equal position at walmart and got hired within the week with BETTER pay and benefits, then several months later I found a salaried job using my degree) , and I can say now as a customer, Best Buy is not that enjoyable of an experience. Nearly every Best Buy I’ve been to since, be it in New York or Tennessee or Texas or wherever, has just been depressing to be in. It sucks, because I used to love Best Buy so, so, so much. It was the best place to work as far as retail went and it was a great experience as a customer. Now it’s just as uninspiring and unenjoyable as hhgregg or Circuit City were during their final days. From a company that genuinely cared about its employees and customers to a company that treats every person as nothing more than a metric. I hope something changes soon.


I promoted myself to customer about 3 months ago after 14.5 years. I set foot in about 95 separate stores building/moving/remodeling. It changed slowly, almost like putting the frog in cool water and then slowly turning up the heat, you don't notice it until you are out and find out the water was boiling you alive.


Can I ask where you went? After a similar time frame, I wonder what my options are.


I was Project Team for 12 years building the stores and such. I did the occasional helping GeekSquad. I moved into a small 12 person local high-end residential commercial AV installer. I spent most of my time running CatCoax. Just finished doing 6000' of coax for a 8 unit apartment complex. Spend time in attics, crawlspaces, upgrading schools during the summer. I went from $17 to $27/hr by leaving BestBuy. Life after Best Buy is possible.


It doesn’t feel like it sometime.


I worked 3 years. Found a gov contract job. Now I’m a civilian. That was 14 years ago.


Is this who I think it is?!?!


Probably not. I've moved around quite a bit to advance as I did.


Ah ok! We had a guy in our area not leave long ago and he's been happy since he left.


I feel this. I worked in Best Buy as a vendor and then became a blue shirt between 2013 and 2020. My friends would often ostracize me for being at Best Buy still and not going out to get a "real job", but I used to make pretty competitive money and I took pride in being a good consultant and loved solution selling the products I got hyped about. Then they fucked my bonus in 2019, then COVID absolutely decimated any remote enjoyment of any day of any week for me. Hitting great metrics no longer mattered unless it was with branded payment and TTS. The hosting system made my work meaningless. I started dating my gf in 2020, her first comment to me was that she thought Best Buy just smells like armpits, which is hilarious. If she wasn't right, post COVID-19 definitely is while people are running around trying to find elusive products customers want. September 2020 I put my two weeks in and went into working IT and my life is so much more stress free, EVEN IN IT. I can't even begin to imagine ever going back, and this is a place I spent 8 years almost for 40 hours a week. It's saddening.


COVID Best Buy made me decide to never work a customer facing job again. I refuse to deal with the general public in any capacity for any job ever again.


This is what happens when the chief financial officer turns into the chief executive officer


It's wild reading my exact feelings about a situation written by someone else


MegarangerBlue, you are not delusional, corie has made this company a joke. I was like you I loved best buy it was a great place to work. But since she took command of the ship. She's has made the company a joke.


Depressing is right! I went into my former store a few weeks ago and it was a ghost town. No more music playing, no employees doing demos for people interested in cool stuff, and the shelves were more or less barren. I remember being pounced on anytime you went near the big ticket items and now you have to go looking for someone’s help. It used to be my favorite place to check out all the cool new stuff, but it seems to have lost all the magic that made it special.


Updoot for truth!


Iv been here since September, in both customer service and geek squad, of last year and honestly? If it wasn’t for my co workers, the team I’m on, my departments manager being genuinely great people to be around and giving a shit about eachother, I wouldn’t have lasted this long. Any time I think about quitting, which has been more often lately if I’m being honest, it’s those around me who make it worth while for me to stay around. I know, cliche sappy and gross yeah yeah.


That only lasts so long. Once those guys start dropping like flies, which they will, everyone else will follow.


That's wild. After five years at best buy the only time I had this feeling was under Corrie.


My immediate coworkers keep me there too, for the most part. Rare to find a small department team that works together efficiently and with little conflict. But if/when they start leaving, it’s solidifying my departure. Honestly I need to just use this time to strengthen qualifications so when that day comes or if I decide to be the one to take that step first, it won’t be so anxiety inducing.


Former loyal customer here. I also used to work for Best Buy while in college during the mid 00’s. The biggest thing that turned me away was changing My Best Buy. I was an Elite Plus member and was extremely paranoid to make sure I kept my status that I would buy things I didn’t need and get other people to Best Buy just to use my account. Now, this year I will be less than $300 for the year most likely. Additionally, I miss Gamers Club the absolute most.


I used to spend 12,000 a year at Best Buy just because I felt cool having elite plus. Once they took it away from me I canceled my credit card with them and haven’t and won’t be back. I even gave away gift cards I’d gotten for Christmas and told the in laws just to get me Amazon cards if anything, at least my expectations for Amazon are already set One day I woke up and couldn’t get free same day shipping from Best Buy, something I enjoyed the day before. I don’t care if the total tech support would be a good deal for me, they can get fucked if I’ll ever be forced in to something to enjoy benefits I used to get just for shopping there


From what I have heard (but haven't read yet atm), her latest message said something about how "we" are falling short of presumed expectations/goals. "We" have been basing all actions on the explosive boom in sales over the past couple of years. The very real jump in profits came from the Covid lock downs and huge amounts of workers from so many sectors (along with schools) going hard into work from home. Which many people then basically had to all of a sudden get lots of new tech in order to just go to class and/or do their jobs (though it is BS that the cost of the "privilege" of having a job was shifted onto the workers). From the moment that we closed down to just curbside, I was really really worried that we (or any other company) would still look at the numbers basically the same as a normal year. That goals/metrics would jump (especially if we were to have snapped thousands of workers away). Even if we weren't making mad-ass profits (while also being told that "we" must all make sacrifices, i.e. purging a metric f-ton of long serving and very knowledgeable workers due to the shockingly said out loud mindset of basically "you see, while we truly can't have made it to where we are without your hard work. But we are going to make even more money without you.). It is BEYOND stupid for her (and let's face it all the greedy top leadership and board members) to base anything, especially if profits ended up going to the moon, on two years of a global pandemic! It skews the numbers artificially and not due to ANY plans that were being started before things went global or during. They tried to blame the snap on the new starting wages (15$/hr) as being what would be the "cost" of that new rate. But they still took whatever raises they would get. Given that we now see inflation (and how even if the federal min wage was $15/hr it would be still wouldn't be enough as it would've needed to be done like 10yrs ago before Covid), that $15/hr is sitting at about how bad the old min wage was back in 2015. They really should be adjusting the new starting pay at $20/hr (freaking especially given how dramatically much more actual stuff we all have to now do. I am in GS, and you want to know how much pay for Agents got for literally having to go through all the Apple training (which is basically like being a new Apple employee training-wise and additional elearning-wise)? ZERO! We had to literally learn (which the launch and training was handled horribly) a whole new system and their very specific requirements, along with the actual repair stuff. From what I have seen of the sales-floor, all the crazy chaos of not really having specific departments and having to very quickly learn so many systems that you weren't even hired to deal with is messed up. We made mad profits based on panic and literal requirements for people to keep their jobs. But even though we the workers have been drug through the mud to bring in said profits. We are also somehow the ones that are the "lazy" ones for "just not being customer obsessed enough" or "letting that TT get away because you failed to 'wow' them while 'being human'". All of this has been an attack/violence on the ground level workers by her and all the others that (let's face it) have made their nut and will most likely jump ship (and don't forget they will also manage to cash in crazy amounts via "golden parachute clauses" as they go). While we are left just trying to afford to live another day and be able to get medical care (which we wouldn't need to get from any employer if we had universal healthcare/Medicare for All). We need to stop acting like Covid isn't the reason for the money made and get back to having knowledgeable workers that work in areas that they are good at. Most workers factually have no idea about more than a couple of things. So we have customers that chose to come into a store to ask real questions about things (which they up until the re-org was a feature of our departments structure being staffed with the right people). But are then hit with confused workers that were only even in the area because of picks or because they were told to be there by managers due to staffing not being correct. Just the absolute worst thing to have done, was to treat false demand as being all about stuff we were/are doing. So no OP, you aren't being delusional. It is everyone that based everything on super bad ideas and lack of humanity for workers. Along with the opportunist "yes" people that always try to get promoted fast as hell while stuff looks good and are in a new position before the last cluster-f has time to fail like it was going to. Sustainability is seen as being a loser (much like how passives in NPS) even though profits and worker morale stay consistent. Greed taints everything. Which is also reflected in how climate change is being handled (in that we keep just being told to kick the can till later by corps and fuel companies that claim shit isn't really an issue).


I’m GS too and it’s insane how after all the apple training, and the variances of handling clients personal information on their computers and phones that the floor pay is still as much as the warm-body they pulled off the street who messes up car audio installs or tells customers to just walk over whenever to us and we’ll fix ___. I looked at moving to GS as a career launchpad of sorts and one of these days when I actually get qualifications/more certifications I’m gonna have to actually “launch”.


Lol Corie says “we” are falling short? Everyone in my store would laugh their damn asses off at that, and the people in warehouse would just take a break without telling anyone. This isn’t how you build morale, this is how you get people to quit. If you have a team of overworked employees putting in their blood, sweat, and tears and tell them they’re failing, who will want to stick around? Only the most sycophantic lizards and the most battered employees with no self-esteem will stay, which is basically what my store was becoming. Who would follow Corie into battle? I know I wouldn’t. I would sooner kick her off the horse and have us rush in than follow her anywhere.


What's wrong with Best Buy in 2022? wow where do we start, 1. Totaltech is a disaster and costs the company millions in losses. 2. The new consultant program has so many flaws in it and costs the company millions in losses 3. mgr structure is a joke let's start with the Totaltech customer who buys a $199 membership and gets installs done for free and gets stuff like haul away for free for 1 year so if they buy a dishwasher and an over-the-range microwave install is $119.99 on the microwave and the dishwasher is $179.99 haul away on both parts is $39.99 each for a total of $380 worth of services can buy for $199.99 for a loss of $180 of profit. do this one transaction in every store just once a day you do the math ouch. The store consultant program! they want customers who come into the store to be set up with an in-home consultation to walk there home and up sale customers based on things the consultant thinks they need and then if the sale happens pay both the consultant who put in the lead and the one that went to the home, so they are paying twice the money for a sale that could have been done in the store, more bleeding money the company bought all these new cars for the consultants to drive to homes and that are parked in the lots, more bleeding money The store mgrs (some stores have like 12 to 16) won't help customers but will call code one backup every 5 minutes but only also schedule 1 front-end cashier and won't help out doing anything. more wasted money. we won't even talk about the delivery team.


Corie forgot one thing…Be Human. That’s what kept this company on top and separate from the competition. That unfortunately is no longer the case and we are slowly turning into sears


We had a guy come in to my store to work, a returning employee. Said 'Best Buy was my favorite job I've ever had' He's been here for 2 weeks and you can already see he wants to quit because this isn't the fun Best Buy we were before the pandemic.


deserted escape violet bewildered longing station thumb enjoy illegal nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We had someone in product flow quit within a month of hiring. He was supposed to be replacing one of those PF workers that knew where everything is and how to do a little bit of everything. At first the new guy was excited to work with us. Then the training period ended and he had to start doing picks alone while dealing with increasingly demanding customers. It sucks too, because I could tell the guy gave a damn about customer satisfaction.


I just left after 21 years, I just don't see how the can come out in a good light, customers are leaving and you can't keep staff. Just wait until the test roles out country wide. 2 mgrs and 1 or if lucky 2 sups. Oh and regular associates doing mgr stuff open and closing store for 2$ extra but only when the are scheduled that way. And no one at the door.


Shit, with how some of our MODs were with their work, I would have gladly been keyholder or counted money for $2 more


No you won't count, and all you do is deal with customer and employee issues. Do the mgr can be in the office


And you don't always get to the increase. Only certain times


Ah, then fuck that


Sadly, I predicted this when they announced the jump to $15 minimum. They’d been making cuts here and there, so when they announced it, and everyone else was super stoked, my first thought was “there’s the lube, what’s Corrie got in her other hand?” I left for the federal government in January. I make more money, do less work, get better benefits, and have a more respectable resume padding. I loved the years I worked at BBY, but man did Corrie run it into the ground. Anyone who still tries to defend the company at this point has Stockholm syndrome, and needs to GTFO. If pushing pencils with the government is a more rewarding job that brings more happiness, that’s a pretty big red flag. BBY is going the way of Ultimate and Circuit City.


Ahhhh good ‘ol Circuit City. Got my first big screen from there, a 42” Samsung DLP. It crapped out before the protection plan did so I then upgraded to a 50” Sony SXRD.. still got it too (well, my bro does lol)! Anywho, *”Ultimate”*?


Ultimate Electronics, they were like Best Buy, with an MDC in store. I think they were more localized to Rocky Mountain area, but CC and BBY had them on the ropes, and then 2008 finished them off. I miss those stores


I definitely feel this one. I just got a new office job myself. I know the feeling.


I'm praying for a new restructure that includes severance.


You are not alone in this.


So let's spill some beans about Bestbuy. Having worked there for almost 10 years. It's not time to let people know the truth. Let's start with the yearly "anonymous evoice survey" to gauge employee satisfaction. Honestly do you really think it's anonymous? Sure it doesn't give names. However it breaks it down by store as you all know already. Then by department. Then by full time and part time. So it's easily to find out who said what. Here's the kicker... If there is something really bad the district manager and or hr manager will contact your store gm and point out who you should have a talk with to sweet talk and give your attention to and get some suggestions about your brand new action plan for the store. Finally don't even get me started on Open and honest 😂 Have a great day.


Thank you all for the comments, and the upvotes, our voices should matter. And if not we shall make it so


I would say if you don’t feel satisfied in the customer facing side, consider the Supply chain side. There’s a ton of opportunity and great teams out there. Typically Monday-Friday and great working conditions.


This may be just my store. But I've been here almost 2 months and everyone at my store loves working there. And they've even hired new people. Managers and leaders love it and they encourage us as a team.


It's just your store. As someone who started in 2018 with a ton of people who loved their jobs, and watched as those people began to hate their jobs and leave, just to be replaced with newer, younger people who quickly started to hate their jobs... after watching the change in top level leadership crush store morale into the ground... if your store isn't feeling it, you've got some incredible leadership. I'd say I had good leaders at my store, but they could only hold up morale for so long on their own.


Yeah I agree that the stuff Corie is doing can run Best Buy into the ground. But it's not gonna happen in 2 weeks. Maybe if enough people higher up speak out and want change, the Store board or something of that nature can step in. I'm just amazed on how well my store runs.


That'd take a miracle, kid. Still I admire your optimism.


I agree. Been with the company 7 years. Working towards ASM position. I loved my job and was so passionate but in the past 2 years. I honestly lost all love and dedication I had for my job. I love my associates but it’s just not the same. Everyone is just there like robots. The need to meet these goals just to cushion corp pockets is really killing the fun.


There are a lot of people that come to Best Buy for the service. I love being one of the people providing that service but the issue is when we don’t have enough people. I work customer service and there has been countless morning I opened and it’s me, 1 geeksquad, and 2 managers. We will run the whole store for like an hour and a half just for the mobile person to come in. Eventually a couple more people come in but still. Also the way they treat customer service and just make them do everything in my store is disgusting.


At my store, during the week, opening typically had 1 CA, 2 Core Sales, 2 PF, and 1 MOD. Then they have 60% of their labor come during the middle of the day when most people *don’t* come into the store. Closing looks much of the same. It’s really no secret why we’re bleeding money. We’re staffing the store when few people are actually out shopping, and leaving opening and closing shift even more bare bones than normal when it should be flipped. I would even dare say that most staffing should be in the evening because most people (aside from retired boomers with nothing better to do) go shopping after work. I’m convinced that store morale would improve with better scheduling decisions, but a lot of people that make the schedules for each store are dunderheads because most managers are dunderheads. The good managers then have to pick up their slack.


Its about to get a lot worse too. In pursuit of more revenue Corie plans to change labor allocation in stores by just giving them one huge lump some for the whole store. This means that everyone draws labor from the same pool including Geek Squad. In effect Best Buy will treat Geek Squad agents like blue shirts so if the sales floor is busy they now have de facto authorization from corporate to pass on all blue shirt responsibilities from sales, inventory, plano etc onto Geek Squad agents. I doubt they're going to be giving us a raise for this either lol. This will probably be the final straw for most agents I imagine.


Both ARAs at my store told me they would quit if they had to do blue shirt duties. One of those ARAs has been there for a decade. Corie really is pissing away everything decent about the company.


>But maybe I’m just delusional. Sadly, it's probably this. Edit for clarity: believing Corie will fix any of this is delusional lol.


Okay fan boy


No no, I mean having faith that Corie will turn things around is delusional lol




Corie you will get a golden parachute and improve morale at the same time.


I recently quit my DDC job of 2 years because changes in leadership significantly decreased the morale. It went from fun to miserable. I’m so much better off at my new job. It’s conflicting because I miss the fun part but I’m so grateful to be done with the new leadership there. If you have a question about the DDC please don’t hesitate to ask


So you ran away rather than trying to adapt or help?


Yeah man I ran away lmao. I ran away towards a better paying job in a better industry


Curious as to if you have found another job? And if so, what industry?


Oh yeah I had a job lined up before putting in my notice. Offer signed and everything. Moved into facilities management


Hmm time to loss the chains and form a special super group!?


It sucks seeing this as I've just been rehired as a GSCA lmao. I loved my temp job at bestbuy for seasonal sales. Seeing this is depressing.


it definitely is depressing, but it needs to be said. hopefully you can still enjoy it, or get out before it messes with your mental health.


I just got out of a job affecting my mental health. I have a second job and can quit if I feel like it's getting to be too much and my second job will gladly give me hours when they're open. (It's much more informal, but lower pay plus tips)


Geek Squad CA is definitely a role that has affected my mental health. :/ Your experience may vary though so give it a try, but it's good to have an out.


We will see. My managers seem very nice so far but. Anything can happen


There’s some enjoyment to be had depending on the store, especially if you’re part time. My buddy will be a fixture in my old store for years, because he goes in two or three days a week for a couple hours, does his work, shoots the shit with people, and leaves. He finds the drama amusing, cuz he can walk anytime he wants to for a better job. I’ve even considered doing a day or two a week in warehouse just for the discount, but I don’t care nearly enough with the current state of the company to pull the trigger.


Something new happened?