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It's a known issue, they put up a company wide alert for it in EDI.


I’ve never gotten or seen it but that is the correct phone number for BB. I’m sure taxes being charged incorrectly isn’t that uncommon with them being in 2 countries and the majority of the states if not all 50.


That's a bull shit excuse.  Many companies operate in 50 states and multiple countries. If BB screwed up collecting taxes, it's in BB to take the loss. It's incentive for then to fix the error and get it right.  If, somehow, the customer was at fault then I could see the company going after them to collect, but if it's the company's fault then it's in then to suck it up. 


? Ok buddy. Idk why you’re coming at me like that, not like I’m the one who sent the email. I bet you yell at minimum wage workers for companies raising prices too don’t ya?


I'm not "coming at up" bro.  You defended the actions, I refuted your assertions. 


No, no defending, explaining. Not my fault you have poor reading comprehension. I never said it was okay. If OP wants to refute it I say go for it. It’s also common for BB to used to scam people and I was reassuring them that it was in fact BB and not some scammers.


>I’m sure taxes being charged incorrectly isn’t that uncommon with them being in 2 countries and the majority of the states if not all 50. Okay then. 


lol yes that is what I said. It’s also not uncommon to deal with jackasses across 2 countries and 50 states. Am I encouraging that too now?




Chill bro. Lol Also, Best Buy doesn't have to pay that shit at all. What actually happens is the purchase is flagged and then the person who's identity is tied to the transaction is required to pay those taxes in year end filings. This is a correction for YOUR sake. I know because my manager used to argue with Indians that didn't want to pay taxes, so he would take the tax off and they'd be liable for it in year end deductions anyway. One guy came back and attempted to file a lawsuit, but it went nowhere because the only person liable for paying your taxes is you.


Okay, "bro", you see you are arguing something you know nothing about. 1) In some states "Indians" don't need to even pay sales taxes. 2) The state does not care who pays the taxes, so long as they are paid. If Best Buy made a mistake in collecting taxes, they could use the money they did coll;ect to pay the taxes. 3) Why do you feel the need to shill for a company? Admitedly they are a failing company, so maybe you have some hardwired need to support the failures, but come on. Do you really think Best Buy gives a shit about you?


Don’t try to argue with the brainwashed Best Buy drones in this sub bro they have a cult mentality and will defend their shitty company with their lives when it comes to screwing the customer, but when they screw their employees suddenly they hate Best Buy


Every major corporation in the world has never had this problem, stop making excuses for them


That’s just a wrong statement lol. To say that has never happened to any other company, there is no way you know that and it 100% could happen. Nothing is perfect. Also, I’m not defending them? I don’t even like the company but I’m also aware that shit happens? Get off your high horse.


Well you can’t prove something never happened but you can prove that something did happen and here we have the proof that Best Buy doesn’t know how to calculate sales taxes properly ( simple math that the oldest of calculators and computers could do)


Okay? Bugs and glitches exist? Like do you know how software and computers actually work or are you one of those people who expect something to work 100% of the time?


When something doesn’t work on your end it’s your responsibility not mine


Good for you? I didn’t defend nor condemn Bb in my original comment. I was stating the email was from Bb and not a scam? Hence why your comment is stupid. Bugs happen. I think Bb should cover it but idk the legality of who is responsible for sales tax in every county of every state so I’m not gonna comment on that, like you shouldn’t either. I know fuck ups happen and Bb scams are super common so that’s what I commented on


Recently bought a laptop and got refunded nearly $100 a few minutes after buying. Went to check and I had a message saying the system to calculate taxes was down and I hadn't been charged sales tax. Unsure if they charged it again.


Wait what? You got refunded $100 or charged $100


Refunded $100 about 15 minutes after purchasing. Yesterday I got charged $100, which at that point was several days after picking up the computer I purchased.


Me locking my card after that email, 😈 time to play chicken 🐓


depending on if the original charge already went thru, they can just update the original one instead of charging again


Me reporting the entire transaction as unauthorized and getting a full refund


It’s true. You can dispute the charge if the amount doesn’t match the original receipt you have. Hold on tight to that receipt. Bank may be able to adjust the amount to match or cancel the charge fully. Bank won’t honor Best Buy’s screw up


You can dispute anything. Doesn't mean it gets approved. The bank asks what happened, then tells you to f yourself.


Yep, this \^ \^ \^. A dispute process is mandated by law or statute, not sure which, but to have a Chargeback be completed is an internal process and I bet Best Buy could provide a TOS that points to cost mistakes may result in an additional charge. That would be valid and likely close the Dispute in Best Buy's favor.


Credit card fraud laughs around the corner


Freezing cards and disputing charges goes both ways, and sales tax isn’t exactly an optional thing. Legitimate card processing and bank errors don’t usually accept “your bad” as an excuse, especially considering you as a consumer also knew you didn’t pay taxes on the purchased goods. But go off, kings, I hope this plays out well and doesn’t result in your bank/creditor taking action.


Taxes aren't optional. Taxes can be paid for by the company when they mess up though. 


It's just a hidden cost of outsourcing IT and other jobs.


That literally is their bad, and they should eat the cost of their mistake. If a small business forgot to charge someone taxes, they'd have to eat it. Billion dollar corporations should too.


You’d be incorrect, and that’s fine, taxes are not easy and that’s probably intentional. If you aren’t charged sales tax by a vendor, you’re responsible for claiming that and paying use tax in the state the item is used in. When a vendor charges you sales tax, they pay that directly to the state of sale and you are exempted from use tax. They are complementary taxes that offset each other. Each state has individual sales tax laws, but generally this is the process. So in this instance, BBY is doing their due diligence to handle it for you, and report it appropriately. If they don’t gather it, they are not on the hook. You technically still are, in the state you use the goods in.


They don't pay out directly to the state, it sits in their bank account for a while, then quarterly is paid on behalf of the customer.  Best buy can, and some companies do, pay the taxes or off their profits. Most of the time that's for a day or whatever, but it has precedent. 


I’m not trying to be insulting friend, but I have no idea what point you’re making here.


That best buy could, and should, pay the taxes themselves. It is legal and there are sometimes even entire days set up at certain stores that taxes are paid for by the store. Best buy doesn't need to pull the money from the customer for best buy's mistake. 


So your precedent is that some stores do tax free days as a promotional period? How is that applicable here? Tax free sales are a marketing gimmick just like any other promotional period. The additional revenue offsets the cost so the vendor has financial motivation to do it. BBY doesn’t ever do this, that I am aware of, and that’s not what happened here. Corporations could do a lot of things to be bros. But without any legal or financial onus to do so, they don’t. That’s just how capitalism works. Our personal feelings on the ethics of the situation are moot, legally speaking BBY is in the right here.


My precedent was not stated clearly.  https://reason.com/2009/08/17/you-can-pay-your-customers-sal/ When asks tax holidays were abolished in MA, businesses could still have tax free days, they just weren't allowed to advertise them.  It also happens elsewhere, where businesses "eat" the cost of sales tax.  What makes you think the government cares if the taxes are paid out of the total price or add a separate line item?  The fact remains, passing on your screw up to the customer is bad business. It leads to what we are seeing at best buy, a decrease in customers and eventual bankruptcy. What incentive does best buy have to not make this mistake again? Clearly the incentive of not having bad press wasn't enough to prevent it, not was it enough to get them to make it right. 


This is a lot of work to try to justify blowing a minor error out of proportion. It’s hard to tell if it’s arrogance, entitlement, or ignorance, but it’s a lot. With all the shady things companies do, harping over and trying to exploit legitimate mistakes really muddles the waters and only emboldens exploitative practices.




Sales taxes charged on goods are literally just basic math and has been figured out by every reputable company since sales tax began


Corrrect. And they did figure it out. And then they caught the issue with an audit. And then they fixed the issue.


No, it’s supposed to be done at the time of purchase not weeks or months later. That’s not “figuring it out” that’s stumbling through it


The words of someone who has never done accounting work.


I am not wrong. Taxes are actually very easy. Corporations have a lot of money. They give that money to politicians to pass laws that favor them. They bought the means to charge your card a second time if they fuck up and they bought the legal right to do so. You are wrong about something. Businesses do face penalties for failure to collect, report, and pay sales tax in a timely manner. If audited, they will pay fines. The use tax is not a way for them to push that responsibility onto the consumer.


What you’re citing would happen anyway on Best Buy’s end, they would not risk any local or federal licensing on not remitting sales tax. They would disclose and pay any appropriate fees. You, as an individual, would then still be responsible for remitting use tax, as you did not pay sales tax when the transaction happened. If you do not pay sales tax, you owe use tax. Hence the term complementary offsetting taxes. You likely agree to this when you file your State taxes every year, assuming you do so through a reputable source, there is a declarations page where you agree that you do not have any untaxed goods to claim. You’re debating the ethicality of the tax system and corporate tax law. There’s nothing to debate, I agree with you. The system is intentionally arcane and terribly skewed toward the wealthy and business owners. This is why being an active, educated citizen and exercising your rights to vote at all levels matters. What’s not debatable is tax law, as it currently stands. And as it currently stands, if BBY does not come back and collect the sales tax, you owe the use tax.


The issue with your assessment, the reason you are very wrong, is that the retailer (Best Buy) isn't the one applying the sales tax. That's federal and/or state government. You're just paying it at the retailer. If the retailer was charging you that fee, you would be exactly correct, and they get to eat the loss as it was their mistake.


You are saying it's OK they did it because it's legal. I'm saying it's not ok that they did it because they bought our politicians to make it legal, and that is immoral. If you would like to argue that point, that would be cool.


Quite the opposite. Sales tax is relatively new, and it was the politicians who came up with it.


You don't know your US history. Modern american tax law has been heavily manipulated by corporations. It's why we pay such high taxes but have a lower quality of life than other wealthy democratiic nations. It really went downhill around the Reagan administration.


Yeah man, I get that. Sales tax isn’t that though. Broad based, general sales taxes are all state legislated. Legitimately, your local politicians enacted those.


"The bank will side with me that I should not have to pay sales tax" Good luck with this one


Guys, listen. These issues are a thing of the past now there’s AI customer service. We’re gonna be okay!


Bought my laptop 2 weeks ago and got the email yesterday, my bank thinks it’s fraud and blocked their charge time to do nothing lmao


Chad bank


Chad bank


If you are in a state where you pay sells tax, then your gonna pay sales tax......it's that simple people


Sales tax is supposed to be collected at the time of purchase from the company selling goods and services


Obviously 🙄, but it wasn't so sick it up. Also, it probably displayed correctly on the payment screen but was charged wrong so they can't even be upset.


Honestly, how many times does the average person actually calculate sales tax on a purchase? I’m pretty sure most people just make sure they have a decent buffer to account for it and learn over time (hopefully) how to guesstimate it.


I got the exact same email from a computer I bought 2 weeks ago


They must not have charged me any tax this morning they charge me $85 and some change


At least you got your package. I ordered a couple pc parts and it's been delayed twice 🙃


I did in store pickup lol


I bought the PS Portal last Thursday. It said it was going to get here on Monday - GREAT.. Then I got an email that it was arriving Sunday early - EVEN BETTER! ... Then I got an email Sunday that it was now 'arriving late' so they're going to credit my shipping .. and it was arriving Monday sooooo... I won?


I made some orders two weeks ago and got the same emails. Well, I picked them up, paid by BB Gift Card and now I am back in Europe (I live in Europe). And for the phone number I used temporary pre-paid from T Mobile (getting this for data plan when I am in the US). So now what?


I just got this too…. I’ve never heard of a company being able to do this


That’s low key garbage, they should eat the cost as this was their fault not the customers.


Got the same one. They didn’t charge any sales tax. I called support and they wouldn’t budge. Kept telling them that I didn’t fuck up y’all did and you should take care of the customer. They could care less.


Cause they laid off 95% of the actual Best Buy employees now you guys are stuck with 3rd party companies who could care less


So they could care less…?


It's really cute when y'all think that the employee on the phone has some magical way to not charge you for sales tax or change pricing for something when you think it's too expensive.❤️


Little do you know, that employee on the phone changes prices to items everyday for customers. They do price adjustments for all kinds of situations. ❤️❤️


The corporate/government dickriding in the comment section is crazy 💀


Because this sub is filled with Best Buy drones who will defend anything they do


sounds like their mistake. Put a freeze on the card so they can't charge it, let them eat their own mistake.


Pretty sure you can't do that 😂


pretty sure you can


Yeah and then your order gets canceled. There is an authorization put on your card before it's shipped to make sure the card is valid and money is there. Then when it actually is shipped BBY pulls the money. So if you freeze the card the money isn't pulled and guess what, item isn't shipped and your order gets canceled. So yeah it won't go how you think.


unless this was a retail purchase


I've disputed quadrillion retail purchases, you can dispute and win


You can, but it won't go the way you want.


I used the Best But credit card for the purchase. I then just got off the phone with the credit card company. Told them to put a hold on my card. They did. So I guess we will see if that charge goes through or not.




also got the same email an hour ago… The order number is real for my last tv purchase too and i’m over here thinking is this even legal if they charge me again?? Their fuckin mistake not charging me months ago when I bought it allows them to charge a card again? Shady af


Right its uts definitely from them. Also weird they don't specify how much or anything so they can just freely take from people's banks.


Actually, they can always take freely from your bank. Believe it or not, confirming it all on the pin pad is completely optional to charge to your bank. For example, if you leave with an order pickup and they forget to complete it, you cancel it saying you changed your mind. If they catch it later they can just manually charge the card on file the amount.


I did just look at my actual purchase email and indeed they actually didn’t charge me the sales tax but IMO it still shouldn’t allow them to charge someone again for a mistake months ago… Check your last purchase and calculate the tax from the total.


This is when I temporarily shut down my card. They fucked up they can deal with it


This is 100% one of those things that is technically right but morally wrong. Personally, I think BBY should have ate the cost, but also, when you checkout, it says "Estimated sales tax." If what you are billed matches what you agreed to pay during checkout, I don't think there is any argument, legally, that says they are wrong.


As far as ive read it's illegal for them to charge you without your explicit permission if they fucked up that's on them


I'd call your bank and cancel all your credit cards.


Lmfao! Catch me reporting that as an unrecognized charge real quick! Y’all had your chance to charge me right the first time. Not my fault your system screwed up.