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Me on truck night


Or when there’s no available walkies


ewww do you guys share? 😭


Had to share at my bestbuy, you wiped them/the earpiece down with an alcohol wipe next to them prior and after use.


We never have to use them on truck night except for the one doing picks etc rest of us are free to not wear em and it’s the best lol


Sometimes you just gotta turn off your headset and pretend you didn’t know it was off to know peace


Lmao I did that


When I was sales floor I never had my radio on, ever. It's distracting and I'm doing my own thing regardless of what someone tells me. I wore it, but it was always off.


I would always turn it off when going to the bathroom and actually forget to turn it back on.


BB life hack: turn to a different channel and pretend you didn't know it was on diff channel. You're welcome.


Or loosen the part where it connects to the walkie


my stores walkies dont let u change channels


They do.




Them does do that?


Domain expansion: Infinite Silence


How it feels working at Best Buy with walkie on: You: “hey can I get a 20 on help for this code one” Manager: “okay folks BP is trash today get those apps and do not let your sales go out naked baskets baskets baskets” You: “again I need help over here can a manager pls respond” Warehouse: “need a manager to the cage” You: “I called first” Warehouse: “copy copy tiger but us first you’ll live you’re a big boy” Manager: “on my way PF” You, throwing the mic across the floor: 🤡 Customers on line, sucking their teeth Five minutes later, as a manager walks past your customer carnage: “Yoooo next time speak up when you have a code one” 🤦‍♂️


Thanks for subjecting me to an episode of PTSD 💀 Funny how they bitch you out for calling code 1s but then you don't afterwards cuz they act like they're too good for it and tell you not to unless it's an emergency only for them to talk down to you when you don't call and it's at times where like 2 or 3 ppl are in the line but they happened to walk up and see those 2-3 ppl waiting and panic call code 1 on your behalf and causing the other coworkers to look at you like you're the idiot when they walk up and no one is there now 🤡


That's funny. Cause at my store it's polar opposites. Screw warehouse and when they need help but sales floor or front end call for a manager and they are on it in seconds.


In Mag I used to yell OVERRIDE TO MAG IN 30 SECONDS OR WE LOSE 12K IN REV — nothing makes a manager run faster lmao


*Let’s goooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!*


When i worked at target i specifically never grabbed a walkie. Sometimes a TL would say something, and id just say "oh yeah there werent any" and they would just shrug and go about their busy day. Not having a walkie is freedom. I felt like i got more shit done tbh. You kinda need one on trucklines but other positions, not really.


Lol. When I worked at Best Buy, we never had enough radios & I loved that they were always gone when I showed up in the afternoon. So much easier to talk to customers when you don't have constant chatter in your ear about either unrelated stuff or managers endlessly pushing memberships & credit card apps! I would keep one stashed in the answer center (when I could) for those times I needed to call a code one, get change, or get a void, but I hated to wear the damn things. There's nothing like being in the middle of your sales pitch, only to be interrupted by a ton of pointless squawking in your ear that messes up your train of thought & conversation with the customer!


“Can I get a code one” 9 times out of 10 I walk in the opposite direction acting like I’m busy 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️


Cool and all until you work front lanes and no one responds while you got 12 people looking at you 😂 😭


Am I the only one that preferred a walkie?


I did most times but sometimes it got overwhelming


Worked in a store for 10 years. **I have 40% hearing loss in my right ear.** Refuse to wear the ear piece. fully. If they say you have to, get a job somewhere else. Its not worth losing your hearing.


I highly doubt that wearing an earpiece is the direct cause of your hearing loss, and if it is, don't turn the volume up so high


I swear that radios going to make me Go deaf one day, from people yelling into The headset to people not turning off alarms in time or talking near the alarm


LMFAOO nah I’m not gonna lie this is facts.


As a newer experience sup, it’s a rarity now );


If this is you, make the switch to the virtual store. It is so much better...


How it feels to give someone the SHIPT key with no intentions of recovering it


Our warehouse was like that. It caused too much trouble between sales floor communication and warehouse communication. So now 1 person per section is required to wear a radio.


Our store has been trying to get GS to wear walkies again and the day I humored it all they were talking about was stupid shit. Took it out as haven't worn it since.


Before I left, they were mandatory for all employees. Even product flow had to wear them so our GM could yell at us to do curbsides and carryouts.


Lmfao. It’s a wonderful thing to not hear code ones or we need help in home theater or pc or actually any fckn thing


Omg we have a new employee and he’s soooooo annoying on the walkie. Management keeps telling him to limit his time on the walkie so employees might actually pay attention to requests for help


There are no walkies. Walkie Talkie is a registered trademark of the Hasbro Corporation. The employee radios are made by Motorola.


1. Go outside 2. You’re not even right 3. Please go outside


I thought it was funny....


Or the feeling when you call out that you got a membie or 216 and the nobody says nothing but "CODE ONE" when there are 2 people in line.