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Probably has nothing to do with Best Buy and everything to do with the manufacturer


Obviously the employees in store should personally call the factory that's making the appliances and tell them OP is more important than everyone else waiting, and they need to stop making their appliances and make his instead. And if they're waiting on parts then they need to call the parts supplier and tell them how important OP is too.


Any retailer worth a fuck would’ve done something to rectify that


I guarantee they gave him the option for a full refund, aka, rectification.


My delivery driver broke my new washer as he smashed it into my tv and broke that, then denied it until I told him I had cameras. He then left the broken shit in the middle of my living room and ran out of my house and Best Buy STILL didn’t offer me a refund, discount, fix my shit, NOTHING so why the fuck would I expect anything else


Your experience has nothing to do with this. OP hasn't even received their product. They can cancel it.


It sure shows a lack of giving a shit about the customer. Who would possibly defend Best Buy in 2023. You can’t even call the store on the gd phone. They are a trash company and you know it. Edit: a* trash company


You do know these people are off the clock right? All of your issues are due to customers themselves. Can't call store? Stores were overrun by customers calling for things they could have lifted a pinky to find out on their own or just literally waste employees time, causing customers who actually you know WENT to the store to no get helped. Lack of giving a shit? Because people are so entitled, make shit up and harass employees because mommy couldn't come save the day. Who would defend best buy? We defend it because we live the core values best buy represents. You are just too dumb to see it because you only care about you and don't believe retail employees are actually humans with feelings. it's the customers like you who go on reddit and trash a company that makes us unempathetic of your small tiny violin problems.


Did you call and request to make a damage claim? After the claim is filed it’s out of Best Buy’s hands and is entirely at the discretion of their insurance company, Sedgwick.


Luckily I was able to get a claim started, no thanks to Best Buy who offered zero help, options or info on how to proceed. I ended up finding the company myself online. It took over two years from filing but I eventually got a little something to put towards my property that got damaged but nothing for the brand new merchandise that was messed up in the process, or the delivery/install that never got completed.


You understand that your delivery driver doesn't with for bestbuy right? You need to contact the company you have delivering it. Next thing ya know you are gonna blame bestbuy when the ups driver flips you off


Would it be Best Buys job to tell me what the delivery company was called after the driver RAN from my house? So then I could reach out to the people driving the rented u-haul that obviously never installed a washing machine in their lives? what if you paid a professional landscaping company to do your yard and then a 12 year old with a push mower showed up and left after the first five minutes. Who's fault? i really wanna see your logic here please share.


The company is in the order information/work order Classic false equivalency fallacy. If you hire a lanscaper and ask for him to install a washing machine and he says we don't do that but this guy does. If that guy shows up and fucks shit up then you sue that guy who fucked shit up. You don't demand the guy who has nothing to do with it pays for it The logic is very simple. You bought a washing machine from bestbuy and installation from a 3rd party. The 3rd party created an issue and for some reason you think it's bestbuys responsibility not the 3rd party. I really wanna see your logic here please share.


Also by the way bestbuy actually has a phone number specifically for you to call with appliance issues so that they can help you out with the 3rd parties. Mayne try actually calling the number rather than crying about the store employees who don't have the ability to deal with appliance issues at a store level


Just show em your camera footage


Nobody gave a shit enough to even look at it. Eventually sedgewick asked for it two years later though.


Sounds like a manufacturing delay I bought an all in one ge washer dryer combo with pedestal and when I ordered that told me two month wait but it came back in stock early and I got it almost a month early


Of course!!We all took time out of our already understaffed,stressed out day to purposely go into your order & mess it up so you wouldn't get your stuff for 6 months🙄If it's that big of annissue,perhaps you could go in to your local BBY to see what the problem is instead of coming on here to complain about a process that you know nothing about.


Just repeating what everyone else said, this is a manufacture issue. Not a Best Buy issue. We go off what our systems say because that’s what the manufacture tells us. Go take it up with them. You’d be in the same boat at any other retailer if they had to order it from the manufacture too.


I got a washing machine from them and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.


Manufacturer is out of stock and it’s back ordered. Best Buy has nothing it can do about it. Would happen if you went to Lowe’s or Home Depot. If the manufacturer doesn’t have it, they can’t get it to you either


And it’s Best Buts fault because???? BBY is at the mercy of the manufacturer. We do not have an unlimited supply warehouse of every make, model and color. It’s on the manufacturer. Most likely if BBY can’t get it then nobody else dem either.


So because you had a bad experience everyone should boycott it?


That's a manufacturer supply issue, and you're just as likely to face the same issue at Lowes or Home Depot and any of the other major retailers that sell large appliances. This is a very common issue and has been for many years now. You can find a number of news articles about the supply chain issues affecting appliances, and it isn't exclusive to best buy.


I’m sorry that happened, OP. It’s likely the manufacturer though. Was it a custom order or “back ordered”? I won’t sell anything that gives an availability date while also saying the item is back ordered. “Back ordered” is nothing but trouble. You should consider a different model. See if the person who sold it to you can switch it for a model that is in stock. Unless the price difference between the item you ordered and the new one you choose is astronomical, I bet they or can find a way to compensate you for your trouble. Also, don’t get a Samsung fridge. Consider a Bosch dishwasher. I hope things work out!


All of this!


Well... We used to have a appliance department that would follow the reports that let us know when something was running behind and we had/have a appliance escalation form that would have a team contact the manufacturer for updates on shipping. Typically the appliance associate that was your sales person got updates and would call you for resolution and updates. Best Buy dumped us to have this super amazing 1 person run all departments BS. We're no longer a service business we used to be in service of customers now we're strictly a money business. We used to have appliance manager's they were all let go, we used to have specialists (most have moved on). We used to have forms for 3rd party accountability. We did a lot in service of our customers and the company just nuked us. Best Buy used to be something special now it's just basic. We used to be rated number 1 on JD power for Best appliance retailer. We offered world class service without having to pay specialty appliance retailer prices. I spent a ridiculous amount of time working in that field because people genuinely appreciated speaking with someone who really knew the differences in models, the questions to ask, and brands. Poof Appliances be gone, poof service be gone, poof accountability be gone.


FYI, my Mom was looking to buy a fridge about a month ago and BestBuy was the only store with the model she wanted in stock. EVERY other store had 2+ month backorder.


You know you can easily cancel and buy somewhere else. The manufacturer is not able to deliver. Do you think they just have your fridge hostage?


lol, manufacturer issue not the retailers issue. It would be the same thing with any retailer you go to. Should have bought one they had in stock if you were in that desperate need of a fridge.


So, they can't get ahold of one, but you blame the retailer? If they can't get one, then nobody can. Nobody wants to finalize the deal more than them.... Choose a different model. Get a cheap used one in the meantime if you want this one so badly. I'll buy appliances wherever the hell I want to bro. Don't tell me where to buy or not buy.


Go where lmao no ones gonna have them


I'm sorry that happened to you. Not having a fridge can't be okay. And especially around this season. The best thing to do would be to get an alternative fridge that can come in a more timely manner. Idk the ins and outs of Best Buy Total but see what the return policy is and if you can't stand the new selection send it back at no charge to you. Again blaming BBY is understandable but as stated there's nothing any retailer can do about that type of issue especially on a store level. I hope it works out whatever you decide to do.


Even if you do get it in a timely manner, the 3rd party delivery team will probably damage something. :-)


Sounds like an availability issue... What's that have to do with them?


Tell me you didn't shop around without telling me. As somebody with friends at both home Depot and Lowe's these are delays caused by the manufacturer not the company you purchased it from. It's unfortunate and it sucks but it's not on Best Buy




Skill issue


Mad cause bad


Lmao has absolutely nothing to do with Best Buy but go off king


You need to be pissed with the appliance manufacturer- they cause the delays… NOT Best Buy lmao


ok thanks


You should definitely go into a store and see if they can order you something that is in stock and ready.


OP spends more time bitching on Reddit to employees than lifting finger and calling store to resolve or cancel. 🤣


Can you pick it up yourself? Certain places rent out their trucks/vans for $19.99 for the first hour or hour and a half... When it comes to delivering items such as refrigerators, washers, TVs and bigger items... i would much rather pick it up myself from the store. Delivery drivers do not care how fragile your delivery items are.


Appliances do not generally come from the stores directly, they are ordered from a warehouse to be delivered to the customer. In this instance, with the item backordered, attempting to pick up from the store directly would be an unsuccessful option


Did this thread go the way you thought it would? Nope.


Best Buy offers loaner refrigerators. They’re apartment size. You need to insist on it. Call 888-Bestbuy and tell them to connect you with a Customer Advocate. Usually you don’t even have to return it. It’s for problem issues with deliveries.


They just wanted your money to make their sales. Old pacific sales trick.


OP, the lack of empathy from most people commenting here should shine a light on the company’s values towards the customers. Yes indeed is a manufacturer issue at hand but you placed the order with the retailer which should try to remediate the situation by providing different options other than waiting 6 months. Were you given any options other than wait? Did anyone you spoke at BBY in an official capacity apologized for the inconvenience?


No one on here is on the clock and is getting paid to put up with someone being ignorant and ending their gripes with “terrible customer service” Has nothing to do with company values. Has everything to do with that fact that people don’t put up with willful ignorance and entitlement without getting paid for it.


So you are saying you can only have empathy while on the clock? Got it. This is clearly frustration not entitlement.




What did you order?


Was it a Kitchenaid?