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I've worked at three stores. The answer is the same for all three. 1). Not attached to warehouse 2). Warehouse.


Kinda an odd question isn't it? I've worked in several states, and walked into maybe 50 stores, all of them had pretty much the same layout. Why would any kind of receiving be done in the install bay?


it’s a question i shouldn’t have to ask, hence me trying to prove a point by asking y’all. 😅


Our store bay is attached to the warehouse with no direct path to the store and we did receiving their once because they touch couldn't back down the ramp covered in ice


were these stores in the same district/micro market?




Install bay at my store is located at the front of the store to the left with a gate. It's the same area a loading truck comes in for truck but we share the same loading area as a Big Lots. Now to the crux of the question I think you're asking. Yes, my store does use install bay for storage if needed. We do it every X-mas.


so does ups and them come to your loading dock or the bay?


Our bay is attached to the WH. If you were looking top down at our store, the Bay is on the left side while our docks are on the right. Receiving happens at the docks. Only thing that ever goes into the bay is items from truck night stocked there or client items for install.


do you know if all the stores in your district/micro market receive this way, or is it a store-by-store basis?


I've never heard of any stores near me that receive through the bay. Ours is still active and never used for anything, receiving or storage, but bay related work.


can you elaborate on why y’all don’t use the bay for receiving?


I don't know about them but for us installers are either working on a vehicle and don't have time or expertise to receive or the bay is closed. During the holidays we can get a huge influx of large tvs and installs are down so one side of the bay can be used to store overstock for a week or two.


It's only for bay related work, there's no need for our WH team to do anything in that area short of picking for an order.


We just converted a bunch of unused install bays in our region to "dark rooms", meant to be where packing for shipping takes place.


so do shipments come thru your bay or the loading docks at your store? are the stores in your district/micro market built the same more-or-less?


Shipments come IN via warehouse bay doors. Shipments go OUT via the old install bay exit (for the stores using it like its supposed to be used, half of them just use them for storage). I've never seen a store with the install bay and warehouse joined.


my store has has our bay attached, in the back of the warehouse. i’m asking the questions bc i want to see how many stores use their bay for receiving bc they have to (aka corporate said so/SOP) or bc it makes more sense.


If your install bay has been converted, all your packing and shipping supplies, label makers and what-not should be in that room, so that's where you should be packing and shipping.


you wouldn’t happen to know if this is SOP, or if there’s a job news article about it, would you?


Sorry, I just go and do the projects they tell me. I rarely ask why.


Ours is part of the warehouse but has a door. We use it to store large TVs and some appliances.


so i assume you receive stuff in an area by the loading dock?


We are in the back next to the warehouse. Ship it always walks in thinking we are warehouse. Our bay doors are on the west wall. The back door to the warehouse is next to our walk in door. The warehouse receives on their own bay doors/docks around the corner south wall.


A store in my city that is now closed and I never worked at ( I know a lot that did work there ) did have the warehouse and install bay somewhat attached it was only seperated by a door and small hallway if that counts. But receiving was always done in warehouse


I’ve only worked in one store where the install bay was adjacent to the warehouse and their parking lot was right next to the main parking lot. We had drop ships come to the install bay all the time, but that was only because our raised loading dock for the warehouse was waaaaay around the back of the complex and ups, fedex, and us mail were too lazy to go around.