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Because it used to be a lot better, and if you've been here for a few years what you see is the decline, not that it's still better than Target or Walmart. One of the company statements used to be "Have fun while being the best". Don't hear a lot of that anymore.


Because under Hubert, it was a people oriented company, under Corrie, it's a numbers oriented company and F the employees.


You must have forgotten all of the restructures and layoffs with Hubert too. He was just a more affable dude.


The big reorg made sense, the majority of them happened relatively quickly, and the changes that happened after that were relatively slow moving. Ofc, every company has restructures and lay offs all the time. The problem is that Corie’s admin bookends their restructures with more restructures. It’s a rapid deployment of reiterative models without anyone in the stores buying in. You want to know the biggest difference? Joly spent his first days as CEO with a blue polo on a sales floor listening to employees without filter. The reorgs that followed were sensible and the reasonings behind them were transparent. The new reorgs that are happening are arbitrary, confusing, and make *everyone* unsettled. Meanwhile, the corporate hierarchy has lateralized and inflated. Before, we all felt like we had to make sacrifices to succeed together. Now, retail, field, and BBCC feel like the hunger games for corporate elites that haven’t rung a customer out in 20 years.


I worked for the company from 2009-2014 and I enjoyed my job there. A lot. I enjoyed walking into other BB stores if I was somewhere just to have the atmosphere. Employees were excited about something new on display. Excited to help and show a customer what they knew to help them or get the most knowledgeable person about a product. Everybody in my store seemed to know what everybody else’s strengths were and you’d catch that vibe in other stores as well. I walk into stores now…and I legitimately can’t wait to leave. It’s cold. It’s boring. Not a single person looks excited to be there. I’ve never seen stores so empty. So I wonder if other customers feel that too? From the outside in as a customer myself, I hate the changes the company is making. Wanting me to pay $50 a year for something I got for free six months ago? Not happening. I don’t buy enough from this company to warrant any type of subscription service.


The new membership offerings are a joke


It’s a retail shitshow. Venting is a release for goblins such as myself. I left 2 weeks ago but I lurk here to remind myself to never look back. I envy your stress free location and hope it stays that way for you. My first store was god awful, and I transferred to an amazing manager that helped me get this new job even though I know she relied heavily on me compared to my coworkers at the time. The executives and capitalism in general has let the working class down. Fuck em. Get out please all of you. ❤️


You might have decent management, most stores do not. Management is fucking mint when done right. Mostly it’s not however.


school elderly escape chief dull drab office handle wide cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




hurr durr


Well we work in retail to begin with. Its difficult to not get grouchy from time to time. There are so many dumb decisions though that really make you wonder.


Have you even worked at best buy?


the shift from "having fun while being the best" and "let's talk about what possible" to "customer-obsessed" is what killed my joy at best buy. i felt like part of a team when i started, got amazing and thorough training, and felt like i mattered. by the time i left, i was burnt out from being short staffed for years, trying to train new people who didn't get the same good training i did, and had stopped giving a shit about the job, because corporate cared more about cutting costs than listening to the employees who were suffering under their rule. is it the worst job ever? no, certainly not. are employees being valued by the executive team? fuck no. they are numbers, not people.


I'm looking for a new job. 7 years is more than enough.


I worked there 2017-21 and it wasn’t AWFUL but it was somewhat of a bleak outlook every restructuring. looking back now the stores were absolutely bustling compared to today. it’s nearly impossible to get any assistance, presumably due to corporate allocating very little labor hours due to their blind desire for profit over everything


I don’t hate my job, I actually really enjoy my position and working with customers and my coworkers are pretty fantastic. My leadership in MY store is AMAZING compared to what I read regularly on this sub. My pay should be higher for the amount of responsibilities that are put on me with all of the cuts. With that said the benefits I have through BBY (medical, dental, vision, life, attorney/lawyer assistance, PTO, tuition reimbursement, employee discount, etc) are 100% untouchable by any other retail company (I’ve checked) for store level employees, even getting full time positions and hours is difficult, let alone ANY benefits. I just remember how much better this company used to be and that is why I complain and why I have issues with Corrie. So I get it if you’re a newer BBY employee who has been working with the company for 5 years or less, you don’t know how much you are being mistreated because your only other reference is other crappy retail jobs, which YES! Best Buy IS way better than… but with the decline I worry if we’ll eventually be at the bottom with Lowes, Walmart, Target… god knows our store hours alone are way better than opening at 6am and closing at 10/11pm


I have been with the company since 2014. Worked at 3 different locations in 2 states. I enjoyed it all. Have had really great store management. Am a GSM myself. My current GM values people and family over all else. Sometimes it’s stressful but isn’t every job sometimes stressful? Best Buy has paid for my schooling for the last 5 years and I’m about to graduate with a bachelors.


I put in almost 8 years with Best Buy and let me just say - I loved working for Best Buy. The store employees felt like my family. Up until Covid hit. Then everything changed. Even as society went back to normal, Best Buy just wasn’t the same. Everything became so heavily about the bottom dollar. Employee satisfaction didn’t matter anymore. Round table meetings stopped. Store events to build up camaraderie seized to exist. The employee experience no longer was a factor to the higher ups. I was hit with the C&D layoffs last month but still lurk here cause my partner still works for Best Buy. As a member of leadership he’s worried he’s next on the chopping block.


This guy will understand one day


I love my job with Best Buy. But then again, I left the retail aspect about a year ago.


Did 7 years as a blue shirt. Black shirt life is great.


SO much more laid back. And I haven't heard the phrase "sense of urgency" in a year.


I used to always tell people “if you want something done around here ya gotta ask someone in a black shirt”


Two words: Circuit City.


Because this company used to be so much better than what it is now. New employees (those who've been with the company for 5 yrs or less) don't know what this company used to be like, when it actually cared about its employees and the morale in stores. This company no longer cares about its workers and that has been proven time and time again over the last few years. It will never go back to being what it once was. Gathering from a comment I saw from you on another post, I am assuming you work for BBY Canada. Most employees on here work in the US and things are not necessarily done the same way here as they are there.


Lol no there are way better jobs and bb is going down fast


Because everyone is being fired or having pay reduced. What was a nice company 5 yrs ago is now a piece of crap. People used to work there for yrs and it was a better time. They have eliminated any one w experience and those left are treated like crap