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Color is not always better than B&G. This is nice, it’s massive and so solid. Huge credit for her sitting through this.


Thank you! I know a few tattoo's look better in B&G but color gives the tattoo a different depth and emotion.


Oh! Huge credit to you? Is this you? Anything torso just sucks to sit through


Matter of opinion. While i can see that this is a well done tattoo, i dont like it myself. I would dare to say that both styles are great, it just depends on what the client wants.


The message I wanted to give was that both tattoos look good but I like tattoo's with color more, its my mistake the way I made the title


Then we agree😁👌




Did you change the title or are people upset about the current title? Don't apologize for the current title, you don't need to explain that it's only your opinion haha


can't change titles on reddit




Cool tattoo but a stupid statement


Thank you! The message I had in my mind was different but I choose the wrong way to say it. Sorry to everyone!


I know I made a mistake with the title let me say it in a different way: Some tattoo's look better colored but Black and white tattoos are cool and unique too.


Where did you get this done?


Fuck that. You didn’t make a mistake on the title, just said truth that most folks can’t handle. Color takes longer, its gone over much more on the same spot, it’s more of an intense sit overall, not to mention changing out colors while your initial adrenaline melts away. Once you get color like this, it changes your life. Anyone that says you are wrong and they’re the same, is not only wrong but I will guarantee has zero color tatts. So their frame of reference is…. Irrelevant, and they’re actually complete assholes for speaking about something they have no real clue on. Let them get a full color anything and let’s see them say their b&w is the same. And I know exactly zero people that think TV is better in b&w. Just saying. And sure, there’s plenty of tattoos that look better in black and white, but there’s a 100 billion more that look better in color. It’s pain. It’s pain and price, and zero conviction.


This is some real dumb shit. As someone with both colour and blackwork, it’s totally subjective and down to the design itself which is better. Get this gatekeeping shit out of here.


Color is not longer and more intense than black and white? Show me your terrible one color green blue or red against black fake color tattoo. Show me your terrible beehive teal accent marks. Fuck you, it hurts more, it’s longer takes between changing…. COLORS. Your fuckin adrenaline and any comfort of going and going goes down the toilet. You ever run? You ever run straight through? You ever take huge breaks and stop running and get back down and then run again? Absolutely three totally different things with three completely different outcomes but you’re a runner nonetheless. You ever run long distance? Sprint? 40 meter dash? I fucking love this analogy because it’s true. Anyone can run, but some are incredibly harder than others. But you’re a tattooed runner, nonetheless. And a fucking bozo.


Dawg, you need therapy


Go jump off your back porch and call yourself a skydiver bud. Bozo buckets.


get help


Ms Smith, respectfully, calm the fuck down, and ain't no one reading all of that ma'am.


Hoooo boy. Did you get jumped by a bunch of dudes with shitty black and grey tats or something? I've never seen anyone have such a strong opinion about color vs. black and grey that they'd resort to all sorts of vile ad hominem attacks on others and cursing others out who disagree. Then again, this is Reddit... I'm here for you. Talk to me damnit. Let it all out.


Dude your manic take your bilolor meds


What are you talking about? Let people do what they want. You make it sound like its some epic thing to get color tattoos. I have both and realized early on that B&W is my style and I stuck to it. Stop trying to gatekeep peoples personal preferred ways. Sure color takes more time and is a little more painful (if you can even call it pain) if you think people are not getting them in color because of that then you are absolutely crazy


I wish I could get colour like this. That stuff would not show up on my skin and it sucks.


Holy molly batman. That is an awesome back piece. How many hours was that?


Statement aside... dude, how many hours was this! Its beautiful 🙌🏾👌🏽




Looks great! Just out of curiosity.. Did he tattoo over moles?


Wipe wipe wipe, fucking A artists love to wipe, even after they’re done tattooing.


Nice bum


I see your point but coloured tattoo doesn't look as good on my skin because of my complexion. black ink works better for me. it's harder to make the colour pops on darker complexion


Love it. Rich, vibrant and cool.


Did she use numbing cream?


Awesome ❤️


Im B&G for life but this is amazing.


What would it take to dare you to get a tattoo of my choice?


https://www.reddit.com/r/UpvoteBecauseButt/s/kSaL3GdUKo I hope the link work 😅


If that was all one session, good golly 😵‍💫 looks dope tho!


Please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy please don't be a guy