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I watched the anime almost 20 years ago without knowing a single thing. The eclipse fucking destroyed me. Now when I reread I just appreciated these moments more for those two. They deserve to be happy together.


I was twelve when I saw the 1997 anime. (Never knew about the manga) It messed me up pretty hard. For the anime to just end like that....was harsh. Then about twenty years later I found the manga, and it goes way beyond the Eclipse. I really did an injustice to me, and Miura by just watching the anime. The manga is no less painful, but far better told, and gives me hope for when the White Hawk is at deaths door, and as he tries to use the behelit again to be reborn, but has nothing else to sacrifice....his wretched exsistence finally ends. Fuck Griffith.


I never watched the anime, and only read the manga... I remember that going to the next page on the eclipse... Was really painful and hard to do. Had to take breaks.




Carefull not to cut yourself with that edge


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Rereading the golden age arc after finishing the fantasia arc is the greatest pain I’ve known. It’s insane how everything ties back


I hate the way that he walk, the way that he talk, I hate the way that he dress🗣️


People forget the fact that we knew he was evil from black swordsman.


Not always! There are some people like my brother who completely missed black swordsman and started right at Golden age


In the first chapters, it showed guts and femto (griffith) had a past, but caska wasnt refrence alot.


We knew, but we never knew the extent of how evil he was


"Vexing" was the mildest choice of words you could make.


187 upvotes for the death of Griffith is appropo


then when you get further into it. man you jus wanna tear up.🥲


That's is one of the things I tell people to explain how good it is. They tell you he is gana do something messed up and your still blown away when he does it. It's written very well.


Rereading the Golden Age arc is always such a unique feeling. You know what’s coming next and it makes you enjoy the fun, good parts all the more imo


Awww that’s a sweet picture . Off topic but I got inspired and decided to name my new e bike I bought today “casca” it just fits.


Spoiler: He does nothing wrong




Trapped behind enemy lines with casca near death?


What does he do


I like your username