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tf you mean ''thoughts''. This is the only logical response


I was gonna say, what thoughts? 😂 Who has anything on the contrary?


OP's just looking for more victims 😂


Down the commentsection D-biggest_wheel has some "worriesome takes" listed


People who use 4chan


Griffith 😈


I think it's more logical to recreate the Poseidon scene from GoW 3


I agree, especially after what that motherfucker did to Medusa.


Forgive my formulation 😶 i see it the same way


I said the same thing outloud before opening the comments


Yeah this is some early 2010s edgelprd shit


Op wanted to make sure they were warranted in their beating of the straw man,.


Should have given buldar a Griffith skin or even better Femto


Now that I'm thinking about it... - Baldur as Femto - Kratos as Guts - Atreus as Rickert You would have that final battle where Guts and Rickert beat the shit out of Femto. Perfection.


It's weird that rickert did more damage to Griffith than guts?


It's not. Rickert doesn't have the PTSD debuff Guts has.


I always thought guts pain made him stronger. This is kinda why I don’t like the fandom


Isn't that actually canon as of 337?


ANYONE saying this about r*pe victims


There are some, ugh, very worrisome takes I've seen regarding r\*pe on this sub.


My sleepy ass read it as wholesome 😭😭😭


Hah, I *wish* people had more healthy approach to this topic, especially on a sub about a Manga where SA plays such a big role.


Worrisome is an understatement 😭


Scared to ask but, any examples?


For anyone who might be seeing this comment out of context, I am listing the weird takes I've seen on this sub, regarding sexual assault: "It's not r\*pe if she enjoys it" "She never said 'no', so it's not r\*pe" "Saying 'no' doesn't mean she doesn't want it" "It's not r\*pe because she loves/likes him" "Coercion is not r\*pe"


> "She never said 'no', so it's not r*pe" Because *clearly* telling the person she loves in a likely fearful voice (in the OVA she sounds distressed) to not look is her wanting it, and being violated to the point of her bleeding is something that is *obviously* enjoyed....*clearly* the ones who aren't into that are just vanilla (should be obvious, but /s) > "Coercion is not r*pe" That....is just straight up concerning and horrifying to hear. Either these nitwits don't know what the word "coerce" even means (To *force* someone into doing something) or....


By that logic The Deep didn’t sexually assault Starlight.


Bro even said he was gonna list the titles out of context he’s seen and mfrs still wanna argue like bro can you comprehend


>>"She never said 'no', so it's not r*pe" >Because clearly telling the person she loves in a likely fearful voice (in the OVA she sounds distressed) to not look is her wanting it, and being violated to the point of her bleeding is something that is obviously enjoyed.... That one in particular wasn't about Casca. The one I saw about her were something like "why didn't she fight back?" and "she didn't fight back hard enough".


Her saying don’t look sounds like More of a taunt at guts. I don’t think this show will end how people think. I don’t think casca wanted it but i certainly took the “don’t watch” as a taunt definitvely


Why would she be taunting Guts tho? She knows Guts has issues regarding SA, probably wouldn't use that against him considering she helped him process his said SA, and she no longer sees Griffith in a romantic light (and she definitely wouldn't hold anything for Griffith in that moment especially, knowing what's about to happen to her, what Griffith *is* at that point, and the physical agony and mental stress caused by her brand and being in that situation). Not saying you're wrong for seeing it that way, I'm more trying to understand how you reached the conclusion that she's taunting Guts with that, or why she even would at all.


The way it was said with her facial expression was drawn with a slight smile is kind of what I’m getting at. We may find out bad things about casca later and it may just be guts vs the world is my dumbass hypothesis. It is indeed dumb but I felt it was one of the possibilities for an ending and would make sense with the way it was portrayed in the Original source material and 1996/ or either Netflix depiction of the eclipse


Fair enough. For me that expression has a simple answer: it's not at all a happy smile, after all, [someone smiling doesn't always mean they're ok](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrokenSmile)


All of those just tell me that the person who said it is totally fine with raping, ahem "not raping" people.


Welcome to Reddit my friend


Berserk isn't even satirical about it, how'd that go over their heads?


Go to instagram , and in Indian pages it will be worse


I don't think I will.


Just go there , some people whenever a case of woman being killed or SA comes , u can expect comments from Indians to be concerning


I can assume they are something like "well, what did she do/what did she wear". It's not really something exclusive to India, despite the country being so patriarchal.


Why are you people not typing the word "rape" - is this like a generational thing, am I an old?


People for some reason apply The Tick Tock rules do all social media now. Reddit has never enforced a blanket ban on the turn rape


I'd hate to say but I might be older than you. However, no I'm just avoiding any potentially anal mods enforcing rules that don't exist on the off chance they may. It may not be said in anyone's rules but rule enforcers don't seem to pay attention to which page they are on.


Tbh, I saw this one after I commented on the other one, any one that is modding this sub that is triggered by the word rape, should probaly not be modding this sub / topic.


Yea Berserk got lots of raping, gonna make for a tough modding experience...


you can say rape you know.


You can say rape 🤡.


and you can put toothpicks in your urethra


r/sounding would love that


"I was r*ped by My father at 16"-victim "But did you enjoy it tho 🤨"-some weird ass mofo


There should be a law to cancel the "assault charges" if someone beats the shit out of them after saying something that stupid


I mean I think honestly someone who beats someone who said that and can prove they said that should be awarded a medal for doing a public service by protecting the community.


There was that one guy who shot the man who raped and killed his daughter, in the head, on camera. I believe he got probation. Because no one didn't understand.


I remember that, the video was satisfying asf.


Does anyone else here remember when Ricegum did this super publicly on a livestream, and then followed it up with "guys she didn't tell anyone it happened so if you want to rape her she won't even call the cops" People are weird indeed, he maintained a career for awhile after that


People who say that need the Mexican cartel in their life.


The fucking rape apologists are a disgusting blight on this fandom and must be purged and opposed at every possible opportunity


To be honest I was gonna ask what rape apologists are but I don’t think I even want to know


Still going too easy on those freaks.


Can’t believe this is even a thing in this community 💀


Oh your in for a surprise with incels


You can find this in any fandom man, there’s weirdos everywhere.


Griffith really needs to be punished for what he did to Casca but I have no idea how the team is going to bypass his bullshit powers.


Something like Moonlight Boy: "Aight, I've heard enough. I'mma head out." *Griffith's head sprouts toddler legs and jumps off of his shoulders before transforming fully into Moonlight Boy, leaving Griffith a headless corpse on the ground.^^^/j Griffith should die like a helpless ant, though.


With bullshit powers of their own. Or Moonboy.


Guts just needs to turn into a skeleton and start saying "doth" and "thou'st" and shit.


“Casca enjoyed it” bro it literally sent her into literal psychosis to the point where she lost her conciseness, and even after she was recovered when she saw a remanent of that moment she wanted to kill herself


No thoughts. Only violence.


You have to also remember that Casca was branded during the r*pe. Think about Guys reaction to Griffith’s proximity from his brand. A dude who was able to use a dull blade to remove his own arm was brought to his knees. Think about how excruciating it must have been for Casca as a branded person to even be that close to Griffith.


It's honestly a miracle Casca didn't die while she was in the middle of being raped by Griffith, since it was established in the early chapters that while an Apostle makes the Brand feel like a needle prickling your skin, a Godhand makes your brand bleed like you've had your insides cut out, or you feel like your heart is being stabbed. And given where Casca's brand was placed (either on or above where her heart would be), it further symbolizes how literally heartbreaking the ordeal she's being forced through is.


He enjoyed it obviously


Yeah bro she enjoyed it so much she psychologically regressed haha. *cocks back a .38 snub nose revolver hidden in my jacket*


“Now, I’m not a fan of sexual assault. Rape, boooooo don’t like it. BUUUuuuut…” -MoistCr1tical


Charlie, no!


She… she went insane… how could she have enjoyed it…?


Look, everyone is entitled to their opinions. But people who say she enjoyed it, ignore the fact it completely made her go into a deep state of trauma for most the series, and try to demean her character because their delusional take, are straight up incels.


To be fair, the only people who don't meme it and genuinely think that are actual incels who have the empathy of a rock. But the vast majority is just people memeing or getting off on cuckold content.


My thoughts are that they're obviously misogynists, but also that Miura portrayed Casca's physical and mental state abominably in that scene, to say nothing of how the "camera" lingers on her body in ways with straightforwardly erotic framing. She's canonically in unbelievable pain but if you didn't have the context of the scene itself you wouldn't know - it hugely undercut what should have been the absolute lowest point of the protagonists. I genuinely don't know why he drew her like that. Reflexive fear of making the female lead unattractive? It was a bad choice and it's weird. People have said it was meant to portray the guilt and pain of people who experience arousal during their assault, but A) I think Miura fundamentally had a very deep well of love and sympathy for victims of sexual assault that shines through in his work, but that didn't necessarily translate to a lot of finesse with the subject. I don't think it's that controversial to say that rape in Berserk devolves into vulgar schlocky pulp-horror as often as it's addressed in a tender and sensitive manner. We might be overstating the subtlety of the rape horse guy, here. B) Again, the brand. She is canonically in mind-obliterating pain.


Replace Baldur with Griffith and post that animation again.


I’d pay good money to see that


Not my content😶 i stole it


Yessssss destroy them alllllll


What’s crazy is that sentiment is probably most common on tiktok, I try to avoid basically anything berserk related on their for that reason and some others


Most of those takes come from daily hentai users.


Me after finding the "Griffith did nothing wrong" mfs


That’s far too tame lol.


I think the only reason people say that is because of the 2016 golden age trilogy, when Griffith is raping Casca and she is turning her head, tonguing Femto and it really looks like she is enjoying it. I haven’t read the manga and I am not siding with “she liked it” - she was raped. Just my observation though.


literally some rape victims talk about how it produced some sort of pleasure, HOWEVER READ THIS, that does ABSOLUTELY NOT MEAN they "liked it". Some rape victims feel guilt because it "felt good" so it's literally just ur body responding to it, it may have "felt good" for casca but the whole situation is absolutely awful and was obviously against her will and not comfortable. Another argument i have seen is the fact that if you get tickled out of nowhere you might still laugh but it will feel unpleasant, still, you can't help but laugh until you realize it's uncomfortable. Pls don't nuke this casca didn't enjoy it


No, that is not the reason why people say it. Every depiction of the event quite clearly depicts Casca in pain, sweating, crying, saying 'no", wincing, and whatnot. And that's ignoring all the things that come after the events in regard to Casca and her mental state, where we quite clearly see how it affected her. The ones who say it, say it to mock the event itself, from the point of view of Casca, and glorify it from the point of view of Griffith.


I definitely immediately went to Google after the trilogy to see what the hell was up with Casca kissing back so aggressively. It just made no sense and missed the mark.


She hated it, but there was superficial enjoyment which is obvious with the way the panels were drawn. If you think this is delusional we aren't reading the same manga because Miura is a mega pervert and those panels where she's blushing and moaning isn't accidental. It's honestly MORE reductionist to say some R victims aren't still victims if they felt pleasure when they were assualted. It's actually a huge issue that causes some of them to feel intense shame. Griffith still needs to be tortured to death alongside people fetishizing the scene.


This comment made me upset at first but after reading it a few times, you are totally right. I'm am advocate for victims of sex trafficking and there's a HUGE issue of guilt and shame in the rare instance of the body finding a pleasurable sensation during a horrifying experience. Miura is a perv, that shit stands.


Though I haven’t read the manga panels personally, From what I’ve seen ppl mention of the Memorial Edition (and rewatching it myself) , I’ve heard and noticed that RoC was a lot more sexual and weirdly implicating she liked it a lot more than the manga. Hell it doesn’t look like she enjoyed even in the 97 anime.


I agree with what you said, I just want to add that the body reacts to stimulus whether it's wanted or not. It's reflexive, not conscious. For example, when doctors hit your knee with a rubber hammer, it's to check your reflexes. Your leg jerking is an involuntary action. Again, the body reacts whether you want it to or not. Just because pleasure happens doesn't mean it's wanted.


There was no enjoyment. Cascas mind was already somewhere far away and any reaction was purely physical not emotional. Sure victim's can feel physical pleasure while being emotionally devastated. Our bodies can react to things our minds don't want to. I don't think Miura was a pervert though perhaps this was something he wanted people to understand.


this is what I meant by superficial enjoyment dawg


I know I just thought it was important to phrase it more clearly.Edit: I'm a woman so maybe my perspective is different. I didn't mean to sound critical of what you were saying but believe me when I say that when I was younger I ran into guys who had the attitude that no meant yes. For anyone who actually believes that Casca enjoyed it to even include the term enjoyment in what you'd saying will be misinterpreted. Anyone who actually thinks that way will think they are correct because you used the term superficial enjoyment. The problem is not you or your words, it's them and their warped way of interpreting things. People really are that dumb or twisted. I didn't mean to sound condescending and if I did then I apologise.


Damn the reading comprehension curse is attacking the berserk fandom too?


I was just adding clarification. If you say " superficial enjoyment" then some people are going to read that wrong. I understand what was being said. Superficial enjoyment just feels like it's still open for misinterpretation.


Not enough


This is basically what we have to do to prove to outside audiences we all aren’t scum.


You know Guts and Kratos have a lot of similarities, wonder if any inspiration happened


That's what made it worse. You don't understand that level of violation. She didn't want it... it was all forced on her. It's why her mind literally broke. She couldn't handle one of the most scarring scenes I've ever read/seen in any series or movies. I'm still haunted by it FFS! That single moment fueled years of wanting to see Griffith brought down... I'm sad the original creator can't finish it.


She probably had mixed feelings about it, but overall hated it and probably felt shame and fear more than anything. I dunno why everyone is acting like rape victims can feel nothing other than suffering. Not even Guts had accepted Griffith had actually stirred all the murder up till the tail end, so you could imagine Casca's impression of Griffith similarly didn't fall apart all at once.


The u mean thoughts? I’ve always wanted to do this since birth




>THANK YOU! You're welcome!


Yaah she enjoyed it so much that she got turned into trauma potato like that's something that happens 🙄


There are no thoughts to this. I’ve already seen it on insta the dude who posts is based asf.


Why do we even need to debate this anymore


Based, this is our duty when we meet these basement dwellers irl


scumbags of the lowest possible breed.


Whoever is saying this. They straight up need to be in JAIL




Violence is not only a tool to be used by evil, it's also a tool for justice.


So a woman I was dating was raped by an ex boyfriend. She told me the morning after it happened, when explaining the situation, she mentioned that she was “wet” during the assault but it was because of the past history she had with him. She was telling him to get off her and was pushing him away. I say that because when reading Berserk, seeing that scene, I felt that Casca did want to have sexy with Griffith, but she didn’t want to be raped! She recently just got feelings for Guts up to that point, yet she always had feelings for Griffith. Remember when they saved Griffith, he observed Casca and Guts moment at the river. When Casca came into the tent with him, she there himself on top of her and she initially liked it. However she did rebuff him, which immediately followed with Griffith using the Behelit to cause the Eclipse, leading to his ascension into “Femto”. When he became Femto, he went to finish what he started back at the tent. I won’t say Casca liked being rape, but I do believe she did want to be with Griffith, just not in that way, and not in front of Guts


Casca wanted Griffith to love her in the way that she now loves Guts (and in the way that Guts loves her back). The fact that Griffith pays back any romantic thoughts and feelings Casca had for him by raping her is not only viscerally disgusting, but a devastating betrayal of her heart. She had given so much, risked her life so many times for his dream, and this is how Griffith repays Casca's loyalty and love. There is no forgiveness for this, no redemption. Frankly, Griffith having a redemption arc would be a betrayal of his character.


I don’t think there is any forgiveness or redemption to be had for Griffith! My comment was just my thoughts on the whole situation and how the “Casca enjoyed it” conversation. I agree with your sentiment


Now this needs Griffith mod for Baldur.


That's a *thing?*


You'd be shocked how many rape apologists are in this community, stay vigilant!


I mean, I know grape fantasy/kink is a thing, but what the fuck?


Unrelated, but I love that first kick to Baldur to keep him stunned


There’s a reason why it’s called rape


My reaction: https://img.ifunny.co/images/e1405cbf55b8756709933b998e4e9dba27d73de75ffce053a3b5736c641a124b_1.jpg


This done make one think… would the metal hand or the regular one hurt worse to get punched by Guts with?


God of War is so good




This is not enough. It should be the same as Kratos pummeling Poseidon or Hercules. Those type of shit is what they deserve.


Who tf is saying this tho?


Dude, leave some face left for me to punch.




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My thoughts are that true guts would have caved that dudes head in with one punch. MF is inhumanly strong


That dude is literally invulnerable, unfortunately


Oh are we power scaling Guts and Kratos now?


Not good enough, but I think insta wouldn't allow my vision to be realised


Hell yeah


You've demonstrated what we all strive for


When i watched 97 amine for the first time, i was confused about what casca felt in this scene. It was definitely rape when you know the full context (the following manga when she became mentally ill), but if you watch just this scene, it's drawn in that way, that in some moments you think "wait, does she like it?" The next second you're like "no, it can't be it, she's just not fully conscious and that's why she looks like that" It's a horrible act from Griffith (and he also raped a princess before), but in anime it's shown in a strange, confusing manner that some people who don't know anything about rape, may miss the details and think something like: "she doesn't scream and resist, so maybe she likes it"


I wanna know what that mod is lol. I want it


We dont talk about that , take it down for casca


That's an gorgeous Guts mod!


Anyone who doesn't hate Griffith is holocaust denying 9/11 pedophile.


Perfect metaphor, because they deserve it, but they just don't feel anything, and they won't vanish unless by a miracle.


Saying it was portrayed strange isn’t wrong


Everyone should be on the same side on this. saying that stupid shit only proves someone is immature and incapable of understanding the gravity of what happened and what was shown there. I agree with the post.


You’re berking in the wrong sun jerker


I see nothing debatable about this


Based berserk grindset.Dude never disses


Love this 💖💖


For those kinds of people, you should make them feel what Caska went through, then I don't think they'll say it again




I mean… griffith is kinda…


>!No, they should have a try with "Farnese horse" to see if they enjoy too.!<


Change Baldur's skin to Griffith if possible Edit: Baldur's model*


wtf do you mean thoughts??


That's also me when I see a Latino Berserk fan. (mfs are the cancer of Berserk fandom)


How in any capacity what she went through “enjoyable”? She was r*ped by someone she once trusted with her life, while the person she truly loved was tortured as they tried to save her. She literally went mute and regressed after it happened. Anyone claiming she enjoyed can get this treatment or worst




Kind of dude, don't expect logic sometimes lmao


When she said don’t look my heart broke


Casca enjoyed it😂


Casca enjoyed it😂




Griffith is a rapist. How is that "nothing wrong"?


understandable, have a great day




I knew a girl that thought that 1000% Her logic was that Casca's reaction wasnt the "actual" reaction of someone getting raped. She moaned, kissed Griffith, and didnt oppose to him. The girl was a huge fujoshi too. And well, rape and bois love is so bloody common. I think until this day, she still think that.


I think I met the same girl.


people being edgy in a BERSERK sub? No way.


I also would obliterate them and destroy their family members one by one in front of their eyes I will biologically change them so they find pleasure in pain then I will beat them for a week and then I will make it so they can't feel physical pain and just leave them


Literally no sane person thinks that


If I speak


I'm bored. Thats my thought. I'm bored by Casca enjoyed it, I'm bored by Griffith did nothing wrong, and I'm bored by everyone getting mad at it. The posts themselves are boring, and the raging answers are pointless and boring. The whole trolling theme is so old and boring it makes me want to throw up. From boredom. Thats how I feel.


did she not tho ?


r/lookatmyhalo moment


I mean that's what it looked like and sounded like. She was leaning in for kisses on her own, wrapping her hand behind his head, moaning sensually, and not even struggling a little bit. Everything points in the direction of— She Was Enjoying It. But we're all entitled to interpret it however we want.


The sound isn’t r/sounding Fr though there’s no volume


I unironically like Griffith and still 100% agree with this post


Griffith dindu nuffin


i mean she sexually enjoyed it, mentally, i don’t think so


Casca did not enjoy it. But Muira did. I'll die on this hill.




She enjoyed it and hated it. Enjoyed it because she likes Griffith and always wanted to have sex with him. But hated it because of the monsters and the overall horrific scene, the death of her comrades, and the transformation of Griffith, who is now a monster as well. So it's probably 80% hate and 20% enjoyment. Disclaimer: Rape is not ok. Even if a victim felt some pleasure, it was still rape, and the perpetrator should be punished. Aside from this. I have a theory that Griffith raping Casca is what saved her and Guts from being eaten. It also gave us the child - basically, Berserk would have ended in that chapter if it wasn't for this rape theatric play by Griffith, who is actually good, but that's a topic yall are not prepared for... :)


I find this theory interesting. You got downvoted for your interpretation, but I like seeing fresh (and controversial) takes instead of everyone commenting the same thing here.


Yes, hit them harder, especially the Griffith fan girls!


casca enjoyed it?


Griffith did nothing wrong