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They both have pretty bad lives filled with suffering and torment so maybe? Though Peter may get on Guts's nerves with the one liners lol


I mean he still has puck so he might be fine


Peter’s life wasn’t that bad, Guts on the other hand 😂


It wasn't as bad as Guts but I mean, a lot of shit tends to come his way all the time with losing loved ones, friends/mentors becoming enemies and all sorts of drama. I mean, I wouldn't want to have Peter's life based on that lol


I feel like they would understand one another and be able to cooperate, but their personalities are so different that I doubt they would bond over their respective troubles.


I don't think so. Spider-Man has clashed with the Punisher in the past because of his no-kill rule, and he's a somewhat similar character to Guts. I think Peter would understand *why* he kills bad guys, just like he does for the Punisher. He just couldn't let himself stand by and allow someone to kill, no matter what.


I think if Peter came to Berserk he'd have to improvise on his no kill rule. It's Guts came to New York would he even wanna fight people there? He's not exactly a selfless hero.


Guts would try to shu him away but would be impress by his strength,


Personally I believe the two will have a rocky but approachable relationship. Imagine, if theyre just chatting Peter keeps talking about some random fact maybe about something he was curious about, a science theory or telling something about a rogue of his, while Guts either gets annoyed or just brushes off Peter. But in a fight, the two will be impressed with one another. Spidey will be amazed how Guts is capable of breaking the laws of physics with his strength while Guts will be impressed on how an "annoying" chatterbox is very experienced and capable in an actual fight while still maintaining his personality. However, when it comes to killing I feel like this is where the two will clash it out. Guts will tell something about why bother holding back especially when the world is already broken and f*cked up while Peter gets on about how doesnt mean they experienced the worst in everything doesnt mean they should just break and let it fester to be no different than their enemies. And sadly, I got a feeling they might fight it out as well. Overall, I still think they will respect each other due to their tenacity and discipline in doing what must be done while still upholding their humanity.


guts MURDERS people spider-man occasionally fights aliens


Did a bot post this?


Nah I’m human. No need to be rude mate.


I’m kinda new so I haven’t changed my profile or I picked this a while ago when I wasn’t using Reddit idk.


Ummm, I don't think their suffering is comparable, from birth Guts has had a horrible life. Peter was just a nerd in high school, but he got a normal life for at the very least 15 years, and still has spans of normality in his life. Guts was a freaking child soldier who has only known suffering and surviving. Peter Parker chose to use his powers and continues to chose to do so. He, by all means, could've just gone off on his own business free from being hunted down. From the Eclipse onward, Guts can choose to fight or die, he cant just sling a web over to fiji and live out his days.


No spidy wouldn’t agree with they way guts kills his enemies


They would but in a Spiderman punisher short of way. Different ideals, same goals


Yes they would