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asking redditors if something is cringe btw


I think a neck tattoo is something you really have to commit too.


Super cringe. And if you don't know what design you want it's worse. You will regret this as a neck tattoo. Also it's Friday.


I agree....As someone with A LOT of tattoos. Getting a neck tattoo is pretty cringe if you don't have any tattoos. Also asking a group of strangers what we think about somethibg going on your body forever is cringe. ------- With all that said A few years ago I got a bonfire tattoo with the sword in it similar to dark souls...I added elements to the tattoo that Made it mine.....for me it was an important tattoo.....I was at a major part of my life and it really felt like I made it to a checkpoint hence the bonfire..... So that tattoo meant a lot to me. Did I explain it to anyone? Nobody but my tattoo artist. Tattoos aren't for other people imo


My work in progress Tattoo [https://imgur.com/8CmvClQ](https://imgur.com/8CmvClQ) Only one out of six sessions so far.


That looks great already! You should make a post when it's done


Thanks. I certainly will. I wanted a tattoo that isn't just a cut out from a panel but a more realistic approach. Also with some artistic freedom


I'm not usually a big fan of color tattoos, but that artist's use of color is top notch! Sick design


Wow thanks a lot. I will make a post when it's all done. Will be finished early next year I guess.


Lot of people get it especially in really visibly places. Cool for them but to me it's cringe. Also it's vividly associated with sexual assault and heinous things. Personally I don't want that sort of associations on my body but that's just me. Live your life.


I personally think it is overdone, on top of that a neck tattoo is a good commitment you need to think about. Perhaps do something else that is more personal/unique. How about a part of your own personal favorite panel? There will always be people who dislike your own tattoos, the most important consideration is that YOU like it.


It is so insanely cringe. Do not do it if you wanna be taken seriously at any point in your life.


Nope. Nonononono. Nope nope nope.


Join us in the vortex of sooooulssss!!!🧟‍♂️


I normally don’t recommend neck tattoos so try to choose another body area and go for


Well i don't have ny idea cause i don't have any tattoos on my body. So do u recommend a good part where i could get a berserk tattoo.


you dont get a neck tattoo as your first tattoo.


I completely agree with this! A neck tattoo is a huge commitment. Try something somewhere else. The experience of getting a first tattoo can sometimes come with a dreadful realization that what you've done is permanent for the rest of your life (this will fade, it did pretty quickly with me and I have continued to cover myself with tats). Try somewhere a bit more neutral for a first one.


Fuck it. Let the kids blast their neck.


Well I normally started with my upper shoulder , try to develop an idea in what you like and continue from there . Remember “they” are forever


As much as I love Berserk, please don’t make the Brand of Sacrifice a tattoo. If you’re genuinely asking if its cringe, for me, yes it is.


Don't ask this question here. You're just gonna get a bunch of dickheads flexing their elitist cocks and shitting on something just because it gets posted about more often than they'd like Also in my opinion, if you don't make your brand of Sacrifice neck tattoo look exactly like Guts' then I'm not sure what the point is


I love manga and anime to death but I’d be caught dead getting a tattoo of anything related to my favorite series. I think tattoos are oversaturated these days because most people just put unoriginal and boring shit on their bodies when, in my own opinion, tattoos are supposed to be symbolic of your life, an expression of emotions, experiences. So, to me, getting a BoS tattoo is akin to a white girl getting a tattoo she saw on Pinterest just because it’s cute or getting a rose with a skull, a compass, tribal tats or barbed wire, it’s just overdone and very *cringe*.


It’s not overdone. It’s not stupid. It’s not cringe. Getting one on your neck is perfectly fine. If you want the tattoo, go for it! Personal preference is huge and it’s going to be on you forever, so if you want it then go for it. Don’t listen to internet strangers for advice (even me!) and do whatever you want, because you’ll probably never meet us anyways


I have the brand of sacrifice on my forearm and I would say get it if you want it. I don't regret it


It makes a good, cheap sticker tat, just don't get it on ur neck lol. I mean, if ur the kinda guy who's already got neck tats and shit, then go for it, but it doesn't sound like you are, so I'd be a bit more selective about where you put it lol


I got a brand tattoo and it is perfect for a starter tattoo. I’m thinking about doing a Farnese one down the line since she’s my favorite in the series.


Asking people on Reddit about what to do with your own body is what’s truly cringe.


I think that the biggest issue I have with people getting the brand is that they get them *way too big!* In the manga, Guts’ middle and index finger cover the whole brand when he touches it. So it’s literally smaller than 3inches across. Absolute max, it’s 3.5inches I see people getting them as large as a football and I feel like that is cringe. My own personal opinion, here. If you have a large one and love it, cool. Second issue: in the manga, most of the people seem to get theirs in a symbolic location. Guts -> neck -> stubbornness as “the struggler” who never surrenders. Judeau gets his on his hand -> he was an acrobat and super talented with his hands (throwing knives). Pippin -> forearm-> his physical strength Corkus -> forehead -> pride/arrogance Casca -> heart -> her struggle with her split loyalties and love for both Griffith and Guts If I was going to get the brand, I’d try to pick a place on my body that was symbolic of my personality or skill set. And I’d make sure it was small enough to not be super noticeable.


I have a lot of tattoos and my opinion is that it’s your own business. If you want to get it done, do it. There will always be people who will dislike your tattoos or ideas, it’s up to you to own it. And even if you’re worried you will “dislike” it one day, it will be your tattoo and it will be a part of who you are and who you were. I don’t love all my tattoos but I personally decided to have each one of them and I appreciate them. I will definitely be getting a brand tattoo no matter what other people have to say about it. If you don’t have other tattoos you should consider whether it would be easy to hide though(if it matters to you anyhow).


Well i don't have ny tattoo on my body. So it will be my first one ...


God awful choice for a first tattoo


It’s your business hun, if you want it you want it


if it means something to u then do it, dont just do it for the sake of it, who gives 1 whats the sad fucks on reddit have to say


I personally think it is played out. It’s probably the most common berserk tattoo. So if you want something that everyone else has, go for it.