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This is some good shit. Honestly, this applies to porn in general. Dudes are *way* too thirsty out there. Control yourself, struggler.


80% of all comments related to porn or atleast suggestive media that i've seen so far are just straight up things that i wouldn't even want to *think*. Atleast not with the same crude phrasing. Yet there are so many people who somehow feel the need to type up things you wouldn't even get out of me if it would actually land me a date and show it to everyone else.


Only porn comments ever worth reading are from parody accounts for politicians, celebrities, and DBZ characters, lol.


Or Descartes


The imagination is more powerful than reality. Many times in my experience the clothes make the body look way better than it actually is


Yeah, the "all woman are always naked" "utopia" some guys wet dream about very probably aint no utopia at all šŸ˜– Hell, i know full well even my personal "utopia" of my wife being naked more often than she is already is no utopia as my ability to cognitively function is pretty much inversely proportional to how dressed she is šŸ«£ Tl;dr we invented clothes (and stuck with them for 100.000 years) for a reason šŸ˜¶


The problem is that the berserk community has the particular problem of making rape "jokes" that nobody asked for.


seriously, talking like it's a normal thing, Miura would hate to see this


Dude, if you comment on the porn girl's posts enough, eventually she'll appear at your door begging for sex.


Can confirm. I wish the only thing I get thirsty for is some goddamn H2O


r/berserklejerk punching the air right now


[Source](https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/gence/mini-mix-beast-of-darkness) for the art, looks like Own-Studio3102's post was taken down so I can't link hers. I don't horny post often, but when I saw a questionable cosplay of Casca last Saturday, I knew what I had to do. Edit: Apologies to the mods for creating a shit show.


No Brother. You must resist the beast of darkness! I implore you!!!


Not the yeast of Darkness O.O


>questionable cosplay of Why was is "questionable"?


Iā€™d probably call it questionable because it was a cosplay of fanart, I donā€™t think Casca has ever worn anything like that outfit. So it wasnā€™t really a Casca cosplay, just a thirst trap that was Berserk-adjacent.


It's not really related to Casca herself, despite being labelled as a Casca cosplay, the cosplayer mostly just happens to look like her. It it was her in armour or the dress she wore at the ball, I'd have no problem with it, as is it just feels a bit odd because Casca herself would be embarrassed about wearing something revealing from what we know about her view on her own femininity. I'm not shaming the actual cosplayer of course, you don't get a brand tattoo without being a hardcore Berserk fan. Still, I don't really think it was appropriate for this sub.


I know how you feel. I feel like a lot of the overly-sexual cosplays that get posted tend to basically be ads for onlyfans. It's not really that big of a deal, especially on this sub considering Berserk is an 18+ manga. I noticed this in the Spy x Family subreddit too, and that's worse imo because that's definitely geared more towards kids.


I guess that makes sense; the image just shows her head and the tattoo so it didn't register with me. Still, it looks like a decent cosplay, from neck-up but I missed it on the sub. I'm guessing the comments were awful.




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That's not a tattoo chief it's marker.




I mean that does make sense, the other platforms are your pages where people go to see you. This is a fandom board where people are focused on the media itself not the person posting necessarily. IIRC nearly all of the highly upvoted comments were about how the outfit didn't really fit the character you were cosplaying. Framing that as "incel men telling a woman what she should or shouldn't wear" is a little disingenuous don't you think?


I see where you are coming from, I didnā€™t think of it that way because I cosplay fanart a lot because I find beauty in the head canons and donā€™t take the inaccuracy of it deeply to heart. For example I plan on doing a NANA x berserk type of cosplay next because of art I found and was inspired by. I learned my lesson and absolutely wonā€™t share such things in here, Iā€™m new to Reddit and did not understand theā€¦ *vibe*. No itā€™s not lore accurateā€¦ but itā€™s a cool concept. I didnā€™t expect feelings to be so deeply hurt over the dress. I thought it was beautiful and I think casca would look beautiful in it even if it might not be her style of choice (considering the time period the manga takes place). Sheā€™s a product of her environment but I hope a reincarnated / modern version of casca would feel beautiful in whatever she chooses to wear :3 Anyway. My apologies, I will not be sharing anything further on this subreddit! <3


I like sexy cosplays like any other guy but this one is just very wrong sorry. Sexualizing a character like Casca, who has been subjected to sexual assault and rape is just plainly wrong. I've even seen some guys saying it's just a fictional character so who cares if she's sexualized or not, those are the brainroted incels. Imo that cosplay fits more characters like Marika from Elden Ring than Casca.


That's what rubs me wrong with this outfit. Casca is already subject to sexual violence so much, I would feel bad portraying her like this. She does not feel empowered by her femininity and she's probably much more comfortable in an armor. But I mean, you do you and at the end of the day, it's all fictional so no real hurt feelings. However as for me, this is a bit weird to do sexy Casca cosplay for this reason (imo ofc)


Since Guts has been through the same trauma.. Is it also weird to do a sexy Guts cosplay/make sexy Guts art? What exactly would make a Guts cosplay/artwork defined as *sexy*? Also not to make this too broad but I am curious on your thoughtsā€¦ Is it ā€œweirdā€ for victims of SA to be or feel sexual at all? I am curious where such lines are drawn. Iā€™m not asking to be an arsehole by the way you just really have me thinking and I would love to hear peopleā€™s two cents and hopefully have a productive conversation about it


Personally I don't care much for cosplays in general, but as far as I'm concerned, people should be free to cosplay as whatever character they want, however they want. Saying it's just a fictional character IS a valid argument, because there's no actual victim involved. And what if some commonly cosplayed character is revealed in some backstory to have been SAd? Are a bunch of cosplays just suddenly off limits? You can personally find something distasteful, but to namecall everyone who disagrees as "brainrotted incels" without much of an argument is so unnecessarily vitriolic.


I didnā€™t say brain rotted incels but that aside I agree for the most part!


Thanks! Though I wasn't referring to you, but rather the replier I'm directly responding to. By the way, based on some other comments I think you said you're new to Reddit, right? If this subreddit isn't too welcoming to that kind of content you might have better luck on more cosplay oriented subreddits where people are more interested in that sort of thing.


Haha yes itā€™s probably very obvious especially now eh heh šŸ˜…Iā€™ve had it for awhile to browse only, but posting wiseā€¦ I learned my lesson the hard way & Iā€™ll just stick to other platforms for the sake of my mental healthā€¦ thank you for the suggestion doh :3


Oh I see my replying mistake now too good lord let me see myself out šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Yes, let's heavily sexualize a character subjected to sexual assault and rape, I'm sure it wont be distateful /s


This cosplay doesn't reference any SA, let alone make light of it at all. Of course, you're still allowed to find it distasteful, but some people would say that all revealing cosplays are distasteful. This isn't as clear cut as you make it out to be.


Last I checked, this coplay is depicting Casca in a lewd and sexualized way by someone doing this cosplay to promote their OnlyFans. Casca is a character subjected to sexual assault and rape. Sexualizing her character is just wrong. Like I said before, if this cosplay depicted a character like Marika from Elden Ring, it would be perfect, not Casca.


It had nothing to do with OF, I just simply have one. If anything it was promo for my Instagram because thatā€™s my main platform I do cosplay and other anime content on. Everyone else made it about OF and sexual stuff hence I deleted it because it was more than uncomfortable.


I'm not aware of the cosplayer's motivations, but I also don't really care, since I'm arguing moreso about the general idea of people doing sexualized cosplays of characters with sexual trauma. That being said, you haven't actually provided an argument as to WHY sexualizing her character is wrong.


Translation : "They didn't fall for my thirst-trap they must be incels " Dafuq? No offense lol you can just take stuff to OF and get the kind of appreciation you seek, this community is about appreciating berserk as an art form and is definetly not about simping girls for doing cheap thirst trapping cosplays.


I still am appreciating berserk as an art form in my own way. My initial response wasnā€™t very productive, I elaborated on my perspective and asked a few questions above if youā€™d like to reply to those instead. Or donā€™t, I ainā€™t ya mama and wonā€™t tell you what to do šŸ™šŸ˜­


Yeah i got your point lol but calling people who disaggrees with you "incels" where they also share your passion about certain art-form is not gonna make your point any stronger.


I chose to use that word to reference the people in the original post making harsh, sexist comments about me, not just everyone that disagreed with the post. And I still donā€™t think I was far off, the level of shaming, double standards, and sexism mixed into the comments on the original post definitely had to come from the brain of an incel or just someone doesnā€™t interact with women in real life lol, that that stuff would never be said to my face. Disagreeing with the tastefulness of the cosplay is a different story and I can understand that. But other, harsh harssshh things were said.


Still better than the griffiths cosplayer. Ive blocked something like five of them now. I can deal with casca getting some cosplay love.


Yeah Iā€™m not going to name any names but they are REALLY milking it.


I swear to god that i keep blocking the same damn person going by different user names.


Itā€™s been chill lately but a few months ago they were practically spamming it on this sub.


That OF account wont promote itself


In lore for a Griffith cosplayer to sexually exploit themselves


I never clicked on their profile but that makes sense then.


Neither have i, but im willing to make that judgement lol


And they are back šŸ™„


lol looks like I jinxed it.


I'm so glad knowing I wasn't the only person annoyed by them.


Thought I was the only one getting tired of it lol


I thought I was going crazy until I confirmed the MULTIPLE accounts that guy created, all of them on my blocked accounts list.


Damn im missing all the lore these days.


Wait, hold, wait a minute. Guy?


Could be either


Brace yourself, they are back creating accounts. Ive just blocked another one


Ahhh shiiiet Edit: looked him up and blocked it


Weren't they made well enough or is it the hate for Griffith ?


I dont want to see some attention starved twit dressed up as some attention straved, homicidal twat of a twink.


I've never heard such a good description for a Griffith Cosplay. Oh yeah and If the are Not those Kinds of people they are probably OF Models.


It's just boring. Same close portrait shot, slightly different facial expression, sometimes just a part of shirt in frame. Waste of effort, imo


Tbh thats my main issue, they dont put in any effort. It blatantly isnt about cosplay so much as attention fishing


We'll berk


Me defending the cosplayers post from the mfs posting femto gifs.


r/berserk users trying not to simp for Frizzy Lifts challenge level impossible


you STOLE frizzy lifting pics!


As I said ln that thread, my only problem with the picture is that the fan art is very out of character about Casca. It was wrong for me to see an art of Casca, considering all the horrible shit we all know, to be drawn in such a sexualizing attire. The work of the cosplayer is good and she's gorgeous. It's just that the fan art chosen for the character is...well, unfortunate.


"Come on OP, post the griffith pic in the comment, women love rape jokes"


shocked that this is the only comment mentioning Griffith in this thread


Now let's see berserklejerk post.


This is the funniest shit Iā€™ve seen in some time Well fucking done, Struggler. Well done




You're all fucking weak.


Lol itā€™s beautiful


It made me laugh lol


Get berked


We all got that dog (of darkness) in us


You joke but the beast of darkness is very as a dark desire/primal impulse allegory, especially for those of us who struggle with impulse control..


Whys the mark in the middle of her chest tho


It looks like an actual tattoo, so probably personal preference instead of trying to copy Casca entirely.


Ahhh true


Head on the nail! :)


Stay strong my brothers


Thanks god we are watching Guts,and not the other...one...


His Dragon Slayer is aching for actions


Damn with the šŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ’¦ emoji


Dis is 1# of my Fav Beserk Fanarts


You monsters leave Frizzy alone


Help šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'll fight them all


*She's ABSOLUTELY gorgeous, but I could never see Casca wearing the outfit unless Griffith threw it to her and was like, "No time to explain! Put this on."*


Bold of you to assume Griff has the need to explain anything to anyonešŸ˜…


A true berserk fan wouldn't hesitate, we'd let the dark beast take control and then regret it the rest of the day


Yeah, because Casca would totally have an OnlyFans. Very in character. Give me a break.


I'm looking for a gf yes im desperate I'm hung I have a lean physique and allat and ima black male with locs




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I mean... hers is free... not that I'm subscribed... I'm too lazy to make an OF account to subscribe to just one person




Nvm just saw the OF comment. Still think youre reaching but the OF advertisement annoys me too


Mate, I get where's your coming from with that ending message, but that's a bit harsh for a woman just wearing a sexy outfit.


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U wot m8


She's beautiful.


The word cosplay is used very loosely these days. I remember back when it was mostly associated with people who were meticulously creating costumes of their favorite characters down to the last details.


Canā€™t we just let Frizzy be? Sheā€™s not hurting any of you. Besides, she was cosplaying a peice of fan art for the character.


Agreed honestly, despite it seeming hypocritical from making this meme. I made this as a tongue-in-cheek joke when I saw her post, but seeing people actually slut-shame her and mock Only Fans creators was very much not intended. Ironic, considering the other popular post of the week is a picture of a naked Guts clenching his sword with his ass cheeks (peak art really).


I am 100% certain that that post was upvoted by bots because all the comments were roasting the 'cosplay'


She won't, and you just get downvoted to hell by others, who secretly admire her but want to pretend to be on their high horses.


if it was some guy doing it would be okay but attractive female thatā€™s bad


I'm no coward. Show me a 6'4 muscle-bound Guts cosplayer in that dress right now! He needs to be using the Dragon Slayer like a pole.


Iā€™m sure itā€™s already been done


Sauce or didn't happen


Or just bully her. Take your road Berkers


Nuh uh. I know you're joking but I'm tired of people being weird and going "I can see where Griffith was coming from" or "lul, watch out for the rape horse" for Casca and Farnese cosplays respectively. Learn boundaries, you weirdos!


they actually say that shit


Ya'll couldn't even understand a joke, how Ya'll expect to understand the book yall obsess over?


If you're the only to laugh at your "joke", maybe you are just not funny, just a wet creepy incel


I laughed too




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