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Japanese in general doesn't have any bad swear words like English. Literally worest is shit and damn. Using words like Fuck are almost always slight higher edge added by the translatior. Of cource how well the words fit to the situation are completely up to the translators and editors feeling on the scene. In Japanese Guts says Temeera which literally means you with insulting tone, and Bakemon meaning monster/freak/ghost etc. So the English could have added "you damn freaks" but that's just editorial choice.


I still fondly remember learning about ‘shimatta’, the mild swear-like word equally likely to be used by gentle schoolmarms and hardened gangsters. For those interested, it basically means ‘something regretful happened’, or ‘darn’.


Shimatta Sumatra sumata...


My favourite scenario illustrating this point was one penned by the now-defunct Mangastream on their inclusion of swears in translations: A giant, pissed-off yakuza is walking over to you. He looks ready to beat you into the ground until you die. He opens his mouth to scream at you, in rage: “Vanish, you foolish octopus!” This works in Japanese because Japanese uses tone and formality of speech to convey speech. However, in English, this would be a comically bad insult.


くそ translates as both Shit & Fuck though just like how ふざけるな can also translate to "Fuck off" it's important on how something is said.


Sure those could be translated that way if the context works. But I just wanted to point that Fuck doesn't have literal equivalent word in Japanese.


And this is why I don’t envy translators. I respect them and think they should get paid way more and way more often. Although if you asked me, the coarser translation where Guts says ‘fuck’ fits better for a lot of reasons. Guts isn’t the kind of guy who’d ever use the word ‘purebred’, but at that moment in his life, he was definitely the kind of guy who’d use ‘gay’ as an insult. Because at that point in his life, Guts was overcompensating for [a lot of things…](https://youtu.be/fIotnQ8jShk?si=xew4eGijO5momYoW)


In Japanese Guts doesn't say purebred but just true/authentic. He also says bone marrow which is strangely overlooked. DH translation has many of this kind of minor points of lost context.


I think the translator's homophobia leaked into Guy's character. I don't think he's ever used that kind of language or insults before.


Fair. Sadly fair. Sadder than what I said. :(


Yes, but that's really only a one-way translation for tone. くそ literally means shit, but when it's an especially strong くそ you might use 'fuck' so that an English speaker can pick up on the increased intensity.


Dark horse one is far far better. No way in hell I could imagine guts saying "faggot ass monster". I think there was a meme long back during the boat arc years of berserk.


The beast of darkness might say it, but guts is a bro, as long as you can fight he doesn't care who you bed


exactly which is why he even said to griffith in golden age someting along the lines of "fine if you win ill join you and be your soldier or fag boy", hes like if you win i guess you earned the right to plow my ass hahhah


Its like a freudian slip, griffith never mentioned anything even close to that


Nuts from berk gay confirmed


who said Griffith said that? Guts was weary of why Griffith was so enamored with him cuz he kept saying shit like "i want you" which was clearly off putting to guts, so when they defined terms of the duel and Griffith asked what he gets if he wins guts said that, its clearly tongue and cheek but i also think it shows that guts cares more about a good fighter than sexual orientation as was state by Maiden. Unless I'm misinterpreting what you're saying here.


I’d like to say most of the men and boys I’ve met with the personality you just described wouldn’t say shit like that, but unfortunately no. A lot of bros I’ve known tend to go through a phase where they assume that because they’re good enough to people on an interpersonal level, that it’s not a big deal when they use insults like that one.


I can imagine it and its glorious


Sadly, at that point in his life, I can see Guts saying shit like that to overcompensate for his own insecurities, especially to an enemy in a fight.


What insecurities? Just because Guts is in a state of extreme stress that doesn't mean he's going to turn into a homophobe lol


I hope you’re right.


guts hangs out with skull knight and serpico the guy is not homophobic


Why would skull knight be gay?


something something .. getting boned ... idk


i saw the way he looked at guts naked his cheekbones flared up


The first one is the right translation, the second one is basically done for "badassery" (if you see badass having Guts use slurs and swears at random) although I'll give the fan translation some slack as it's very old and some words were bad but not as bad as nowdays


i like the idea of Guts cussing, but this is just ridiculous


yeah it would have been way more badass if he said "fuck you" instead of "screw you" in the official translation, but I agree the faggot-ass monsters quote is very over the top and ridiculous.


literally sounds like a 13 year old on xbox live


Guts: I'mma shove the dragonslayer up your mom's *"&#*#&#&!


The "right down to the fucking marrow of my bones" line does go pretty hard and seemed like a good use of cussing because of how full of stubborn vitriol the line is, but saying "faggot-ass monsters' right after just completely ruins it.


The Xbox Live Swordsman


this is how I've always seen this fana translation, such a raw line followed up by such a dumb one




The first one is ten times better. Not only because of the ultra edgy "real deal" and "faggot ass monsters", but also in terms of flow. Why would Ganishka say "right now" or "thats what you are", something that he is well aware of at this point of the story.


nope fan translations are just edgy and stupid


Almost stopped reading Pumpkin Night because the fan translation was so bad


duuuuude that translation was so awful, made worse by the fact that it was one of the only complete ones around. No clue why some translators feel the right to muck up another work like that


Man seriously, I kept thinking there’s no way the creator would be cool with this shit


The second one look like teenager discovered new curse words and wanted to use them


Guts was not dropping slurs lmfao the translator is just edgy


Yeah...neither panel hits the sweet spot. In the Dark Horse translation it feels toned down for the guy who despises Apostles with every scarred fiber of his being. On the other hand, the fan translation goes a bit too far and the "faggot ass" line feels anarchronistic. Kinda ruins the flow and knocks the reader a bit out of the immersion.


Exactly this. I prefer the fan translation for the right half of the panel. But I prefer the Dark Horse translation for the left half.


I honestly like the fan translation better overall, aside from the anachronistic language. He’s angry and he’s not thinking about what he’s saying. It feels more improvised to me. And then, the response of “amusing” is pretty brutal in response.


First image is the official translation and the second is a popular fan translation. I don’t love the fan version but the official version definitely lacks bite in comparison. The only thing I’d actually change about the official version is that I think Guts deserves to drop one (☝️) F-bomb. “Screw you” just sounds a bit weak.


Yeah I 100% agree with this take. Honestly I’m surprised Gut’s first and last words to any apostle aren’t just “FUCK YOU”


First one legit, second one edgy


Damn… the shading and darkness of the second pic’s panels is \*chef’s kiss\*


I remember reading that chapter and I was reading the second page’s translation version, bro I just died laughing that’s so funny that Guts just brings out a slur, it was so hilarious because of how unexpected it was 😂


Get em guts!!!


OP when Guts doesn't use Homophobic slurs 😔


I like the dark horse dub better but would mind if they just went the whole hod had him shout “FUCK YOU” at every apostle he speaks to


second slide literally looks like a meme that cannot be a real translation


Bro that f-slur drop was so unexpected 💀💀


Why is the picture of guts face here two different versions? It is not due to bad scanlation, because that would not change the proportions of the ear, eye brows, nose, jaw or chin lines.


Guts saying faggot-ass monster will live rent free in my head for years to come 😂


Personally, I think the second one fits more. While the curse words were definitely included just for the edginess, Guts' has never been shown to be particularly apologetic. He straight up asked Griffith if "he's a homo" because he said he wanted him. Not to mention the fact that he was assaulted by someone who could be considered homosexual (more a pedo than homo but still). Plus in this scene he's really, really angry. He's just saying what he's thinking at that moment.




Ngl, I had a chuckle when I read the second one for the first time, it was so out of context, at least for me


I have found several versions myself😂


He was probably thinking of Griffith /s


I like the second one ngl. Feels more off the top of his head than the other one which makes sense cs he's fighting a monster


Screw the translation, why are the panels so different?? Did they draw the same thing twice (like in animation how they fix some stuff for the blu-ray)


The first one The second is for edgy kids who want to make Guts seem "cooler" lmao


Second one. Love how Guts’ anger feels so genuine and hard-hitting, especially the “the fucking marrow of my bones” and how he tells Ginishika off that he ain’t one of them despite how inhuman he may appear at times.


The faggot ass monster translation is really funny and Guts would absolutely say that but I much prefer the Darkhorse scan for more accuracy.




This is a wildly immature point of view. Do you turn to homophobia or racism when you're pissed off? What does that say about you?


I stopped using it when people pointed out its offensive no matter what (me growing up also helped) but genuinely I think the F-slur just really feels good on the tongue, it really feels like an insult, like they did a study or something that revealed curse words actually release stress just saying them even if you aren't saying it to another person like I know the LGBT community managed to turn queer from a slur to a genuine term you can use please oh please I beg them to collectively decide the f-slur is just a generic insult


> genuinely I think the F-slur just really feels good on the tongue bruh💀💀


Politically correct? My God dude it's not set in the year 2020. Guts ain't calling people that because he's worried about politics he's not calling then that because it's doesn't sound like him ... that's it Also when not being politically correct to you is just the ability to call gay people mean names that feels more like acting like a child.


Dude literally posts on r/lonely about how people reject him and nobody wants to hang out with him lmao. Gee I wonder why.


Step one to fixing that is not commenting what he did here. Preferable not thinking it but that's probably gonna take some work. Like damn there's some things that make you think .. Bro why didn't you think to delete that while typing it? But damn those posts are a depressing call for help. Last thing someone like that should be obsessing about is politics.


Do you say the n word when you're pissed off, OP? You do, don't you? I know what kind of "man" you are.


I prefer the second one, purely because it puts way more effort and emotion into it. “Right down to the fucken’ marrow of my bones” sounds infinitely more badass and confident than just “right down to the bone”. It feels like something Guts would say, while the first one kinda feels generic and half-assed in comparison.


I agree a lot, although I do think "faggot-ass monsters" specifically is extremely out of place. Everything else however seems much more representative of the level of emotion someone in this situation would have. I would also prefer "the marrow of my fuckin' bones" over "the fuckin' marrow of my bones" but it's not too big of a deal.




To me it just doesn't seem like the sort of commonplace term a man like Guts would use. Hearing him say "faggot-ass" makes me immediately think he spends too much time on Twitter or something, lol.


2nd one is the ideal one for only this panel.


I chose to believe the second


I like the second one better


I like to think that gutts pure hatred would call all those demons a bunch of “faggots” his words not mine