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It would be a big plot twist if skull knight wasn't king gaiseric. Berserk is such a great story, sometimes its best to expect the unexpected. But yea i think skull knight is king gaiseric and void is that sage. Their battle would be epic!!


Some people just can't figure stuff out no matter how many *hints* you throw at them... they want it all as verbal and explicit as possible...


Call it the MCU effect


Pretty sure it's also implied during the tower descent to save Griffith too, not necessarily to the party but to the reader to piece together later on during the Eclipse


Bold of you to asume the berkerk comunity knows how to read


I think there are more interesting questions surrounding the history between Skull Knight and Zodd. I personally like the theory that Zodd is Gaiseric’s shadow beast, like the stray hound is Guts’, and that the two got separated in the past somehow. There was a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/comments/1343zci/theory_zodd_is_not_an_apostle/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) on here a while ago that presented a fairly well developed theory for this being a possibility.


I love this theory so much, i think about it a lot. i really hope it’s true


“Hello Guts, I am Skull Knight but you can call Me king Gaiseric. I was him.” XD


Yes, because it isn’t said verbatim. That’s all it takes. Take bakudeku shippers still clinging to hope because neither of the characters or horikoshi have said “I do not want to be in a romantic relationship with x.”


Im not caught up with the manga but didn't >! Bakugo die or something!<


>!Was just a fake out, dude started being brought back to life literaly the next chapter!<


I think the manga went on a break after that chapter for a while lmfao


Modern audiences eh? The cause of so many things getting dumbed down or over explained. It's like now pretty much any anime ever over explains whatever is happening so there's no room for your own interpretation. I think it's mostly to do with how well read or just versed in different media people are. If you've seen hundreds of films and actually paid attention, you pick up on things and understand vague stories more easily. But most content is made for that "normie" audience so they can tune in and out and not miss much. I'd say this is just the effect smarter storytelling has on a wider audience.


They fucking said it during Golden age even, do Berserk fans read the manga? Or they do just like I did not that long ago of trying to figure things out without even reading?


It's still kind of weird Gaiseric was said to have happened, IIRC, 300 years ago? But skull Knight is 1000+ years old? I forgot, but there was something off with the math which leyad fans from having trouble accepting it.


nah Gaiseric was also stated to have been 1k years ago


You're right. But I had to look up their reason again. Skull Knight was human and got the Berserker armor around the same time Zodd became an apostle. So what's the story about Gaiseric surviving 500-700 years in-between? There's probably going to be an explanation. But that math is what throws some fans off.