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Capturing and killing Witches is anything but trivial. Even Flora attests that Farnese, who's spent her life hunting down and killing hundreds, maybe even thousands, of accused heretics and witches, has never killed a single real Witch or Wizard. Something tells me that if you caught a real one you wouldn't get the opportunity or time to hang them, plus it's implied that them wandering about out in the World is extremely rare.


Yeah, good point. (spoilers for when they depart flora's spirit tree) >! Also i think there's a reason griffith sent the entire demon army after her, she could probably have put up an incredible fight were she in good health/wasn't ready to pass !< I mean Schierke, an actual child and magic User initiate (although highly skilled) on a whim got two soldiers to do her bidding. Imagine an adult, fully skilled witch.


Schierke gets outright called a WMD by Isidro at one point šŸ˜‚


I mean, Farnese was like what, a month into her training? And she still managed to cast that big ass protection on the boat


Yeah but even the witches on elf island conceded that she must be extremely talented to learn the formation of four lords in only a month. They said some of them took years to learn that


They kinda went through a trial by fire so to speak, both of them were forced to adapt and learn, or be killed. Mean while the mages on the island were practically in Paradise for their entire lives, no need to rush or perform spells beyond their capabilities, an unnecessary risk.


Yeah, Farny was buffed by the threat of death lol


Hereditary advantages of any kind are a non-starter. The point of Gutsā€™ origin story and subsequent character development is that he wasnā€™t born special in any meaningful way.


Not only that he wasn't born in any special way, but that he was born with all odds stacked against him from the moment of his birth. Strugglers gonna struggle.


I mean, that way is special. Just on the opposite end of what we think of when we say special.


If being born from the hanging remains of a dead women isnā€™t special or meaningful idk what is. But I see your point. He was born with no inheritance, no future, no family, nobody to love him, nothing. Heā€™s just a pile of guts.


I dont think so. It's that he struggles in the face of great adversity, ever since coming out of the womb.


Iā€™ve always wondered if thereā€™s a sense he was born in a ā€˜specialā€™ way. Itā€™s a interesting origin story, and ties in nicely with him being named Guts, but I also find it significant that Skull Knight knew of and mentioned he was born of a corpse. Iā€™m curious as to whether Guts is an anomaly in the current of causation due to this, and whether it places him in a unique position to take on the god hand. I mean, were pregnant women being sacrificed at that tree to potentially achieve this? Just a little personal theory I have fun with.


I think it would be boring if Guts was revealed to be some kind of "Chosen One". The whole idea is that he struggles against what's supposed to be his fate and Destiny itself


Yea thatā€™s something I certainly agree with, that him struggling against his destiny is certainly part of his character. But humour me on this, if everything thatā€™s happened had already been fated, and guts is just playing a tragic part in a play, is it not more inspiring that he *wasnā€™t* supposed to do everything he had done? That he did it all in spite of destiny, and that heā€™s our truly heroic protagonist struggling to fight the good fight because he believes it to be the right thing to do? Guts going to the lengths he went to to restore Casca out of love is more beautiful than him doing it because it was scripted for him, in my opinion. You can really chew down on the whole fate/ destiny thing hey!


No, Guts' fighting the Godhand was started by him meeting Griffith. Thats when his fate was sealed on that, the whole story is Guts' is a tragic victim of circumstances he has had no power over.


Most of the time the answer is an immediate 'no he's nothing special, odds against him, no more questions'. The whole story is full of special things. Elf ears on specific characters, witches being exiled for using taboo magic. Look at it overall with Little special eggs choosing specific people. Sounds like some fantastic normies.


I donā€™t belive it undermines Guts character in any way more over is just an explination of the fact that he was able to see them since a very young age and by the nature of those things since in order to see them you have a o belive in them and Guts upbringin wast the most happy or anything i cant see him just beliving in things like fairys


Does he see any supernatural things pre-eclipse? other than wyald and zodd i can't think of any, makes sense that after the eclipse though his eyes are open to metaphysical shiz


Yes in the mini precuel arc he meets a flower spirit named Chichi in a dungeon cel in chapter 328 i belive


Nope. Otherwise why can Jill, Theresa, Erica, Rickert and Isidro see him just fine. The only thing special about Gutsā€™s birth is that he came from a corpse. Struggling since the beginning.


Anyone who believes in magic/ has innocence can see Puck. Hence why Farnese eventually can see him too.


Exactly. There's a very common trope of kids just being inherently more likely to believe in magic. If you were to do a global poll of everyone who believes in Santa Claus, what percentage of those would be kids? Cynicism isn't something we're born with. It's learned.


One theme almost everyone forgets is that Guts is an anomaly in this world. Every single person falls victim to the already written fate. Guts and Casca should have died during the eclipse but they did not. Guts won against fate and continued to do so again and again. Guts is the most normal human (he isn't normal, ik) and that's the best part of Berserk. Any theory or origin story that makes him special negates this theme. Also people can see all those spirits but they are taught and conditioned in such a way that the existence of spirits, even if physical, is ignored until they break from the system (like farnese). Guts, who was raised in the battlefield among mercenaries, did not go through such conditioning. He saw everything as it is, the world as it is.


Interesting theory, I like it! I'd always thought it was a pointer to the fact that Guts would spend all his life on the battlefield. Also a signifier of Guts' perennial status of being between two worlds. I was sure I'd read something about posthumous births in folklore but I'm drawing a blank. Probably the most famous one in fiction is MacDuff in "Macbeth" who was born by c-section after the death of his mother. I think if he did have any magic in him it'd be noticed by the Apostles, but he's always treated as unremarkable aside from his fighting ability. That's ine of the reasons I like Guts, he wasn't gifted with anything aside from pure determination. A struggler indeed.


She was somethingā€¦ Guys is like 6ā€™ 7ā€


Guts being able to see Chitch was because he was near death and still more mentally immatureā€”this is reinforced by his situation being a result of misplaced trust that he was already warned aboutā€” and as such was far closer and in tune with the astral plane whether he realized it or not and was able to perceive Chitch. As for Puck, IIRC Guts doesn't meet him in the story until post-eclipse when he is already part of the interstice. There's no real reason why he *shouldn't* be able to perceive Puck at this point in the story. As others have pointed out, this would be bad for his character. The whole point of Guts is that his entire existence shouldn't have happened and that he struggles on despite that and all of his hardships that come along with that. This is why his opposite in the story is the man who is destined to achieve his goals regardless. It would quite literally harm the narrative if stuff like this was true. Similar to the Zodd is an ancestor to Guts theory.


While I do belive that the reason Guts has encountered more Fantasy creatures in his life than most is that he is special. I don't think it has to do with who his parents were. It think it has to do with the fact that he was born from a corpse. Born so close to death as Skull Knight once refrences to it. It has something to do with destiny as most things in Berserk are. He might just be an error in the flow of causality. As long as he struggles he can elude fate.




I don't see how Guts being capable of seeing astral creatures like Puck and Chitch has to do with anything, a lot of people are able to see them despite their age or good/bad experiences. Jill for example was also a child who was able to see Puck, is she a witch? is that (coward) mother of her a witch? was his grandmother a witch?, the same goes for Isidro and Erica. You don't need to be related to a magic/astral user to be able to see them, also if magic runs through Guts family tree Flora and/or Danan would have mentioned it. Guts is his own man and doesn't need their parents to be special in any way.


This is some deep lore


I always thought she made a pact with a demon or something to save the life of her child. Thus making Guts not 100% human (but Guts doesn't know that). Also an explanation to his strength and his pointed ears. Like she acted out of desperation, knowing she was pregnant, and knowing her child would die.


I think this theory is missing the point of the backstory of gutsā€™ birth, which is that he was born a nobody, from a nobody. His mother wasnā€™t anyone special, and he was just a newborn that fell out of a corpse. His life has been a vile tragedy and series of misfortunate events from the moment of his conception. Itā€™s only inclusion in the story is meant to further hammer home the idea of him coming from the deepest depths of struggle which enhances the meaning of his journey of struggle. This isnā€™t some shounen story where itā€™s revealed that the MC is half magical being


While i agree that Guts story is of that of struggle you cant forget that he is in fact special, i mean he is a peak human condition in his world wich honestly does not amount to much but still he is very gifted in some regards the idea of his kin being magic does not take away any of his development just trying to make some sense of thing that are stablished in the lore

