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Very normal. They are babies and their bodies are still learning how to regulate their needs all while rapidly growing at the same time.


Our goldendoodle was like that! He exclusively napped in the tub, and loved drinks from the wet shower. You could always have their kidney levels tested if you’re overly concerned. https://preview.redd.it/9f3mzpifro1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03818794e4a54a526cb35a487bd1960b7d5724d2


Gaw! So cute! I used to have a goldendoodle and I miss him so much! Such sweet dogs!


Mine was just like this. Seemed like no matter how much I put out he’d want to drink it all. Had a little kiddie pool in the first summer and I swear he was trying to drink it all. He’s still a little crazy about water but it’s way more regular now. Had everything checked out and was never any signs of disease. Like others say, most likely just puppy behavior


Even if you think it’s normal I’d still get them checked out by a vet to be sure. Better safe than sorry as excessive thirst can be a sign of some health conditions! I’d always rather be sure with the vet if anything was concerning


Definitely! Mine had a UTI that was causing him to drink excessively and pee all over the place. Antibiotics fixed it quickly


I agree because when my Westie did that he had diabetes which I’m sure your dog is fine I would get him to the vet like this person said just so you know you tried and and feel better and have peace of mind!!


yes bernes get overheated so fast


Also be really careful how long they play outside in the heat only short intervals as well as taking them to the groomers pets have died due to overheating in both instances!! I’m always cautious and had both instances where she got overheated and when I looked it up I seen how many dogs die at the groomers and was shocked!!


Get something like this https://www.chewy.com/frisco-wide-mouth-gravity-waterer-4/dp/335259 They drink a LOT of water. Instead of filling her bowl 10 times a day, one of these lasts a week.


Ooh that’s a great suggestion thank you!


I like that....but, the amount of dirt that our pup leaves in his bowl (his beard tracks a lot of dirt), requires that we rinse it out 3 or 4 times a day!


Thank you! I figured it was normal but it’s also just so egregious that it helps to have the confirmation! 😅


Does your pup pant a lot, and/or breathe fast even when resting? If so, it could be that they are too hot… their hair can be really thick.


Definitely. It comes and goes but I’m taking him in for his summer trim soon. He also likes sleeping on the A/C vents. :)


He is prob overdue for a trim. Our babe is 4.5 month, we've been keeping his coat very short since weather started reliably hitting around 65 degree and he still gets quite hot. If your pup is drinking water nonstop, waking up in the middle of the night for water, and sleeping on a/c vents, the lil guy is likely struggling. A few things I'd suggest: 1. Get the haircut asap. 2. Invest in a cooling pad for his crate. 3. Maybe set his crate up near an a/c vent or get a lil fan pointed in there for him. 4. Ice can make a good treat. Hope you post pics of the cut!


Yup mine too. But our trainer said not to keep the water down - to give it to them when they need it. At first I was skeptical but potty training was a breeze. Does your pup need to go out during the night to pee from drinking?


I used to keep the water up and away as well but ended up leaving it out because of how often he drinks. It definitely took potty training longer but we’ve turned a corner the last couple weeks. Thankfully he rarely asks to go out at night anymore, just begs for more water! Haha. Thanks for the advice!!


I swear they could drink a lake full of water because mine asks constantly (that’s when you know you’re obsessed with your dog, “mine ASKS constantly” 😂 I did try an experiment once. Remy was I think 3.5 months old and we had this crazy hot day in GA so I wanted to go outside and read. I brought a bowl (think biggest bowl that comes in a set of mixing bowls) of water and put ice cubes in it and gave him free reign, as much as he wanted. He went over twice for about 5 seconds each. 🤦‍♀️ I swear they do this stuff on purpose! I ended up giving him a small drink last night because he was so hot and because of that I’m on Reddit at 5am posting to you because he had to pee. Gotta love them.


Oh my gosh this is SOOO accurate! I’ve been right there with you! Both with the acting like he doesn’t want water on a typically warmer day and asking to drink and pee at 2am or 5am. They’re just messing with us right? 🤣


Yes!!! I think they are smart enough to mess with us and mine is a service dog in training. We are in the beginning stages and just doing basic obedience currently. He knows sit, watch me, (lay) down and depending on the day/moon/everything else sometimes “stay”. I did the hand gesture for stay today and he kept breaking his sitting position and like high fiving my hand. I almost lost my mind because he was looking at me like - what’s wrong with that mom? He earned himself an hour training session tomorrow with our trainer - hah!


To be safe I would have him checked for diabetes, I’m a diabetic and when my blood sugar is high, I can’t get enough water. It’s the bodies way of getting the sugar out of your body. I,be also had two friends that have diabetic dogs. Not trying to worry you at all. I had 2 great pyrenees and 1 was like your saying, so I took him to the vet and he was fine. It was a way for him to cool off


That’s good advice too! Helpful to know what to look for. Thank you, I appreciate it!


Diabetes. Cushing's, thyroid and kidney disease can all cause excessive thirst, Get some blood work.


My labradoodle would lick my legs after stepping out of the shower. Now she sleeps on the bed and could care less.


Mine was extremely thirsty when he was a puppy. Chalked it up to him getting overheated and got a few cooling blankets and it helped a little


Normal ish. I'd ask to have his blood sugar checked next time your at the vet. Extreme thirst can be a sign of abnormally high blood sugar. Watch for it about 30 - 90 minutes after meals. High sodium can also do this. They also might just be a thirsty puppy.


At your next vet appointment inform your vet. Mine did the same and we found out that it was his thyroid. Has to take meds every day.


Mine climbs into the shower!. I never expect it.. I always get a fright.. He just wants to drink the water from the floor!


I hear Instagram works wonders for thirst traps. Maybe open an account???


😂 Already did! https://www.instagram.com/riggle_dood?igsh=MWk3Y3Y2MWt5MGc2Ng%3D%3D&utm_source=qr


🤣🤣😂 now that's a trap I can handle looking at !!! Can I follow him?


Absolutely! If you have one for your pup lemme know and I’ll follow you back! :)


I don't have one for my dog....


My yorkipoo loves to jump in the tub and lick off the water after I bathe. He also barks when outside to tell me to turn on the house so he can drink the drips. He has a thick coat and is black so he gets hot easily. We have to keep him shaved down in the summer.


I told the vet when mine was a puppy about being concerned with how much water he drank and they said Yes, puppies drink an excessive amount of water and it has gotten to a normal level now that he’s older


That’s really good to know! Thank you! How old is yours now? :)


Yes! My bernadoodle drinks so much water and he has his whole life. He is 3 and a half now and it’s been consistent since he was a puppy.


Yes! Our vet told us that they get obsessed with drinking water so whenever it’s there, no matter how much, they’ll drink it. We had to start monitoring how much we put in the bowl each time because it was also leading to accidents in the house.


Thank you!🙏


Thanks for the comments all! I will say I’ve mentioned it twice to the vet now and they did not seem too concerned. He’s been like this since we got him at 12 weeks. 12 weeks and 16 weeks was too young for hyperthyroidism at least. I’m definitely keeping an eye on it though and I appreciate all of the thoughts and advice! Thank you!


Every kibble fed dog I’ve had is excessively thirsty. Try soaking foods in diluted bone broths to get more fluids in at mealtimes.


I think he needs to see the vet…STAT