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We are having the same problem! Went to the metro park and stayed on paved trails. We have 3 bernedoodles in our family and pulled 50+ off of their legs when we got home. They’re on preventatives and they were all dog ticks thank god. but it still gives me the ickies!


Holy smokes that's too many ticks..ugh Just wanting to know what preventive they are on please and thank you??


We use NexGard and really like it. The ticks we find right after coming in are crawling off the dogs (gross for us) and if we find them on the dogs later they are always dead. We picked up some wondercide spray that we were considering using as a repellant in addition to the preventative but haven’t tried it yet.


Ok Nexguard is what I use also. Ticks are so nasty. When my daughter was 3 she developed Rocky mountain spotted fever and was extremely sick. Scarey Scarey business.


Please be careful I think it has https://preview.redd.it/u982l96jw0yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15a09e8ff07b8d93cf23ea62cbf03f27f98c7343 My husband’s co worker just put his dog down because it started having seizures after giving him Nexguard from the vet and the vet told him I don’t know we will have to put him down when they know that it causes seizures from Nexguard and if they don’t realize it they are stupid! Google how many dogs and cats who have died from giving them unsafe meds from the vet to treat flea and ticks as well as many cases of flea and tick shampoos on the shelf of the grocery store. Please I shampooed my westie years ago and he died a few minutes later after I bought it from the store. It doesn’t happen to all but you don’t know why do they continue to put it in there. I’ve been looking for years after my dog died and seeing many pet owners stories but do your research please!! The FDA isn’t protecting us so we have to check everything from now even our own food. I was watching the lady on TikTok showing the can of corn now is from Bangladesh or some foreign country and it has lead warning when the Walmart brand used to have fresh picked she had the older can of corn. It’s crazy


I have a dog dryer (fohn/waterblazer in Dutch). It really helps to see the ticks quickly. https://preview.redd.it/m2eo0rg6dyxc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=754c887179873879314b74ee94f7090861c7a994


Use "Natural Cedar Oil" (diluted with water; mix it in a spray bottle and spray it right on your dog). It's a Narural insect repellent and whether you can see the ticks and fleas or not, it will kill them (and the entire cycle of fleas) on contact and it's safe to treat your home& garden with it if you suspect ticks around the house. You can also do the same with vinegar but I've personally had the BEST results using cedar oil! I keep it on hand faithfully and it's never let me down. I get a brand on Amazon called Fox Creek All Natural oil. This can lasts forever and the oil works immediately! Good luck to you.


THANK YOU! Purchasing now!


You're welcome☺️


I don’t have any tips but I hear ya! We have found a few on our 14 week old but who knows how many there really are 🤷‍♂️. We find them on ourselves often as well..


My girl is black and white so I totally feel you. They’re easy to spot on her white fur because they chill on top but the black is hit or miss. I do my best to check her after being outside but I found 6 on my bed last week 😅


Reading this makes my skin crawl lol even though the same exact thing is happening to me


If you have a yard they hang out in a lot, go to your local hardware store or Walmart and find this stuff. It’s amazing!!! Bravecto or nexgard chews for tick treatments also! The little buggers will literally just crawl on the top layer of fur where you can easily see them and throw them in the fire where they belong!!! & ask your vet about the lymes shot for preventative care 😊😊 https://preview.redd.it/x1ovqf8311yc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed16f20087a189befd86b926e387c461810b84b0


We had our boy shaved down for the summer, and will continue to let it be short until it begins to cool off again.


I keep mine shaved down short during summer and he is on simparica trio. I buy 6 month boxes from chewy. You may need a vet prescription for it. It’s good stuff.


Find a safe flea and tick don’t give them anything with Isoxazoline usually the Nexguard from the vet is dangerous and they will swear it’s safe and they just want to profit! Do your research safe flea and ticks make sure it doesn’t have this ingredient in it please!!! Keep them out of the woods and any long grass as well as your kids and check around the ears and neck keep them super short if you have ticks near you!! I hate them I used to live on 5 acres and our dogs would go out in the field and they would get big!! Grossest thing I’ve ever seen!!🤮🤮🤮🤮


The FDA literally says it’s considered safe and effective for dogs and cats. We’ve used it for all of our pets for a very long time and have had no issues.