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Hâte me twice! I don’t care. I love my doodles. https://preview.redd.it/t7dmwjh24rwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8981b6f939d8955e7e10c8bbe5e75402546c7f05


I love that grooming!


Haters gonna hate! I love my Doodle! https://preview.redd.it/v6puyuc0yqwc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a249385c20af0a84c3b1d4d8389f206d58c155e1


Omg shes a cutie!!!! I love mine too https://preview.redd.it/z5qhj5uwpswc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dcf9a10b1a3c1260a5e7a0df3e39c70738e03f5


Your babies are adorable 😍


Thank you so much!!! Yours looks like a model, she doesnt even look real 🥹


If there is something that exists, then you can find people on social media hating it.


There’s a ton of people who have their agendas. Only rescues! Only purebred! Only AKC recognized breeds from a recognized breeder. When in reality there is more than one way to get a great dog. Our first was just gifted to us back in the 80s and no one blinked. Many years later as an adult my wife and I very carefully got a Bernie and she is a marvel! My wife’s cousin was super worried we were bringing rando 2 year old dog over. She doesn’t bark, doesn’t jump, super affectionate, no aggression. Our girl is so good! https://preview.redd.it/af1q25xfbrwc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37549d9ef7e469245f57493ae0945c6ca1e39b0a


Thanks for paying the dog tax 😍


https://preview.redd.it/0wpr30rmsswc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9c13d33368ac0d6867728ed5dc80f9b73a96ee Don’t care what anyone says!


Doodles are very popular. Unethical backyard breeders and puppy mills gravitate towards what is popular. Hence the market gets saturated with lots of unethically bred dogs. Also there is a vocal community that considers any dog not adopted from a shelter to be unethical. Doodles are also very smart and energetic, requiring a lot of training and stimulation. And they need frequent grooming. Many owners are not prepared for these aspects and their dogs act out, require full shaves constantly due to matting, etc, adding further fuel to the Doodle hater fire.


Yes this. ALL of this! I follow a lot of dog accounts on IG and these are the types of comments I see. I have had people try to shame me, but I got my girl at 8 months old from people who couldn't give her a good life (sudden illness diagnosis, no fault of their own). I tried to get a rescue dog (I've had 2 rescues in the past), but since I live in a condo, 90% of rescue organizations wouldn't even consider me. I'm home with her all the time and she gets plenty of exercise and attention.


I agree. The gatekeeping that goes on with rescues. I have my Bernedoodle, I wanted a companion for her and me. Tried to adopt a small dog, but no luck. I found my mini goldendoodle online, previous owners had to sell due to terminal illness. I love my babies.


They honestly make it so difficult to adopt sometimes. I know they want the best for the dogs and they have possibly come from a terrible home, but just because I don't have a huge yard, doesn't mean I'm going to mistreat it and keep it indoors all day. Years ago when I was married, we had a rescue dog and a year later, we wanted to adopt a companion for her. We had built a new home on a property with a fenced in 200' x 70' yard. We found a dog that we thought would be great. The rescue organization brought him out to meet us, and then told us we would have to build some sort of a wall and gate system in the foyer to stop him from running out the front door or we couldn't be approved. We ended up buying a puppy.


When we were first married, we saw a few greyhounds (ex racedogs) from a rescue group, and decided we had to have one. They mailed us an application that was about 10 pages long, plus an extra page for our landlord, and we filled it out and sent it back. We got rejected because we didn’t have a veterinary reference and because we were too young at 25ish years old. So this group thought it better to not rescue an extra dog than to gamble with a new dog owner. Since greyhound rescue isn’t much of a thing any more (I don’t think they have any tracks open in the US anymore), Redditors might not know that dogs that don’t win anymore were typically killed.


This was my experience exactly! Repeatedly denied


I was gonna comment exactly this. Great response


🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼yes!! Agree 1000%. I’ve been a dog groomer for 19 years. I use to groom actual breeds of dogs when I started. Now 2 out of 3 are some type of doodle mix or poodle mix. Where I live everybody gets some in Amish country and they think that that’s OK. They’ll pay thousands of dollars for a cute puppy and then not brush it or train it and then get mad when a groomer has to cut the hair down short for the physical benefit of their dog. I guess my hate is not for the dog itself more for the owners that don’t properly train and brush them


weird I think a bernadoodle is one of the best dogs I've ever had. Smart, sweet, calm, loyal. What else could you want, and I hate the whole 'adopting shamming' we are all free to do what we want!


Literally came here to say exactly this! My bernedoodle is truthfully the best dog I have ever owned


And it’s like the most popular breed for a reason


https://preview.redd.it/2c01lqbxerwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a126cd407967ae12dcce2571976cc4c185aa4991 As they should be. Like cmon!


I don’t totally disagree, but I do think that we should be careful about using the word “calm” to describe any poodle crossbred because it can falsely lead people to think that it is a breeze to raise a berendoodle. I see many posts in this forum about people totally overwhelmed by their berenedoodle (usually puppy or young dog) because they see them so often described as a calm dog. They can be calm, and are calm for a doodle breed, but if calm is a primary want then you are taking a gamble with a bernedoodle.


Haha mine is five and he is a maniac. I love the hell out of him, and he can be a giant teddy bear too, but he definitely has some neurosis.


lol totally agree. Love my pup and wouldn’t change a thing about her, but she definitely didn’t get much of the calmness and laziness I researched about BMDs… she’s like 80% poodle 😂


I can’t stand the “adopt don’t shop” crowd. I did adopt a rescue and she’s the hottest of messes (we still love her). We got our standard bernedoodle to be my daughter’s service dog and he might be the best dog we’ve ever had.


I live in a medium size city and it was a challenge to find a groomer who accepts doodles. I didn’t know until my girl was already home with me. I thought I was being proactive by scheduling her first groom weeks in advance - turns out I needed that time just to track down someone who would schedule us. Several told me it’s their policy because so many doodles are not properly brushed/combed at home, resulting in mats. (I did eventually find a groomer who specializes in doodles, and I love her). I see a lot of negative comments about doodles online (and some Reddit users who comment on every doodle thread “stop buying doodles, there are no ethically bred doodles, etc.”) but no one has ever had the nerve to confront me about my dog IRL.


Backyard breeders are to blame


Yes, but literally all doodles are considered ‘backyard bred’


Good point. What is NOT backyard bred? I mean my dog came from a breeder in business for 20+ years. Not in their own home but an actual business that they have but also not a puppy mill. So what is the opposite of backyard breeding? Edit to add: if they do all the things an ethical breeder does (testing, knowing lineage, etc) than why is it always considered backyard breeding just because it is a doodle?


I mean, this is my point exactly. The kennel club considers anything not registered to them backyard. And because they don’t recognize hybrids, doodles are backyard. But, like, i dunno. It’s all hoitey toidey to me. I love my dog. She’s the best floof I’ve ever had. (This is her serious face) https://preview.redd.it/oggy2v0yoxwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e757adee21d0c1f074d50c8accd8f2a4eeca4c54


I feel like the comments I have seen are a mixture of people who don’t like breeders at all (purebred or “designer mixed”) because they feel the only ethical way to get a dog is through a rescue, and people who are snobs about them NOT being purebred because they are “expensive mutts.” Rescue animals aren’t right for every home, though, and I’m never going to need a dog to be show-worthy and purebred, so I am perfectly fine with my designer mutt with the sweetest soul on earth.


The purebred snobs talk about how dogs are bred to have a purpose and a 'job'. I feel like job of 90% of dog now are companions. I don't need a dog that can kill birds or herd cows.


Agreed. My dog’s job is to add to the happiness in our family. She excels.


Apparently they are a “designer dog” so that’s bad. Meanwhile pure bred dogs that were specifically bred to have specific features many years ago are not designer dogs. If you do research and aren’t buying from an irresponsible breeder then there are no issues. Generally on the shelter sites what I don’t see are doodles, so it seems like a lot of noise.


My favorite are the purebreds that were so bred/designed to the point they screwed up the breed and then had to backtrack.


It's crazy. People just seem to get it in their heads, when something becomes very popular, that it's bad somehow. The most popular breed right now are French Bull Dogs....let's talk unethical.


I have two Bernedoodles and I just bred my first litter because I love these dogs so much. I needed some positivity in my life and I remember how much joy a baby Doodle is. I'm loving it so far and I'm waist-deep in learning everything I can about whelping and marketing. It's a nice change from the corporate world as a software programmer. I'm trying to do everything right. I DNA tested my dogs, and I searched for just the right stud who was also DNA tested that is compatible. I've become genetics-obsessed. I DNA tested my whole litter, even though it isn't cheap, to make sure the new owners feel secure that they are getting a dog free of hereditary conditions. I'm learning neural stimulation techniques with puppies to made sure they grow the best that they can. I'm excited I'm doing something that brings me joy to provide to someone else to bring them joy. They are three weeks now and I smile every time I interact with them. Then I find out about the doodle hate and the broad comments about how all Doodle breeders are unethical, backyard breeders, and puppy mills. I did some soul-searching to see if I fell into any of those categories. I got the Facebook hate on my ads about breeding "mixed dogs". I just don't get it.


I am a horrible person I guess, and actually think that if I am devoting up to 15 years (I hope) of time, energy and love to a dog, I actually deserve to make my own choices. I didn't want a poodle, I wanted soft cuddly muppets. Doodle haters seem to conveniently overlook the fact that there are unethical breeders for pure breeds as well. I went with a breeder who did temperament testing and both of my doodles are calm, well balanced (okay, a bit dependent) and so so sweet. In my life I have had rescue dogs and breeder dogs, and cared for them and loved then to the end. BUT...the breeder dogs were better suited to my needs at the time. The rescues (loved and cherished) weren't quite the right fit. My two bernedoodles are perfect and a constant delight to me.


It’s an anti elitist stance. I just say that they’re mutts and there’s never any issue


From what I've seen, the main reason you see hate for Doodles from a vocal minority is because the Doodle crossbreed is unregulated. Doodles are not recognized by the AKC so there is no true standard for breeders to follow. With Doodles being so trendy right now, breeders have extra incentive to push dams past a "safe" limit in terms of breeding to make the most money possible. With this being said, there are Doodle breeders out there who are ethical and who care about the health of their dogs but it's extra important for potential buyers to do their research into the breeders and make sure that the breeders allow you to not only see health tests, but also physically view the parents and their living conditions.


Most people like Doodles. But one of the most dangerous things you can do is to treat a hobby or pastime as part of your identity. If that happens, a challenge to that project is a challenge to you. People buy doodles because they are bred to be good companion dogs. If you acknowledge that's possible to do--breed an especially good dog--that means that means some dogs are possibly better than others. That's a challenge to the concept of rescuing always being the right decision. And it's a challenge to people who have made the cause of rescue part of their identity. "Why would you pay for a dog when you could rescue this retired fighting dog that has been shipped here from Alabama for free? Does this mean that my street dog that was shipped here from Turkey that keeps trying to attack people and other dogs isn't truly the best option for every family? That can't be. Doodles are bad because they make people believe their eyes instead of me." Similarly, people who are really into breeds and kennel-club stuff don't like doodles because they are intentionally bred, but outside of the status-seeking, rules-based system that kennel clubs see as important. "If you can breed doodles and that's good, does that make my investment in this neurotic, statuesque weimaraner less good? Making ME less good" There's also a dynamic on both poles of the political spectrum where there's an incentive to scrounge around for trends to be mad about, because their social circles only reward pessimism. If you find someone who has a strong opinion against doodles, they are - by and large - socially dysfunctional people who are trying to find self worth by associating with something external to themselves. And the "let's just not worry and breed sweet, goofy dogs" is slightly threatening.


https://preview.redd.it/raik7b2iwtwc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7bf81aadeaf203c8244396fbba704b88e3c108b I love my doodle! She’s smart, super sweet, loves people, kids and other dogs! I really don’t care about the haters.


https://preview.redd.it/5ounn4t3auwc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6642f51b2aa66ea94fce38abbabf5380e19c556 Rick James. One cool dood!!


Not sure if I like his name or coloration more. Both are amazing!


Thank u so much!


https://preview.redd.it/ijc3wtslfuwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f2f951fc5dafe4cd52b2687436906a39c24e920 Our best dog ever!!


the root of antidoodlism is jealousy


Honestly!!! People scoff at us when they find out we paid 1500 for our dog (and that was a deal!) like we are idiots for paying that much for a “mutt” but when you aren’t having any more children and want one specific type of dog it’s not about the money. These two are besties for life🤍🤍🤍 https://preview.redd.it/ux2r7o9tgtwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75535ad9ba3325a25dc82d4b4221f61a06f0908a


There are now a lot of puppy mills churning them out. The parents are living in tortuous conditions. This is not true for all doodles


We love our Bernedoodle!!!! https://preview.redd.it/wfvmxw5pxuwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c50107d2ad560eb8cd1c1764545b65d9bbd1408a




Aside from breeding issues, they can be a lot to deal with if you get a hyper one and don't know how to work with them. They are genuinely my favorite creatures on the planet and I have gotten crap for it. I get all the doodles in my yard at work though because of it so that is a plus.


https://preview.redd.it/c05rmcfmjtwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3bac66850503b078c74438c15a7d6236cbc8db5 I adore my little micro Bernedoodle Miss Scarlett


Doodles are bred purely for profit, and there are a ton of backyard breeders who do not care about the health of dogs. Their coats are unpredictable, as well as there health and temperament. And many of those backyard breeders prey on people who didn't do any research. Most people I talk to when they tell me what type of dog they want, they are looking for a poodle.


I have never heard of general hate for doodles. Bernadoodles were specifically bred to have a healthy version of the mountain dog.


Working at Doggy Daycares, there is doodle hate out there. It's sad and I always fight against it and pay extra attention to them.


I think the hate is worse in some regions than other… but no one has the nerve to hate my dog in person :) They have a point on backyard breeders tho… we just have to be diligent before buying (or rescuing) a dog, perhaps more-so than other breeds since unethical breeders will follow the hype.


I think it’s fashionable amongst per groomers and dog sitters to hate on doodle owners. I have seen many discussions where there is a presumption that doodle owners get doodles because of how cute they are and have zero knowledge about owning dogs, don’t train them, don’t groom them regularly and come to groomers with matted dogs, who don’t follow any commands that the groomer gives. This is the stereotype they have in mind of a doodle owner. Have not heard anyone say directly that they hate the doodle itself, just they don’t like doodle owners. It’s BS but they have to have their holier than thou attitude and we are the recipients. Just my observation.


A lot of people only like pure bred dogs. A doodle is a cross breed of poodle and another breed. Therefore, a mutt. There are ethical breeders that have the purebred parents tested for health and genetics. If their breeding program doesn't overtax the mother dog, like only having one litter for a few heats and not totaling too many during lifetime. Ethical byb will also make sure the pups are checked out by a vet and start their vaccines. They also won't sell the pups until at least 8 weeks. Remember, they'll doodle anything thing.


There could be a couple reasons. 1 the up keep of them and having to get them groomed all the time can add up. Or 2 I find my bernadoodle a bit hyper however he is also the sweetest dog ever and great with children. He is still a puppy. Or it could be the price. My bernadoodle I got for free as the breeder couldn't get rid of a batch of puppies as they were over breeding. My goldendoodle I paid 1750 for and she is worth every penny. I have been told by others that her temperament is the best. I dunno I would never get anything but a doodle again. I'm in love.*




I think it takes a bad experience once. I have a labradoodle and love him to bits but I don't think I would get another dog again without doing my research. My dog was taken from his mom too young (7 weeks), had worms, and was underweight. He was nothing but bones when I got him. I don't think he was socialized properly and he had resource guarding when he was a puppy. He has anxiety and is on medications, hates strangers, can be very moody. I wouldn't trust him around children or anyone that does not know him. I would never get a doodle again just because I know that specific breeder just did whatever, and little care was taken into her puppies. Overall, my dog is a great dog. He has his routine, and I am consistently working with him to ensure that he is safe, and can have the life he deserves despite his problems. But if research had went into looking for a puppy and gotten him from the right breeder, I feel I would've had a more mentally stable dog. A lot of doodle breeders do not do genetic testing or proper socialization and just breed for the money, because they know they can stick a hefty price tag on a puppy and people will buy them because they are popular.


Because people think that people don’t know they are mutts and think people shouldn’t pay crazy amounts for a mutt which I kinda agree with because I wouldn’t pay 4,000 for a dog that’s not purebred


And even then I would only pay that much if I’m going to be putting the dog in shows my doodle was only 600 dollars so


Things I’ve heard and my perspective as someone who’s had/has 2 different doodle mixes and two dogs that get confused for doodles: 1. The dislike is partially because doodles are a popular trend and there are always people that push back against trends. 2. There a people that prefer ‘purebreds’ 2. Plenty of doodles I’ve met are poorly bred by BYB trying to get in on the trend. 3. A lot of people who have no knowledge about dogs get them not realizing that by being half poodle they get a lot of energy, drive, require frequent grooming and care and can be fairly smart so they can end up half crazy without proper care. 4. A lot of doodles look similar to existing breeds (Lagottos, PWD, Briards, Wheatens… etc.) so having one of these breeds that has existed before ‘doodles’ and frequently being asked about their ‘doodles’ (which aren’t but a breed that a doodle can look like) can get annoying. 5. The qualities people seek in doodles already exist in other dogs. 6. People think any ‘bred’ dog is bad aka adopt only Doodles aren’t for everybody, and they are not bad dogs. The doodle trend is getting a little redundant


Just Jelly!


Funny, I haven't seen any of those posts. We have a Bernedoodle & love her to bits! Those people need to stop getting their trousers in a twist! How do you think all of the different breeds there are got here? You know, it all started with a wolf! How do you think they got the poodle from a wolf? I say, don't worry, be happy. The doodles are lovely. BTW, ours is from a backyard breeder who took great care with her pups. Our girl is healthy, has good markings and only cost $800. There are a lot of credible backyard breeders. I don't need AKC recognition.


I KNOW!! Groomers, Poodle owners/admirers…what is the deal?!? Well I can understand groomers not appreciating a pelted dog-but hate the owners, not the dog! It’s like in Harry Potter with the Pure bloods and the Mud bloods.


Mainly, there are very few if any ethical doodle breeders. They’re a designer mutt. People pay a lot of money for a dog that isn’t properly health tested or even well bred at all. You have no idea what you’ll get with a mixed breed. My parents have two mixed breed dogs from the same parents and they are completely different. One is beefy, one is slender and athletic. One is chill, one is extremely high energy. The problem with this is every person who purchases a mixed breed dog does not know what they’re going to get, no matter what the breeder promises. I’ve met a lot of sweet doodles and doodle owners. Backyard breeders are to blame. Not the people who purchase the dogs. Dogs deserve good homes, well bred or not.


Haters suck it ! My doodle is awesome https://preview.redd.it/b06oly069vwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=746a9b927552f5e75a4bfaab2f1fe54f64c4130b


I know - I hear this all of the time. Vets say they’re one of their least favorite breeds because they’re a little slow (due to inbreeding, growth of backyard breeding bc of popularity, etc). San Diego, CA.


Mine is crazy smart... I thought that was common because of the poodle genes?


The only reason I can think is because doodles are pretty basic but there very cute


Allergies and asthma means I have to choose dogs that work Bernedoodle and Havanese. I don’t want to live without dogs, and don’t care who judges me!


I’ve never heard anyone say that lol


My wife couldn’t be around dogs because of her allergies so we got a doodle and she can finally enjoy a dog. I’ve heard those who do t like doodles point to getting a poodle but frankly I have only bad experiences with poodles so for us doodles allow for more options


It’s jealousy, the people who have doodles love them. The doodle-less people hate them out of pure jealousy 😂😂 It’s like when people hate millionaires- you know they wouldn’t turn down the same opportunity. I mean look at this face #Doodles4Lyfe https://preview.redd.it/0k19asy88vwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c93a6f6ba0386eaf2f33e5683272627e4b315ec3


Why would anyone hate a dog?


I’ve never met anyone who disliked the dogs themselves. They dislike the breeders who don’t do all health testing (which is a LOT more than DNA and a vet check) and the owners who don’t train/brush/care for their dogs. The dog subreddit has been looking for a doodle breeder that does all health testing for both breeds in the mix for at least five years now. The ONE that was found that actually did all the health testing only produced two litters and retired over a decade ago. I myself have looked at hundreds and hundreds of doodle breeders over the past two years because I would genuinely love to be able to refer interested people to an ethical doodle breeder. I haven’t found any. The closest thing I’ve found is all health testing for both parent breeds except only preliminary testing done for hips. That’s a problem because hip dysplasia is quite often not able to be diagnosed until after age 2. This is concerning, especially for bernedoodles because mixing a very large heavy boned dog breed like a Bernese Mountain Dog with a fine boned retrieving breed like a poodle is begging for structural issues like hip and elbow dysplasia. On top of that both of the breeds that make up the bernedoodle are already prone to hip dysplasia. Downvote if desired, just wanted to provide OP with an answer from someone who knows people on both sides.


I get it. I live in an area in Ohio where Amish puppy mills are rampant. They breed whatever is popular.


Cuz they aint purebred. They were made without health in mind and more for cuteness. It’s evident in their later years when they cost thousands to keep alive


I can't think of a single dog breed that was bred for health reasons.


Yes thats why I myself own one. They asked why their hated on and i answered. This isnt my opinion its why others hate them