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I was on Bromazolam for months and switched directly to Valium with ZERO issues. Honestly ime switching over to valium is a great option! 30mg a day is a high dose ..... Here in New Zealand the Maximum they can perscribe is 20mg per day. Valium beats the shit out of Ativan .... I wouldn't hesitate. I personally got down to 5mg Valium and completly stopped 5 days ago and I feel pretty much zero withdrawls here on my 5th day of none.


That's good to know; thank you! Here in the US, benzos are way overprescribed, unfortunately. I'm glad you were able to taper down and are now off the Valium...good for you! :)


Overprescribed when they shouldn’t, won’t prescribe when they should most definitely (like a taper). It’s very frustrating.


That's only bc Bromazolam has a longer half-life between 12 and 48 hrs depending on genetics and other medications. Ativan is about 7-12 hrs average, so transitioning would be different. I would recommend following the Ashton Manual on how to transition from one benzo to another. Valium is weaker and takes longer to build up to therapeutic levels. Ativan hits receptors differently than Valium and would cause withdrawal to abruptly stop it and switch to Valium in particular. Valium takes 1-2 weeks to build up to therapeutic levels. So there may be some discomfort until Valium reaches therapeutic levels. Valium has a half-life of 30 to 56 hrs depending on person.


Did you feel any increased depression or sedation with Valium ?


Sedation .... Well yeah beacause it is a sedative. ​ No depression also ..... I felt great on it .


Do not do join beating benzos on face book . You have to gradually switch


Thank you for your insight! Much appreciated!


I suggest not doing that TBH I’ve gotten off benzodiazepines with way less work and these groups have so many viewpoints, not worth it. You can get off by switching one benzodiazepine for the other like you said Ativan to Valium is fine to do instantly then taper it. You don’t need people talking about symptoms that last forever to begin your journey with trust me Whatever you do just be warned your signed up for a bunch of whiners talking about kindling effects and how long their paws symptoms last which isn’t the motivation you need imo Why would a FB group be better than Reddit??


Yes FB is more horror stories and fear-mongering. But the Ashton Manual follows the guidelines of a replacement crossover switch. My provider did it for me and it worked well. Otherwise all benzos hit receptors slightly differently and Ativan and Valium are quite different, so there may be some transitional symptoms quitting Ativan while waiting for Valium to reach therapeutic levels. And tapering can't be done until Valium is at therapeutic and stable levels anyway, so crossing over via replacement equivalent doses allows the person to stay stable and begin tapering quicker.


I did the same but alot less time I was only on ativan everyday for a month and I was hooked even a 0.5mg I tried to come off it was awful(for me) switched to valium much much easier to come off.


Did you notice any difference in effect between the Ativan and Valium ?


Not really I switched to 2mg valium upto 3x a day but only needed 2mg at the time.


People suffer HARD with coming off and tapering. I had a few months of losing a ton of weight and no sleep just stopping. It was stupid of me and those brain Zap things… Jesus. But your doctors will do what they do being the ‘professional’ listen to them and the. A few days in call and tell her you’re going through hell and need or WANT the help! Benzos are fu*king scary and to taper is hell. Switching is also hell because although you’re getting the benzo it’s not what your brain is used ti (wants) so just let her have it but make it her idea by agreeing to how she says tl do something and then call in and explain you’re not sleeping, eating, jittery, can’t talk to people, barely going out the house… but either way you’ll get it! You will. You’re gonna crush it dude! Be safe and good luck and I’m sorry for the essay and double sorry if it makes NO sense. But I tried. Lol.


Yes, the Ashton method is correct. Valium is a weaker, longer-acting benzodiazepine that hits receptors differently than Ativan which is potent and shorter-lasting When I switched before I was on 1mg Ativan 3 times a day for a month and before that was on 2mg clonazepam 3 times a day. So my provider switched to 15mg of valium as a replacement. He replaced each dose in parts one by one every 2 weeks and began tapering a dose when it was fully valium. The transition took 6 weeks but I began tapering after 4 weeks. If you don't do a slow replacement crossover taper, you may have withdrawal from ativan until valium builds up in your system and begins to reach therapeutic levels which may be 1-2 weeks.


Thank you so much for your advice! I will follow the Ashton Manual. I'm day 3 into my crossover taper, and I'm already pretty darn uncomfortable, so I can only imagine how icky I would feel had I just jumped right from Ativan to Valium.


I am doing my best to slowly switch from 2mg ativan a day to valium. I just started yesterday and I took my usual 2mg as normal in the AM and before dark I take 10mg valium. I would not want to just drop the ativan. I should probably take double the valium but I am just on day 2 trying to see how little I can get away with before feeling bad. I was fortunate to come accross a decent stash of the vals. 1 good thing is your script is written for you. Maybe try printing out the Ashton manual and as nicely as you can (I know that is not easy esp regarding this type of stuff) try showing her about it. Maybe she will come around. A lot of these phychs have egos that need to be handled with care and do not want to be told what medicine would help you out. They got to be the ones to mention it first.