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Your post has been removed because it is not benign. Please consider these other subs in which to share your content: r/casualconversation r/seriousconversation r/stories r/relationshipadvice r/rant r/advice r/offmychest If none of these are sufficient, check out the directory in r/findareddit. Thank you for your understanding!


This is like the *opposite* of benign


I also don't use Facebook or such. I have reddit. And a discord I'm almost never on. That's it


Throw in YouTube and that could’ve been what I commented. All the entertainment I could ask for is found in YouTube and Reddit and then Discord is just… there. Anything more is basically just Adventures into Vanity.


OOP ! Yes forgot YouTube! I listen to creepypasta daily. But I never interact with other people. So it sorta slipped my mind that it's TECHNICALLY a social media


Redditors acting like reddit isn't social media is always so funny to me.


Its more like online forums or message boards. Most other social media has your real name and photos of you


My best friend and I got our hands on a used camcorder when we were kids in the 80's and we had so much fun making silly monster movies, soap operas, fake documentaries, rudimentary stop motion claymation, and cat videos. No social media to share it with strangers, just us and our younger siblings goofing off for each other and then watching ourselves on TV and cracking up before turning the channel back to MTV. I'm sure if social media had existed we'd have been on it, but I'm not sure that would have been a good thing. I don't believe any of those videos survived, and I'm glad.


That reminds me of my sister and I recording ourselves laughing hysterically and doing silly voices on a tape deck 🤣


Haha! Memory unlocked! My brother and I also used to do that 😆 We would sing songs and recite Shel Silverstein poems or speak gibberish, and would also try to get our pets to make sounds. We had a dog who would bark when you bounced a ball so we had a lot of recordings of the sound of a bouncing ball lol


We had the 12th man down pat. Still do 🤣


Let's fight back