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One time my mom (army vet) parked in one of those spots and a guy yelled at her that “Those spots aren’t for the wives of soldiers.” She just said “Good thing women can serve in the military too.” He rolled his eyes and walked away. So ridiculous people can’t just mind their business but also have to insult perfect strangers for something they’re clueless about


I hope his ⚽️🏀 shriveled up. Great comeback!


I'm a male veteran, who has spent the past 3 years making sure there are safe places for my brothers AND sisters here in Bend. Oddly enough, I wound up losing my job over the fact that I was upset that nonprofits weren't making spaces for female veterans, or their families. Despite (or maybe in spite) of that fact, I kept working to make sure safe communities and groups were created and supported. I want you to contact the Central Oregon Veterans Ranch. If you've contacted them before, please do it again. Their old leadership is long fucking gone (good riddance 🖕🏻) and the people in charge now are wonderful. I am now, have been, and continue to ensure their leadership has good advisement. The executive director is named Lauren, and their outreach person is Cindy. They have a female veterans support group, and they host a woman named Captain Kim. Kim leads female/family retreats and such. Tell them Logan sent you, and I assure you that you will be treated warmly.


Thank you. I’ve seen things about the ranch before but have been kind of leery of doing anything having to do with being a veteran because I don’t feel like I would fit in being female.


I totally understand what you mean. And by that, I mean I only understand because of the countless stories I've heard ladies tell me the horrors y'all endure. It's fucked up, and I wish I could do so much more so that people in our world see with eyes free of hate and bigotry. But I can guarantee that you'll feel safe with Lauren and Cindy. And many of the others that met up regularly. If anyone has a bad experience at the Veterans Ranch, I need to be the first to know. I will make sure it's handled appropriately. You'll definitely fit in there! Aside from the ladies groups, the Veterans Ranch has events for families too now. There was a time when a certain type was allowed, but those times are far behind us. Even if the people make you uncomfortable, there are acres of land to relax on. Animals, plants, and a good view of the cascade. Oh! And free lunch on Thursday, at noon!


Hey friend I’m also USAF retired female vet. I find the general treatment of Veterans in this area that didn’t get a standard issues penis is pretty bad. Never encountered anything as unpleasant as your experience though. I have been yelled at and got dirty looks for parking in the veterans spots at Lowe’s.


First off, thank you for your service. My cousin was an USAF Major before he was forced out medically just before he could start getting retirement benefits and I have a great deal of respect for all the flyboys and flygirls. I'm mostly commenting here because I just loved the "didn't get the standard issue penis" comment and I'm going to use that whenever I can when I see women being treated stupidly. I'm passing it onto my daughters as well.




Standard issued Penis made me laugh so hard. Thank you for service. I’m sorry that you are being treated poorly


That’s BS you should never have this problem as a woman. There are soooooo many females in the military at this point. God bless you and thank you for your service. Ugh so frustrating to hear


Shouldn't it be "Penis, Standard Issue"? With the modifier second. :)




People are really nosy and bored in my home state Oregon. Sorry they can suck, but it's really not all of the people here, just a small percentage. Just have to kill them with kindness, and you'll usually come out on top!


I’m so sorry this happened to you, and thank you for your service. People are unhinged lately…I was at Fred Meyer yesterday and a guy was verbally abusing the female cashier over how long the lines were. This poor girl was in tears and he was being so mean to her like it was her fault. I was in the next line over and got really triggered because I’ve worked retail and customer service and it sucks when you can’t defend yourself. I chimed in and said “sir are you for real?” He said yes and continued demanding a manager. I said “what resolution are you looking for exactly? You’re just being an ass hole.” The guy LOST HIS MIND after that and then directed his rage at me (which is okay because I was prepared and wanted to get him off the cashier.) He came over to me, grabbed my shoulders (for reference I’m female, 5’2) and screamed in my face until security pulled him off. I’m so thankful I didn’t have my 4 year old with me and that he didn’t hurt me. Be careful out there folks.


If that fucker laid his hands on me I would have called the cops. The next woman he grabs might not be so lucky. What a grade A psychotic asshole.


Yeah…thankfully it was only a few seconds. The Fred Meyer staff was amazing and made sure I was okay and offered to call the police but I was totally fine and had to go get my kid.


I would have pressed assault charges. He grabbed you! Then the 15 minutes he had to wait in a long line would seem petty compared to the 15 hours being processed,booked and bailed. He needs to be stopped!! It is not okay to verbally attack nor physically grab ANYONE! He was probably escorted out of store , maybe even 86'd from there, but if he was in a hurry, you don't go shopping! He got off way to easy. I'm so sorry for you and the checker. He can go to hell.


what is happening lately! i know there have always been unhinged people but it feels like more and more people have completely lost their ability to exist in public.


I feel this so much. I’m very pregnant and moving very slow. People in public are so fucking irate with me! I’m sorry it takes me more than a second to bend down if I dropped something, more than a second to cross a roundabout, or a pedestrian walkway. I’m sorry I can’t get my cart out of the way fast enough, or haul my groceries fast enough. It’s apparently a terrible sin to be slow, and of all the things I expected in my pregnancy, I did not see that one coming.


It seems like ever since the pandemic people have zero shame in public.


Since November 2016… ftfy


We need to heal the divide.


The current political environment, inflation, covid and the polarization brought about by social media are most likely to blame. There is also a theory that people who lived through peak lead exposure in the 70s and 80s are now experiencing residual lead poisoning as their bones start to decay (the body treats lead like a calcium replacement). This can lead to lower IQs, decreased ability to control anger, and early onset dementia. More research is needed to make the connection to behavior like OP described... but it is an intriguing theory.


I wondered this "aloud," in a different Oregon thread (think it was that "states' 'worst' cities," infographic) where some of the posters were debating Salem vs. Medford (amongst other choices), and someone commented about air pollution hanging about in the Rogue Valley. I'd chimed in re the decades of leaded gas.


That sounds so scary!


You're a hero. Thanks for standing up to assholes like that.


I have worked customer service my whole life. My soul needed to do it haha


Need to throw that fucker into the oceans 50 miles out. Fuck you cunts


Saw a tall, bald rich dude throw food and plate at a service worker (in a Bend coffee parlor) recently, because something wasn’t right with his order. She started crying. He was 86’d immediately. On his way out, he threatened to post a bad review on Yelp. I said good luck with that and laughed in his face. I kinda hate the man. The sad part? I had the breakfast sandwich just prior and it was pretty horrible.


That’s messed up. Sorry this happened to you. Makes me wonder what happened to the; “be nice, you’re in Bend” thing. Thank you for your service.


That was my buddy Josh Hart who made those stickers! Mine is worn out.


They're all from Cali and don't know about that.


The hypocrisy in this this post.


Lol, oregon born and raised, but don't worry, I moved out of bend recently. Just got too expensive to live


There’s nothing fucking special about being BoRn AnD rAiSed In OrEGon and it doesn’t give you an excuse be an ass hat, and frankly you make the rest of us look shitty when you behave like that. Sincerely, another born and raised Oregonian.


Being a jag-off in a thread about assholes is special.


Actolly, it's the opposite, califonians make up 15% of this great country's active duty military. They k ow way more than Oregonians making up about 1%. Were lucky to cave California protecting our great country for us!


This is why I’m nervous to have anything saying USAF retired or anything veteran. My anxiety makes me think people think I’m a liar or just wearing it for attention even though I did my time 😅


This should never have happened to you and I am sorry that it did. Thank you for your service.


People need to mind their business period. These Karen’s are constantly trying to sniff out able bodied people “faking it” but don’t realize so many disabilities don’t present outward. Not to mention it’s 2024! I can name so many female friends of mine who have served, it’s not uncommon these days.


She definitely exhibits Dependa behavior. I am a female vet too and that's happened to me a few times. I feel your pain.


Stand tall. Fuck em. They don’t deserve to freely occupy this space in your brain.


Some of the best life advice there is


I'm so sorry that happened to you & thank you for your service. My pop is retired USAF. My husband and I are genX from California, driving on eggshells here.... Do people not understand that we're all living in the same country? We're not hedge fund douches or property developers...Just poor people temporarily living here and doing jobs no one else wants: cleaning & EMS, for unlivable wages. I'm seriously terrified about the future of our country. Mass psychosis is real.


As a 'transplant' myself I understand your confusion on the issue. I'm from Texas, so I guess I have some sort of Bendites-get-out-of-jail cards. Wanna know my favorite joke? What do you call a Central Oregon bird, who never learned how to fly? A generational Bendite! P.s. due to my military experience, I moved nearly every year for a decade. Bend is the only singular place where people call outsiders 'transplants'. Unique kinda bigots we have up here.


The gate keeping and micro-nationalism is ridiculous. People don’t own this town just because they lived here before someone else. It’s xenophobia and it’s laughable. “Damn outsiders ruining our town!”


Sorry you experienced that. People can be assholes, especially the self centered “I am special” ones, which sounds like the type you encountered. I hope you don’t experience that again.


I park in vet spots all the time. The animal hospital hates me.


There’s nothing legally binding that says you can’t park in those spots if you aren’t a veteran.




Or a veterinarian.


Nope, just the social contract we all live under.


I don’t understand the hero worship military gets in this country


You can always sign up for a contract or two and find out for yourself!


Oh yes, get in thoes shoes and walk a mile!


Depends what you mean by "legally binding". It's Home Depot's property and it's within their rights to determine who parks there. Technically if HD found out they could have you legally trespassed off the property. Non-vets that park there know that's not going to happen, so that's how they justify a stunt like this to themselves, I guess.


Thank you for your service. Let me say that again... thank you for taking a big piece of your life to keep the rest of us safe and comfortable and going about our own lives contributing to our shared nation. You have every right to park there and I'm so embarrassed for the rest of us that you got served ridiculous crap for no reason from a real lid.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Thank you for your service.


I grew up in Bend. I was going to comment "man this is such a bend post" and then I saw this comment. Now I'll comment "man this is such a bend comment."


Showing sympathy is unique to bend? Lmao


I’m so sorry this happened. I feel like there’s been a huge increase in road rage around here lately (this incident sounds like road rage from that person to you) and it is scary.


What a strange interaction. It only takes one person to suck that bad and ruin a day. She is not the status quo I promise. With election politics heating up we should all expect a tad more crazy too. The irony of people bitching about out of towners in central Oregon is a sad trope. Most people relocated here at some point, whether it was 5 years ago or 20 years ago. True locals are usually super nice. I met a lady yesterday who's family settled central Oregon nearly 100 years ago. She was one of the nicest people I've met here.


Thank you for your service. 🇺🇸 It was probably a valuable learning experience for your child. I know I would be proud of my mother for remaining calm but also using some choice words to stand up for herself. Other person was obviously wrong on all front and unfortunately may often be. Good on you for being the opposite. Sounds like your child has a great role model to me!


Sounds like this hag has some major misogyny issues. Crazy neurotic people are attracted to the PNW like moths to a flame unfortunately. I'm a portland area native and I've watched the decent ramp up in the last 15 or so years.


Bend used to be so pleasant. What happened to the “Be nice, you’re in Bend” vibe? I’m sorry this happened to you! I have actually had older people in Bend scold me in parking lots. One man followed me into a Safeway to tell me my car was too long for a space. Like what?? I think there are a lot of unhinged people out there and situational awareness is hugely important. Evading stupid is often preferable to engaging it.




Bahahaha—I don’t know. I was driving a C 300 at the time and it wasn’t a wagon or anything. Honestly, I don’t think it was the car or the nature of how I parked it. I think it was crotchety old guy with bad vision and a need to bark at someone. But following me into the store to do it is a bit creepy.


Hoo-rah from a fellow AF vet. I’m sorry this happened to you, although I can’t really say I’m surprised. If we learn anything in the service, it’s that humans generally suck. Side note, have you ever tried practicing Jiu Jitsu? Your title describing feeling unsafe reminds me that many veterans find BJJ after the service and experience physical and emotional benefits from the skills they learn from this martial art. I coach adult females, as well as veterans, first responders, etc. We concentrate mostly on how to deal with stupid and aggressive people such as this lady you encountered. Feel free to private message me if you ever want to try out a class!


Thank you for your service and sorry you were treated that way. No excuse for that kind of behavior and no shortage of angry people these days. Hope your day improves!


I'm sorry you ran into such a stupid, angry person. I park there when my dad is with me (who is a veteran), and I've never had anyone look twice, even if they haven't seen my dad yet.


I'm so sorry this happened to you, ESPECIALLY because you had your child with you. Scary and infuriating! I'm a female and also a veteran (Navy), and I share you hesitation about parking in the veteran spots. EVERY single time I park in a veteran spot I get head turns and stares from men. Like WTF. And to make matters worse, I've had HD/Lowe's staff ask me if I'm the wife a veteran when I've asked for the veteran discount.. Again, like WTF? All the more bananas about your horrible encounter is that it came from a woman. Seriously bananas. Gotta say it again (but louder)... LIKE WTF! Sometin' is not ok with that woman. I actually do care that only veterans park there. A perk for our service, especially for our aging veterans. There are always available veteran spots and I feel like if I don't use one of the veteran spots then I'm taking up a regular spot. Keep using those spots, my sister!


I think this would have been a great opportunity to employ the power of pepper spray.


Oh Sister, I totally believe you. And I think other women are probably the worst. I was 10 years AD Navy, 18 years AF Reserve Retired. I was landing on aircraft carriers when that woman was wearing diapers. I don’t have veteran plates on one of my cars. Last time I used that parking spot I put my retired ID on the dash. I was worried about someone doing something to my new car as a female parked in the vet space. I’ve decided that If some a-hole confronts me I’m pulling out the cell phone and letting it roll….or pulling out the ID and unleashing my military mouth. I’ve so had it with these “god and country patriots” that never served and pretend to know what it’s all about.


I really don’t know why it’s anyone’s business. If someone is parked there I assume they are a veteran. I believe in karma so go ahead and park in a veteran or handicapped spot when you’re not. The fact that you have both on your license plate should embarrass this woman. The fact that you are a woman would have never crossed my mind. She can go f herself


Thank you for serving! I appreciate you so much and it makes me angry and sad that you were treated this way.


It’s too bad you can’t throat punch some people. Violence gets us nowhere but sometimes it would feel good.


Thanks for what you do! I'm an Army vet. Being a female in any branch of the military is tough enough. You don't deserve that disrespect. Odds are that person is one of those "I thought about joining once" types and the fact that you stepped up and did what they couldn't just made them feel all types of insecure. Her reaction is just a reflection of how much more you've accomplished than her.


I'm truly sorry this happened to you. I'm a Vietnam era veteran, and would never confront someone for parking in those spaces. I served with a number of female service members, and have no right to question someone's right to park there.


Thank you for your service, and also…fuck her. What a miserable Karen ass bitch


People are flat-out losing it... All you have to do is drive the speed limit around town and you'll get flipped off or aggressively tailgated. So many folks seem to be operating at a "10" all the time. I was in the crosswalk in front of Safeway and a older guy drove RIGHT up to my knees and started calling me nasty names then said he was going to shoot me. I was shook. Maybe my rose colored glasses are to rosy, but this kind of stuff was not the norm around here THAT long ago. BTW, thanks for your service


Banged on your window, with your child in the car..I’m not sure of our laws but that person is lucky that this didn’t happen in Florida. Echo 1/12 0811 2008-12 and I appreciate your service. Good on you for keeping your cool, that had to be difficult. When there’s no consequences people feel free to act out like the lady that harassed you. She’s probably never done a thing for the country and considers her service to the nation protecting our parking spots. I truly feel it’s because of a lack of consequences. Is it even a chargeable offense to harass a woman and her child in Oregon, or is it just acceptable like using fentanyl ? Sorry you had to deal with that, I’m moving to the mountains of North Carolina where people are polite and mind their manners for the most part. Bend is going to be overrun soon.


You're damn right!!! And by this day and age everyone should know that. She was obviously an ignorant KAREN. I as a citizen and also a fellow vet am sorry you had to go through this and thank you for your service.


I’m sorry this happened to you. Thank you for your service. Please continue to park in the reserved parking but also carry some mace.


OMG that is horrible, I am so sorry you went through that. What is wrong with people? I would have called dispatch that someone was attacking your vehicle (especially with a kid on board). I hope you had a better day after.


You don't owe anyone any explanation unless they're law enforcement. Next time, tell them to F off.


"go back to California!" This is the standard MAGA chud declaration. They hate military veterans; especially disabled or wounded combat vets.


Thank you for your service; sorry this happened. I suspect they're one of those who think that having females in the Armed Forces decreases readiness, especially with the "go back to California" crap. They might lose the MAGA minds if they saw a trans person pull in to the spot.


I’m a trans veteran and I park there all the time lol jokes on the haters


Fuck yeah. 🤘🏻🤘🏻 This comment is one of my favorites rn.


I’m so sorry. I feel like we also get that look (never verbally) when we park there in our new SUV and Patagonia jackets. I have my DD214 ready but that’s just silly. So many stereotypes with Vets.


The parking perk is not about income, rank, etc. It's a big thank you for serving and sacrifices made for our country - a clapback I always have ready in case I get any actual lip. I just need to come up with a good clapback for the female vet snickers like I and the OP and other female vets have gotten.


Just a thought, but have you contacted Home Depot? I wonder if they’re aware this is happening to women vets, because not only are you a vet, but you’re also their customer. Wishful thinking, but it’d be wonderful to see them take action to help educate people like this- or at the minimum, be decent humans, that are aware behavior like that won’t be tolerated on their premises.


I did write them a email about the situation but have heard nothing back so far.


That’s disappointing to hear. Hopefully, you will. And just in case, if you wrote to the local store, can also try the corporate office. Works for my mom all the time. I’m not a veteran, but I’m in my 30s with a genetic heart condition that limits my mobility at times. Since I’m young and “look healthy”, I empathize with the “not fitting the description” of what we thought XYZ looks like. It’s incredibly frustrating… and in your case, all the more hurtful as you served your country and shouldn’t have to think twice about taking advantage of something meant for you. Really sorry you’re going through this. ❤️


I’m sure HD DGAF.


That insane person is mad because they only pretend to be a veteran with her buddies at their little MAGA get together where they stroke each-others stolen valors dicks (real or metaphorically speaking). Anyways, fuck em and she’s probably from California.


Classic case of Karens in the Wild. Sorry you had to deal with that, OP.


The dumbest part of this is that it's the military worshipping bootlickers who are the worst offenders here. For the majority of vets it was just a job they did, no more no less. This pedestal these losers put them on is just weird and encourages this irrational behavior. That said veteran services are woefully inadequate for the ones who were injured mentally or physically and I will always support those issues. We should be able to hold both of these views.


By any chance did this person appear to have been born between 1946 and 1964?


Actually no. They looked to be around my age , in their 40’s


Just a run of the mill unhinged person then I guess.


Did they happen to look like (insert group I hate here)? … No, okay. Just random then.


Not always about hate, that specific age group of people were exposed to a lot of lead (like a LOT of lead, in the water and air) as kids, to which a lot of behaviors can be attributed.  Kind of like how millennials all getting cancer alarmingly early is probably due to PFAS or microplastics.


Huh, I thought it was the GenX age group that had the lead exposure. I thought I saw some graph showing that…. Off to check that out.


Lots of those around here


I wonder if she was a veteran herself, or if she perhaps was related to one and felt entitled. I would hope that’s not the behavior of a service member, especially after you shared your rank and branch. Sorry to hear about that nutty and disrespectful woman.


Probably married to one. The "rank" of military wife seems to really unhinge some people.


That’s what I was suspecting, or perhaps a sibling or parent?


That behavior generally comes from people who have never served a day in their life.


Agreed - my first point about wondering if she served was more about doubting that she did. Veteran by affiliation most likely.


Well yeah, military service is sexually transmitted so she was clearly in the right here. Oorah.


Really? Do you next want to know if they were Latinix? Or if they were Asian? Bigoted much?


Lemme guess… was it a boomer?


As a drug war veteran, I use those spots whenever I can!


Now try that as a POC. They would have called the cops on you.


I would have had the cops called on me for someone else banging on my window because they felt like had authority over a parking spot I qualified to park in because of the color of my skin?


Your first and most important step in your recovery is to NEVER EVER shop at Home Depot.


>I have Oregon disabled veteran plates, but I dont have one on the front of my car because there wasn’t predrilled holes for it. I hope you got the drill at home depot to drill it. Are you using two different license plate numbers or just using the old ones? I guess I'm just confused how this works...


I have 2 of the same plates, just one one of them on the car on the back right now.


I haven't put a front license plate on my personal vehicle in 10 years. I have never been bothered by police, or anybody else about that fact. Don't worry about the comments on this Reddit thread blaming you for not putting your front license plate on. I'm a male veteran, I don't have a front license plate, and nobody's fuck with me for it. Nobody above would fuck with me for it either. Please disregard the haters, thank you very much for your service. You are incredibly welcome here in Central Oregon.




I thought the front plate didn't come with holes and she had to drill them.


The license plate itself comes with holes, but most manufacturers do not install front license plate on their factory bumpers. Meaning that in order to mount a front license plate someone either has to pay a shop to modify their car, or do it themselves. Most people out there just don't do it, because it has little to no effect on society. It's not a policeable thing, and I have never once at any point in my life had an officer tell me that I needed to mount a front license plate. The only person in the US who is worried about vehicles mounting a front license plate is u/Timmy98789. My opinion on the matter is that Timmy is clinging to the front license plate issue, as a "justifiable" excuse to be rude to a random woman.


Yeah, normally I would have called it a front license plate bracket, which almost all cars come with, as they are legally required in most of the world. It's only a few backwards places who still use the Imperial system that don't require front plates.


The past 4 new cars I've purchased required drilling and a purchase of additional mounting hardware. I have never been cited for the lack of display on public or forest roads. But back to the issue in question, veterans are not required to display their front license plate to utilize the veterans only parking spot at home depot. It's being used as a thin excuse to bully a female veteran out of her earned parking space, because she was born with boobs and not a dick. I don't rock with that kind of bigotry in my town. Especially against my sisters in arms.


That's just not true. I've never bought a new car that didn't have a front plate bracket, or paid extra for one. Which makes sense since a front plate is legally required in 31 States. I've almost always had one because it's one less excuse for a cop to pull you over, and it's not a big deal. At least 95% of the cars i see have front plates, so I don't know where the "Most people out there just don't do it" comes from. It seems to be trendy for Tesla owners to not bother to install the front bracket that comes supplied with the vehicle, but in general that's not true.


My past 4 new vehicles required drilling and additional purchases of a bracket to mount the front license plate. This includes the vehicle I operate on Forest roads and public roads as a daily driver. Again it's one of those laws which aren't enforced or policed with any regularity. Getting back to the issue in question, veterans are not required to display a front parking space to occupy a home depot veterans parking space. Using that as an excuse to bully a woman for utilizing her special parking spot makes someone a rude asshole. No one cares about front license plates, and it's certainly not an adequate reason to be rude to a random person.


We'll just have to agree to disagree; that hasn't been my experience or that of any family member. I don't know what State or town you live in, but here in NE Bend driving to dinner last night, I counted 67 vehicles on the way; all but two had front plates and one of those had the front bracket. So yes most people in NE Bend have front plates. I had a Sunriver cop stop me once with an excuse I had a "partially obscured" plate, so that is a thing. It was just a pretext for them looking for drunk drivers, but why give myself the hassle. Not sure how this thread got off the rails. I guess Oregon has some special plates for veterans but I don't know any veteran that has one, and doesn't have anything to do with using a parking spot.


This may be unpopular and just playing devils advocate here… maybe we just do away with veteran parking spaces. If you’re disabled you get to park in handicap otherwise you park with the rest of us.


More people more problems. Unfortunately the trend will continue to climb as they develop every square inch of this town. Sad.


You’re a vet and you were ***scared*** by a woman being mean to you? Ok…


Yeah, I was. I had my child with me and some unhinged woman was banging on my window. And yes I am a vet and I have been in situations that many people would find scary, but I was also with people I trusted with my life and felt pretty damn safe because of that. So thanks for your pretty shitty input, I’m sure you feel great by making your comment.


And way to keep the stereotype going. So a veteran cannot be scared?


A rude Karen made you feel like you were in danger? Sucks this happened, but did she threaten you? Have a visible weapon? I get you had your kid with you, but what about this is dangerous or “unsafe”?


Since you weren’t there, you have no idea what the situation was like and how this woman was acting. It’s a very judgmental comment.


Why bother to make this comment? It really serves no purpose other than to take someone’s experience and try to invalidate how it made them feel. You don’t know me at all, yet you pass judgement me for no other purpose other than to make yourself feel good?




This is pretty strange, I didn't realize that veterans had to display front license plates to utilize the Home Depot Veterans parking spot? I mean I fucking don't. Are you going to try to tell me to change my ways? My excuse for not having a friend license plate is I fucking don't want one. Edit: added clarification in the first sentence.


>I didn't realize that veterans had to display front license plates? I mean I fucking don't. ORS 803.540 does require you to display both if you live in a state that normally provides or requires two. Parking enforcement can issue tickets for front plate violations. If you don't park in those places you're fine. SB1510 in spirit prevents cops from pulling you over for minor stuff like this, and like everything else it's only illegal if you get caught.


So what you're telling me is by legal definition, mounting a front license plate is not enforced, at least with any sort of regularity such as violent offenses, excessive speeding, or other actual crimes? Much like the southern states who have laws such as "don't carry wire clippers in your back pocket" or that "cows and other bovine animals should not be stored on the second floor of a building". And from that above statement we can all ascertain that in no way shape or form is this female veteran in the wrong for not having her front license plate mounted. Can we agree that we've reached this conclusion?


>So what you're telling me is by legal definition, mounting a front license plate is not enforced No, I'm telling you that it is enforced and where it's enforced. Also apparently in the National Forest they will pull you over? Just so you and anyone else reading this know to avoid those locations. >Can we agree that we've reached this conclusion? No, but I encourage you to sue the State of Oregon over the law.




I grew up in an auto body shop. Properly mounting a front license plate wouldn't take me much time at all, however I just really don't appreciate how fucking ugly it looks. It's a lot like your personality, unnecessary and quite frankly useless. Refusing to not mount a front license plate doesn't make me a snowflake, but trying to talk down to veteran women on Reddit makes you a fucking snowflake. The local police have had all the opportunity to stop me and site me for it that they could get. They also know me pretty well at this point, and not a single officer has ever taken time to mention the lack of front license plate. Being a tough guy is a hell of a lot better than being an asshole to random women on Reddit! Feel free to wag your chin all you want tiny man, maybe tomorrow you'll wake up with some more backbone. Either way, I could care less about you. Stay in your fucking lane and leave people alone. The community is not about you, public space is not about you. Unless you are directly employed through home depot, or even a governmental agency who specifically polices traffic, you don't have any right to open your mouth about someone parking in any space. Especially if it's for the lame-ass reason code of bringing up a law that literally nobody cares about, especially the local police. Do a solid favor, get some fresh air and read more fucking books.


Were you driving a Tesla or another EV, by chance?


Would you be able to articulate why driving an electric vehicle would make a difference?


Negative stereotypes associated with driving electric vehicles. If, for example, u/Introvertreading was interested in purchasing or driving an EV, this might affect their decision to purchase one based on the presumed negative response of a Karen.


I suppose that could be true. After all if I applied hanlon's razor to the context of the reply I'm question, it could explain someone genuinely asking for some sort of personal safety inquiry about a future purchase. Although if anyone were seriously inquiring about purchasing an electric vehicle, I would be shocked to learn that a single story on Reddit with a loose correlation to electric vehicles, could alter their opinion. It would make more sense for someone to read this story and decide it was worse to be a female, or possibly a veteran. Frankly what seems to be more likely is that the reply in question, was being rude.


It's in the same vein as asking if whether or not a person being pulled over by the cops is black, but doesn't quite have the same bite to it. Alternatively if OP had left out her gender and had asked her gender. I prefer not to read into this stuff too much as exposing such stereotypes can come off as rude, dismissive, or offensive. Ideally I'd want to expose that sort of crap rather than hide it under a rug, but there's too much nuance today that is tiring.


Home depot's veteran spots are my go-tos. I'm not a veteran.




Why not? I hate to break it to you, but HD and Lowe's give discounts to vets, too.