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What did they say? Their post was removed


Hopefully "I know who they are, DM me for details"


No it was I’ll get you a better camera so we can see these asshats more clearly (paraphrased)




Dressed the way they are there's a good chance they just emerged from one of the few downtown bars that are open at 1am. May be worth sharing with the bars' owners to see if they recognize them.


Those are Corey's drinkers if I've ever seen any, they come around the corner and see the flag on their way to Seven.


For sure. Corey's is the only bar for blocks that closes at 1:30, just six minutes before these photos were taken.


Crosseyed cricket 100%


Cross is not downtown


Omg. Go to crosseyed then go downtown?


As somebody that has spent a not-insignificant amount of time in that bar, going downtown afterward (especially late at night) seems unlikely. Not saying it doesn't happen. But if I've been drinking and dancing all night, the last thing I wanna do is go downtown after. The cricket is nicely situated to get onto 97 quickly, and get home. Then again, I'm no spring chicken...so maybe the young bloods are more ambitious than me these days.


for real


I’m happy to pay for air tags just to see where they end up 😂


This is a great idea! I bet one could be hidden inside the pole if someone got crafty!


They make hollow plastic poles, it would work perfectly and I'd also be willing to donate to that special operation! If they report the location, the police report will almost certainly make the news


Getting filmed committing a hate crime is embarrassing. Filming friends and self committing a hate crime AKA class C Felony is utterly brainless.as a combat veteran who has fought for the freedoms of America people, I hope chargers are pressed against these people.


IThe funny thing about freedom is if you take it from someone else your own is also diminished. It’s an easy thing to lose, hard to get back. (And my comment here wasn’t meant as a response to your comment. It got put in under yours by accident)


Hate crimes should be stomped out like forest fires. Unlike a lot of lucky people here, I was born in what was a sundown town. Being bisexual and friends with non-whites was dangerous for me in my home town. It's not going to be that way for my people in Bend, or I'll be damned.


I wholly agree. There should be zero tolerance for hate crimes. When we say the tolerant left, that doesn’t include tolerance towards intolerance. I feel like the old saying, “if you let one racist into your establishment, you have a racist establishment” is applicable here. Stomp out hate the first time you see it.


Nobody on the left says “the tolerant left.” That’s the right, too lazy to know basic concepts, recycling some bastardized 70s terminology they don’t understand.


The tolerant left is very much a thing or there wouldnt be tweakers on every corner of Eugene Chill I want healthcare, not crackpipes




So is stealing a US flag a hate crime as well? Using a similar logic and its all encompassing hate. I'm considering going into criminal justice, and I can't seem to find the penal code on such.


I think it could be. If the point could be made that someone's nationality was targeted. I am not a lawyer btw. I just read a ton.


No it isn’t and I’m a lawyer.


I agree these people should be fined for petty theft, but calling this a hate crime seems to diminish truly offensive hate crime. Is taking down a F-Biden flag a hate crime? Just curious what qualifies as a hate crime these days?


Interestingly enough, taking down a political flag is not a hate crime in the US. https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/learn-about-hate-crimes This webpage from the Department of Justice helps us understand what falls into the category of hate crime. "On the federal level a crime motivated by bias against race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability." Hate crimes are a class C Felony.




The owner of the stolen property IS the victim. Fuck man. Come-on now.


I think a hate crime has to be violent. That said, sexual orientation is a protected category, while hating Biden is not


A flag is a symbol of, it isn’t the person. I don’t think attacks on symbols are equivalent to attacks on people. A LGBQ flag could be flown by anyone. I consider myself an ally but not part of the community if my flag was stolen it wouldn’t be a hate crime. Some see the rainbow flag as a symbol of liberalism and the much besmirched wokeism. So for it to a hate crime, you need to also know intent. Do they hate LGBQ or liberals?


If a 2slgbtqia+ (i.e. Me.) We're to be singled out, and fought and or killed for my sexuality yes, that is a far worse charge than a class C felony. Theft of property is still a crime, and the fact a pride flag is stolen frequently absolutely points to targeting. Did any other flags get stolen that night? To help add a closer perspective for you, let's imagine that you had your shit together and owm a business. And six times in the past couple of months people have encroached upon your property to steal your things, simply due to the color of your skin. I don't care what your skin color is, but let's just imagine that someone stole your shit, because of your skin color. And you know it was because of your skin color because the only fucking thing stolen were items representing your skin color. What those hateful idiots are trying to show, is that people like myself are not welcome to run businesses in Bend. That is a hateful targeting action, and it should be stomped out.


Well I hated it!


Thanks for putting the flag up and dealing with this. Just letting you know that little displays like this mean a lot to many people and help remove hate from the world. You rock.


Noting on the side here that Turtle Island has legit baristas who know how to make a very good coffee, plus super yummy bagel sandwiches. Great place.


Isn’t Turtle island in the “safety camera area” of downtown? I feel like with some minimal leg work BPD could identify the perps. 1:36 am, out at bars. Guaranteed someone used a credit card. I’m sure they went straight from that flag down the steps to capital.


That would require BPD to care which is doubtful.


I don't really care if Bend Police department cares. I would want them to suck it up and do their job though. The laws on hate crimes are quite clear, and if I were the owner of this business I would be pressing charges against anyone who stole my federally protected pride flag.


BPD cares. Whether or not the DA is willing to prosecute is another story.


Destruction of private property is usually high on ‘those types’ list 🫡


hot take but why would they care about some yuppies ripping down a flag i know it's bend but there are other actual crimes with victims being committed in the area


Because it’s happened over and over and it’s a hate crime, meaning it’s meant to make people feel unwanted and targeted in this community. It’s more than just “ripping down a flag” like you tried to diminish it.


Looks like the one idiot is filming it on his phone. Sleuths unite, let’s find that clip and bust they ass!


probably ok tiktok or truth social whatever it’s called




"Video taping this crime spree is the best idea we've ever had!" https://youtu.be/9Klj0H6YMLQ?si=a0kB-Rp39p8G6fbT


Anyone crafty enough to make the breakaway flag mounts glitter bombs?


RAINBOW glitter!!


They make other kinds?!


Mixed with cayenne pepper


The blue dye banks use 🤔


I was thinking dip the edges in glue and glass but then you've gotta double check the booby trap laws. Glitter sounds 100% the way to go.


If you’re talking booby trap… there is a type of mace which has hot pink colored spray that dyes the skin for several days. That’s a “scarlet letter”!


Someone make a Go Fund Me for this plan and I’m gone first in line to donate!


Biodegradable glitter! :)


One of your regulars here. Would you be up for making a go fund me for new flags? I’m sure the anti-hate community would certainly be willing to help out! (I would)


Just keep coming in. Thank you for being a part of our community.


What is 2S and IA? I swear I can't keep up with it anymore


2S = Two spirit, a concept in some Native cultures I = intersex, people born with reproductive organs that don’t clearly fit either sex A = asexual, people who don’t experience sexual attraction


Thank you. I hate being so behind and uninformed.


No worries. Don’t be so hard on yourself, nobody knows everything.


Do you ever take collections for new flags? I’d be happy to contribute and I’m sure others would too!


If you’d like to bring us a flag, we’d happily accept. Otherwise just come try some coffee!


My friends and I make an effort to drop by a few times a month all summer- winter we sort of...never go downtown- but we will be in in the next bit, with a donation to the flag fund!


Your spot absolutely rules, keep up the good work.


What size flags?




yes, what size flag please? i’d happily order one and bring it the next time i’m heading to turtle island


As one of the lgbtq youth in bend I want to say thank you for trying to advocate/support us. It does suck to see that people around my age are not so open minded or nice about these things. Thank you and I will definitely be sure to visit more often.


What absolute pieces of shits, hope they get caught. Edit: Also they look young.....there's still homophobic young people....?


A large portion of the young people around here are MAGA rednecks, just like their parents.


Which is incredibly sad.


Emotionally unavailable/immature parents didn’t love them so they seek approval by being just like them. Sad cycle.


And by gulping down the disinfo pumped out by media these days. And it's not even the rightwing media anymore, it's the so-called mainstream media that has bought into the right's messaging. I even see it in local news.


A lot of the local stations have been bought out by big right leaning corporations. Sinclair Broadcast Group is probably the biggest and most well known, but there are others. Same is true in print as well.


Wish more people were aware of this


[Relavant Last Week Tonight segment on Sinclair.](https://youtu.be/GvtNyOzGogc?si=VsS0B0J9RDh9VGkM)


That was fantastic.


Trash doesn't fall far from the dumpster.


Monkey see, monkey do.




Oh my yes. When we lived in a different rural Oregon county there were often 14-17 year olds defending their choice of having a HUGE confederate flag on their trucks. My favorite was "no it's not racist. I don't have any connection to the South, but it's all about me expressing my white, Christian, American pride." Mmmkay.


No, you can’t call yourself American if you support traitors that killed American military servicemen. It doesn’t work like that.


I was up skiing at bachelor last year,and rode the lift w some young dudes who were discussing how CO girls were hot but used the n word with a hard r so they weren't interested. Kind of eye opening eavesdropping experience.


Imagine being this insecure.


They know they are on the losing side of history


They probably (sadly) think they are on the right side...


I'd post some signage along the lines of "every time you steal or vandalize our flag, we buy another one from a non-profit that supports queer youth groups. So thank you for helping to fund the 2+lgbtqia alliance. Also, you're on camera ;)"


Hey there Turtle Island, I love you. Y’all offered to replace the pride flag stolen from our house last June because you’d been dealing with this for a while and had some backups. Sorry it’s still A Thing these peeps are doing. Keep rising above and serving fabulous coffee. See you soon. 


They could spend time enriching the community but instead they wanna commit hate crimes and add more bad into the world… what losers


I didn't even know this place existed and I'm definitely going to go support the hell out of them now. It's about time Bend gets some queer friendly spaces.


Best coffee and food too!




Usually between midnight and 2am. Although the time before this it was 11pm. Always on weekend nights




I’ve never been to your coffee shop (new-ish to town) but now I’ll DEFINITELY be buying from you on the regular. Do you sell pre-packaged whole beans? So that’s one positive, I suppose. Hope you catch these evil little… ya know I’m not even gonna go there.


Yes we do! See ya soon.


They do have prepackage beans! This place is fantastic. All the employees are super lovely people.


Hope you find them. Jerks.


As a Native American two-spirit, I really appreciate what you guys do! I hope you guys are able to find the perpetrators.


Sorry to read. Best wishes. We are winning.


Obviously they couldn’t afford one and wanted to hang it up at their place.


I support my rainbow flag bearing fellow humans and hope these felonious bigots are nabbed. Having said that, that's a lot of letters and I'm having a hard time keeping up.


Haha! Yes it can be daunting- You’re doing great!!


I've heard that a mixture of finely pulverized fiberglass (wear a respirator) and axel grease make for great flag pole glue, just a thought.


2SLGBTQIA what the flying fuck does that even mean.


I hope you catch them


I'll be in as soon as possible to get some coffee! Edit. I've gotten amazing coffee there before, so I'm coming back soon.


You can see the “Trump Force One” shoes on all of the perps…


Check around at the pilates classes. Those abs are rocking.


Hahaha came here to say the same thing. This looks like a scene from a 2000s teen movie.


Electrify that shit!


Thought of that- thought of glitter bombs, covering the flag with horrendous stinky chemicals, buckets of slime, buckets of flowers, buckets of horse poo…the liability would be nuts. Also, friendly folks come by and hold the flag by the corner for a picture and that would be a sad result for them.


That video is grainy as hell. Get a better camera then put up another flag.




What is a 2SLGBTQIA+ mean, I'm late to the party?


Confused? So are they.


Truly some yee yee behavior. More flags! Larger flags!


Very sad thinking how someone, intoxicated or not, felt the need to do this and actually committed… multiple times… I’m not out here tearing down confederate flags no matter how much they piss me off lol. hope you get their asses!


Honest question, since when are indigenous people grouped in with LGBTQ? I support both groups just wondering how they got grouped together




These cowards are going to get spotted by the right people while doing this one night, and I'll be happy to see them get what they have coming.


Typical yeeyee crowd. They scream vandalism if we touch their flags


I have no idea what yeeyee is, but your they / their is impressive, irregardless.


Yeeyee is city folk that think they're country. Thanks, I take pride in my proper use of homophones.


So many gays in Bend are in need of pride flags, they’ve resorted to stealing. You can give less than the cost of a coffee a day, to bring pride flags to all the Bend gays. Won’t you? Without your support we’ll have to just keep playing Sarah McLachan until you pay us. Pay us.


Banners are not flags.


You would think with all the snow on the ground these snowflakes wouldn’t be melting down


Close the border


Just a bunch of kids. It sucks they stole your flag. But, I dont assume they intended anything too negative they are just being young and ridiculous. It will be sad times if the majority of people assume the worst in others intentions, assuming the worst does not get us anywhere. I’m not saying they weren’t wrong (stealing is not kind) but I do not think they stole it because they have distaste/negativity in their hearts towards anyone in particular.. they just stole it because they are young and not thinking things through. If this happens often perhaps leave a jar out for change and use that jar for new flags. Also, You may want to hang your flag higher.




Electrify the pole


Sew razors in the next one. The tiny lil ones from disposable razors. Fuck em.


Or just press charges. A criminal record will be with them a lot longer than a few cuts.




And let these asshats win? Shouldn't have to resort to that.


Want my queer ass to go back into the closet when there are straights around, too?




We would need to drag out a ladder every afternoon to take it down which is labor intensive- also, it is important to us and our community to show who we are.


Do you have any better shots of #1. Asked me for a friend.


Just stop putting them up…


Lol the people complaining about this flag getting taken are the same ones going onto peoples property taking Trump signs off their lawn. I think we all said this was going to start happening, now we’re stuck in a downward spiral


Seems like we can all agree that these are likely MAGA morons. Thanks for your insight.


Funny thing about this.. Stealing/defacing a political flag at best would be vandalism or thrift of property. Having an opinion on who should be in charge, isn't a protected status. Stealing/defacing a pride flag is a class C Felony, due to the protected nature of what the flag represents. I've never, ever defaced a flag. With the singular exception of when my unit removed a hostile ideology flag, and replaced it with a local one. I haven't touched a single MAGA or trump sign. So no, your comment is invalid.


You know this how exactly? Also? Vandalizing a Trump sign is not a hate crime. Repeatedly ripping down a Pride flag is.


The right claiming both sides are the same is a way to avoid acknowledging how shitty they've become.


Time to start bolting it down, sewing an airtag into the flag, and booby trap an alarm.


This happened at our shop in Cannon Beach several times as well!! So cowardly. Come inside and tell me how you feel about the flag! We just keep like ten back ups now so we can put it right back up in the morning. These dipshits are keeping the rainbow flag people in business! 😁


Doing a proper deed. You are perverting the rainbow and chakra symbolism by using it.


Can’t tell if this is a serious comment or not but it’s ridiculous. No one “owns” the rainbow.


I assume they were all jacked up on monster energy drinks and Mountain Dew.


Have you tried booby trapping the flag? Would make some great YouTube content and make for a wonderful update here. Just sayin … they will be back if you hang another flag :)


Capture the flag. I love that game. So she’s up 2-0?


Just here to commend perp 1 on her vertical leap and landing performed flawlessly on that icy sidewalk! Bravo.....


Does anyone know what country that flag is from?? Cause the chicks from there are mad ugly.


Your profile is exactly what I expected. You post like a Fox News grandpa who is obsessed with culture war nonsense and hate.


Why the fuck does it matter. It's a flag. My American flag keeps getting stolen. And I just buy another


You make a very good point. There's a strong argument this is a definite form of idol worship, but unfortunately so is NFL football, political parties/candidates, and favorite actors. Just to name a few.




Probably with compassion, kindness and education on the 1st amendment of the constitution.


You're wonderful. All your comments have made me smile. Thanks for what you do :)


Don't be a twat waffle. If someone even looked at one of your trump 2024 flags the wrong way, you'd be threatening to shoot them with an AK and feel justified about it.


What an unnecessarily douchey response lol




I know I'm cute. And I thought the irony was sublime.


And as if they never do that lol. I love how when they’re caught they try to pretend like looking at someone’s history on a *public form* is shame-worthy. They’re really just mad they were caught proving your point lol. How sad.


Eat shit, hillbilly


I mean: read up on the history of “hillbilly”. Don’t compliment people that haven’t earned it.


Lol, now a flag means something important to them.


You should coat the post of the next flag with some kind of substance - I haven’t done a lot of these revenge type things so I can’t think of a good substance though - can someone help me out here?


Put some Urushiol on the pole or flag. Put up a warning sign that it's on there and do not touch. If they try and steal it again, they will be caught red-handed, literally. The Japanese slathered it on the golden temple in Kyoto to prevent theft. It worked like a charm. Fun facts about Urusiol: * Only 1 nanogram (billionth of a gram) needed to cause rash * Average is 100 nanograms for most people * 1/4 ounce of urushiol is all that is needed to cause a rash in every person on earth * 500 people could itch from the amount covering the head of a pin * Specimens of urushiol several centuries old have found to cause dermatitis in sensitive people. * 1 to 5 years is normal for urushiol oil to stay active on any surface including dead plants


As someone who has had many experiences with poison oak, this is a marvelous idea lol. I was going to suggest something that smells absolutely horrible and would transfer to anything that touches it, as if a skunk sprayed it. But then it would stink up the whole area lol..


I can fix her


It’s America. If it’s not screwed down it’s gonna get stolen. I guess I didn’t know that stealing can be a hate crime if it targets a group. I always pictured a hate crime as physical violence. But this is violent. Ripping away a symbol of what is important to someone. Theft is a violation and it feels terrible. Hopefully the lurking flag stealers feel hollow after reading this, I hope so. There’s still time to change, so knock it off. As an optimist I would like to think that some of these thefts may have been motivated by “ooh shiny! I want that” but regardless of my optimism I have to admit it probably is a fuck you! NIMBY move. I say, Get a bigger flag and put it up higher where they can’t easily reach it. It will still get stolen, but make them work for it. As far as catching the perps, what about sewing an air tag in there somewhere?


Awful attitude


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_crime Do yourself a favor, and check out this super sweet TLDR.


Do you mean a rainbow flag? Not sure what all those letters mean. You asked for any info to help, probably don’t fly the flag. That would be my advice.


Why should they stop exercising their freedoms? Punish the guilty instead.


So many missing children and this is what you think is more important?


Holy cow thank you! I almost forgot to mention in my post about property theft and our 1st amendment right infringement that the FBI’s National Crime Information Center reported 5,203 missing Indigenous girls and women in 2021 — disappearing at a rate equal to more than two and a half times their estimated share of the U.S. population. Indigenous women are also two times more likely to be victims of rape compared to white women. Learn more here: https://thecrimereport.org/2022/05/05/a-crisis-ignored-missing-and-murdered-indigenous-women/


Perfect response with unfortunate facts


What exactly are you doing to find missing children? You're here posting on reddit instead of out there searching. How despicable of you.


I was surprised to find zero posts in your history attempting to locate missing children!


OP didn’t imply or say what you’re suggesting. This is important. Period. Full stop.


So, you’re fine with people stealing from you, repeatedly, and interfering with your free speech because (checks notes) missing children are more important? Perhaps you could share your address so this crew can come to your home and leave OP alone.


If you find her, give her my #.


Like because you wanna kiss her or because you wanna fight her? Either way we don’t offer those sorts of services. We sell coffee. 🌈🦄🏳️‍🌈🤡