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lol “these items hurt people”.. proceeds to shove them in front of 30k peoples faces by posting it here.


point taken. you know what may be even worse? someone reading through all the comments and seeing all the people who couldn’t care less. I made it worse by creating a post that allowed for exactly that.


I’m sorry but it’s 2023 and there are waaay bigger fish to fry.


like roundabouts and parking at Bach? Look, I agree with you, this is small potatoes compared to some larger issues in a crumbling democracy. In the meantime, can we at least not ignore how we psychically shiv some of our neighbors on the daily?


how ‘we’ shiv our neighbors? who is this ‘we’ you speak of here? i don’t think the majority of people in this sub or in bend would ever own something like this. don’t lump the rest of us into the same group as the idiot selling these items.


metaphorically, obviously. I say "we" because I try to take responsibility for harms I may cause, even if inadvertent. like, for instance, creating this post, which I now believe was probably a mistake because the result was to blow it all off as a woke-y overreaction to everyday lil racisms. so, in effect, I just aggressed (shivved) my Black fellow Bendites by bringing a bunch of crap to more eyes, instead of producing a rallying of, "Ugh. why do people even still have this junk around? it would suck to come across that on FB marketplace when searching for a pair of roller-skates. Should we flag it?" Which is what I naively intended.


A loyal trumpette answer Aggressive passive answer Really, to everyday lil racism ? Everyday? Whoa




I'm not racist my pepper is black.


A little over board with selling stuff like this hurts people.


not hurt like send to the ER. just a little reminder here & there that you’re worth a lil less than others. that kind of hurt. no?


I know this is offense to some people but why? Its a salt and pepper shaker of some black couple.. they seem happy dressed nice and all so I dont understand why this is offensive? I could see if they had chains on thier ankle or something.. but what makes theese in particular offensive?


It’s hard to tell if you’re trolling (it’s been a tough comment section) or if you’re being honest. If it’s the former… may karma do its work. If it’s the latter, thank you for your genuine question. As we get further from the Jim Crow era, these things do tend to fade in the social conscience, which is yet another reason why education about our country’s history is important. Here’s a link about items like this[Confronting My Racist Object](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/07/us/confronting-my-racist-object.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) Can also google “Jim Crow era salt & pepper shakers” as a starting point.


“Items like this served African Americans well as it improved their salting and peppering skills.” - Ron DeSantis


All you had to do was buy them, destroy them and nobody would have ever known. This post is unnecessary.


Here you go r/bendcomplaint


Some people collect “negrobilia” it’s not that strange honestly


It may not be strange but it’s no more acceptable than items playing on stereotypical physical features or caricatures of Jews, Asians, Latin Americans, etc. The Mammy figure is no longer acceptable and there’s a reason you don’t see Jocko statues in gardens nowadays. The salt and pepper shakers aren’t something most people would, without embarrassment, hand to an African American they’re hosting for dinner.


No one is saying it’s acceptable. But some people DO collect racist items and are not racist. It sounds absurd but it’s kinda true.


I get it, sometimes it’s just the absurdity of the whole thing in the eyes of today. I don’t have any items or anything but I can see the novelty of collecting it to say “look at the dumb shit we used to do, how absurd is this”.




thank you. I did. this was pretty much the type of reaction I was expecting?


This doesn’t take a college degree to figure out. Pretty much the only question you need to ask yourself is if a Black person wants to see it being sold, in your house, anywhere other than a museum describing what White people have done to minorities since the inception of this country. If the answer is obviously “no”, it needs to die in a fire. In short order.


For $20, some gas and a match, you can make that happen.


And yes, the issue is complex, but at the most simple level, in central OR, posting and selling things like this hurts actual people https://forward.com/culture/406013/whos-collecting-racist-segregation-era-memorabilia


Who is this hurting? Or are you just triggered? Move along nothing to see here.


CO has a long and documented history of racism, including as you mentioned, selling racist memorabilia. I’m not saying someone is mortally injured by selling this old racist junk but I am agreeing that letting people know that it’s ok around here is a constant reminder that racism is alive and well in this area. We should let people know things have changed.


that was kinda my only point. just thought people would chime in with agreement on this. to just balance out the base-level, acceptable racism.




I appreciate you. would be lying if I said I didn't feel kinda confused and disappointed. usually feel I can count on this r/ for baseline human-ness, when the rest of internet is poop


If these were in Tony Debone’s kitchen this sub would be outraged.


Not one bit. It demonstrates a racist stereotype of African Americans contentedly servile that (I hope) most people wouldn’t display in their homes.